Adding Today Formula In A Countif Formula

Dec 19, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that contains a list of dates: What I need is a formula that will count the number of cells that hava a date more than 6 months old. I also would like the field automated so I don't have to change the date manually every day.

=COUNTIF(S5:S593,"<2012/06/18") This formula will give the correct read out, but I must change the date manually.

My attempts at adding a =today() command in place of the date result in 0 being the result (not correct)

This is what I have tried: =COUNTIF(S5:S593,"<"=TODAY()-"183")

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Formula For Today Remark

Jan 7, 2014

I have dates in column A a6:a5000. I need a formula to add a remark "Today" in column B for the current date. In short the remark in column B should display the remark "Today" for the current date daily. The dates in column A are in 'DD MM YYYY'.

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Using Today's Date In A Formula

Mar 31, 2009

this is my first post and i was a little unsure as to whether to put this in the General or VB/Macros forum, because it kind of involves both.

i'm trying to write a macro that inserts a formula that uses the date of the day that it was run (that is, i don't want it to be volatile like TODAY() and NOW(), but i don't want to have to manually type in the date into each formula).

is there a way that i can write a formula that uses the date of the day it is entered into the cell, or write a macro that adds today's date (perhaps using ActiveCell.Value = Date) and then writes a formula around that?

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Format TODAY() Within A CONCATENATE Formula

Nov 28, 2008

Looking for a little help with the following formula =CONCATENATE("August 07 -",TODAY()," Evening Instructor") After entering this formula today is displayed as a serial number. I'd like it to display as current month/current day/current year (11/28/08)

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Formula To Show Target For Today?

Jan 18, 2012

What i have in cell D3 is the formula 'Today ()' to show the date formatted like so. January 2012.

In cells B1,B4,B7,B10,B13,B16,B19,B22,B25,B28,B31,B34 are results showing targets for set each month of the year (B1=January, B2=February etc). What i want to do in cell D4 is show the target for the month that we are in, in other words the target for the month showing in cell D3.

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Formula To Find Date Closest To Today?

Apr 9, 2014

I cells B5:B15 I have a list of dates from last year. I need a formula that I can put in cell D5 that gives me the date that is closest to the same day last year.


If today is 4/9/14


From B5:B15 there were the following dates:

Cell D5 would contain

4/8/13 since it is the date closet to same day last year.

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Formula To Count Value In Column That Was One Week Ago From Today?

Apr 28, 2014

I have 2 columns in my spreadsheet:

B:B is a column of dates.
C:C is a list of names

formula that will count the number of times the name 'SIMON' appears in column C:C but here is the catch: I only want to know how many times that name has appeared over the course of the previous week. IE NOW - 7days

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Formula To Count Days Since Using Today Function?

Aug 9, 2014

I am trying to create a formula that will count days since an incident. Column A will have each day of the year in it Column 2, I would like to have 0 in it for each day In the event of an incident, I will replace the 0 with a 1 - but this should only happen on the date, rather than be maintained daily, if you take my point. I would like it to return a value based on todays date, counting the days in between today, and the last 1 entered. It is to cover the whole year.

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Leadtime :: Make A Substract From A Today Formula

Dec 9, 2009

i got the data in this format and need to get it as date in order to make a substract from a today formula minus that date in that format, if it helps this is data imported from a website.

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Count Formula Linked To Today Date

Feb 10, 2013

Essentially I have three columns.

Column 1 is the name of a property
Column 2 either says "Primary" or "Secondary"
Column 3 has a date of when some building work is due to be completed.

I need a formula that can tell me how many entries there are in the second column of "primary" sites that have a completion date that is less than the current date.

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Combining TODAY Formula And Returning Blank Value?

Apr 11, 2014

I'm currently using the following formula to return either a "PAST DUE" or "DUE" value in a particular cell based on the date entered in the cell in the previous column.

=IF(AND(TODAY()>=BG43+5,TODAY()=BG43+10,"PAST DUE",""))

However, if the reference cell is blank the formula automatically triggers to put in "PAST DUE" as the value. I would like to modify this formula so if the reference cell is blank that this cell will also remain blank. I've tried a few different options, but I'm getting an "too many arguments" error on what I've tried.

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Array Formula - The Earliest Date After Today

Jan 16, 2008

I tried searching through the forums, but I don't exactly know how to word my question!

I have a workbook with two sheets: Meetings and MasterStatus

On the both sheets I have taskID for a specific task.

On the MasterStatus sheet, I want to use an array to look up the next meeting date for each taskID (Column C), referencing the Meetings sheet (Column E) to do so.

The formula I have so far doesn't work:


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Add Todays Date When Cell Value=Y (but Not Using TODAY Formula)

Feb 17, 2009

I’ve been searching the forum but am struggling to find exactly the information I need!

I’m trying to get a column of cells to update with the date that the cells contents change to “Y”. I had been using the formula =IF(I7="Y",TODAY(),"-") in cell J7 but this updates the date every day. I need this date to remain the same as when it’s first populated.

I’ve been trying to cut and paste text from existing posts into the Visual Basic code but am new to this so am not getting the results I need. I had tried:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
'will put date in column B when something is put in A
If Target.Column = 9 Then
Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = Date
End If
End Sub

But this caused all sorts of problems! I then tried messing around with:

Option Compare Text
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
On Error GoTo enditall
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Target.Column = "I" Then
If Target.Value = "Y" Then
Excel.Range("J").Value = Date
End If
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

But this doesn’t work either. In fact, both these codes are probably riddled with errors as I’ve been trying to learn by trial and error!

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Formula Fix (today)-(month/day Of Hire) For Vacation Accrual

Feb 9, 2010

I'm trying to create a formula in Col D that will give me the difference of (Todays) Month/Date and (Date of Hire). The shaded rows at the end do not provide a correct answer.

How do I make the Column formula eliminate the 1 (due to hire mnth/day falling between 1/1 and current mnth/day). I've put about 30 hours in this formula, tried it many different ways. . . and realize I just can't get it.

I'm all for redoing the whole spreadsheet if you have a better way of doing vacation accruals

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Countif (?) Within A 2 Week Date Range Of Today

Sep 11, 2003

I have a workbook which contains 1 spreadsheet that contains data entry for approximately 20 employees. The workbook then contains a separate sheet for each employee to display the detailed information

Column A stores the dates from Jan1 to Dec 31
Row 1 contains the employees names.
The data entered consists of approximatle 4 different 1-letter codes as to what transaction occurred that particular day.

What I would like to do now is be able to count the number of cells that contain a code for 2 different time periods. I would like for it to count 2 weeks ago and separately count 2 weeks in the future.

In trying to get this last calculation, I've added a column for WEEKNUM next to the date (column B) and used somethign along the lines of
=CountIF(C2:c366,Weeknum(Now()-2)) and also tried +2. Neither have worked.

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Jump To Today Date - Formula / Macro / ActiveX Or Hyperlink

Jan 21, 2014

I have a large spreadsheet with a long date range from A:3 to A:900

what would be the best way to jump to today's date? I have seen formulas, Macro's, Active X controls, Hyperlinks?

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Using AND/BETWEEN In A Countif Formula

May 27, 2006

my current formula is =COUNTIF('Input Page'!A2:A50000,"=Monday")

i'd like to change it to check what day is in the field and then only do the above formula if that day is within the past week.

so i need the "=Monday" section to be changed to read "(is equal to monday) and (is between today and today-6)" ...todays date will be taken from 'Input Page'!B2:B50000

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IF Or COUNTIF Formula?

Nov 5, 2008

See attached document, there are 11 cells in which will either contain Yes or No. Looking at the different combinations that there can be there can only ever be 9 out of the 11 cells being used or 10 out of 11 being used.

Also the last question (Row 25) could be filled N/A if this occurs I would like the formula not to count that. Is there a counting formula or IF formula which can be done to help me out?

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Countif Formula Not Counting?

Feb 11, 2014

i have a spreadsheet that acquires data from 42 other worksheet and in a row of cells it has yes or no at the bottom of that row i have =COUNTIF(A2:A34,"YES"). But it will not count the yes' because the cells that it is trying to count all have formulas in them like =tues!A34 or similar is there a different formula i can use to still count the yes' even in a cell containing a formula?

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COUNTIF Formula Which Shows A %

Mar 5, 2009

I already have a conditional format which is working OK. I would like to put a formula in the cell so it shows a % so currently it would be 100% as there is 3 cells below showing 3 greens.

Alternativily each colour is worth a value - Green = 1, Amber = 2, Red = 3. So Cell I3 would show 3.

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Countif - Formula Too Long

Oct 31, 2009

I need to add more arguments to a countif formula, but I have maxed out the 1024 character limit.

Is there another way of writing this formula or is there a way I can add more arguments to this formula.

Formula is:


I have a list of the arguments, can I do something like:


(with the list of arguments in columns B2 to B50)

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Using Countif() Formula But With 2 Criteria

Jul 24, 2008

is there any way to put 2 criteria into a countif() statment?

Say A1 to A100 are filled with information

I'd like to count if things are equal to 4 and 5

I know this isn't proper syntax:

=countif(A1:A100, "4" && "5")

I'm trying to get something like that to work.

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CountIf Formula Using / Character?

Feb 11, 2012

I want to count the number of cells in column B that contain the start with the string US/IL. Here's the formula that I created, but it returns a value of 0 instead of 590.

Is there something I need to do differently when a cell value contains the / character in the string?


Once I have the correct formula for the above, I want to write another formula on the row below that counts how many rows of this 590 value have a corresponding "Yes" value in Column M.

The first formula will sit in cell B1840

The second formula will sit in cell B1841

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Possible To Use COUNTIF And COUNTA In Same Formula

Jan 30, 2013

I am using the following formula to calculate the number of responses:

=COUNTIF([Cleanliness of Environment:],"None of the above")

However, I only want the number of cells which contain words other than "None of the above". The formula is counting empty cells. Is there a way to weed out the empty cells and receive a tally of only cells with words other than "None of the above" in them?

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Apr 20, 2007

It's been awhile since I've used excel formulas so I'm very rusty but I need to count the number of times I see a particular item in a list as long as it has another criteria as well. Example List and Result are below: I want to count the number of AAA Rewards that Alex has....

#DateEmployeeAmountReward Type
14/17/07Alex$5.00AAA Reward
24/19/07Joe $10.00AAA Reward
34/19/07Alex $5.00 Store Certificate
44/20/07Alex $10.00 AAA Reward

Employee # AAA Reward Amount # Store Certificates Amount

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Countif Not Empty Or Contains No Formula

Jun 11, 2007

I want to count all the cells in a range that visibly contain no data, so either have no formula or are =""

I tried both of the following with no success

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Combined Countif Formula

Feb 27, 2008

The goal is to count up the number of rows in a database that have both properties:

1.) empty cell in Column B

2.) "XYZ" found somewhere in column D

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Countif And Formula Not Working

Mar 28, 2008

I am trying to use a countif and formula but can't get it to work. This part of the formula works fine =COUNTIF(J:J,"

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Can You Use Countif In An Array Formula

May 5, 2008

Lets say I have 30 rows of numbers in two columns. I know I can multiply each number together in each row with an array formula ={A1:A30*B1:B30}


Given the same ranges, except no numbers but just the text 'x'. some rows have 1 x some have 2 some have none.

Can I use 'Countif(A1:B1,"x")' in an array formula and if so how would that be structured?

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COUNTIF Formula So That The Criteria Is >0

Aug 15, 2008

how do i change the below COUNTIF formula so that the criteria is >0 but

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