Add Worksheet With Dates As Names & No Weekends

Oct 2, 2006

Is it possible to make a macro that creates a Pop-up box that asks for date ranges and generates copies of the first worksheet in the workbook labelled as dates? There are ALWAYS 6 half terms to a school year so a 6x2 pop up box / table that is formatted in the following way will allow the appropriate date ranges to be inputted (saturdays and sundays must be excluded from this range):

Title of input box: Input School Half Term Date Ranges

******** Start Date ** End Date **
Autumn 1 03.09.06 18.09.06
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2

The macro would then create a series of sheets from 03.09.06 to 18.10.06 as well as the other 5 date ranges (excluding weekends) using the first sheet as a template. Would the user have to also input the start day for each half term or would excel 'know that is a Monday and 18.10.06 is a Wednesday?

If the macro could create worksheets for these date ranges and clone the first worksheet in the workbook then that would save me LOADS of time copying and pasting each year.

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Calculate End Dates Allowing For Weekends

Feb 9, 2009

If I have the start date (say February 01, 2009) and the job will take 100 working days, when will it finish if there is no work done over weekends? I assume you can use networkdays somehow but the final logic escapes me

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Subtracting Dates (minus Weekends)

Apr 20, 2009

I attached an excel file for an example. Basically I am calculating on time shipping, but I want don't want Saturday and Sunday to coun't against us.I need G5 to equal 3 days. Right now when I subtract E2 from F2 I get 5 days. But we only work M-F, and Saturday and Sunday shouldn't count against us. How would I subract the days automattically, so it takes out Saturday and Sunday?

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Days Between 2 Dates Excluding Weekends

May 22, 2008

how to find the number of days between 2 Dates excluding weekends and holidays using vba. I m using excel 2003. All I know is to figure out todays date using the keyword 'Date'.

Also, this is my second post and I have tried to comply with the rules regarding the title, but if it is still inappropriate and does not meet 'stating the problem' criteria,

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Calculate The Dates Between Two Days (excluding The Weekends)

Apr 29, 2006

I am looking for formula to calculate the dates between two days (excluding the weekends)
I am working in Saudi Arabia and the weekend days over here are thursday and Friday.

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Calculate Difference Between Dates Excluding Weekends

Jun 8, 2008

I wanted to calculate the difference between dates, excluding the weekends. After much thought i used =NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1)+IF(NETWORKDAYS(A1,A1)+ NETWORKDAYS(B1,B1)=2,-SIGN(NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1)),0) that seemed to be working fine. However, I had a problem today with this formula when my start day was saturday (24/05/08) and the last day was monday (26/05/08). What i want is that when i take the difference between these two days, i should get zero as answer as we are not including the weekends in calculation so the start date should ideally be the first weekday which is Monday. However, the formula is giving me 1 as an answer.

This formula works fine if i select 27/05/08 as last date in which case i get 2 as an answer which is right. In gist, what i am looking for is a formula which will give me the difference between two dates and exclude the weekends from the calculation. The last date can't be a weekend, but the start date can. Hence, whenever the start date is a weekend, the formula should take monday as a start day.

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Autofill Dates Excluding Bank Holidays & Weekends?

Feb 26, 2014

Is there a way to autofill dates in excel to exclude weekends and bank holidays?

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Auto Name Tabs With Dates Excluding Weekends And Holidays

Dec 5, 2013

I am trying to run a macro to put in the Month, Day, Year on each tab but I want it to exclude holidays and weekends. I am not a techie or anything but I would like to know how to do this. I have tried various vb codes but they don't exclude the weekends/holidays.

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Automatically Assigning Dates To Cells Minus Weekends

Feb 13, 2008

I have a spread sheet that is used to show the dates for the days in the week that my students are in class. I want it to be able to take the date from a cell that has the class start date and then show what the date will be for day 1, day 2, day 3, etc... I am not a beginner with excel but i can't figure out how to get it to skip calendar weekends.

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Calculate Only Working Hours Between Two Dates Excluding Weekends

Oct 30, 2009

How should I calculate working hours between two dates? Say if start at 9/25/2009 7:26:13 PM and finish at 10/20/2009 9:46:13 AM, the function should return 245:20:00 because the working hours are from 8am to 11 PM (8 - 23), and there are weekends between the dates. Preferably the function should work like the NETWORKDAYS() function, but it should also include the time, not just the dates.

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Add X Days To Dates, For Criteria Count, But Skip Weekends

Feb 28, 2008

I am trying to compile a count of dates using a numerical reference which adds x consecutive dates onto the initial start date based on the number in a cell.The dates added cannot fall on a weekend.

The start date for each calculation begins in D4 with the corresponding number of days to add onto this date in K4. In the example below 8/11/2007 -- 2 means that the 8th and 9th of Nov get one added to their count. As the next row also has 9th Nov as a start date one more is added to 9th Nov. As the 10th and 11th were a weekend they are skipped and the count starts again from the next Monday. I have enclosed a simplified worksheet with some sample data.


D4 --------- K4
8/11/2007 -- 2
9/11/2007 -- 3

Expected output:

8/11/2007 -- 1
9/11/2007 -- 2
12/11/2007 --1
13/11/2007 --1

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Formula For Working Out Number Of Days Between Dates Excluding Weekends?

Aug 6, 2012

I want to create a formula that works out the number of days between two dates but excludes weekends?

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Difference Between 2 Dates, Incl Weekends, With Variable Work Days

Jul 11, 2006

I am creating a problem report spreadsheet for work. In col C I have a date/time that the problem started, eg, 23-Jun-2006 15:20 and in col D I have a date/time for when the problem was resolved, eg, 26-Jun-2006 15:40. I need to calculate the amount of hours that we were not available for use (due to the problem). This is based on a list of available hours. Eg, on Mondays we are available 19.5 hrs, T-F 22.5 hrs, Sa 14.5 hrs, and Sun 0 hrs.

If I do a straight subtraction, it uses 24 hrs for each day - not taking into account our available hrs. If I do NETWORKDAYS it automatically doesn't consider Sat or Sun - and i need it to - and it does have a DayEnd and DayStart but it assumes they are constants. I found the day corresponding to the date and thought I could determine the series of days between it, e.g., if the start day was Friday & the end day Monday, the series in between is Sat & Sun. Then I could do a lookup on all 4 days in a table & add them all together. But I can't figure out how to do this!

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Change The Worksheet Tab Names With Cell Value In Each Worksheet?

Feb 14, 2012

I am fairly new to macros and have trouble with VBA. I have a file with multiple worksheets. Each worksheet contains the name of a specific location in cell A8. I want this name in cell A8 to be the name on the worksheet tab for each worksheet in my file but do not know how to accomplish this. Is that even possible?

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Count Per Unique Dates And Names

Jul 9, 2009

The question is presented and explained within the attached WB.

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Match Names And Compare Dates?

Mar 19, 2014

I've been trying for a few time to make a sub, on VBA, that writes, in a specific column, " " or 1 depending on the date that is inserted. The thing I can't quite do is:

1 - I have a sheet where the different projects of a company are stored (name, starting date, ending date and person responsible) and where new projects can be added from a UserForm

2 - I also have another sheet were costs from the projects are stored (one line with cost 1 from project 1, another with cost 2 also from project 1 and cost 3 from project 2, etc) and where I can also add a new cost with another UserForm (this cost as also a date that is added, to when it happened)

3 - What I need to do is, on the costs' sheet I need to create a sub that in the last column adds me 1 if the date of the cost added is not a date between the starting and ending date of the project that it corresponds.

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Renaming Worksheet Names From Data In Worksheet

Mar 26, 2007

I use a web query to import into an excel workbook. As data is changed on the web that the query runs against, I would like the name of the sheet that is being imported into to change to one of the cells that is being imported.

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Compare Last Names And Dates Of Birth From Two Spreadsheets

Feb 5, 2009

I have several old spreadsheets that contain patient information. Except for names, dates of birth, and dates of surgery there is nothing consistent about them. Not only that, the old spreadsheets were in various stages of compiliation and recompilation when they were abandoned. So now there are multiple duplications of old names added to lists of new names spread across multiple spreadsheets. I have to identify names that are not already in my database and add them.

I have a formula that I found on the internet that I can use to check if a patient’s last name in an old spreadsheet is one that already appears in my main database. In my attached example the formula looks like this:

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Separate Names From Dates & Commas In Cell

Mar 26, 2008

I have a file with list of names in the attched file.They are not in the same format coming from the source in my company. I need only the names in the separete column without the dates and the commas. The text is not in the same format. Looking at the data, can someone help me make a formula to separate only the names from the the entry.

the data is huge and it takes lots of hours to clean this data.

I am attachign the excel file for reference.

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Automatic Function For Names Or Dates On Spreadsheet Book

Apr 22, 2013

Is there a command/formula that will automatically put the progressing date in the tabs of the sheets? Like if I am doing a spreadsheet containing 52 sheets for all the weeks of the year, is their a way I can label the first tab 1-1-2013, and then excel will auto label the remaining 51 tabs when I hold the control key, click/hold cursor and drag the sheet to make another? otherwise I am going to have to manually enter around 1000 dates for the tabs.

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Save As Based On Other File Dates In Names. Increment Number In Name

Mar 4, 2008

How would I save a file with the lastest version number after searching for the lastest filename in a folder and adding 1 to the name

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:= _
"C:BarkingEMCOUTNOM_DA_" & (Format( Date, ddmmyy)) & "_EDF_BPL_" & V, FileFormat:=xlCSV

where V will be the version number in the format of 001, 002, 003 and so on

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Automatically Select Most Latest File Name From Similar Names Ending With Dates

May 25, 2014

I need to use the VLOOKUP feature from the most latest files, I am using VLOOKUP in VBA code which is working fine, however the problem is that the files from where I do VLOOKUP are added randomly in a week.


There are 2 Files, 1st File where the data would be looked up from the 2nd File, Now the 2nd File has names like this "Offline Data as on 10th May 14", "Offline Data as on 13th May 14", "Offline Data as on 23rd May 14", etc.

Now these files are send by another department, and each time the most recent data has to be searched from these files.. All of these files have to be maintained separately for record purposes.

Hence in the VLOOKUP, Lookup file keeps on is it possible to make a code in such a way that the code picks up the most recent file for reference, from the above example we would need to pull the data from the most latest file which is "Offline Data as on 23rd May 14" , if any other file is added in that folder more recent than the one mentioned than the code should automatically link it to that file.

I have managed to codify the lookup but due to this filenames being changed always I have to do this this has to be done at several columns in several sheets its extremely time-consuming.

So, logic code to pick the most recent date which is embedded in the filename...

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Worksheet Tab Names

Dec 23, 2008

Is there a way of linking the worksheet tab names to a cell in the spreadsheet

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Using Names On The Worksheet In Cell A1?

May 7, 2013

there is a named range on the worksheet in cell A1- "GiGS"

I want to type "GIGS" in 1st cell and then in 2nd one to write formula "=A1*5". So excel need to understand that in A1 there is a name and not just a string

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Changing Worksheet Names Anywhere Between 50-100

Jan 24, 2008

I would like to change the worksheets names (many, anywhere between 50-100) to a cell (A2) value in each of the worksheets.

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Worksheet Names In ComboBox

Jul 17, 2008

What I want to do is have a ComboBox (I think it should be a ComboBox, I want the user to be able to select multiple options at once) and display the names of the worksheets in the ComboBox. I could not find a way to do this directly with rowsource and thought about writing a loop to check the current worksheets with their names and put the values into cells, to this way have the names displayed in the ComboBox via rowsource?

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Dynamic Worksheet Tab Names

Jan 25, 2010

I have this logic that clears cells in all WS in WB.

The logic is using each sheet name to reference the logic to clear the contents.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:=""
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
Response = MsgBox("This Action Will Prep For A New Week. Do you want to Continue?", vbYesNo)
If Response = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If

Range("H7") = Now()

Sheets(Array("Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday", "Monday", _

But I also want to change each sheet tab name to reflect a cell that has the date. But how to do this with the sheet reference in the logic? Couldit be dynamic?

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List All Worksheet Names

Dec 5, 2006

Is there a way in VBA to get a list of all worksheet names in a workbook?

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Get List Of Tab Names In Close Worksheet?

Aug 12, 2014

Looking for a way to use VBA to get a list of the tab names from a closed workbook and put them in a column of the worksheet that has the macro. Is there a good way to do that?

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Email To A List Of Names From Within Worksheet

Nov 9, 2008

I currently have a workbook that copies the first sheet and emails it to an individual on the first day of the week.

New requirements are for it to be sent to a list of people.

I am at an impasse on how to proceed due to lack of knowledge. The current code obtains the recipient from Sheet3 D4 and i would like to be able to list down this column for additional emails without restricting this to a set number of cells.

I have searched the forum and have been unable to find what i am after.

I have included a test file to show what i have so far.
We use Outlook 2k3
We use Excel 2k3

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