Excel 2010 :: Modify Values In Short List Of Currencies In Home / Number Toolbar

Jun 27, 2013

I recently moved to Central America and now am working on models that are either in $ or in the local currency (Q). I do not want to change my default currency value in the regional settings of the control panel because it is more convenient for me to stay in $ but it is a pain everytime I want to set a worksheet in Q and not in $.

So, I am wondering how I can change the default values in the currency drop-down list on the Home toolbar under Numbers in Excel 2010.

Currently, it gives me the change to apply the following currencies:

- $ English (US)
- £ English (UK)
- € Euro (€ 123)
- ¥ Chinese (PRC)
- fr. French (Switzerland)

Instead of either the £, ¥ or fr., I would like to have listed the Q, my other frequently used currency.

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Excel 2010 :: Produce Unique List Of Key Values With Second Values Concatenated Together

Sep 15, 2013

I have some data with recurring key values and differing values in the second column, I need to produce a unique list of key values with the second values concatenated together.(See below)

The data can be 10 rows to 5000 and I can have anything from 5 to 150 sheets (Separate data sets), a macro would go a long way to keeping me sane.

Sample data Required Output
A | B Z
1| 10 | a 10,a,b,c
2| 10 | b 11,a
3| 10 | c 12,a,b
4| 11 | a
5| 12 | a
6| 12 | b

My system is Windows 8 Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Modify Text Content Of A Cell

Dec 12, 2013

I want to edit phone numbers in format 1112224444 to 111-222-4444.

My best shot has been...

Excel 2010 (Mac)

Sub EditPhone1()
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Select
With ActiveCell
.Value = .Characters(1, 3) & "-" & .Characters(4, 3) & "-" & .Characters(7, 4)
End With
End Sub

I've tried many variations, no luck.

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Excel 2010 :: Icons For Quick Access Toolbar

Oct 24, 2013

I've created some macros in Excel 2010 which I've added to the Quick Access Toolbar and want to show them using some of my own icons rather than the ones that show when you click the 'Browse' button. There is no option to navigate to any other location.

Is it possible to access icons other than the set provided?

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Excel 2010 :: How To Show Number Of Items In A List

Feb 3, 2012

The setup of my worksheet looks like this:


A great chance to use the HTML Maker for the first time!

What I would like to do here is show how many of each value there is in the range.

So for 7B-MA5, it would say 6. For 7B-MA4, it would be 2 / 1 / 3, since there are 3 unique values and their counts respectively. Finally for 7B-MA3 it would say 3 / 3

A formula option would be great but I'll also take a macro option since it is a macro that generates these lists in the first place, so I could just add the new code to the end of it.

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Excel 2010 :: Can't Find The Pivot Table Icon In The Toolbar

Mar 31, 2012

I can't find the Pivot Table icon in the toolbar. I tried "Insert", I can only see the 'table' icon, but cannot see the 'pivot table' icon. how can I find this 'pivot table' icon, or create it in the tool bar?

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Mass Way To Modify Number Values?

May 13, 2013

I have a workbook with lots of analytic data from my company which I want to share with other people not associated with the company. Obviously I can't share private data so I'm wondering if theres a quick way to modify all the data I have with 'fake numbers' which means I could share it. With fake numbers no privacy rules will be breached etc.

Is there a quick way to randomly change all numbers by +/- 10-20%?

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Excel 2010 :: Multiply Text String By Number Resulting In List?

Feb 6, 2013

Using Excel 2010...

I have a list of names (text string) in a column (A) that have associated whole numbers in another column (B). What I would like to do is create a formula that multiplies the text string in cell A2 (for ex.) by the whole number in B2 and return a "list" of the text string in A2 equal to the whole number by which it is multiplied.

Here's a visual example of the results I want to achieve:

Using the above example, I would like to end up with a list in column D with 159 total rows with the text contents corresponding to the whole number in column B.

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Excel 2010 :: Automatic Generate List - Row / Column And Values

Jul 8, 2013

How can I create a Makro that looks for values (e.g. values > 90) and that then generates a list with: all the values greater than 90, the row names and column names of the values?

I am pretty sure I will need a Makro for this, but how to create it. I am using excel 2010.

I have attached a file to give you an example. The red table is the table with the values. The blue table is what I want to be generated automatically. In the example I did it manually.


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Excel 2010 :: Resetting Cell Values (Dropdown List)

Jun 23, 2014

I'm using Excel 2010. I have developed a calculator (attached) to make life easier for my colleagues. It works perfectly fine. But one thing keeps bugging me.

In Cell C3 - You have the option to choose "Daily" or "Weekly" (Drop Down). This selection effects your selection for Cell C6.

If you choose Daily in Cell C3 then your options for Cell C6 are restricted to select/enter an amount between £0.00 and £6.00.

If you choose Weekly in Cell C3 then your options for Cell C6 are restricted to select/enter either £0.00 or £12.00.

This works perfect.

However, if I select "Weekly" and then select " £12.00", all my results are perfect which is exactly what I want BUT if I then go back up to C3 and change "Weekly" to "Daily", the £12.00 in C6 remains (though the data validation for "Daily" is restricted to £0.00- £6.00) and all the results are consequently wrong until C6 is changed.

The obvious thing is to delete the £12.00 from Cell C6 or introduce a "clear" button BUT I don't want my colleagues to do this as it leaves the possibility of error and since we are dealing with money, I can't have it.

So what I would love and what would complete this calculator and deem it ready is if every time Cell C3 is selected (i.e. from the drop down list you choose Weekly or Daily) it as a result resets Cell C6 to £0.00.

Calculator 23-06-14.xlsx

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Excel 2010 :: Installing Dropdown Menu Straight Onto Quick Access Toolbar?

Jan 31, 2012

Is it possible to install a dropdown menu straight onto the Quick Access Toolbar in 2010?



Application.CommandBars("Quick Access toolbar")

To reference it, but no joy.

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Excel 2007 :: Modify Selections Chosen From Pull Down List?

Aug 17, 2013

I have created a worksheet with Excel 2007, which includes a pull down list. Within this list are 2000 unique numbers in a separate worksheet this data is pulled from. Is there a way to dim or change the color of numbers previously used so that when the list is used again, it is easier to see where I left off?

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Averages From List Of Dates/currencies

Feb 20, 2008

I have a list of dates and the exchange rate at that time e.g.:


What I need to insert are three formulas, 1 that works out the average for the last year, 1 for the year before that and 1 for between two given dates.

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Cursor Home (equivalent Of CTRL (Home) To Move)

Jul 31, 2009

Does anyone know the equivalent of CTRL (Home) to move the cursor to the a1 position in VBA? I have tried Range(cells(1,1),cells(1,1)).select but with no success

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Ctrl - Home: Is Not Going Home On Sheet For Sorting

Nov 7, 2008

I have several spread sheets I sort daily, now suddenly today when I hit Ctrl / home it wont go home and I can not sort the sheet.

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Generate From Larger List Short List That Meets Multiple Criteria?

Mar 27, 2014

I have a large amount of data, 40,000+ rows about how students do in remedial classes including from whom they took the classes. I have pulled from it a subset of student success as relates to the separate instructors. Now I would like to extract a consolidated list of those instructors for whom the student gain on criterion based pre and post course assessments is above a specific level. I have no trouble writing if statements that will look at two types of data, the course taken and the average student increase to determine which instructors meet or surpass the criterion, but I can only do that within a list that includes all the instructors. Because there are more than an hundred such instructors, it would be easier for the dean if I could provide a short list of those that meet specific criteria. I believe that it would be an array that I should use, but I have been fooling around with this for 2 days now, and am finding myself at a series of deadends!

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Short The Repeated List

Sep 15, 2008

I have a list of products more than 5000 positions (rows)
Some positions are repeated (It could be 1000 rows with "Pen" position)

Based on this I need to create new short list which will contain the list of ONLY UNIQUE positions.

It is only filter, but i need the same functionality for new short unique list

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Short List When Meet A Certain Criteria.

Oct 27, 2009

I need to extract key cell info from a master list when one of the cells meets a certain criteria.

Each row of the main sheet represents a Purchase Order with columns A-M each containing text, numeric, or currency values regarding that PO. Column F represents a 4-digit activity code that defines exactly what was purchased. If the activity code for a row is in the 1000 series (1000 -1099) I need to assign info from 3 other columns (say B, E, &G) to a subsequent sheet for tracking.

My limited Excel-o-vision has built this: (sheet 1 represented as FY10)

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Short Number Strings

Jan 28, 2010

finding or developing a compressing technique, which can compress a 7 number string i.e., 11,10,1,2,10,7,5 down to 6 or 5 lossless, that would be amazing.

I already researched many compression technique; Huffman, Run-Length and LZ78 which all do well on large data sets and I only have a few numbers. If it helps by converting the numbers to binary for better compression then I what to known. I know that a solution could be impossible as we would know about it already but may be someone knows a trick to get rid of one digit.

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Excel 2010 :: Can't Delete Filtered / Visible List Rows From List Object

May 19, 2014

I have pulled a SharePoint list into my workbook. The list object (table) is still linked to the SharePoint list, as I'd like to synchronize it later on. I have filtered it with an autofilter. I'd like to delete all of the visible rows. I have tried a billion things to no avail. I have been searching Google for hours now. None of the examples work.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Reference Unit Price In List Two Based On Date In List One

Mar 8, 2012

I'm using Excel 2010 on a Windows 7 machine.

I have one sheet with a large list of dates and total prices.

I have a second sheet with a list of dates and unit prices.

I want to divide the total price in my first list by the unit price on my second list.

I want to somehow point Excel to the date in the first list, and then lookup the corresponding date in the second list to use the correct unit price.

My thoughts thus far have been along using VLOOKUP with WEEKNUM and YEAR but I've been unsuccessful.

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Excel 2010 :: Convert Text To Number And Format Number Without 2 Decimal Places?

Oct 23, 2011

I have a problem that when I try to convert text to number and format the number without 2 decimal places as seen on the link I have given below, Instead of 1607.947, I get 1607947. I have Excel 2010 loaded. The details are in below picture.


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Excel 2013 :: Hide Line One When Title Bar Shows In Home Tab?

Oct 14, 2013

When using 2013 Excel in the Home tab, line 1 is not visible. Using the File tab will show line one, but the Home title bar is unavailable. Toggling back and forth is not efficient. No one in this office has ever seen an Excel program not display a full page under the title bar in the Home tab.

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Short UBN Automatic Email From Excel?

Sep 26, 2013

I work for a company that place consignment stock in hospitals. We can generate a report with short to expired products on it. I need a way to automaticly identify and send and email to the appropriate sales person to notify them that they have a product in a hospital that will expire.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Change Excel Formatted Table Name Dependent On Number Of Loops

Jul 9, 2012

Recorded macro. The hope is to insert a excel formatted table a set number of times. I have found a loop code that references a Cell A1 and repeats that amount of times. So if A1= 10. There should be 10 tables inserted. However on the second time there is a fault with the table name. I need the name to change each time the loop is run. ie Table1, Table2, Table3 etc up until the loop stops (A1 contents).

I am using excel for windows 2010. The macro that i have so far is below.

Sub LoopTest()
Dim n
Dim V
V = ActiveCell.Value

[Code] ........

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Excel 2007 :: Convert MMM DD YYYY Hh:mm:ss To Short Date?

Mar 26, 2012

I have an Excel report that I import from IBM Clear Quest tool (Web App). A field, 'Submit_date' in this report has data in the following format:

'Jan 12, 2012 12:00:00 AM'

If I double-click in the cell the cursor is after the AM. When I click outside of the cell, the date time stamp changes to 1/12/2012.

My question is, how to change the entire column so that all data gets converted to short date (mm/dd/yyyy) and thereby making it a data sortable field.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Copy Data From A List In The Next Column As Per The Current Column List

Mar 27, 2014

I am using Excel 2010. I need to copy a list from any Column on the right to the existing Column. See the sample file.

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Excel 2010 - Getting Average When Have A List Of Dates

May 29, 2014

Data example is displayed below. I need to know how to find the average, not date average, but count. What is the average per day? Example on 2/9/2014 there are 12 entries but on 2/10/2014 there is only 1. Example: For all the lines of data that I have, what is average per day?



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Excel 2010 :: Email Each Tab To Distribution List

Nov 10, 2011

I have a Macro in Excel 2010 which emails each tab to a distribution list.

However Outlook asks for permission each time to send the email, is there a way to disable this ?, or get Outlook to grant permission for a set amount of time ?

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Excel 2010 :: Return Just Surnames From List

Nov 6, 2013

I have the following data in column H ....

Excel 2010H2Ms L Sentinella3Mr R and Mrs A Agarwal4Dr H M Bingham and Mrs G M VersaceSheet1

I would like to return (into columns I and J) only the surnames that exist in each cell, so it would return something like this ...

Excel 2010HIJ2Ms L SentinellaSentinella3Mr R and Mrs A AgarwalAgarwal4Dr H M Bingham and Mrs G M VersaceBinghamVersaaceSheet1

Notice, there are two surnames in H4, so one of the surnames would be returned into I4 and the other one into J4.

I'm able to write formula to strip out everything and return the surname but only if there's one surname in the cell, I can't figure how to do it when there are two.

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