I want to make a chart with the time in x axis and all of the S in the y axis. The problem is I want to be able to choose which S that I want to put in the chart. Example, I want to make 2 chart with S2,S3 and S5 in the first chart and S1 and S6 in the second chart. What I want is when I click the button 'chart', a pop-up appear and ask which S that I want to include in the chart.
and thought I could learn this one myself. I was wrong. Andy Pope came up with a nice little spreadsheet but I could not follow it (being a novice).
The problem is, I want the user to be able to input a start date and an end date and a graph to update automatically between these dates (for the x-axis) but also the y data adjust to suit.
The input cells are C23 and C30, and the 5 Y-axis data are the coloured columns.
I have attached a zip file with the excel spreadsheet inside.
I 'm trying to do one macros where the user has to choose the column where he wants to work, to avoid the user start counting the number of the letter that corresponds in the alphabet, I would like to make it easer, because working with column numbers when programming is easier, but in terms of user is easier to work with letters
In column C27 and down, the user can input a date. In column M27 down, the user chooses pass or fail.
N8, contains a date chosen by user as the "From" date and P8 the "to" date.
Cell o11 is "Passed" and cell 012 is "failed"
The user can choose a date range and input the from and to date in N8 and P8, this will count the number of pass and fails and input the number in O11 and o12.
We have several salespeople who maintain a workbook tracking their workflow. I want to compile the customer account number, account name and deal number for each rep to another workbook. A new sourcebook is started each week. This code is in the target book
'Option Explicit
Public sourcebook As Object 'the workflow workbook
Dim wsc As Double 'the number of pages in the workflow
Dim col As Long 'the column in this workbook for returning values
Dim IntEndRow As Double 'the end row in this book
Dim SrcEndRow As Double 'the end row in workflow
Dim findval 'the column workflow where the sourcedata is found
My code allows the user to select a workbook and then loops through each sheet in that book searching for the column which has the info I need, this changes on each sheet as the reps each deal with different types of customer as so take different details. I solved this by having column headers in the target book and searching for them in the sourcebook.
This code works when I step through it but falls over at the "Set sourcebook" line when I run it where it returns a breakpoint error.
I have a few macros that need to work with various worksheets which are in different windows.
1. Make the user name the files a certain way for consistency 2. Make the user type the name of each window at the start of execution
I was wondering if there was a more flexible option though: one which would allow the user to choose from a list of open windows (similar to the Window>More Windows>Activate function in Excel).
Ideally the macro would run and say something like, "Which of the following open windows contains dataset1?" "Which of the following open windows contains dataset2?"
I have code (below) that works if the range "ImportFile2" contains a valid value but I want users to be able to select any .csv file preferably from a directory which should be held in a cell.
I've have a spreadsheet where 4 cells are linked to another workbook via a vlookup. the problem i have is that a lot of users can update this external book, or it can be saved as a seperate spreadsheet somewhere else on the network. If it was up2 me i would have them only update the one sheet, but as it stands its not. So what i want to be able to do is put some code onto a button on the sheet, from here i want the: Application. GetOpenFileName
method to open....but from here i want them to be able to pick the cells where the data is situated. Any clues..... i can get as far as them selecting a workbook. Do you think i will need to create another userform?? Maybe RefEdit? I'm not sure.
I have two columns, Account Number and Account Type. I already use Data Validation on Account Number to make sure it is numeric and on Account Type to make sure the user picks from a drop-down list. I want it so that if a user inputs an account number, it forces the user to automatically pick from the drop-down menu in the account type column, otherwise post an error.
I am trying to open a folder so I may choose the workbook to open. I am able to open a workbook but I want to open the folder which contains the workbook.
I am making a macro that requires that user to enter a directory path into a input box and the macro will open the file. Right now it works fine bit i would like to change the code so that instead of using an input box it brings up a box that will allow them to browse files on their computer and then select one to open.
I want to create a chart on a sheet. If I were charting one data set it would be real simple; I could do so by selecting the range of data values which are in a single column with the respective dates in another column and chart it with data on y, dates on x.
Each point was sampled on a day, only one point per day. I have a table for each person, one column has the data point, the other has the date it was sampled on. I would most like to pair each for not every person has a datapoint sampled on each day.
I have ten individuals with that metric (dataset based on the same sampling). I want to add and erase a line on one chart for any and each person by clicking a toggle button for that individual so we can do any comparative thought of.
I have a excel with data values in 5 different columns.
Column A: Time in seconds (1,2,3,4,5.... so on) continuously in equal intervals.
Column B: Values Generated by my machine at each second (random values)
Column C: Values generated based on column B using a formula (Let formula be denoted by " F ").
Column D: Highest possible value of calculation on column B (With +ve error consideration in formula "F")
Column E: Least possible value of calculation on column B (With -ve error consideration in formula "F")
Two graphs need to be generated as follows:
Graph 1: X Axis: time values ( From Column A ) Y Axis: Corresponding machine generated values from Column B
Graph 2: Envelope X Axis: time values ( From Column A ) Y Axis: Both value of column D & E ( Time value 1 sec has two corresponding values, one from Column D and one from Column E)
Both values of Column D and E be plotted and the area between two lines generated by upper limit and lower limit (Column D and E respectively)
So for both, what chart types should I select, and how do I assign that particular column to that particular axis only.
1) i have office 2003 on a laptop. within powerpoint, i can create a 'microsoft excel chart 11' object. to create a link to the excel data source, do i have to go through the odbc sql setup? it works, but i don't want my powerpoint to be dependent on some excel file somewhere. what are the other options to insert/make a functional pivot chart in powerpoint with the data also within powerpoint? the data as sheet option does not result in the chart being a pivot, it's just a plain chart. it has to be a proper object, not an image paste or a chart that updates links with the excel file open.
2) i have office 2007 on my other laptop. i can not find any suitable object to choose from to make a pivot chart in powerpoint. what's the best way to go about in 2007 version?
3) am i going about this the wrong way with the objects? should i be after vba code?
There must be a VBA command out there, with which one can call the color panel such that the user can then choose his/her preferred color, I just cannot find it. Could you help me out?
With Color-Panel I mean this little interface you get when manually changing the font-color or the fill-color. (it consits out of maybe 8 colors in a row and 5 colors per column and usually has a button "automatic"). I would like to call that interface such that it gives back the color-index of the color choosen by the user.
The choose function only works with separate values, but not with a range. I'm looking for a formula that returns the value in a range based on a number.
e.g. CHOOSE(5, A1:A10) should return the value of A5.
I can program it as a function, but I expect there is a standard formula for this.
I am having problems with choosing multiple values for the second condition in the b range. The formula works for one account in the array, but not multiples.
I have a spreadsheet listing various pieces of computer hardware, software and mobile accessories, etc with costs attached.
I have created a dropdown list of staff profiles eg a sales representative, finance assistant, IT administrator.
What I want to do is get Excel to pull the data through from the data sheet, to a printable summary output form (something you could also cut and paste from). For example, a sale rep would need to be set up with a laptop, laptop case, mobile phone, etc, so when you select Sales rep from droplist, I want that action to pull all the associated data through to the summary form. Similarly, a Finance assistant would require different kit , perhaps a desktop PC , monitor , etc.
Next to my data I have created columns with "Y" for yes in cells containing kit that match the staff role requirements, but I am not sure of the best way to pull this together.
Excel 2007 Q: I have a combo box (ActivX) that I want to be able to choose a a date from a range of dates in column A on sheet 'Working Copy'. I want a cell to update with the number/position of the date when the date is chosen i.e. the first date in the range yields 1 the second date yields 2 and so on. I also want the date to be displayed in dd-mmm-yyyy format. I am able to get the cell to give the correct position of the date but the date reverts to five digit number in combo box. I can change the code to return the correct date in the combo box when the date is chosen but then the cell just returns 0.
How can I make it so that the combo box returns the correct date and the cell updates with the position instead of jsut one or the other?
Here is the code I am using
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() ComboBox1.Value = Format(ComboBox1.Text, "dd-mmm-yyyy") End Sub or Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Sheets("Working Copy").Range("G1").Value = ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1 End Sub
I am trying to add a vertical line dynamically to a chart. What I mean is I have a chart that will have a line type chart on it and I want to add a vertical line to it based on the output of one cell in that same workbook. I am making this workbook for use by end-users so I can't ask the end-users to make a bunch of modifications to the sheet or or chart. What I do has to just work when they use the workbook.
The line chart has an X axis of time and a Y axis of items sorted. (This is the part of the chart I have done already.) I want to add a vertical line fed from a cell which will have a time fed from a cell on the workbook. For example the line chart goes from 9:00 to 16:00 and the vertical line might be at 13:00. The cell feeding the vertical line is subject to change based on the other inputs on the workbook so that's why I say the vertical line has to be dynamic as the vertical line could be anywhere between 9:00 to 16:00 or it might even be that I can't place the vertical line because the feeding cell is outside the range of 9:00 to 16:00.
I have seen a number of ways to do this but none that are dynamic and automatic and don't require end user to adjust the workbook to make the vertical line at the correct on the time scale.
I have a form that asks at what row the user wants to start with a selected range then how many rows to select. There will always be 21 columns selected with this range. I am still learning but it has to do with something on how I am setting the Start object. It is not being recognized.
Dim Row As Long Dim Selection As Long Dim Start As Range
This code works fine if i use static ranges, but i would like the user to input the column in which the data is stored.
'Get data for the locations of the gaming license numbers needed for the comparison varPlayerHost = InputBox("Please enter a single letter for the" + vbCrLf + _ "Column that the Player Host License" + vbCrLf + _ "numbers are in.", "Player Host Number Location", "H") varHostLicense = InputBox("Now enter the column letter for the copied employee" + vbCrLf + _ "license numbers", "Employee License Number Location", "U")
'Set the ranges for the data to be compared 'This is where I am getting the error??? Set rRangeA = Range([varPlayerHost,1], Range(varPlayerHost, 65536).End(xlUp)) Set rRangeB = Range([varHostLicense,1], Range(varHostLicense, 65536).End(xlUp))
'The actual comparison and deletion of record that match the license numbers copied. 'When this function finishes you will be left with a spreadsheet that only has patron 'information left for the patrons that have an invalid host number. For Each rCell In rRangeA If WorksheetFunction. CountIf(rRangeB, rCell) > 0 Then rCell.EntireRow.Delete End If Next rCell
This exact code is kicking an error "Run Time error 1004" "Method 'Range' of Object '_Global' failed" Not quite sure where i went wrong.
I am writing a macro in which the user selects several ranges (entire columns) for the macro to manipulate. I display a userform to the user that contains 16 refedit objects (1 for each range that they picked). Unfortunately, the value that appears in the refedit boxes is not very user-readable. It looks like this:
I can assume that all of the ranges will reside in the same workbook, so I have been cutting the workbook name portion off as a string and displaying it in 1 place only. I can leave the value of the refedit as: Sheet1'!$B:$B, but even that is not very friendly. Of course if I do change the value of the refedit controls then I will need to "fix" them before attempting to access the range.
Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to display the sheet and column of the range to the user?
I'm trying to get a users' selected range to display in a cell as stored text.
therefore, If a user selects A1:D7. The text in Cells("G", 10) will be:"A1:D7"
w/o the quotes.
I've attached an example workbook. Here's the formula thus far:
Sub SelectRangeBox() Dim rnBody As Range Dim vaMsg As Variant Do vaMsg = Application.InputBox( _ Prompt:="Please enter the message-text:", _ Title:="Message", _ Type:=2) Loop While vaMsg = ""................................
Actuall maybe my thread should be Titled. user selected cell range displayed in input box save to cell as a text value.
I'm having some issues getting a tool I'm working on to function correctly. I have some cells, the number of which can vary based upon user requirement, that contain cell addresses. What I need from VBA is to translate these addresses into usable row, column values for the user defined range. Example:
Cell D4 contains F14, which was input by the user.
What is the best way to pass this data through VBA. Right now I am currently using:
Dim strRange as String 'left out loop parameters dim TempRange as Range strRange(i) = Cells(4, 4) 'using TypeName on StrRange at this point yields a string result as expected set TempRange = Range(strRange(i))
From my understanding that should work but I am getting type mismatch.
I do not have any reason for actually using a string, but would like the user input to only be 1 cell. If there are cleaner ways around this, I am open to them.
Then from the range, I would have two other variables as type long for storing the row and column data using:
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Rod Extract Test Master.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutCR1=CRCSCTCUCV1Loan NumberCollect Tax EscCollect Oth EscPay Int on EscRE Tax Monthly Const2304100830NNY$0.003304100830NNN$0.00Borrower,Master,ARM [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
What I need to have happen is that the user decides what duplicate row to delete. The reason that there is a duplicate is that Row 1 has something different from Row 2. In my example above, CU1 is different from CU2. This is what caused this loan number from CR to be duplicated. I need to delete at my discretion one of the 2 rows.
What I would like is to have the user Select Range CR1:CR2 (this is relative in the sheet), run the macro, have it select the 2 row range, compare (relative) B1:B2 are they equal, compare C1:C2, are they equal, etc through the rest of the range. I would like the screen to update and stop with the range highlighted that is and and a MsgBox to click ok to Continue, then continue through the rest of the range. Once it has finished cheking the range, can the user use the mouse to select the range from CR that needs to be deleted, have the appropriate range selected and then the MsgBox Is this the range you want to delete? Y/N........................