Separate Names From Dates & Commas In Cell
Mar 26, 2008
I have a file with list of names in the attched file.They are not in the same format coming from the source in my company. I need only the names in the separete column without the dates and the commas. The text is not in the same format. Looking at the data, can someone help me make a formula to separate only the names from the the entry.
the data is huge and it takes lots of hours to clean this data.
I am attachign the excel file for reference.
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Dec 10, 2009
I am in need of a macro that will scan a worksheet row by row, noting the column names (found in I2 to AQ2) in a specific horizontal span of cells (I to AQ) that hold (any) data. The macro will then paste these column names in a designated cell on each corresponding row (always found in column F), separating the column names with commas.
I am trying to do this for multiple worksheets containing ~100 rows - the example attached is just a quick demo of what I'm hoping to achieve. Also, these worksheets are contained in one big workbook, so ideally I'd like to be able to run the macro once and have it apply to every sheet in that workbook (they all have the same layout - the only big difference is the number of rows). If the Total Scenes part at the bottom of the sheet is problematic in getting this to work, it's fine to remove it.
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Oct 2, 2009
I have the data like this :
03/07/2009;31267400;78168 in Cell A5
And here i want change that data like this :
Cell A6 = 03/07/2009
Cell B6 = 31267400
Cell C6 = 78168
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Nov 12, 2009
I've imported a large document to excel. It contains 118 rows of information. My problem is that all the information is in column A. Every cell contains long sentences with information. The information is divided by a comma-sign (,). What i want to do is to seperate the information by columns instead of a commasign. So for example:
1 Div,Date,HomeTeam,AwayTeam,FTHG
......A....B ........C.............D..........E
1 Div Date HomeTeam AwayTeam FTHG
Is there any smart way to do this??
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Aug 17, 2012
I have data in this formatItem
# Data
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
And I am trying to see if there is a way to separate the data column into separate colums anywhere that a comma is present.Need data to look like this.
Item #
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Dec 21, 2013
I need the formula to separate the numbers with commas in a cell to other columns as shown in sample.
This data comes from internet and automatically updating certain intervals, so the text to columns option has no use.
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Nov 8, 2009
How do I add a comma to a list of names all in one column? The full name is in one cell.
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May 18, 2008
This is where you introduce yourself? I make lists for my gf's dad's company using excel. One of my most excruciating tasks is to separate the first and lasts names from one cell into two cells. Does anyone know a quicker way to do this other than manually? I have 10,000 names to do and it's going to be hours if I do it by hand.
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Feb 4, 2009
The database that I'm working on divides patient names into three separate columns: lastName, firstName, midInit. My department has several old spreadsheets that have data my boss suddenly wants included in my database. The trouble is, these old spreadsheets have the patient's last name, first name, and middle initial entered into the same column.
There are at least 200 hundred names in these spreadsheets. I absolutely do not want to go back and separate the names into separate columns by hand.
Is there any way to get Excel to take the names entered into one cell and split them into three cells?
I've attached a spreadsheet example that shows what I need to do.
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Oct 30, 2008
Column A | Column B
Joe | Client A
Joe | Client B
Paul | Client X
Sue | Client A
Sue | Client X
Column C | Column D
Joe | Client A, Client B
Paul | Client X
Sue | Client A, Client X
I believe it would be very similar to the code that I was provided inCombine Multiple Related Rows Into One. I tried to adapt it to my current need, but was unsuccessful due to my very limited knowledge of vba.
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Apr 30, 2014
how do I extract the dates that a person was absent in a month and place all dates that he was absent in one cell?
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Apr 30, 2014
how do I extract dates that a person is absent in a month and place the dates in a single separate cell?
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Apr 11, 2008
I have two columns in my excel sheet, the first column has the Second name, First Name and the second column has the Date of birth.
Now what I'm after is two columns really, the first column should show the Furst name Second Name (space in between with no Comma) and the Second column should show the First Initial from the first name, the first initial from the second name and then the date of birth.
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Nov 13, 2013
I have a column of first and last names that sometimes look like this: Smith, Michael D and other times look like this Smith, Michael (no middle initial) I would like to separate them into two separate columns, one for First name and the other for last name. I have no use for the middle initial so that can be ignored.
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Oct 23, 2009
a smart formula (no VBA) that will reverse the order of a list of names - parsing into separate columns.
The formula needs to be able to recognize/distinguish that if a comma(s) is present, then the names are listed as last, first middle. If there is a period this means the name has a middle initial or that a suffix is present. So,if the names are listed as last, first and middle then in the next columns will have in the proper order first name, middle name or initial (keep the period) and last name (loosing the comma of course).
If the original name order is in normal order - first middle and last then the formula should just pass through without any change. Would need to preserve generational titles such as Jr., Sr., III etc. Not sure where the best place for the generational titles should end up. Probably as part of the last name. See examples:
Col ACol BCol CCol D Col E
William J. ClintonWilliam J. Clinton
Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer Winston Leonard Spencer Churhill
Bates, JohnJohn Bates
James Knoll PolkJames Knoll Polk
Taft, William H.William H. Taft
Carter, James, Earl, Jr.James Earl Carter Jr.
Rockefeller, John Davidson, IVJohn Davison Rockefeller IV
Gates, William, H., IIIWilliam H. Gates III
St. James, Michael, Ken Michael Ken St. James
I tried using many variations of FIND, SEARCH, LEN and searching all the Excel boards to no avail.
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Feb 14, 2013
I have a list of names in a Word doc that is set up like this:
John Doe
Jane Doe
Doug Birch
Mary Birch
Is there a way to copy that list and paste it into Excel and make each name go into its own cell.
A1 John doe
A2 Jane Doe
A3 Doug Birch
A4 Mary Birch
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Sep 21, 2012
I have a phone list set up as LastName, FirstName PhNum all in a single column. The problem is, some last names have a space, some phone numbers are in the xxx-xxx-xxxx format while others are just an extension like xxxxx.
Smith, John 519-123-4567
Van Smit, Joe 12345
What can I use in a formula to extract the numbers so that I can end up with 2 columns, one with names, the other with numbers.
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Jun 13, 2013
I'm using a formula to lookup names within text and return that name to a separate column if it's found.
The formula is =INDEX($E$1024:$E$1026,MATCH(FALSE,ISERROR(FIND($E$1024:$E$1026,E1010)),0))
I understand index and match functions, but I'm confused regarding the use of FALSE as the lookup value and the iserror(find( usage.
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Dec 3, 2013
I'm trying to use a formula in conditional formatting to highlight a cell red if the cell contains a 0 but the date shown in another cell has passed. I want to copy the formatting throughout a column but I don't want the cell to highlight if there is no date in the other cell concerned.
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Nov 16, 2009
Is it possible to seperate this sheet by Time - using column F, anything which is between the hours of 07:00 - 09:00 and 16:00 - 19:00? Response - column I - times up to 60 mins - 61 - 120 mins and over 120 mins
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Apr 6, 2013
what i am trying to do is look at an entire column, and see if that same date exists in the other Activity tab, if the dates match, then show the activity
here is the formula i am using, =IF($A9=Activity!$A2,Activity!$B2,"No Activity")
my problem is that i am only able to isolate one of the cells,, how do i check the entire column?
in other words, if i select two weeks, those two weeks of activity will show, if i select all weeks, all of the weeks activity will show, right now i can only get one of the weeks
my data looks like the following
1st tab
1/8/2013 - 1/14/2013
1/29/2013 - 2/4/2013
1/22/2013 - 1/28/2013
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Jan 24, 2008
I have a list of emails I need to merge into one cell and separate by commas. It looks like the follwing
I need it to look like
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Dec 10, 2007
I have a bunch of cells (could be varying amounts from 2 to about a 100). I need a macro which can find out how many rows in column A contain values and then i need to pick values from each cell in column A and put them in Cell B2 seperated by a comma.
Column A Column B
22 22,35,67,34,56
Column A could contain as many as 100 values.
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Jul 9, 2009
The question is presented and explained within the attached WB.
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Mar 19, 2014
I've been trying for a few time to make a sub, on VBA, that writes, in a specific column, " " or 1 depending on the date that is inserted. The thing I can't quite do is:
1 - I have a sheet where the different projects of a company are stored (name, starting date, ending date and person responsible) and where new projects can be added from a UserForm
2 - I also have another sheet were costs from the projects are stored (one line with cost 1 from project 1, another with cost 2 also from project 1 and cost 3 from project 2, etc) and where I can also add a new cost with another UserForm (this cost as also a date that is added, to when it happened)
3 - What I need to do is, on the costs' sheet I need to create a sub that in the last column adds me 1 if the date of the cost added is not a date between the starting and ending date of the project that it corresponds.
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Oct 2, 2006
Is it possible to make a macro that creates a Pop-up box that asks for date ranges and generates copies of the first worksheet in the workbook labelled as dates? There are ALWAYS 6 half terms to a school year so a 6x2 pop up box / table that is formatted in the following way will allow the appropriate date ranges to be inputted (saturdays and sundays must be excluded from this range):
Title of input box: Input School Half Term Date Ranges
******** Start Date ** End Date **
Autumn 1 03.09.06 18.09.06
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
The macro would then create a series of sheets from 03.09.06 to 18.10.06 as well as the other 5 date ranges (excluding weekends) using the first sheet as a template. Would the user have to also input the start day for each half term or would excel 'know that is a Monday and 18.10.06 is a Wednesday?
If the macro could create worksheets for these date ranges and clone the first worksheet in the workbook then that would save me LOADS of time copying and pasting each year.
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May 26, 2013
I need to be able to select up to 5 different models in cell A1 from a drop down list then have cell B1 look these values up and find the volumes and then return the sum of the volumes - Cell B1 should read 130. There will always be one model selected but it will vary from 1 to 5 selections.
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Jan 10, 2014
I have a column of contacts. Each contact has data spread out over many rows, most of which are blank. I would like all of the data spread out through the rows to be in one cell, delineated by commas (so I can import into another program).
Concatenating the cells works except that I end up with 20 commas for two strings of info.
Just so you understand I may have this:
Mary red blue yellow purple
Rob blue purple
Trey yellow
and I want it to look like this
Mary red, blue, yellow, purple
Rob blue, purple
Trey yellow
How should I go about this?
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Mar 20, 2008
I have a single cell with 4 values in it all separated by commas and i would like to pull out each one separately. The number of characters in each value changes.
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Jul 27, 2007
I have 2 spreadsheets. One is a promotion calendar that lists the dates that promotions on a certain product runs. The other is a shipment grid of shipments of that product to the customer.
I want VLookup to find the customer and the dates and then bring me back an asterisk in a separate column to show me that that certain week that product was delivered was a promotion week. The problem I have is using Vlookup to lookup 2 things at once (and if they match to the promotion calendar) and return me an asterisk.
Here is my formula now:
=IF(VLOOKUP(J2&" "&L2,'East Data'!M:AU,2,FALSE),"*",0)
J2 is the customer name
L2 is the week
"East Data" is the spreadsheet with all of the promotions and customers.
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