Copy & Append Multiple Columns To A Summary Column

Aug 2, 2008

I have one worksheet with a series of columns (version 1, version 2, version 3). Each column contains one or more number values.

I would like to:

1. copy the data from each of the columns to a single summary column on another sheet.
2. update (append new data to) the summary column each time I add a new column to the first sheet.

Having trouble attaching file, so here is sample data with three columns.

Ver. 1 Ver. 2 Ver. 3

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Copy Range & Append To Summary Sheet

Sep 25, 2007

I have a question about my Excel template: I have a workbook with 3 existing sheets in this order: DATA, Fronpage, Summary. In the Frontpage I have a clickable button to create a new sheet with name as Report1, Report2, etc. at each click. What I wanted is that when I click the button to output a Report sheet, say Report1, I want it also dynamically to copy and paste a range , for example r2c1 : r5c6 from the new report sheet to the Summary sheet. The pasted results from each Report in the Summary sheet should not be replaced, instead, should be appended separated by two rows. The Summary table is like a log file that keep track of certain rows of the report sheets. Could anyone give me a hand

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Copy Columns From Multiple Sheets To One Summary Sheet

Aug 21, 2013

Here's what I have:

A workbook with 40 sheets, each sheet has data in A:B with varying numbers of rows. A and B have headers in each sheet.

What I want to do:

Have a summary sheet in the same workbook of all the sheets in A:B

After some searching and my limited VB skills, I found a way to copy each column into the summary but to the right of the next column. I need it to be continuous in A:B

Sub Create_Summary()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
n = Application.Worksheets.Count


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Copy Column And Transpose To Row - Multiple Worksheets To Summary Sheet

Jul 21, 2014

I have over 200 worksheets - separate participants data. On each sheet there is a summary column of data at the moment. I now want those columns of data copied to a summary sheet but transposed to rows.

I have attached an example with 3 worksheets and the sort of summary sheet I am after.

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Copy/Append UserForm TextBoxes To Last Row In Column

Apr 17, 2008

I have a userform that loads on opening my workbook. It has a series of textboxes that allows the user to input an address. The various lines are then entered in a range (a8:a14). The issue i am having is that if you don't use all the text boxes then the address on the spreadsheet is seperated by empty cells and you have to manually sort the issue out.

I have searched around the posts and tried the sort method out and although it does put the empty cells at the bottom, the address is in the wrong order. I think i have to do something with end(xlup) i just can't figure out what though.

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Copy Data From Multiple Worksheets And Append To Single Worksheet?

Oct 8, 2012

[URL] to append summary data within several workbooks. But suddenly, it works for some workbooks, but for some others, it just captures the data for the very last WS.

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Copy Data From Multiple Worksheets & Append To Single Worksheet

Feb 1, 2008

I have several exel workbooks (.xls files) and each workbook contains multiple worksheets. The number of worksheets and their names are variable. Each worksheet is formated in the same way. Now I want to copy an specific cell range on each worksheet and copy it into a single worksheet.

For example let assume that we have a a workbook called temperature.xls. This file contains 4 worksheets named: 40-1, 40-3, 40-5#, and 40-22. I want to copy a specific cell range (F46:O47) from all the worksheets in the workbook temperature.xls and paste only the values on a summary worksheet. This summary worksheet can be in the same workbook or in different one. I just wanted to add that I want to repeat this process 15 more times to summarize all my data containing workbooks. On average each workbook contains 35 worksheets so it is a tedious manual process.

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Copy Based On Column Criteria & Append To Another Sheet

Jan 18, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that is used to store statistical information on a monthly basis, some of this information may be incomplete and so will need to be acted upon month by month, What I need to do using VBA is: At the close of the spreadsheet check sheet1 and if there is any data (text) in cells N – Q on any line If there is move to sheet3 check for the next blank line then paste the data from only certain fields i.e. A,B, N-Q,R,S

Here is another problem

As the sheet will be used on and off during the month I don’t want data that is already been moved across to sheet3 to be copied again so there needs to be someway of checking if the info is already there? I have code now for the find last cell part of the problem.

Sub FindLastCell()
Dim LastCell As Range
With ActiveSheet
Set LastCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)
If IsEmpty(LastCell) Then
'do nothing
Set LastCell = LastCell.Offset(1, 0)
End If
End With
End Sub

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Copying Multiple Columns From Multiple Worksheets To Summary Worksheet

Jul 28, 2013

I'm making a Excel list for trading cards (MTG) and I've divided it into different worksheets in order to sort it by the color of the cards (not really important I guess).

The issue I have is that I want it to copy certain columns (in this case C3:C1000, F3:F1000, G3:1000 ) from almost all of the worksheets into a new worksheet where it should paste them into column A, B and C.

In two of the worksheets it's also different (C3:C1000 , G3:G:1000, H3:H1000).

I've seen many where you copy one range from multiple worksheets, and that would've been okay I guess if not those two worksheets were different. I'd prefer not to change them, and I'd also prefer if I could've gotten just the information I needed also. Is this possible to do?

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Copy & Append To Report, Rows From Multiple Sheets If Any Cell Meets Format Color

May 1, 2008

I've seen a few threads on here about this issue but none of them do quite what I am looking for. I'd like for a single page "report" to be created when a user presses a button (which runs a macro, of course) The macro should be able to run through certain named sheets (even if hidden) and if a cell in any row is red within a sheet then the entire row or rows that meet the criteria should be copied and pasted into the Report sheet.

On the report sheet, for each sheet that has had rows that were copied, I'd like to have the name of the sheet as the header above the pasted rows so that the user knows which sheet the data came from. Any sheet that doesn't have red cells would be excluded from the report. I've attached a sample file but had to limit the number of sheets because of Orgrid's file size limit. Hopefully, you'll see what I am getting at here.

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To Find Summary On 2 Columns Multiple Data

May 22, 2014

I've a table and in the first column titled 'VALUES' (A1) I've entered values ranging from 1 to 100 (A2:A10). In the second column titled 'STATUS' (B1), 'closed' or 'NA' is entered (B2:B10). Now I need to find how many cells are there in the table with 'closed' status in the range 0-25, 26-50, 51-75 and 76-100.

34 Closed
56 NA
44 Closed
98 Closed
18 NA
82 NA
23 Closed
40 NA
63 Closed
71 Closed

Closed Status Count
0 - 25 :
26 - 50 :
51 - 75 :
76 - 100 :

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Extracting Columns From Multiple Workbooks Into 1 Summary

Aug 14, 2009

I have a set of workbooks, with multiple sheets within each which I receive each month from field units. The formats are identical.

What I want to do is to extract data from one column on one specific sheet within each workbook to a summary sheet on a new workbook. In the snapshot below, I would like to collect data from the "Actual" column (in yellow) and then paste it on a summary sheet.

Monthly reportingEntity 13. Risk reportingJanuaryMarket Risks - LoansJanuaryTargetActualVarNumber of competitors 110%Market share 1%1%0%Ranking in market 110%Concentration of portfolio – region-wise (number)1%1%0%Concentration of portfolio – region-wise (value)1%1%0%Market growth rate 1%1%0%Inflation rate 1%1%0%

This would appear in a new summary worksheet as below: (the cell labelled "Entity 1" would then appear as the column header in the summary sheet.)

Monthly reporting - summary sheet3. Risk reportingTarget rangeEntity 1Entity 2Entity 3Market Risks - LoansActualActualActualNumber of competitors 1Market share 1%Ranking in market 1Concentration of portfolio – region-wise (number)1%Concentration of portfolio – region-wise (value)1%Market growth rate 1%Inflation rate 1%

The steps I imagine are:
1. Open all workbooks in a specified folder (folder name upon prompt)
2. Search each workbook for a sheet titled "Risk Reporting"
3. Copy the specified cell (for the column header) and the specified column into a new sheet in a new workbook
4. Move on to fill up the next column, and so on ...

Also is there a way to order the copying so that the columns always line up in a specified order? (e.g. Entity 1, followed by 2, followed by 3 ...). One way I guess is to fix the column headers in my summary sheet, and then fetch the data from the corresponding worksheet, by matching the names.

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Copy Same Column From List Of Worksheets To Summary Page To Next Available Column

Feb 26, 2013

If you open the attached file you'll notice that once clients are entered into the name field of the master worksheet that a new worksheet is created with their name based off a master template. What I need now is a way to create a "on-demand" "click" macro that will allow the user to select a month (Jan-Dec) based on my master tab and autocreate a summary worksheet named that month with each client listed on the Team Roster worksheet in the next available column of the worksheet that was just created.

macro generate a prompt to list the months to allow updates frequently.. so if the same month was run twice it would overwrite the previous.. the woman we're doing this for isn't very excel literate...

NOTE: As you enter names on the Team Roaster sheet it will autocreate tabs.. test file has MrExcel as the worksheet, if deleted the sheet will delete automatically.

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Copy Multiple Columns Between Every Nth Column In Another Workbook

Apr 28, 2014

I have two worksbooks both with a big load of (filled)columns, now i want to copy the columns from the first workbook between the columns of the second workbook, the only thing is that in the first workbook the columns are nicely put together, i want to copy them in the second workbook but here they must me placed 7 columns apart from eachother. This is because the other columns are already filled with other data I need. Is there some way to do this.

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Copy Data From One Column To Multiple Columns

Sep 7, 2007

I found this treat but it didn't help me as i hoped. Move Data From One Column To Multiple Columns. I try to convert multiple datablocks to a new worksheet and make the adress blocks ready for further sorting and removing actions. The Excel I use is Dutch and i hope that i make my question clear. What I want:

copy each adressblock to another worksheet, put the initals as well as the beginning in a seperate column and delete the unnecessary comma's. Each adressblock is identified by a number in colom A. When a new number is shown, excel has to start a new line to fill. finally,if possible i like to extract the adress line into seperate colums of "street+numer", zip and place. Some adresblock have more than onder adres, if possible i want excel to ad these information in the 'extra' colums.

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Copy Same Range From Multiple Worksheets Onto Summary Sheet

Mar 12, 2009

I have searched for my answer but because I am new to all this I am stuggling to manipulate some of the other code that is close to what I am after..

I am trying to find a quick way of summarising data from multiple detail sheets onto a summary sheet (all within the same workbook) with the number of worksheets varying (ie: I may add or delete worksheets).

I basically want a concise summary of the other detailed sheets.

My Workbook is setup as follows:

Multiple sheets detailing each individual trade (with a summary at the bottom with the basic info I need on the summary sheet).

A summary sheet totalling the profit/ loss from all trades, costs of all trades etc (I am ok with this).

A summary sheet summarising all trades - ie each of the summaries contained on the individual trade sheets consolidated onto one sheet for quick reference:

Trade #TradePositionProfit LossHold Time

What I am struggling to get onto the summary sheet is all the individual summaries on the detail sheets. The reason for this is that each trade can have up to 3 positions: the Initial trade, Pyramid 1 & Pyramid 2. (This range is in the same location of each sheet but could be 1, 2 or 3 lines) and the number of trades I enter during the month can vary (ie the worksheet number can vary).

I don’t want to have to manually update a range, of a consolidation for example, each time I add a new trade (new worksheet) & want to view a summary.

I thought it would be easier to summaries each trade at the bottom of each trade sheet so I can pick the information up from the same spot already in the format I want it in for the summary page.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get the summary to search each sheet, no matter if there is 1 trade or 50 trades & pull the summary information which is located in the same spot onto the one sheet for a quick view?

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Copy Values From Multiple Worksheets To Summary Sheet

May 9, 2009

I have attempted to use a table of contents macro and then Hlookups to pull corresponding data from each worksheet, but haven't had success

Issue: Excel workbook contains 50+ worksheets formatted the same, with data located in the same cells. Worksheets are constantly added to the workbook so the formula needs to scan the entire workbook

How the data is organized: Subject headings are as follows: Cell A1 is "Loan ID"; A2 is labeled "Deal Name"; A3 is "Property Name"; A6 is "Loan Amount"; and E4 is "Asset Manager". Cells B1,B2, B3, B6, and F4 contain the corresponding data.

Goal: I would like to automatically pull all of this information onto a summary page (much like a table of contents, but with the subject headings running across the top of the page) and the text data running down the page. I would also like to be able to click on the property name and have it direct me to the corresponding tab<br> <br>

I have attached an example of what I am looking for, see "summary" tab for end result and other tabs as make-up of the data.

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Copy Same Range From Multiple Worksheets To Summary Sheet

Aug 12, 2009

I have an excel workbook containing 123 worksheets. Sheet1 I have titled "Summary" and I wish to copy data from the remaining sheets (2-123) into it. Each sheet is formatted in the same way, and I wish to take the data in cells E66:G130 from each worksheet and paste it into the Summary sheet (so, Sheet2's 3 columns would be pasted in cell A1, Sheet3's in D1, and so on).

I gave a couple of codes a go (this one is from a thread "Copy Data From Multiple Worksheets & Append To Single Worksheet", I tried to alter accordingly):

Sub SummurizeSheets()
Dim ws As Worksheet

Application. Screenupdating = False

For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws. Name <> "Summary" Then
ActiveSheet.Paste Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
End If
Next ws
End Sub

However, I don't understand what "ActiveSheet.Paste Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)" refers to - I am told there is an error with this line ("compile error expected =").

I also tried the Consolidate function, but had problems as well.

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Copy Rows From Different Sheets To Same Column In Summary Sheet?

Feb 25, 2012

Basically I have an Excel workbook with 6 different worksheets containing data. In each sheet I have two columns that are the same in each sheet, called "Category" (column F) and "amount" (column G). In one of the sheets I also have "Category" and "amount" in column H and I.

I want to write a VBA code that copies these columns (until blank row) and pastes them underneath eachother in the summary sheet.

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Find Summary Row On Multiple Lines - Copy Entire Row And Paste To New Sheet

Sep 21, 2013

I have a file that has simple stats for multiple days. At the end of each day is a "Summary" line. I can't figure out how to find the lines that have the word Summary in them and copy all the values in that line to another sheet. I've made a mock up of my data. I have minimal experience with Macros, but am learning quickly.

Period Start
SL Calc

12:00 AM

[Code] .....

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Summary / Reports (Multiple Columns Calculation Into Different Reports)

Feb 17, 2014

I have an expense workbook (Data) with 4 columns (ID, Item, Cost, Date). I would like to create macros that will generate 3 different reports and write to 3 different worksheets.

The first report is sorted and sum up the cost for each item. Please see the worksheet "Item".

The second report is sorted and sum up the cost for each part ID. Please see the worksheet "ID".

The third report is the cost for each month and Year-to-Date cost right next to it. Please see worksheet "Summary".

write the macros for each of these reports assuming that we don't know the number of rows in the "Data" worksheet.

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Search Multiple Criteria If Match Append Multiple Cells To One Cell?

Apr 28, 2012

I am having such a difficult time creating a macro that will reduce the 5+hours I have to spend each week manually copying & pasting all of this data. I making an IMMENSE difference in this worker bee's life!

I have a workbook with two sheets (Sheet1 & Sheet2). Sheet1 has license #'s in column A and the state that the license belongs to in column B like this:

COLUMN ACOLUMN B11111Alaska11112Alabama11113Arkansas11114Arkansas
Sheet2 has three columns. Column A has the license #'s, column B has the state that the license belongs to and Columns C shows a line-of-authority tied to that license #.


I'm trying to write a macro that will compare the license # and state in Sheet1 to the license # and state in Sheet2. If it matches, append the contents of Column C to the corresponding row in Sheet1.

Here's the thing...Sheet2 contains the entries for all licenses in the company (so this table is HUGE). And there are multiple entries for each state license # (notice how there's two entries above for AK license # 11111 - one for the Property line and one for the Casualty line.

After my macro is run, I want Sheet1 to show all the lines-of-authority on a single line. So if I ran my macro on the above example, after it's run I would have this in Sheet1:

C11111AlaskaProperty Casualty11112AlabamaProperty Casualty11113
ArkansasLife Health11114ArkansasLife Health

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Append Multiple Workbooks With Multiple Worksheets

Sep 5, 2008

I would like to append multiple workbooks with multiple worksheets in a separate workbook. For eg. I have workbook "A" with sheets 1,2,3 and workbook "B" with sheets 4,5,6. Now I want to append "A" and "B" to create workbook "C" with sheets 1,2,3,4,5,6.

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Copy From One Sheet And Append In Another One

Mar 16, 2008

sheet 2 will be the entry form
sheet 3 the database

I would like to copy the values in cells B1:B4 and D4:D5 in sheet2 and paste them transposed it sheet 3 in the next empty row starting in cell A#,
so basically is to copy from sheet 2 and append the data in sheet 3
every time that I press the entry data button, that will allow me to populate the database from a separate sheet

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Copy 4 Times And Append _01, _02,

Jul 9, 2008

Is there a way in excel to have it automatically copy a cell 4 times and append _01, _02, etc..


and automatically make it look like this:


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Copy Multiple Columns Groups To 1 Group Of X Columns

Aug 6, 2009


The key point is that I have over 400 columns grouped in three, offset by one row down for each (this is due to a different formula I have working). Each column is 60 numbers long (not including empty cells above data). I want to copy all of these columns into a single set of three columns on another sheet (Sheet2). (These will be the fifth, sixth, and seventh columns, E, F, and G. If it would be simpler, I could simply copy the third of each set of columns on Sheet1 (C, F, I) to column G of Sheet2. Then there would be a total of 144 columns being copied (60 numbers per column).) All of this copying has to be values-only as the original columns consist of formulas referencing outside cells. Sheet2 should look like this:.............

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Convert Column B As Multiple Column Titles And Move Data In Column C Into New Columns?

Jun 30, 2014

I have a excelsheet that looks like this:

Column A | Column B | Column C
Los Angeles | Fire Dept | 3
Los Angeles | Health Services | 12
New York | Fire Dept | 8
New York | Health Services | 22
New York | Internal Services | 100
New York | Public Works | 7
Chicago | Health Services | 15
Chicago | Public Works | 56
Chicago | Social Services | 4

And I am trying to make it look like this:

Fire Dept
Health Services
Internal Services
Public Works
Social Services

Los Angeles

New York




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Copy Cells Append To Table?

Mar 27, 2014

I have some cells in column A that are linked to a template on another sheet. I need a macro that will copy the values and paste them in a column at the end of my table.

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VBA Code To Copy Selected Multiple Columns To Multiple Rows In Excel

Mar 13, 2014

I want to to copy selected columns of sales data into rows organized by salesperson. I have just started out with VBA and find that I cannot do it myself.

My original data are in the form of the following:


[Code] .....

I want to display the data in another sheet in the following format:


[Code] ...........

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Copy Multiple Columns From Multiple Excel Files & Paste Into 1 Workbook

Nov 7, 2009

I have 8 different files all have a set of data in them

each one has a long list of (column a-n) however the number of rows change by date. I need each file copied into the finalfile.xls one after another. in the files that will be merged into the final file the final row i need copied is blank.
I have all the copy formulas and everything set, I just need a range to copy that automaticaly takes cell a10 to the first blank a cell from each file and pastes it in the finalfile.xls under the last paste so they dont over write each other.

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