Append Contents Of One Cell To Another Cell With Text That Still Editing
May 9, 2014
Cell A1 = Ref#01
Cell B1 = A1&(whatever I choose to type)
Result in cell B1: Ref#01whatever I choose to type
Looks like I would need a macro because a function will be overwritten as soon as I start typing in cell B1.
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May 4, 2009
I have a spreadsheet wherein the column g keeps a chronological record of actions taken on a particular issue. Each time there is a new action taken on an issue, I go to the G column of the appropriate row, position my cursor at the beginning of the text already in that field, press CTRL Return twice, Press the up arrow twice and begin typing. I always add the date first followed by a colon,(e.g. 5/4, I bold that date and then position my cursor after the colon and begin typing the update to the status.
It occurs to me that all of the steps leading up to the typing of the issue could probably be autmated in a macro.
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Aug 2, 2009
I have a text file, which has a column of wrong data. I can change it manually by loading it into Excel but it is semi-colon delimited and I can't export to such a file.
I therefore, would like to write a VBA tool, which reads the file and edits the the value between the 5th and 6th semi-colon and will continue do this for each row (the new value is constant across the rows).
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May 16, 2009
This is probably really easy but I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
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Jul 10, 2009
I am looking for a macro to convert a 6 digital serial number into an 8 digit serial number by adding "00" to the front. ie. The cell may say 123456, but I need to change it to display 00123456.
Is there a simple way to do this?
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Aug 11, 2007
I write a daily status report that adds my daily comment to a cell with previous text in it. I then paste it in three other cells. This process is slow and tedious since the text in the cell is now becoming extremely long due to organizational and managerial restraints of the existing format. I use cut and paste and manual enter, a alt + enter, to space new comment. I would like to be able to enter the text in a cell and have it update the comment cell with the text in it and to update the text box. I have reviewed the forum and have yet to find the answer and use of how else to pose the questions.
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Oct 15, 2007
I have a filename written in cell A1- eg dog.jpg - and I want to insert a set character string just before the .jpg part. ie so it becomes dog_test.jpg in B1. How would you guys do it? I've been thinking of really long-winded methods that'd use several cells, but I reckon there might be a cleverer way!
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Jun 6, 2013
I have inherited multiple spreadsheets with thousands of hyperlinks in a single column, from all of which I need to extract the hyperlink text to audit it and edit it. The hyperlinks are only displaying less than useful words such as "Go To" "View" or "Click Here", for example.
Manually, I can right-click on the cell, select Edit Hyperlink, press Ctrl+End to select the entire link, press Ctrl+C to copy it, click on OK to close the editing dialogue, then paste it in the destination cell. That's easy, and good if you only have a few to do, but very tiresome if you have more than a dozen. Life's too short to do all those I need to do manually with a 29 day deadline!
I tried setting up a Macro to do it for me, but couldn't get it to work down a column and paste the result in the destination cell on the same row as each successive cell was located. I do very little Macro work, and I find Excel to be less than intuitive in this respect, so I gave up. (At least in Word you can see the whole step-by-step process in the Macro Editing window and easily fix it, if need be...).
One previous discussion, dating from 2006, supplied two answers. See [URL]
Should I set up a Macro and insert the above Function into it? Or is there a completely different way to do it? how to do this in Excel 2003/WinXP is very welcome.
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Apr 1, 2008
I've got a sheet in which I want a drop down box, to ADD the value* to a cell, not overwriting its current value!
*The name of the selected option in the drop down box, the names are located in Map3!A1-n, I set the drop down box to display the related number in a cell next to it.
The cell would contain some text, and by selecting something in the drop down box, it would add the name of that option to the already existing value in the cell.
So if at first the cell's value is
Hi! I 'm Mark,
and you select the following option from the dropdown box
I 'm from Holland!
the cell would end with the value
Hi! I 'm Mark, I'm from Holland!
This would probably work with a macro, already made a start with it but I couldn't get it to ADD the value instead of overwriting it.
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Jul 14, 2009
I have data that covers multiple rows that I need to merge into one row.
Header:| InvoiceNumber | Type | Name
Row1: | 1000 | Payor | Doe, John
Row2: | 1000 | Payor | Smith, Mary
Row3:| 1000 | Payee| Jones, Henry
Row4:| 1000 | Payee | Jones, Bob
I need to get those four example rows down to one row such as:
Header | InvoiceNumber | Payor | Payee
Row1: | 1000 | Doe, John & Smith, Mary | Jones, Henry & Jones, Bob
The number of payor/payee can vary between 1 and several. I need some way to loop through and keep appending the names in one cell separated by a "&". And then deleting all the duplicate rows (based on InvoiceNumber).
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Feb 18, 2009
Been racking brain, searching through the forum here, and my Excel 2003 Bible all day trying to figure out this problem to no avail. I would like to clear the contents of any cell in a given range if the cell immediately to the right of is formatted as bold.
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Feb 9, 2009
I want to display the contents of cell B5 in A7 by using cell C7 to show the location of the cell to be displayed. Cell C7 has a formula that shows the cell location of information (text) that needs to be displayed. How can I show in A7 the contents of cell reference shown in C7? In figure attached I show an example to better understand. Want in A7 to show the contents of B5 by reading what is in C7. So A7 cell should show word Road.
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Jun 19, 2014
So right now I have a spreadsheet that looks something like this:
As you can see, the stock names are slightly different in columns A & C (CORP. vs CORP, CO vs CO., etc). I need a formula in column D that searches column A for the first word in column C, and then retrieves the contents of that cell. I want to do this because I will then use a vlookup in column E to get the ticker for the stock.
Right now I have: =IF(ISERROR(SEARCH(LEFT(C1,FIND(" ",C1)),A:A,1)),A:A,"")
This formula searches column A for EXXON, but does not return the contents of the cell. Instead, it returns the contents of a different cell in the column.
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Jun 7, 2007
Search a worksheet for a user defined text string, and have excell return the contents of a predetermined column in the same row in which the text string was found.
A prepopulated worksheet has the text "gold" entered in cell T278.
1. user searches for "yellow_metal"
2. Excell finds "yellow_metal" in row 278, say in cell A278.
3. Excell then goes to predetermined column (programed as part of macro or VB), say "T", and returns the text contents of the cell in that column, T278 in this example.
4. Excell returns "gold"
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Mar 10, 2004
I need a macro to automatically copy the contents of a cell to a text box.
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Sep 13, 2012
My workbook has sevaral sheets reresenting the payment methods used by our customers. Each sheet has a range of cells F9 to Q33 which should hold the value of payments for each working day. e.g. F9 represents April 1st, F10 represents April 2nd.
A daily list of values is supplied which then transfers that day's value into cell E1 on each sheet.
On each sheet I manually have to take the value in E1 and copy and paste special: value into that day's cell e.g. today I will paste into cell K21. The cell value then looks like this '12134.12'. I then edit the cell to put a calculation on the end to divide the value by the value in another cell on the sheet. The cell value ends up like this '=12134.12/$G$5'. This is so I can see the values in thousands of pounds or by changing the value of G5 to 1,000,000 in millions.
Tomorrow I will do the same but in cell K22.
I have to do this on 15 worksheets and I have been struggling to get a macro together to do this. I can get as far as copying and pasting but I don't know how to add the calculation onto the end. I also would like to be able to input the cell destination daily probably with an input box so I can be flexible and potentially run it sevaral times if I need to catch up on previous days.
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Jan 2, 2014
Below is a small sample of Column A from a spreadsheet I'm working with. All cells in the column begin with a 6 digit number:
What formula would allow me to enter only a 6 digit number and return the entire cell contents, i.e, search for 115403 and get a return of 115403_WACO ? I have tried INDEX and MATCH, but I'm not getting the results I need.
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Oct 31, 2008
I need to merge the contents of an Excel 2007 workbook into a text document, creating a series of paragraphs that look like this: Text text text [contents of cell A1] text text text [contents of cell A1] text. Text text text [contents of cell A2] text text text [contents of cell A2] text. Etc.
Apart from the cell contents, each paragraph will be identical. (I would do this by hand, but there are about 500 paragraphs.). Is there a way to merge the cell contents like that into a text document (Word or whatever)?
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Feb 13, 2014
Need to search a sheet and find cells that contain the text "Requirement". If found then i want that cell to become blank.
so in sheet1,
i have a number of columns and a number of rows
in cell A3 the value is - " there are requirements"
in cell F23, the value is -"the Requirement is"
since both cells have the word requirement, I want these cells to become blank.
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Feb 19, 2014
Need to search a sheet and find cells that contain the text "."
Want all cells that don't contain a "." (dot) to be erased from the sheet
Example : so in sheet1,
I have a number of columns and a number of rows
in cell A3 the value is - " there are requirements."
in cell F23, the value is -"the Requirement is."
since both cells have "." ( dot) , I want these cells to remain in the sheet, but the rest of the cells should become blank.
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May 20, 2005
If I have the following text string in a cell "" how do I reverse the contents i.e. "zyx.321cba"?
If the cell contains a numeric value e.g. 12345, then I want to know how to reverse it i.e. 54321
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Jan 12, 2012
I frequently review DAT files. These DAT files use a variety of characters as delimiters. I'm trying to devise a macro that will perform a text-to-column operation, using the content of a specified cell as the delimiter.
Here's my code, which uses - (ASCII 0254) as a delimiter:
With Sheet1
Range("A1", ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select
Instead of having the delimiter hard-coded, I'd like my macro to use whatever character I enter into Sheet3.Range("i5") as a delimiter. That way, I can easily change my delimiter character as necessary.
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May 11, 2007
I have a workbook with 2 worksheets, A and B. Sheet A contains source data and sheet B a pivot table of this data. I want my user to click on a cell within the pivot table,click a button that runs a macro to find the instance of this value within Sheet A. I did record a macro but it did not work.
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Feb 20, 2008
I would like to find a text string in a document, move the information in the cell to the right of this to another cell (say A1).
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Aug 24, 2009
I have some dynamic named ranges in sheet1, and in sheet2 I have data validation dropdown list which has the names of all the DNR's in it.
What I want it to do (in sheet3, no less) is for the user to be able to pick a named range from the dropdown list, and have a particular column in sheet3 then display that entire named range.
I have made a 'data' worksheet which is the source for the data validation in sheet2. Each item in the list identically matches the name of each of the named ranges. I was hoping to be able to use some form of =INDIRECT but alas, no such luck.
So it's almost like a copy and paste function I'm after, where:
If you pick "Schedule_From" out of the DD-list, then DNR 'Schedule_From' is what is pasted in Column B in Sheet3.
DON'T want to use a PivotTable.
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Mar 12, 2014
I thought this was a pretty simple formula but I am having difficulty creating it. I am attaching a little test spreadsheet. Sheet 1 is where the data will be entered. The Reimbursed column has a drop down choice of yes or no. The next 2 columns are the cost of registration and the cost of accommodations. On sheet 2 is where I would like the formulas. So in cell A4 I would like a formula that says if B3 on sheet 1 is Yes populate this cell with the contents of Cell C3 only, B4 of sheet 2 would then be B3 if A3 on sheet 3 is Yes and so on with the Not reinbursed if sheet 1 the Reimbursed column is no.
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Jul 12, 2006
just wanted to know if there is a way i can append to a cell
for example:
cell f3 contains "what a beautiful"
i would like to know how to add more to it
so the final f3 would look like "what a beautiful day"
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Jan 18, 2010
I need to create a rule that will append data to the end of a url to pull images for a ecommerce store.
I have a column that needs filled in with a image url.
For example:
Each image url starts with
Then, it needs the style number, which is in column A, and then a _ and color, which is column B, and then .JPG added to the very end.
The final example url will look like this:
Each row has it own color, so each row will need a unique url to the image location. The data for each url is all in the same row.
So, how can i add a formula to each row so that it will pull the data and add the file extension for each row?
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Feb 23, 2007
if cell in column E contains 'YTD', append value of cell in column D at the end with a space before it (example: " VALUE") to cell in column C. not sure how to go about this. i attached a one row example
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Sep 8, 2007
I would like to do a SaveAs that includes information from a cell, range("A1") on Sheet("#28 - All Eligible"). The contents of the cell will always be like "Dates of Service 07/01/07 to 09/05/07 - Measure #28 All Eligible". I want my SaveAs file name to concatenate part of that cell. My final result should be "PQRI Totals - DOS 07/01/07 to 09/05/07". The date range would come from my A1 cell. This is what I've written, but it's not working.
Sub PQRIHeaderTest()
Dim sHeader, sHeader2, sPath
sHeader = Left(Sheets("#28 - All Eligible").Range("A1"), 37)
sHeader2 = Right(sHeader, 20)
sPath = "R:BusinessObjectsReportsPQRI"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=sPath & "PQRI Totals - DOS " & sHeader2, _
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