Adding Multiple Macros To Combobox?
Mar 25, 2012
I'm having difficulty assigning multiple macros to an active x combo box. I want a different macro to run every time the user selects a different location from the combo box. I can assign one macro to the button no problem, but don't know how to incorporate more. The two separate macros I want to run are:
Sub Atlanta()
' Atlanta Macro
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Feb 9, 2014
I am trying to run macros for each item in combobox. These macros will insert text in a cell. The problem is that when i make a selection from combobox, save the file and reopen the file, it again runs the macro based on the value in combobox. I am getting the results twice in a cell.
I've written the following code.
[Code] .......
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May 19, 2009
how to disable combobox on radio button click in excel macros'
I have 2 radio buttons: optionbutton1 and optionbutton2 and two comboboxes: Combobox1 and Combobox2.If i select 1st radio button 2nd combobox should be disabled.Vise versa
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Jul 29, 2009
In my excel sheet, from B2 to B20 i have datas like,
I want to add this to my combobox1 with out repeation as, 'aaa' should be listed in combobox once. What is the macro for this or we can do it in Combobox properties itself?
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Jul 4, 2008
I have only recently started playing around with macros, and am slowly getting into them. I do however still struggle a bit to ‘read’ them. Having played with formulas for years I can generally translate a string of formula text into English, like ‘if this cell value is greater than that cell value, then do this, if it is not then if it is equal to that cell value, do that, if not return 0’. Babbling like a child basically.
With visual basic I have managed to record some handy macros and then tweak them a little manually but I am still struggling to follow it going through it step by step reading it like a formula. So I hope you won’t mind me asking some very stupid questions. I mean well; I’m just a bit slow.
At present I am trying to do two different things on two different sheets, and I was wondering if perhaps one of you could nudge me in the right direction.
I am trying to insert a blank row above every row that has a certain word in column B.
So basically ‘find value “Example” in column B, and when you find it, insert an entirely blank row directly above it’.
Is a bit more challenging. I want to change the colour of a cell if the value in the cell corresponds with the value of another cell in the same column.
For example, I have a long list of surnames in column A. When I add ‘McNeil’ at the bottom, I would like to be able to run a macro that checks if the name McNeil appears anywhere else in column A, and if it does, that it changes the colour of the cell.
Preferably both of the cells that say McNeil, but one would do very nicely indeed.
If that is possible, I wonder if it is possible to do the same with the first name in column B, but only if there was a match for the surname in column A on the same row. So, if McNeil does not appear in column A, don’t bother, but if it does, does the corresponding first name appear in column B?
If both of that is possible, the next step would obviously be if McNeil appears in column A (say twice, once in A123 and once in A678), do cells B123 and B678 match as well?
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Apr 27, 2014
I have recently started working on a model built by some one else and I need to add a extra row to model. The Model has lot of macros on every page. So i need to know how adding an extra row is going to affect the macros.
I understand the main problem would be that the references in the macro wont get updated which might lead the macro to malfunction.
Whats the best way to analyze which macros are getting effected.
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Oct 5, 2012
I have a Userform with 2 comboboxes.
combobox1 is filled with values. I want the user to select one from combobox1 and combobox2 get filled in with unique values based on combobox1
Sheets Quote has 2 columns
Customer Job
Stanley 1
Stanley 2
Fred 1
Stanley 3
Stanley 3
Stanley 3
Stanley 4
Fred 1
combobox1 is filled in with Stanley and Fred
based on the user selection (as an example Stanley)
I want combobox2 values to be 1,2,3,4 (having 3 listed only once)
Is there a way to modify the code below to verify that the (e) .offset(-1,0).value = combobox1
Is there a different option to use?
Public Sub fill_job_num()
Dim v, e
On Error GoTo error1
With Sheets("Quotes").Range("B2:B50000")
v = .Value
End With
With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
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Jul 14, 2007
I have a userform1 on there a combobox1 and a frame1. In that frame1 I want a number of labels to be added named "name" & number. The number varies depending on the value in combobox1. If combobox1 = "1" then I want 20 labels to be added. if combobox1="2" then I want 60 labels to be displayed.
label height=12, width=102, top=6 and left=6
for each following label the top = top + 14
and after each 10th label left = left + 120
If there's more than 30 labels then I need a scrollbar on the bottom of the frame to be displayed and so be able to see the other labels.
If the first value in combobox1 is "1" is selected and all is displayed and then I select "2" that is deletes all the current labels in the frame and then add 60 new labels.
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May 2, 2006
I've got a database and want to put the names that are in one culumn of the Worksheet into a combobox.
I use a Loop and the addItem procedure.
The thing is that there are many names that are the same, just diferent records for the same company...
How do i do that every name only appears once in the ComboBox.
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Dec 23, 2009
I'm verrry new to editing VBA code and I've been trying to figure out how to send a column of data ("Min Data" AB3:AB21 from "Sheet1") to a worksheet ("F4" - Min) and sending another column of data ("Max Data" AC3:AC21 from "Sheet1") to a different worksheet ("F4" - Max) by using only the one button ("Record Data" from "Sheet1"
I've been trying to figure out ways to edit the VBA in "Module 1" to make this work
Can anyone help me out here? If what i'm asking for isn't clear enough, just let me know and i'll try to explain in more detail.
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Jun 5, 2014
I have a worksheet with lots of things going on... the end user needs access to the Name field, DOB field, all the scroll and form control option buttons in the 9-question sheet, and the macro-enabled reset button at the bottom. Formulas are sprinkled throughout the worksheet, in columns T through AC... option button links go to AA and AB.
I would like to protect the entire sheet so none of the fields, except where indicated above, could be selected or edited... but when I protect the sheet, I get errors when trying to use you form controls, and the formulas do not respond. And finally, when protected, I get a debug error on the reset macro.
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Dec 3, 2011
I need to add items to a combobox without adding duplicates or empty data. I am able to add without empty data but how to ignore the duplicates.
Here is what I have...
Dim GL As Range
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = Worksheets("Main")
For Each GL In ws1.Range("MainGL")
If IsEmpty(GL) Then
'do nothing
ComboBox2.AddItem GL.Value
End If
Next GL
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May 13, 2006
How do I add the column heads (e.g. A1, B1, C1....) as items to a combobox or listbox if they are not empty?
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Apr 27, 2011
I have 10 comboboxes - all require exactly the same list. Rather than having to copy the list 10 times in the coding - and changing the combobox name from listcode1, listcode2 etc, is there a loop code which I can add to do this for me??
Private Sub Userform_Initialize()
'Empty txtdate
txtdate.Value = ""[code].....
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Jan 12, 2012
Adding items to combobox at run time
Setup office 2007 win xp pro ie8
Further to my post relating to swaping jpgs
The code below scans from the column on the row of the worksheet till it finds a blank, this seems to work ok as I previously had a msgbox in that displayed the value of n once the loop finished
So I was hoping that the values in the columns on that row would be added to the combobox but for some reason I get a typing missmatch error.
Dim n As Integer
n = 1
Do While LValue6 "" 'find out how many alternatives there are
LValue6 = FoundISBN.Offset(0, 32 + n).Value
n = n + 1
DataInput.ComboBox1(n) = LValue6 - I was hoping that the value in the cell was added to the combobox
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Mar 21, 2013
I have a list box in the userform. I would like to add items into ListBox which correspondent with 4 combo box values. If all combo boxes is selected, that would be easy task. However, user might not need to select all combo boxes. If any of the combo boxes empty, my code fails that end up listbox is empty. I could write the code with all of the combinations, but that will be my last choice if there is nothing easier than that. Can I adjust the code such as if the combo box="" then skip then look at the other combo box if that is "" than skip again. If all combos are "" add all the items from the source.
My code is below:
AllStaffLB is listbox
StaffSrchCB is combo box
StaffSrchCB2 is combo box
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Aug 31, 2006
I need to add about ~200 items to Combo From Other Excel File (with no duplcates).
How to make it.
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
With cboComp
.addItem "item"
End With
End Sub
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Aug 1, 2012
I am not sure if this can be done easily but essentially what I have is a userform that fills out a form that will used by several different people and saved to a central location.
There is a blank combobox currently labeled "Supplier:" that each person fills out each time on the userform (there are no dropdowns yet).
What I am wanting to do is for every person who saves (I have coded the save button) with the "Supplier:" combobox filled out to save what they entered and input that into the combobox dropdown so when the next person uses the userform the entry the previous person entered would be in the combobox as an option to select.
Essentially, a combobox populates itself based on what previous users have entered into it.
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Jan 20, 2009
I'm trying to put together a spreadsheet that tracks disc capacity increases, affected by any incoming projects. I've managed to do so for one project, but would like to for up to 10. The way i've designed the solution (i'm sure there are far more elegant ways, but hey) is thus:
A forecast worksheet keeps track of a grand total, taking information from sheets P1 -> P10 (being projects 1 to 10). I am unable to figure a way to add up all the increases from all 10 project worksheets with one succinct formula. What I use so far is: ='P1'!C83+SUMIF('P1'!E82,"=2009 - Q1",'P1'!D82) ..................
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Sep 4, 2009
I have always saved each macro on a single workbook, saved the workbook using the macro name, so I can go use that spreadsheet for a specific issue. Now, however, my job role is changing to where I have to do a lot of things like get a file from Bob . . . slice and dice and then forward it on to Carol, etc. Then I have to save spreadsheet A to this directory, spreadsheet B to that directory . . . .
I am sure there is, I just can't get my head around it to have one spreadsheet that has ALL my macros that would be available to me on other spreadsheets? I tried using "show macros in all open workbooks"
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Mar 6, 2007
I currently have a 70 page spreadsheet with similar data that needs representing in pie chart format. All the column headers are the same and I only need 2 columns (A and T).
There are however different numbers of rows. Is it possible to write a macro to detect the number of rows before it draws the relevant pie chart (I've managed the pie chart bit!!)
See attached example, same concept but cant post real data.
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Mar 12, 2014
I have a userform that has the same type information on 3 different entities (name, address, phone, etc). The same research is required on each one i.e. you need to look up the zip code for each). Therefore I have a bank of buttons on each page of the multipage form. Each button does the same thing depending on which page you are on. The following is my code to copy some information and open another application depending on which page you are on and which type entity.
My question is how can I combine these into one so my module is not 3' long.
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Jul 9, 2009
If I want to create a function or sub that can be used by any userform or macro that I create for a workbook:
Where would I define that function? Within the Module?
Do I define it as Public?
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Oct 9, 2007
I have a macro that formats an imported report and I have inserted it's code into several other routines I have written.
Since there is always the possiblity of changes occurring, is there a way to refer to this macro in a second (or third or fourth) routine so that if a change has to be made to the original macro, I won't have to change it everywhere?
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May 3, 2006
I am trying to run multiple macros from multiple workbooks. I've figured out how to open each workbook, but I can't figure out how to run a certain macro in each workbook called "Main".
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Jun 9, 2014
I have been asked to create a spreadsheet that has a front sheet where you can free type search criteria and then it will populate rows below with all search results from the remaining sheets within the workbook, for example;
In cell N15 I type the search criteria and hit a button
In cells F31-O31 it returns the following information;
CategorySub-CategoryCourseDrop Down Option 3SolutionFurther information or support
I have little to no experience in writing macros
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May 19, 2009
This report spreadsheet is exported from SAP. Since SAP has a limit number of displaying the columns, there are 40 headings (= 40 columns) in the report has been broken down to 4 rows of headings.
How to use macros to move 3 those extra rows to one row and the number still matches each column? I also attatch the file for reference.
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Feb 17, 2010
I am using the code below to open multiple workbooks in their own instance of Excel.
On my system, as well as most of the ones I've tested it on, enabling macros in the "parent" workbook, i.e. the one that contains the code, leaves them automatically enabled in the new session of Excel, as though the settings are carried over.
However, recently I've found a few systems where this is not the case. Enabling macros in the parent workbook opens the others, and then I have to enable macros again in each of the new sessions. Is there a way to fix this? All of the systems mentioned above have macro settings set to "disable with notification" and this cannot be changed.
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Jul 31, 2014
I have 3 different sets of macros and i want to Join them together so i only have to run 1 macro to do all 3. I am not sure how the best way is to do this.
Code 1:
Public Function UserName()
UserName = Environ$("UserName")
End Function
Private Sub RefreshTeamQueryOnWorksheet(worksheetName As String)
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May 23, 2006
I want to be able to run this many times looping through different file names. The only thing that changes between file names is the number.
Application.Run "'C:Documents and Settingspadi4545DesktopProjectRuns10.xls'!main"
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