Annual Amount By Month
Oct 27, 2006
There are two tabs in my workbook right now. The first is where users will input information and annual budget number for consulting fees. The second tab spreads the annual budget by the 12 months. I don’t want the users to see or touch this tab containing the spread. Once the annual budget number is entered, I would like them to use a combobox to choice how they would like to spread the budget monthly. One choice is evenly which is the default and the other would be manually. If they choice manually I would like a userform or something where they than input each month’s amount that will total the annual budget. See attachment, this is all I got so far.
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Dec 18, 2009
I'm almost done with the budget at work and now I need to spread the annual figure by month. Initially I was thinking of spreading it evenly by 12 months, i.e. $12k annual budget = $1k per month.
However the boss doesn't want it that way. So I received inputs from certain managers as to when the bulk of the budget will be spent. Now I need to develop some type of formula so that once I input that amount let's say in June, then the rest of the month's will adjust accordingly.
For example, using the example above, if I manually input $6k in June, then the remaining $6k from the budget will be spread out evenly through the other 11 months. Is there some clever way to do this or is just a matter of multiple IF statements?
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Mar 25, 2014
I'm trying to calculate the amount of money invoiced per company per month. In column B I have the date the invoice was issued. In column E I have the Company name. In column G I have the amount invoiced.
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Feb 12, 2013
I want formula which can automatically populate the amount based on the number of months starting from the date vehicle is received. For Eg.
Nissan patrol Rent is AED 5800/- per month & we deliver it on month Sept 2011 for 24 months then i want excel to automatically populate AED 5800/- for next 24 months starting from Sept 2011.
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Jan 28, 2009
I need a formula to calculate the amount due based on cumulative sales once a breakpoint amount is reached.
cum sales are > 500 pay at 3%
cum sales are >1,000 pay at 2%
month/ sales/ cumul sales/ amount due
jan/ 100.00/ 100.00/ 0
feb/ 600.00/ 700.00/ 6.00
mar/ 600.00/ 1,300.00/ 18.00
and so on...until the end of year.
I tried using an if formula by could not get it to work.
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Jun 5, 2008
Im trying to set up an active running inventory sheet where: (A)the progressive daily sheet cells reference back to the corresponding master sheet cells fluctuating the master values, (B) the same progressive daily sheet cells reference back to a cummulative totals-cell based on whether I added or subtracted inventory. I want to make a copy of the blank "sheet 2" with all of the formulas and move it to the end of the workbook each day and enter new values which will reference back to the master sheet so that I can click on a date sheet and see an individual day's values or click on the master sheet to see the fluctuating inventory on-hand and the cummulative +/- totals of all days combined. I've got a couple hundred individual cells to reference. I've tried and tried but I can't make it work. Heres what I need to do:
I need to reference individual cells from "sheet 2,3,etc" back to a corresponding cell in a master sheet. But I need the values in each cell in "sheet 2,3,ETC" to increase or decrease the corresponding cell values in the master sheet. For example: If the value in the master sheet B5 is 200. Then in sheet 2, I enter +50 in B5, I need the master sheet cell B5 to increase by 50 to 250. I also need a way to decrease the cell value in the master sheet B5 if I enter a negative value -50 in sheet 2 B5. I also want to know if I can reference the same cell values entered in "sheet 2,3,etc cell B5" back to totals columns C5 for adding inventory or D5 for subtracting inventory in the master sheet where the master totals columns would reflect cummulative totals added or subtracted. For example: if the value in sheet 2 B5 is +50, then the value in Master sheet C5 would add 50 to a progressive total. But if the value in sheet 2 B5 is -50 then the value in master sheet D5 would add -50 to a progressive total.
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Nov 20, 2012
For the below macro.
CodeTotalBaseNetA1 = 20%
A110083.3316.67A2 = 10%
A2350318.1831.82A3 = 7%
A3220205.6114.39A0 = 20%
A1 is the code, take the total(B) and calculate the base(C) on the percentage given in the G, net = B-C. for A2 and A3 it is the same process.
For A0 the total (B) is equal to Base(C) and calculate the net on the given percentage in G.
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Dec 23, 2008
I m trying to write a formula for my financial model. If anyone can take a stab at a solution. I'm trying to write a formula that will equally distribute revenue either over the next 1 month, 2 month or 3 month period depending on size of the deal.
Sales will fit in 1 of 3 categories. Less than 25k; between 25k & 100k; greater than 100k.
- if under $25K, recognize in next month (month N+ 1)
- $25K-100K, recognize in two equal parts in months N + 1 and N + 2
- over $100K, recognize in three equal parts over 3 months
N + 1, N + 2, N + 3 ...
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May 26, 2014
A1 is a date
I need B1 to show 1 year from A1, unless it has already passed, in which case I will need additional years added until the date being displayed is either today or in the future.
For example, if A1 is 1/1/2010, B1 should be 1/1/2015
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Apr 4, 2009
I have daily streamflow data for a large number of years. One column is the date and the second column is the streamflow value. I want to compute the maximum value and the 3-day maximum (largest average value for any consecutive 3-day period)for each water year (starts on October 1 and ends on Sept 30). Of course the number of days each year varies by one during leap years.
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Jun 28, 2014
I'll try to be as concise yet informative as possible. In the included attachment you will find a list of names in column A. These names have each have an event that is due at the end of his/her month, once annually. The due month for each person is listed in column B. Once that person completes the event, it is recorded in column C. The event will then not be due until the following year by the end of their due month.
I need column D to reflect the last day of their due month.
This date will change once the event is completed and recorded in column C. There are of course a few additional requirements that puts this out of my ability. They are listed below:
The person may complete the event at any time within three months of their due month. So if Tom's due month is September, he may complete the event anytime in July, August, or September. This would then need to reset the "Due by" date (column D).
If the person does not complete the event, the original "due by" date should not change until the event is completed.
Last note: this attachment is from Excel for Mac, The actual sheet this will be used on will be windows (so no worries about the formula changes for Mac).
Recurring due date help.xlsx
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Dec 27, 2008
I have list with 20000 rows, I need to count total annual issued qty. find attached sample for more details. I have solved. I used pivot table.
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Aug 8, 2006
I am trying to calculate the compound annual growth and my starting point is a negative number. The example is that I have (273,000) for the YE 2003 and have Growth to the amount of +767,000 at YE 2006. The formula I have been using for other calculations where the starting point is positive is =POWER(J23/C23,1/O$1)-1. Where J23 = a positive amount and C23 = a positive number. This formula works fine, but when C23 = a negative number the formula does not work and the % does not make sense.
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Apr 8, 2012
I have 7 teams (82 staff in total) staff who work for several production line. we currently record all leave on the wall calender. I want start recording these on a spreadsheet and I wonder if any of you have already designed a annual leave planner that I could have a copy?
Staff can request for 1/2 annual leave as we all full day. Each Team is listed on a seperate sheet and if a team has more than 2 person on leave, it will go red.
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Jan 12, 2014
I'm doing an exercise for school and I'm totally confused here. I have to:
With the original assumptions, goal seek to determine what the Annual Rate Increase would be for the total expenses to be $175,000 (answer = 20.77%). Here's what I have: through the process?
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Mar 4, 2014
I have the data as below. And to submit this to the third party is needs to be compressed (a total for each Full time ANNUAL salary).
All total monthly earnings must start from 0 when a "Full time ANNUAL Salary" is added or endedIf the Annual amount misses a month I need to assume the salary has ended
I hope this makes sense.
Below is test data for one person. And the result i am hoping to get with some comments.
Full time ANNUAL salary
Monthly earnings
Pay date from
Pay Date to
The result of the above would be:
Full time ANNUAL salary
Monthly earnings
Pay date from
Pay Date to
15k started 01/06/2013 so the total for the 10k starts again, alongside total for 15k
15k started 01/12/2013 so the total for the 10k starts again, alongside total for 15k
10k ended, 20k started 01/01/2014 so total for 15k starts again, alongside total for 20k
20k ended so total for 15k starts again
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Aug 18, 2009
If I invested $350 per hectare into a project and at the end of 12 years that investment yielded me $150,000, what would my rate of return be over the life of the project?
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Feb 13, 2010
I am trying to calculate APR (Annual Percentage Rate) for a mortgage loan that has a balloon feature. I have tried to the the RATE function but it only gives me the APR for a loan that is ammortized over 30 yrs and paid in 30 years. I need the APR for a loan that is ammortized for 30 years with a baloon in 5 years.
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Apr 28, 2012
I am trying to subtract an amount from a cell until it reaches 0, then move and subtract from the next amount, and so on.
AmountFixed BudgetedResult53.50Subtracted 5 tell it hit zero1.30Subtracted remaining amount until zero43.8Subtracted remaining amount until zero3.8 was left over without hitting zero is good. Is there formula for this?
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Nov 15, 2009
What would be the best way to put together a cancel curve on an annual membership model?
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Feb 28, 2013
I've put together an annual leave tracker for the department and am trying to make it as automated as possible. It currently consists of two sheets, 'Leave Applications' and 'Leave Tracker 13'.
If you look at the 'Leave Applications' sheet, I wish to be able to take this data to fill the calendar on 'Leave Tracker 13' with either AL or HL to demonstrate whether the day is annual leave or half day leave. This only wants to happen if the leave has been accepted, represented by an 'A' on the 'Leave Applications' sheet. The calendar obviously doesn't have any dates in the cells but I've got around this when it comes to shading in weekends by concatenating the date above and to the left of the cells and assume I must be able to do the same for populating it.
It's also complicated by the 'Leave Applications' consisting of multiple members of staff, though this may be ordered by date.
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May 17, 2009
I have been trying to compile some monthly and annual data from our main sheet to a FY09 sheet (for the fiscal year 2009). The 2 tabs in the uploaded example are the Distribution tab which we use to track the status of every item and the FY09 tab where I need the totals to be calculated for each month as well as the entire year. I have tried several formulas I found while searching the forum but I can not seem to get any of them to work, (I am sure it is because I don't understand them very well).
Since any formulas used will need to be copied 200 or so times, I would really like a VB solution which should also reduce the physical size of the file. I also tried a pivot table but I do not think it will show everything I need.
Basically, I need all the items separated by month on the FY09 tab. Then column 'F' on the Distribution tab needs to be summed up for each item in column 'D' of the FY09 tab for the respective month and multiplied by the respective item price in column'C' with the total value going in column 'E'. Column 'D' and 'E' need to be summed up for each month and cumulative for the entire year. There needs to be an average items and value for each month as well as for the year.
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Jun 27, 2012
I am trying to create simple leave data base using Excel. Is it easy or complicated?
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Jul 25, 2012
I need to design a spreadsheet in Excel that keeps track of annual expenses for the company car, but have no numerical data.
The only information given is the labels needed to be used, such as main heading, date, mileage, petrol, maintenance, registration, insurance, subtotals, averages and main totals. I've designed the spreadsheet with date - subtotal at the top of each column, with total and averages on the left hand side, under all the months (so the answers to both the total and averages would be in each column)
I also need to write a formula to work out the averages of everything and the formula I thought would be right is giving me this error message: #DIV/0!
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Mar 24, 2008
How can I get the median of a column that contains both hourly and annual rates? I would like to either multiply the hourly rate * 2080 or divide the annual rate by 2080 then get the median.
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Nov 17, 2007
I am trying to figure a formula that will give me a monthly increase with a annual target. Example:
2006 sales were $100,000 and December 2006 sales were $9,000.
For 2007 I would like a 10% increase in sales which means I should end up with $110,000 at the end of 2007.
The formula should figure a gradual sales increase each month until December 2007. I am assuming the business sales trend is upward with no seasonality so that January 2007 should be the annualized increase over December 2006.
I have used the formula =100000*((1+.1)^(1/12)-1) which works for 2007, but it gives me a large jump between December 2006 and January 2007 and then a slight increases each month.
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Nov 29, 2007
I have 200 items that have 22 months of usage information each and need to:
1. In one column, show trend (up or down) based on the 22 months' activity for each item.
2. In another column, show/ forecast how much inventory will be needed for the next 12 months.
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Jun 6, 2014
What I need is a worksheet which will generate fields from a set of variables (similar to a loan amortization schedule).
I don't know how to write the field code to include the annual percentage rate increase based on that additional input variable.
Input variables would be:
starting rate: (ex: 8¢/kilowatt hour)
starting date: (ex: July 2013)
average kw hours/month: (ex: 1062.5 kw hours)
annual rate increase: (ex: 3% *default 0%)
years to display: (ex: 25 years, *shown in months in fields below)
service months per year: (ex: 12 *default 12)
So, data fields below the variables would be blank until these are entered.
Assume I would protect the sheet to avoid messing it up.
this would generate a chart showing rates over time from the fields below.
Also it would generate fields in a summary area to show the rate per year for future years.
Secondary, if there were a way to input actual usage and rates from specific months in the past, that would be useful but not part of this forecast model.
The goal of this model is to forecast electrical costs for residential power users compared to independent solar power generation to 25 years forward.
I want to make this because I am skeptical of the advertised savings that solar installers use to convince clients that their return on investment is so high. I believe their data to be greatly inflated projections.
Using this in comparison with other data such as inflation and wages will allow me to get a very good economic picture of the future of independent solar energy generation and its impact on the average home owner.
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Dec 7, 2005
I am trying to make a worksheet that will track the annual inspection dates for my equipment and basically change color when the inspections are comming due or are overdue. Im using conditional foramtting what would the formula be if i did an inspection on 6-sep-05 and i want excel to tell me when it is 5 days before the due date which would be 6-sep-06.
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Jan 3, 2007
I feel pretty dumb asking a basic math question but I couldn't find the answer anywhere. I would like to calculate the monthly & annual returns of a security or index. When trying to calculate various indexes to insure my math was correct, my numbers never match that of yahoo or bloomberg's. If you could just start me down the path,
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