Assistance With Creating A Specific Macro Using VBA Code

Dec 8, 2008

I was wondering if someone could help me generate a Macro to do the following:

I have a sheet with the following characteristics.

Column A, rows 8-15 contain headers
Column A, rows 17-24 contain headers
Column A, rows 26-40 contain headers
Column B to CV, row 6 may or may not contain an "X"
Column B to CV, rows 8-15 & 17-24 & 26-40 may or may not contain the various data

I need a macro which does the following on the press of a button located somewhere on the sheet:
Generate a .TXT file in the folder C:Test with the name "Test_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS_Full.txt" which uses the system time and date to fill in the values In the TXT file the following data should be created: ....

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Creating VBA Macro That Changes Specific String To A Number

Jul 7, 2012

I am having some difficulty with a pdf that I converted to an excel document because I wanted to use the data from the pdf tables in a different program I am currently working on. However, the data is in the improper format. For example, in the table it reads 2-1/8 as string and I want it to be the number value 2.125 . Likewise if the value in the table reads 5-1/4 I want it to automatically convert it to something that will be read as the number 5.25

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Creating Macro To Print Specific Worksheets In Workbook

May 15, 2014

I have an excel workbook with about 40 worksheets. I have a formula in A1 of each sheet that returns a 1 or a 0 depending on whether or not the name of the worksheet is in a list.

What I am trying to do is create a macro that will print all worksheets that have a 1 in A1.

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Mouse Scroll WITHIN A Data Validation List & Option Macro Assistance

Jan 7, 2010

I'm trying to do a few things actually. I am somewhat a newb at programming, although I do understand how C++ and the coding works within Excel. To me, it's like the English language...knowing all of the vocabulary and formatting it right is important. If I don't know the vocabulary, I don't know what options I have.

This tool is being used in the call center I work in. It is to help eliminate repititious information used to notate accounts. I have attached a picture of what the tool looks like so you can have a better idea of what I'm working with. Here are a list of things I'm trying to do which I have searched and not found answers to:

1. I am trying to use a middle mouse scroll to scroll through validation list. This list information is located on a different locked tab. Basically, I have a few rows where a drop down selection can be made and it would be easier to scroll rather than manually moving the slider within the validation list.

2. As you can see, this "tool" an employee and I have created has many buttons. What I would like to do is to be able to click a button on the right and have it "stack" text within a single cell. In other words, if I click the button once, the text may be entered into the "actions taken" cell. If I click another button, I can have the option (or maybe a little "+" next to the button) to add this button's information to the end of the information already entered within the "actions taken" box. I've tried recording and using the keyboard and selecting "end" and then having the text added, but it didn't work. I've seen "loop" VBA code, but I don't want something to repeat, I want it to stack in the cell when clicked manually.

I'm sure there is a way to make the tool much better using VBA code and not use Excel, but I don't have an extensive knowledge of Excel to do something like that. I'm a very fast learner and understand how the coding works, so if you have an idea which may help, and you understand what I'm trying to do here, please provide your .02.

Basically, it's used so the Customer's name and phone number are entered manually, and then just about everything else is automated by the use of the buttons on the right. If I could get the 2 above options to work, it'd be perfect. I just figured out I could eliminate screen flicker and hide the macros working by using:

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Creating A Timer To Measure Macro Code Execution Times

Sep 7, 2006

I am looking for a way to measure how long it takes to complete a sub routine in VBA. I have code which posts data to matlab and then calls it back. What I need to know is how long does it take to complete each subroutine.

create a code which will measure this? I need to measure the time taken in 100ths of a second.

Is there any simple code to complete this? I am pasting a sample of my code which is using Matlab as a COM server.

Dim Matlab As Object
Dim MReal(10, 0) As Double
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim MImag() As Double
Dim value As Double
Dim RealValue As Double

I am sure I woould need to declare the timer but I do not know where and I am not sure of the syntax.

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VBA Code To Stop Macro If Specific Text Is Found

Feb 24, 2012

I have a simple macro that copies data from worksheet to another. I only want this macro to be run once per day by the user. One of the cells that gets copied is the value found in the formula "=today()". My thought is that the macro could look for the existance of the current date in the pasted data (meaning the macro has already been run once today), and if the date = today, then a message pops up warning the user that the macro has already been run once today, and ask if they're sure they want to continue.

Any easy way to accomplish what I'm attempting to do? The current date gets pasted into a worksheet name "PriorDay" in cell C5.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Pull AP Within Specific Zip Code?

Jun 15, 2012

I have an excel 2010 spreadsheet that lists all of our vendors and the amount we spent with them over the last year.

I want to know how many of them were local vendors.

I have a list of all the zip codes within a 100 mile radius (there are about 500 zip codes). I would like to write a macro or sort function that searches the entire vendor list and only reports back those vendors that are included in the zip codes I specify.

The columns are as follows:

Vendor City StateZip CodeTotal AP
Vendor 1TROY AL36082527.37
Vendor 2PHOENIXAZ85054100
Vendor 3TUCSONAZ8571416255

I want to keep the all the columns, I just want to eliminate all of the vendors that do not fall within the zip code criteria I set.

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Macro Code To List Files In Specific Folder

Apr 15, 2008

I am unable to install a disk catalog and have been trying with no success to try and get something in excel that will look at a directory and display the contents of that folder with the file attributes etc

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Macro Code Only Works If Specific Worksheet Active

Apr 30, 2008

I have searched the FAQ's but have not found a suitable answer to my problem. I have some code that works perfectly when it is run from the VB Editor but when I put it behind a command button it gives me an error almost straight away. I have read that when a command button is used the command button defaults the active sheet to the one that it is one therefore you always have to specify the active sheet but I have done this so am still confused as to why it is falling over. Below is my code, I have commented where it is tripping:

Sub FormattingAcutalReport()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="H:Risk ReportingDaily TemplatesMF Consolidated Risk DAILY LIVE DATA FROM BO.xls"
Workbooks.Open Filename:="H:Risk ReportingDaily TemplatesDaily Non Banks LIVE.xls"
Dim myBorders() As Variant, item As Variant
Set SEGNSEG = Workbooks("Todays Reports.xls").Worksheets("Seg and Non Seg Bank Summary")............................

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Code To Not Run Rest Of Macro If Specific Value In Cell - Error Check

May 13, 2013

I have a cell built into my spreadsheet that serves as an error check (i.e. returns the word 'ERROR' if certain criteria are fulfilled on the spreadsheet). I'm trying to write something into a Macro that will check this cell and not allow it to run if it states ERROR, returning a dialog box to notify this, is this possible?

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VBA Code For Adding A Specific Worksheet Condition Within Subfolder Consolidation Macro

Aug 22, 2013

The issue is the I want to put the condition here in my the code that only copies the desired cells if the sheet is named specifically such as "Jan", if not named as this the worksheet should not be used. The current code I am using was posted on this site in 2009: VBA to copy specified cells from all the files in a folder

My modified code is:

Option Explicit
Public strSourceFldr As String
Public EachFile As Object
Public objFSO As Object
Public objFolder As Object
Public objFile As Object
Public strSheetName As String

[Code] .........

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Ranking Assistance

Oct 13, 2009

i was looking for some assistance in regards to a formula i have used for ranking. i have attached a sample spreadsheet of what i have done so far but struggling to work something so thot id try here.

(Sample WB) Currently i have managed to rank in accordance to column E but as i have alot of 0% i would like to be able to rank the 0% in accordance to the number of work done (column C).

For example i have 62 0% answers and Username Q has actioned 316 jobs with 0 Failures so should be ranked 1st as he has the highest number of jobs.

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Dec 3, 2006

Is it possible if 0 cells are filled with the word “out” in a column D7 thru D15 In work sheet team matches. To run a macro that will look up a column in another sheet A2 to A10 in work sheet Random Picks. And fill column D7 to D15 In sheet team matches with the contents of them cells.

If 1 cell is filled with the word “out” in a column D7 thru D15 In work sheet team matches. To run a macro that will look up a column in another sheet B2 to B9 in work sheet Random Picks. And fill column D7 to D14 In sheet team matches with the contents of them cells.

If 2 cells are filled with the word “out” in a column D7 thru D15 In work sheet team matches. To run a macro that will look up a column in another sheet C2 to C8 in work sheet Random Picks. And fill column D7 to D13 In sheet team matches with the contents of them cells.

If 3 cells are filled with the word “out” in a column D7 thru D15 In work sheet team matches. To run a macro that will look up a column in another sheet D2 to D7 in work sheet Random Picks. And fill column D7 to D12 In sheet team matches with the contents of them cells.

If 4 cells are filled with the word “out” in a column D7 thru D15 In work sheet team matches. To run a macro that will look up a column in another sheet E2 to E6 in work sheet Random Picks. And fill column D7 to D11 In sheet team matches with the contents of them cells.

If 5 cells are filled with the word “out” in a column D7 thru D15 In work sheet team matches. To run a macro that will look up a column in another sheet F2 to F5 in work sheet Random Picks. And fill column D7 to D10 In sheet team matches with the contents of them cells.

If 6 cells are filled with the word “out” in a column D7 thru D15 In work sheet team matches. To run a macro that will look up a column in another sheet G2 to G4 in work sheet Random Picks. And fill column D7 to D10 In sheet team matches with the contents of them cells.

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VBA Creating New Workbook With Different Name At Specific Folder

Jul 30, 2014

VB code, recorded by macro, it is working, but I need create different workbooks with different names , this one create just one specific name here is the first problem , second would be for saving in desktop folder "Ataskaitos" here another because it just for my computer , on other computer directory would not be found and third , then I deleting existing sheet in workbook from there I run the macro and copy sheet to new workbook it asking if I sure want to delete that sheet, so I don't need asking that I just need to delete it

Sheets("Ruooinys" & i).Select

[Code] .....

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For Each Next Loop W/ Formula Assistance

Apr 12, 2007

I only grasp the basics of loops and not any experience w/ formulas in VBA to date.

For each item in col "I" run this formula (the cell references are relative)
=RIGHT(I6,LEN(I6)-FIND(" ",I6))

I am only at this point so far:

Sub ItemName()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim LRow As Long

Set ws = Workbooks("TGSItemRecordCreatorMaster.xls").Worksheets("Record Creator")
LRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 9).End(xlUp).Row

For i = 6 To LRow
=RIGHT(I6,LEN(I6)-FIND(" ",I6))

End Sub
The basic function of the loop is to Delete the first term of each cell in the range including the first space.

Enjoi Barletta Deck

Resulting in:

Barletta Deck

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VBA - IF Functions And VLookups Assistance

Aug 4, 2009

The will eventually end in a series of pivottables. I am currently at the step where I need to add vlookups. This is for an inventory management report that averages 20,000 rows and 20 columns of data. I add a few columns (using vlookups) to increase visibilty to the operations dept.

The first thing I need help with is creating the VBA language for using a vlookup table from another workbook that pastes the vlookup formula every cell to the bottom of the data

Then I need to utilize an IF formula for one column that says IF c2 is blank use vlookup-formula1, and IF it is not blank use vlookup-formula2, and then paste at every cell all the way down.

I hope someone can help, and I hope I didn't write too much to where everyone will skip pver this thread.

I am currently to this state, and ready to continue.
' OHR1 Macro
' Macro recorded 7/22/2009 by iahopbxm
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+o
' Sort and Add column Headers
Selection.ColumnWidth = 9.43...........

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Creating Specific List From Large Dataset?

Jan 2, 2014

We collect loan payments for 36 months from customers.

Column A lists 1000+ customers.

Column J lists the date we received payment 1 ... Column Q lists the amount we received on payment 1.

Column R lists the date we received payment 2 ... Column Y lists the amount we received on payment 2.

Column Z lists the date we received payment 3 ... Column AG lists the amount we received on payment 3.

This repeats for all 36 payments.

New customers are loaded in each month, so be aware that Column J, Column R, Column Z (and so on) have dates from 2011 and 2012 and 2013.

We'd like to create a list of all customers that have not made a payment for the current month as of a certain day (say the 12th). So this month, on January 12th, we'd like to search our data for all customers that don't have a payment listed between January 1st - January 12th.

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Creating Array Of Numbers With Specific Definitions?

Feb 3, 2014

Lets say I need an array of 100 numbers from zero to 100. I want a mean of 75, and SD of 12. Or the same data based on a skewness and kurtosis value. Can I do that in Excel?

I'm just generating fake datasets for my stats class to analyze.

Edit: I found that =norminv(rand(),,) will work.

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Creating A Pop-up Window With Specific Cell Data

Sep 13, 2007

I'm basically creating a file where a userform comes up when you open the workbook, blocks the access to the actual workspace so that no manual entry can be done. What the userform allows you to do is add a new entry to the database (the userform has some text boxes where we type in stuff like location and name or age) after having found the next empty row in the enormous database (3.000 lines)

After having clicked the OK button in the userform and added the data to the database, I would like the userform to have a pop-up message box with specified text like:

"The number assigned to this entry is:" and then I would like to add a variable with excel using the cell in column D of the same row of the new entry. So the end result would be :

The number assigned to this entry is: 01

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Need Assistance With Average Calculation Formula

Jun 15, 2007

I get a "#value" error message when I utilize the formula noted below. I seperated it into distinct sections so that it is easier to view. Basically, what the formula is doing is determining whether if two values are the same, then take the absolute difference of the average of other values ,excluding one of the previously noted values, and compare that difference to a different parameter. If the difference does not exceed the parameter, then calculate the difference; otherwise the ending result is zero. Pls. note that the error seems to occur when I input the fifth section into the formula.







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Assistance With Budget Expenditure Forecasting

Jun 19, 2008

I am trying to use excel to forecast budget expenditure for the fiscal year, using actuals from months past + unknown (future months).

I have this formula in cell G2: =IF((worksheet A!G70>0),F2,IF((B2

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Nested IF/And Condition Formula Assistance

Aug 4, 2009

Current Formula

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Assistance Required For IF And AVERAGE Functions

May 1, 2006

the scenario is a spreadsheet for adding call centre operators evaluations (1 being worst and 5 being best) from the clients. in the spreadsheet, i need to create a function to add a quick evaluation based on the operators score from the client

so if the score is 4 or higher it would read "good - improving"

and if it is less than 4 "poor - improving"

i think this is just a simple IF question...but i have forgotten how to do it

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School Project - Message Box Assistance

Jun 13, 2006

Im doing a year nine maths project and need a little help with excel. This is my first time using macros/VBA. I have been playing around and have figured out a few things. I was asked to produce a game using excel, i am doing a kind of "racing" game with betting, i have the racing and most of the betting all working fine. I need to know how to get a message box to appear when the total of a cell reaches 0.

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Debug Assistance - Auto Date Entry

Apr 3, 2007

i try to lock cells in the area the VBA code affects. My goal is to actually have affected cells by this VBA code lock immediately after anything is entered in the affected cells. Area needing Debugging is in the If - Else portion. My worksheet will be protected.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim LLoop As Integer
Dim LTargetRange1 As String
Dim LDestRange1 As String
LLoop = 10
While LLoop <= 1000
'Link column B to A
LTargetRange1 = "B" & CStr(LLoop)
LDestRange1 = "A" & CStr(LLoop)
If Not Intersect(Range(LTargetRange1), Target) Is Nothing Then
If Len(Range(LTargetRange1).Value) > 0 Then
Range(LDestRange1).Value = Date
Range(LDestRange1).Value = Null
End If
End If
LLoop = LLoop + 1
End Sub

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Creating A Formula: Verify If My Actual Value Falls Within A Specific Range

Jun 6, 2006

i need to make a formula for excel which will verify if my actual value falls within a specific range. for instance if my value is 0.15 and the allowed range is 0.145 to 0.155 then i want to display the number zero in the cell however if the actual number is above or below the range i want to calculate the amount of deviation from the range

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Creating A VLOOKUP Using VBA Code?

Feb 4, 2014

I have a workbook containing 2 sheets called ('EPM Extract' and 'Sheet B'). Column 'B' of the 'EPM Extract' sheet contains a list of Project IDs (numerical), and 'Sheet B' also contains a list of Project IDs (also in column B), plus all of the additional data I require.

Now, from the required cell within the 'EPM Extract' sheet, the normal Excel the code would read as =vlookup(B3,'Sheet B'!B5:W32,11,False), upon which I would drag down the code from that cell to all other required cells below. However, these are my issues:

* How do I even begin to write the code within VB, as I know that variables and arrays have to be set

* I need to apply the vlookup across 12 columns as I am bringing back 12 different results (i.e. I need to copy results from column counts 11 to 22 from 'Sheet B' to columns in 'EPM Extract' sheet.

*The amount of data in the sheets will vary each month, so I need to know how to apply the code only to the amount of rows in the 'EPM Extract' sheet, so some kind of R1C1xl.UP will need to be defined also.

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Why Creating Another Workbook When I Run This Code

Jan 29, 2008

I have a workbook with four worksheets named

The two sheets named FilteredDataFormat and arrayFormat exist strictly to preserve headers , and column widths.

So that for convenience sake I can clear my data without specifying a range that excludes the headers.
I simple clear the contents of the 'FilteredData' and 'array' then copy and paste 'arrayFormat' and 'FilteredDataFormat'.

Sort of an unconventional and lazy approach but I see no reason why this will not work.

Here is my original code and what happens is that excel creates another workbook for some reason unknown to me

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Code Is Creating A New Page?

Oct 30, 2008

For some reason the following code creates a blank page everytime. Is there a way to have it not do this that I am not seeing?

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Creating CommandButton With Code

Sep 9, 2006

how to create commandbutton code so let me explain what I am trying to do and anyone that could provide me with some basic code details to solve my problem:

When the command button is clicked in an excel worksheet I want a pop up box to come up containing specific information sourced from two other excel worksheets depending on the commandbutton. What I want to know is what code do I enter from the visual basic view in order for the box to appear with the right information.

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