ChoosE Multiple Values For The Second Condition In The Range
Feb 12, 2009
I am having problems with choosing multiple values for the second condition in the b range. The formula works for one account in the array, but not multiples.
=SUMPRODUCT((('Data Sheet'!$A$2:$A$997<2110000)+('Data Sheet'!$A$2:$A$997>2119999)),--('Data Sheet'!$B$2:$B$997={"300100","302100"}),'Data Sheet'!D$2:D$997)
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Jan 15, 2014
Here's a simplified example:
[Code] .........
I'm looking to return the values in column A adjacent to the cells in Column B equal to "Y". The kicker has been returning only the cells where the condition is true. Column C displays the desired behavior.
The closest I've been able to get is with a simple IF statement but I'm pretty sure the answer is a far cry away from there and likely requires an array formula. I'd prefer not to use VLOOKUP or OFFSET but will if the alternative is very complex.
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Apr 10, 2009
In range C15:C45 I have names of some steps. Starting from column D, row 6 have a drop down with 6 possibilities. Now based on what is selected in row 6 (so cell D6, E6, F6 and so on), I would like to color certain cells from 15 to 45 in that particular column (certain steps that are applicable to option selected in row 6 of that column). And as month goes by, users do that in more and more columns.
Also, steps overlap between conditions that are selected in row 6 and I would like this to macro (or formulae) to be running so that as soon as user selects the condition cells are colored and then they can fill out only those cells. So, I couldn't figure out any way to do this by conditional formating as there are more than three conditions and range is not continuous.see attached file as an example of final output.
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Feb 11, 2010
I'm trying to sum across multiple worksheets based on a simple condition. I have a time sheet with a worksheet for each week (52 worksheets). I've gone back and added a column to code the type of work done, types 1 - 17. I want to sum the hours of each type across all worksheets. This is what I have that doesn't work:
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Jul 19, 2007
I want use the formula sumif...something like that! =SUMIF(I77:I176;AND(>F1092;<F1091);Q77:Q176). I want sum the values between q77:Q176 if the value in i77:i176 is >F1092 and <F1091 But the multiple criteriun donīt work in the sumif.
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Feb 6, 2014
I have been struggling with this formula for ages and have finally given up. What I would like to do is to do a lookup on the concatenated values of Province, Department and Initiative No, which has mutiple values in the status of milestone column, and then give the answer based on a condition.
The condition for this example should be, that if the returned status / or statuses of the initiative is all 1, then the value should be 1, if it's all 2, then the value should be 2, and so on.....but if the values returned from the status of the initiative is a combination of 1,2 or 3, then it should give me the answer 2. If 4 is part of the comination of values returned, then the value should be 4.
Zero - 0 should be excluded from the formula as it is part of planned values and not actual.
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May 31, 2013
VBA code. I think I need a worsksheet change event. Here is what I'm looking for:
If cell K1 = 3 and if the value of any cell in column A is < 80000 or is > 86666, or if the five digit number begins with an alpha, then a msg box will pop up stating "Invalid range".
More background:
The user will be manually inputting 5 digit numbers into column A, but if they've selected cell K1 to equal 3 from a dropdown menu (which the user also does), then values entered that are less than 80000 or greater than 86666 are 'out of range', and the user should be alerted and if possible the number they entered gets cleared.
Additionally, some of the numbers the user could type in might begin with an alpha prefix, such as "G1234" - these would also be considered out of range when K1=3, so if the conditional statement could also recognize this it would be useful.
Column A will be blank until the user types in the 5 digit number, so the code only needs to trigger if the number typed into a cell in column A is outside of the aforementioned range.
So to sum it up once again, I'm looking for a msgbox (and clear cell) if the following criteria is simultaneously met-
*If K1 = 3 (meaning that K1 equaling anything other than 3 wouldn't cause the msgbox)
*And values typed in column A are less than 80000 or are greater than 86666, or begin with an alpha (meaning that values typed in between 80000 - 86666 wouldn't cause the msg box.)
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Oct 10, 2007
I need to find a value in a pivot table with a range of values over 12 months (Book5) when 3 criteria are met, Branch#, LOB# and Month#. Sum(if() works for the 1st month, but I do not know how to do the coding when the month changes.
Attached are copies of the two files I am working with and my coding so far....
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May 20, 2014
I am trying to calculate average for values in a range of data that fulfill a certain condition viz. >1000 &
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Mar 14, 2012
I'm trying to count the number of times "Y" occurs in column H and one of four values occurs in column B. I'm new at writing arrays and what I have so far is:
This is returning a #VALUE error. A
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Feb 6, 2009
The choose function only works with separate values, but not with a range.
I'm looking for a formula that returns the value in a range based on a number.
e.g. CHOOSE(5, A1:A10) should return the value of A5.
I can program it as a function, but I expect there is a standard formula for this.
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Feb 20, 2014
How do I enter a formula to find a dollar amount for a different range dollars? For example, if $0 - $1000 = $50 and $1001 -$2000 = $100. In reality, I would like to enter a specific dollar amount within one of the levels (column 1) and the sum (column 2) would auto fill.
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Aug 28, 2007
I 'm trying to do one macros where the user has to choose the column where he wants to work, to avoid the user start counting the number of the letter that corresponds in the alphabet, I would like to make it easer, because working with column numbers when programming is easier, but in terms of user is easier to work with letters
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Apr 29, 2008
I want to make a chart with the time in x axis and all of the S in the y axis. The problem is I want to be able to choose which S that I want to put in the chart. Example, I want to make 2 chart with S2,S3 and S5 in the first chart and S1 and S6 in the second chart. What I want is when I click the button 'chart', a pop-up appear and ask which S that I want to include in the chart.
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Mar 26, 2008
I have a control button that uses this code
varFileName = Application. GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.csv), *.csv, (*.xls), *.xls")
however the files list but when you select any one of them they do not open and the file name is not displayed in the filename box
can you let me know why the files do not open
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Aug 31, 2012
I want to build a database where the user can select a specific time period. I have a static file with the time periods and the related values. For instance I have in column A1:A15 the time periods from January 2011 to Dezember 2011, but I have some dates multiple times as there are more values attached to it. For instance I have in the first 4 rows January 2011...what I want is when someone puts in the value January 2011 in cell B1 and Dezember 2011 in cell B2 that the whole static file gets copied to another location (including the multiple dates) displaying the chosen time period. Similarly if someone puts in the value March 2011 to November 2011, I want only those values to be copied.
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Feb 9, 2014
I have saved this on a 2010 workbook as I am at home but this will be used on a 2003 workbook.
I have several projects on one spreadsheet which multiple users will be working and I am trying to create a summary sheet of the work carried out.
Each user is expected to carry out a task on each row of the data held in each worksheet (research, call, update etc) and each task (Option 1-5) is assigned a value. Each user is expected to meet a certain level of points per day to calculate productivity.
I am looking for a sumproduct along the lines of the summary sheet attached but mine just takes one sheet into consideration and I need one for all sheets.
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Mar 19, 2012
I have a work book.
In column C27 and down, the user can input a date.
In column M27 down, the user chooses pass or fail.
N8, contains a date chosen by user as the "From" date and P8 the "to" date.
Cell o11 is "Passed" and cell 012 is "failed"
The user can choose a date range and input the from and to date in N8 and P8, this will count the number of pass and fails and input the number in O11 and o12.
Formulas are below.
=COUNTIFS('Aff MFR'!C27:C1663,">="&'Aff MFR'!N8,'Aff MFR'!C27:C1663,"="&'Aff MFR'!N8,'Aff MFR'!C27:C1663,"
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Aug 23, 2013
I have a spreadsheet listing various pieces of computer hardware, software and mobile accessories, etc with costs attached.
I have created a dropdown list of staff profiles eg a sales representative, finance assistant, IT administrator.
What I want to do is get Excel to pull the data through from the data sheet, to a printable summary output form (something you could also cut and paste from). For example, a sale rep would need to be set up with a laptop, laptop case, mobile phone, etc, so when you select Sales rep from droplist, I want that action to pull all the associated data through to the summary form. Similarly, a Finance assistant would require different kit , perhaps a desktop PC , monitor , etc.
Next to my data I have created columns with "Y" for yes in cells containing kit that match the staff role requirements, but I am not sure of the best way to pull this together.
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May 26, 2013
I would like to be able to choose a Size from a drop down list.
After choosing the size, the Parts and Price records (rows of data) will populate below a few cells.
I will manually insert the Quantity amount of items I need,
This will calculate the total from the cells (price & Qty).
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Nov 9, 2011
In the "Pivot Table Field List" I have the option to "Choose fields to add to report". I have a large number of fields that I want to choose and "Add to Values" - so it is tedious to select each item individually.My question: Is there any possible way select multiple fields at the same time? e.g.
a "select all" option, orhighlighting a range of the available fields (either by dragging or holding the shift key)I've looked / tried above with no luck.
Any Excel Add-Ins out there that might address this? I'm fearing not since my searches have come up empty.
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Feb 6, 2012
Excel 2007 Q: I have a combo box (ActivX) that I want to be able to choose a a date from a range of dates in column A on sheet 'Working Copy'. I want a cell to update with the number/position of the date when the date is chosen i.e. the first date in the range yields 1 the second date yields 2 and so on. I also want the date to be displayed in dd-mmm-yyyy format. I am able to get the cell to give the correct position of the date but the date reverts to five digit number in combo box. I can change the code to return the correct date in the combo box when the date is chosen but then the cell just returns 0.
How can I make it so that the combo box returns the correct date and the cell updates with the position instead of jsut one or the other?
Here is the code I am using
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
ComboBox1.Value = Format(ComboBox1.Text, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Sheets("Working Copy").Range("G1").Value = ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1
End Sub
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Dec 6, 2013
i have a set of data in which i'm trying to lookup a value from a range of file #'s (ex 100-125) that i have concatenated with a file ID (ex 123456789). as of right now i have to vlookup each individual concatenated number, return the result value in its own column (one for 100, one for 101 and so on..) and then sum all 25 columns to get the final number) is there a way to vlookup the range (ID+100:125) and sum the results?
here's the formula i use for each column starting with 100, A2 representing the file ID, C:O being the array
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Jan 8, 2009
I was wondering if it's possible to use a countif so that the condition can be a range of values also? For example, A1 = 14.12.08, A2 = 15.12.08 and A3 = 16.12.08
So I can have a countif that looks like: Countif(B1:B300, A1:A3). It doesn't work when I try it, but was wondering if there's a way to achieve the same result? So if B1:B300 contained any of the values in A1:A3 it would count the amount of times they appear in the B range.
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May 17, 2014
how to set a cells value into a variable, using .value, then set another cells value equal to that variable without using copy/paste
What I can't figure out is how to see the value of multiple cells to a variable and place them into another range of the same size using .value. It would be nice to free up the clipboard.
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Apr 30, 2009
I'm trying to figure out how to count by two criteria, only one of the criteria has a value among multiple values in a cell and the other is a range. I tried to use sum but it doesn't count the value and count doesn't recognize the range. I attached the file so you can see what we're trying to do.
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Jan 9, 2014
I am trying to return several values >10K, >5K, >3K, >1K,
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Nov 6, 2009
This is a floowup to the issue that was originally posted as "Returning MAX/MIN values from multiple rows in a named range ". I marked that post as solved since I have worked through part of the issue and since have a different one.
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Apr 20, 2009
I need a macro to match the row values on condotion.
To match the Q column values with S column values.
If suppose i have data i lke this then,
Q| R |S
1|22 yes 22
2|33 no 38
3|35 no 42
4|38 no 45
5|42 no 50
6|45 no
7|50 no
then the output should be like
Q| R |S
1|22 yes 22
2|33 no
3|35 no
4|38 yes 38
5|42 yes 42
6|45 yes 45
7|50 yes 50
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Feb 5, 2008
If possible, I would love for the answer to be a "formula" and not a macro, but if it must be a macro, then that's doable too:
Basically, I would love a formula that would add all the numeric values in "Column A", as long as "Column B" in that same row="YES".
7 NO
would mean 4 + 6 + 9 = 19
This will cover a variable amount of rows, but it will definitely be less than a few hundred.
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