Applying Formula To Many Cells That Already Contain Values

Jun 8, 2014

I want to apply a simple formula to a number of cells in an existing workbook that already contain values E.g.

My column contains the values
in separate cells

I want to divide each value by 1.2 - without having to change every individual cell - can it be done?

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Applying Numerical Values To Letters In Formula

Feb 28, 2007

I'm putting together an Environment Threat Assessment for work and want to automate as much of it as I can to alleviate the amount of time ppl have to spend putting values in. My main problem is I have three very important columns: Likelihood, Success Rating and Risk Rating. Likelihood and Success Rating values will be selected from the following:

VL - Very Low
L - Low
M - Medium
H - High
VH - Very High
Each of these is given a value: VL = 1, L = 2, M = 3, H = 4, VH = 5.
The Risk Rating is the result of multiplying the Likelihood and Success Rating. So a Likelihood of Medium and a Success Rating of Low will give a Risk Rating of 6. Therefore, the cells on my spreadsheet would look like this:

Likelihood Success Rating Risk Rating
M L 6
The issue is I want a couple of things to occur. Firstly I want keep the values in my Likelihood and Success Rating cells as letters (ie. VL, H, VH etc) rather than numbers, while still generating a number result in the Risk Rating cells. Secondly I'd like to be able to change the colour of the Risk Rating cell to reflect the number it gets assigned. For example Green for < 8, Amber for 9 – 14 and Red for 15 – 25. I've been trying to do this with array formulas and am basically going around in circles with no success.

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Applying Formula To Highlight Cells That Don't Follow Standard Format

Feb 4, 2014

I'm trying to find ways of applying a formula in condition formatting to find entries which don't follow a certain format.

to be clear, this is for a reg plate of a car. There are two styles of formats. The X's represent A-Z and # represents numerical values

1. XX##XXX
2. XX####

find a way of applying two test cases (non-simultaneously) so that cells highlight if they don't follow either of the above conditions?

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Counting Consecutives Values In A Range And Applying (yes / No) Result

Mar 3, 2014

I need to input a formula that will produce a "yes / no" result if a "0" value appears consecutively six or more times.

Using the date below (ranges A1:Q1, A2:Q2 and A3:Q3), I need cell R1 to read "yes", as there are 7 consecutive "0" values. Cells, R2 and R3, however, need to read "no" as there are less than six consecutive "0" values in rows 2 and 3 respectively.



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Applying Same Formula To Entire Row

Feb 20, 2012

I have an excel sheet where I do a simple price-discount calculation for a product. Please check the file at:

Code: [URL] ........

A2 shows the price, B2 shows the discount and C1-L1 shows the number of units sold. C2-L2 is where I want to calculate the earnings based on the formula I have in C2. I want to apply the same formula to the entire row so that I can quickly see the earning for any number of units sold.

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Applying One Formula To 2 Columns

Feb 8, 2014

So right now I have a formula that I'm using in column "C":

=IF(B4="","",IF(AND(B4=22),"IN RANGE","OUT OF RANGE"))

So basically column C tells you if the number in the B column in within the range of 22-30. Now I want to write the formula in column D and make it apply to columns B and C.

So cells in columns B and C will have a number value in it and I will make column D where the formula is. There will be a number in B or C, but never at the same time. I can't figure out how to alter the formula to do this.

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Applying Formula To Drop Down List?

Feb 14, 2013

Cell B1 is to display money value dependent on what item has been selected from drop down box in Cell A1

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Applying IF To Multiple Cells

Jan 9, 2014

I am trying to update a project tracking sheet at work and I am having trouble. I have a list of construction projects (approx 130) along with details on the project, one detail being % completed. I am trying to create a summary of the projects at the bottom of the page, showing the total value of all projects, according to the % completed.

= 10% is AWARDED
>10% <90% is IN PROGRESS


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VBA: Applying The If Statement To All Cells

Mar 3, 2008

I use the If - Then statement in VBA to determine a condition which works perfectly fine for the particular cell I reference to, but i need it to apply to all the cells i.e. cells A1:A10?

Sub MACRO1()

If Range("A1") = "PAYE" Then
Range("B1").Formula = "=C2 * .128"
End If

If Range("A1") = "LTD" Then
Range("B1").Formula = "=(C2 - 100)* .128"
End If

End Sub

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Applying Formula In A Column For New Rows Inserted?

Jul 23, 2014

I've applied a basic multiplication formula =D12*E12 in a table Column F, also I've filled it throughout but now if new rows are inserted in between or at the end of the table, new cells in this columns doesn't include this formula.

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Applying Formula Across Columns For Multiple Rows?

Mar 3, 2014

I have a formula that I wrote in B2 and then applied vertically to a large list of rows (100+). I applied it vertically by simply double-clicking the cell with the formula, and it cleanly applied the formula to every row in Column B.

This formula now needs to be applied horizonally across columns, for each respective row. I need a way to do this in one swoop, as it would be very time consuming to manually drag each cell in column B.

I've attached a sample spreadsheet with a simple formula just for the sake of an example.

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Excel - Applying Color To Cells?

Sep 19, 2013

I am using two separate workbooks. I am tranferring dates into a new spreadsheet to track projects dates for milestones.

The formula I am using is this: =IF('[BBBBB Dates as of 9-9-13.xlsx]Sheet1'!$CQ$4="", VLOOKUP(W54, '[BBBBB Dates as of 9-9-13.xlsx]Sheet1'!$1:$1048576, 94, FALSE), VLOOKUP(W54, '[BBBBB Dates as of 9-9-13.xlsx]Sheet1'!$1:$1048576, 95, FALSE)).

I would like the cell to turn green if the last part of the formula is true and stay clear if the first part of the formula is true.

I also need to add color beyond just that. I was attempting to apply conditional formatting but am a bit stumped. I want the green to be maintained regardless of other formatting. I would also like to apply to cells that are not color coded green:

Red - if the date is overdue
Yellow - if the date is within 7 days
Otherwise, leave the cell color as clear

Is this possible with conditional formatting? I am not at all proficient in VBA...

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Applying Filter To 'Coloured' Cells

Dec 28, 2007

Is it possible to apply Filter utility on Column Cells that are 'coloured'?

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Applying Trim To Cells With Hyperlinks

Dec 17, 2008

I have thousands of path names in a spreadsheet that were converted to hyperlinks, but my client wants to see only the filename in the hyperlink, not the whole path.

I created the hyperlinks by applying the following to the column containing the file paths: ....

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Applying Formula To Dynamic Number Of Rows For Different Files?

Feb 20, 2014

I'm new to creating macros and trying to create a macro that will perform a formula that I can use for multiple files. However the files are a varying number of rows.

I want the formula to carry out on the entire column (all rows). However when I record the macro (I tried using relative and also tried using absolute references when filling the formula) the formula always seems to stop filling wherever my original file's rows stopped. I wrote the formula for the first row and double clicked it to fill the remaining rows.

For example if the macro I recorded in File 1 goes to row 15, when I run the macro on File 2 which is 20 rows, the formula stops filling at row 15.

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Applying Formula To Entire Column Without Lengthening Spreadsheet?

Jul 29, 2014

I'm wondering if it's possible to have a formula applied to an entire column without adding unnecessary length to the spreadsheet until someone is actually scrolling down and using more rows. I want formulas to be constantly present in two columns to automatically calculate values as they are entered into other cells in the same row, but ideally without the otherwise empty spreadsheet being X amount of rows long.

I initially had the formula dragged down 15,000 rows, but it would really be much better if it could start out as a smaller size and then expand as the user requires.

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Applying Function To Certain Cells Only Based On Another Column

Aug 17, 2014

Supposing you would like to find the median of numbers in column D, but only for rows that have the word "Jones" in column A? Is there a way to do this? Obviously I know I could do a sort and simply specify the range myself, but we're dealing with nearly 2000 rows and a LOT of different values in column A

It occurs to me that it would be even better if I could ask excel, in effect, to identify every separate text string in column a and then find the median of the corresponding numbers in column D. In other words I wouldn't have to type any strings from column A at all.

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Applying Conditional Formatting To Multiple Cells?

Apr 25, 2012

If you have a range of cells with values in them (Q2:AZ2), you can use conditional formatting to identify the top x% of the group and it would essentially treat each cell in comparison to the group. I need to identify if a cell in the group is greater than 3*Stdev(Q2:AZ2). Do I have to create conditional formatting for each individual cell or is there a way to apply a function to the group that would recognize each cell the same way that the canned conditional formatting rules work?

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Applying Macro Code To A Range Of Cells

Dec 26, 2009

how can i do the following using VBA
making each cell in column A added to each cell in column B and the result will be in the column C
for example
... etc

i know i can do that simply without vba code but I just want to use this method to implement more complex formulas .

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Applying Formulas To An Entire Column Of Cells

Mar 20, 2007

how do I apply a formula I entered into one cell to all the cells in that column, without going through the tedious process of typing the formula in again in each cell ? I've done it before but don't remember how.

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Cannot Select And Pull Down Cells To Copy After Applying A Macro

Apr 23, 2014

I was messing around with some Macros, as an issue came up where clients were pasting over Data Validated cells (thus removing the validation). Somehow though, the feature where you can select a cell, then pull the active cell down through the column (and then can copy, fill series, etc)has become disabled. I deleted all the macros, and turned them off in the Trust Center, but when I click on a cell the box and plus sign still won't display for me to pull the cell down the column.

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Automation - Applying Conditional Formatting To Group Of Cells In Loop?

Jul 18, 2014

So I would like to automate the following, as doing it by hand takes a lot of time. I have searched the whole internet and finished empty handed.

Start from cell E10
Select cell
Move 3 cells down
Select cell
Move 3 cells down
Select cell
Move 3 cells down
Select cell
Move 3 cells down
Select cell
Move 3 cells down
Select cell
Move 3 cells down
Select cell
Apply double entry conditional formatting
Move 3 cells down
Repeat above until cell E5000

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Applying Formula In Cell Y/ Tab Y Only If Data Is In Cell X / Tab X?

Feb 4, 2014

I have a Excel file with three tabs on it: 'Raw Data', 'Edited' & 'Upload Ready'. As you can probably guess, you dump raw data in the first tab, it pulls the second one where it is 'edited', which then goes through to the final one which contains pre-populated information required on each upload.

Now I'm not great with Excel, so when I get the formula to work as required in H2 (Edited tab) I just drag it down to HX as needed by the number of rows used in the Raw Data tab: View image: Excel drag

Is it possible to apply the formula used in H2 in H3:HX only if there is data entered in A1:AX in the 'Raw Data' tab? ... or rather I'm sure it is possible (I would guess using the 'IF' function') but I can't work out how to do it and then apply it to the entire column.

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Display Formula Instead Of Its Values In Some Cells

Jan 6, 2006

I encountered problem for some excel files when typing a formula but
displayed a formula instead of its calculated values, e.g.

when I entered "=100 + 100", what I exepected is to display as "200", but it
was displayed as "=100 + 100" instead.

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Formula To Copy Only Cells With Values

Aug 26, 2013

I am working on a template for a team that requires me to create a format to be able to be paste on a PowerPoint presentation. The format for the PPT has been created by the board directors and need to stay that way. What I am trying to do is have the team members to populate one form that will feed different spreadsheets, but I am facing the issue that I need a formula or macro that will pull only the cells with values from column D to other table to column Q, in the next print screen you can see what my final goal is...

[URL] ...........

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Formula To Sum Values Based On 2 Cells

Mar 30, 2007

I have three columns of data. I want to give the average sales per person per year but I don't know how to combine two columns in the formula.


I want the output to be something like:

Average Sales Per Year


For example, I want to give 2006 sales for Sarah.

I know that I could add an extra column to my first table which concatenates the Manager and Year. HOWEVER, In my example it would be fine but in my sales report there is a lot more data with a lot more going on. I don't want to have additional hidden columns that people might stumble upon and change).

I want to use formula and NOT code as other people will be using the sheet and making changes to it. I want them to simply be able to autofill any additional rows rather than me having to update code.

I have attached my example.

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Formula To Sum Cells Only When All Cells Contain Values

Jul 31, 2013

I have a column of cells that the user enters values in ... say cells A1 through A10. Once all cells have values in them, I want cell A11 to display the sum. The formula I'm trying to use is:


But this is putting the sum in A11 as soon as any cell has a value in it.

Is there an easy way with a formula to require all ten cells to have values?

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Formula To Show (not Add) Values Of Different Cells In One Cell?

Jun 8, 2014

For example: C4=5,C5=18, and C6=7.

I want A1 to show 4,5,18,7 (the values of cells C4 to C6).

I believe I have done this before, about 10+ years ago.

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How To Solve Formula In A Range Of Cells With N/A Values

Dec 6, 2013

I am attempting to create a formula that is including numeric values in multiple cells but I want to exclude cells that have an "N/A" value. I am calculating the blended average price using the volume and price from multiple cells but some cells don't have volume or price but an "N/A" instead. The blended average price should be $68 but how do I calculate that including all the cells...even the cells including the "N/A"

Attachment example included.

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Transform Cells With Visible Values (formula To Value)

Mar 11, 2014

I want my macro to transform the cells whom values are visible into pure value no formula "behind them". I have simple multiplication formulas in those cells. If The result of a multiplication is 0 and I format that cells to not show me that 0 with "0.000;-0.000;;@" the macro still deletes the formula from that cell.

[Code] .....

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