Append To Text In A Column
Jan 14, 2009
I am having problems adding data to exisiting text in each row of column E. The following macro is replacing the current text in each row with "V-1954". I need it to add "V-1954" to the begining of the text in each row of column E not over write it.
Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Value)
'Fill in Column E
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "V-1954"
'Move down one cell
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
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Jan 16, 2010
I have a list of number in a column that there is over 22,000 is there a away I can add ".jpg" ad the end of each number?
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Apr 1, 2008
I've got a sheet in which I want a drop down box, to ADD the value* to a cell, not overwriting its current value!
*The name of the selected option in the drop down box, the names are located in Map3!A1-n, I set the drop down box to display the related number in a cell next to it.
The cell would contain some text, and by selecting something in the drop down box, it would add the name of that option to the already existing value in the cell.
So if at first the cell's value is
Hi! I 'm Mark,
and you select the following option from the dropdown box
I 'm from Holland!
the cell would end with the value
Hi! I 'm Mark, I'm from Holland!
This would probably work with a macro, already made a start with it but I couldn't get it to ADD the value instead of overwriting it.
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Apr 19, 2007
I would like to append data from Columns A-F to a text file. The key thing is that the data needs to be tab separated just as it would be if I simply highlighted it and copied it and the pasted it into the text file.
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Feb 2, 2008
I have a database with Column "A" that looks like this:
I want a code that would add ".pv" to every cell in "A" Column so it'll look like:
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Sep 25, 2009
I'm looking to append data from Column A in sheet 8 to the next open column in sheet 7. I know how to append rows, but not columns...
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Jul 10, 2009
I am looking for a macro to convert a 6 digital serial number into an 8 digit serial number by adding "00" to the front. ie. The cell may say 123456, but I need to change it to display 00123456.
Is there a simple way to do this?
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Nov 28, 2013
I have a simple code that should insert the text at the beginning of the text file (the text file already has some text in it). When i use the following code, it just appends the line to the end of the text. I need it to append it to the start of the text file.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim file As String
lastrow = Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Row - 4
file = "C:Users11126923Desktop est.txt"
Open file For Append As #1
f = "hi test3"
Print #1, f
End Sub
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Oct 26, 2006
I want to open multiple .csv files from a single directory and append them to one workbook. The following code partly works, but appends only the first line from each file.
Sub GetFiles()
Dim w As Worksheet, fn As String, k As Long
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Set w = ActiveSheet
k = Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If Not IsEmpty(Cells(k, 1)) Then k = k + 1
fn = Dir("*.csv")
While fn <> ""
Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=fn, Origin:=xlWindows, StartRow:=1, _
DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, _
Tab:=False, Semicolon:=False, Comma:=True, Space:=False, Other:=False
Rows(1).Copy w.Rows(k)
k = k + 1
ActiveWorkbook.Close False
fn = Dir
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
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Aug 11, 2007
I write a daily status report that adds my daily comment to a cell with previous text in it. I then paste it in three other cells. This process is slow and tedious since the text in the cell is now becoming extremely long due to organizational and managerial restraints of the existing format. I use cut and paste and manual enter, a alt + enter, to space new comment. I would like to be able to enter the text in a cell and have it update the comment cell with the text in it and to update the text box. I have reviewed the forum and have yet to find the answer and use of how else to pose the questions.
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Aug 30, 2007
I need help looking at text in a cell that has [] around it such as [big red trucks] and copy that text to the end of the cell and replace the "space' between the words and add '+' signs so the result looks like [big red trucks] [big+red+trucks].
This is what the cell looks like before
[big red trucks] cost 5000 in store
This is what the cell needs to look like after
[big red trucks] cost 5000 in store[big+reg+trucks]
there may be additional text after the ']', I need the phrase with the + signs copied to the end of the cell
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Oct 15, 2007
I have a filename written in cell A1- eg dog.jpg - and I want to insert a set character string just before the .jpg part. ie so it becomes dog_test.jpg in B1. How would you guys do it? I've been thinking of really long-winded methods that'd use several cells, but I reckon there might be a cleverer way!
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Jul 14, 2009
I have data that covers multiple rows that I need to merge into one row.
Header:| InvoiceNumber | Type | Name
Row1: | 1000 | Payor | Doe, John
Row2: | 1000 | Payor | Smith, Mary
Row3:| 1000 | Payee| Jones, Henry
Row4:| 1000 | Payee | Jones, Bob
I need to get those four example rows down to one row such as:
Header | InvoiceNumber | Payor | Payee
Row1: | 1000 | Doe, John & Smith, Mary | Jones, Henry & Jones, Bob
The number of payor/payee can vary between 1 and several. I need some way to loop through and keep appending the names in one cell separated by a "&". And then deleting all the duplicate rows (based on InvoiceNumber).
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Jun 7, 2006
I want to copy a bunch of data from a text file and paste in into an excel worksheet I have open. I want to paste it at the end but I don't know how large the data range will be each time so I can't select that size range. I have this code so far:
FileToOpen = Application. GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
If FileToOpen <> False
Workbooks.Open FileToOpen
Exit Sub
End If
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Apr 24, 2013
I receive 24,000 text files once a month that need to be combined into one csv/txt file and/or spreadsheet(tab).
About a year ago I posted a thread on the same topic which received a fantastic response from jindon that worked great
Unfortunately, the format in which the text files are ouput has changed, as has the filename layout. The files are now output with filenames such as:
(lic#, company name, displaying # records found, date, type.txt)
40298827_Windham Professionals Inc _Displaying records 1 through 10 of 100_041813_AGENTS.txt
40298827_Windham Professionals Inc _Displaying records 11 through 20 of 100_041813_AGENTS.txt
(files with EANF in the filename have no records inside them and can be skipped)
While the contents of each file look like this: (see attached text file reference)
I would like to combine the contents of the text files while appending the lic#, company name and date from the filenames to each record so the resulting file looks like this:
40305196 Audette , Anthony Sales Provider 40298827 Windham Professionals Inc 041813
40313800 Burritt , Kimberly Sales Provider 40298827 Windham Professionals Inc 041813
As far as I can tell jindon's code is fine except the regex expression needs to be modified to handle the new layout, however that is far beyond me.
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Jun 12, 2014
Is there a formula that will add a number, in sequence, to the end of a text string to avoid duplicates?
I need to generate an ID number for transactions. This ID number is the Account Code-Last Two #s of the Year-Unique 3-Digit Number. So for instance, 5022-14-001 means it is the first transaction from account 5022 in the year 2014.
Column A has the Account Codes. Column B has the date of the transaction in MM/DD/YYYY format. So far the formula I have is:
With ???? being some function or set of nesting functions I need to create the sequential number. It needs to be able to say "Okay, this is the third instance of there being a 5022-14, so we need to stick -003 at the end of this."
Additionally, this "003" needs to be frozen, so if we change how the sheet is sorted and the line item moves around, it will still always be "003".
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Jul 10, 2014
I have a column with a general format that looks like this: "057828001 - WACS - Irving".
I need to remove the latter part of the value " - WACS - Irving"
I am doing that by using the replace all and typing in "-*"; that gives me a result of 57828001.
I need a result of 057828001.
How do I retain the leading zero?
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Apr 17, 2008
I have a userform that loads on opening my workbook. It has a series of textboxes that allows the user to input an address. The various lines are then entered in a range (a8:a14). The issue i am having is that if you don't use all the text boxes then the address on the spreadsheet is seperated by empty cells and you have to manually sort the issue out.
I have searched around the posts and tried the sort method out and although it does put the empty cells at the bottom, the address is in the wrong order. I think i have to do something with end(xlup) i just can't figure out what though.
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Jul 29, 2008
I have tweaked this code in order to accomplish my requirement. I have in all 35 worksheets in a workbook. Out of 35 sheets, 31 worksheets are infact the 31 days of the month starting from 1st July to 31st July. What I want to do is copy and append all the rows in column A (starting from row 2) of all these 31 worksheets into one master worksheet. Basically, appending the rows in col A from all the worksheets together in master worksheet.
Sub append_master_sheet()
Dim wAppend As Worksheet, wSheet As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long
Set wAppend = Worksheets("Master")
For Each wSheet In Worksheets
If wSheet.Name wAppend.Name Then
LastRow = wAppend.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=wAppend.Range("A2"), _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
wSheet.UsedRange.Copy Destination:=wAppend.Cells(LastRow, 1)
End If
Next wSheet
End Sub
This code when run gives me a Debug error "Object variable or with block variable not set". I did a research for this error on Google and most of the answers are in reference to using ADO Recordsets. I am not even distinctly using a Recordset in this example.
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Jan 18, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that is used to store statistical information on a monthly basis, some of this information may be incomplete and so will need to be acted upon month by month, What I need to do using VBA is: At the close of the spreadsheet check sheet1 and if there is any data (text) in cells N – Q on any line If there is move to sheet3 check for the next blank line then paste the data from only certain fields i.e. A,B, N-Q,R,S
Here is another problem
As the sheet will be used on and off during the month I don’t want data that is already been moved across to sheet3 to be copied again so there needs to be someway of checking if the info is already there? I have code now for the find last cell part of the problem.
Sub FindLastCell()
Dim LastCell As Range
With ActiveSheet
Set LastCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)
If IsEmpty(LastCell) Then
'do nothing
Set LastCell = LastCell.Offset(1, 0)
End If
End With
End Sub
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Aug 2, 2008
I have one worksheet with a series of columns (version 1, version 2, version 3). Each column contains one or more number values.
I would like to:
1. copy the data from each of the columns to a single summary column on another sheet.
2. update (append new data to) the summary column each time I add a new column to the first sheet.
Having trouble attaching file, so here is sample data with three columns.
Ver. 1 Ver. 2 Ver. 3
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May 9, 2014
Cell A1 = Ref#01
Cell B1 = A1&(whatever I choose to type)
Result in cell B1: Ref#01whatever I choose to type
Looks like I would need a macro because a function will be overwritten as soon as I start typing in cell B1.
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May 16, 2009
This is probably really easy but I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
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Oct 21, 2008
I've got data that should be on own row but its come into my excel file as two rows. This is going to be done daily, as a report so its not just once off, i need a macro or something.
so every second row should be appended to the right of each first row
Row 1 First Name
Row 2 Last Name
Row 3 First Name
Row 4 Last Name
Row 5 First Name
Row 6 Last Name
I would like:
Row 1 First Name Last Name
Row 2 First Name Last Name
Row 3 First Name Last Name
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Aug 21, 2009
I'm trying to append a bunch of excel files and I'm stuck at this line
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Jul 12, 2006
just wanted to know if there is a way i can append to a cell
for example:
cell f3 contains "what a beautiful"
i would like to know how to add more to it
so the final f3 would look like "what a beautiful day"
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Dec 15, 2006
I currently have a workbook named "Staffing Ratio.xls" I want to create a macro that renames the workbook to "Staffing Ratio Value.xls. Essentially anytime I run this macro it will insert the word "Value" at the end of the file.
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Jul 4, 2014
I have written the code successfully and it is working fine for me,,But i need to Apply this code into Userform.
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Mar 16, 2008
sheet 2 will be the entry form
sheet 3 the database
I would like to copy the values in cells B1:B4 and D4:D5 in sheet2 and paste them transposed it sheet 3 in the next empty row starting in cell A#,
so basically is to copy from sheet 2 and append the data in sheet 3
every time that I press the entry data button, that will allow me to populate the database from a separate sheet
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Nov 2, 2009
I'm trying to manipulate a URL in an already opened IE browser window. In a nutshell, I need to change "" to ""
The code prior to this does the following:
- Opens a new instance of IE
- Enters the username and password required to get into the site
- Scrapes the source code, imports it into Excel, and parses the data
- Finds a row based on the current date and some text
- Extracts from that row a unique identifier...
- Obtains the window handle ID for the instance of IE displaying the website
Now I need to add the unique identifier to the url. I cannot open it in a new tab or instance of the browser, as it revokes back to the login screen. I was assuming that the best way to do this would be to get the window handle, then just send a "tab" to get back to the URL, and enter the new URL. If there's any other way to do this, I'm all ears. Otherwise, how can I send the keys using the window handle?
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