VBA Code For Adding A Specific Worksheet Condition Within Subfolder Consolidation Macro

Aug 22, 2013

The issue is the I want to put the condition here in my the code that only copies the desired cells if the sheet is named specifically such as "Jan", if not named as this the worksheet should not be used. The current code I am using was posted on this site in 2009: VBA to copy specified cells from all the files in a folder

My modified code is:

Option Explicit
Public strSourceFldr As String
Public EachFile As Object
Public objFSO As Object
Public objFolder As Object
Public objFile As Object
Public strSheetName As String

[Code] .........

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Outlook Macro Code To Get Attachments From More Than One Subfolder

Jun 12, 2014

Getting attachments from outlook subfolders.

My attachments are in Inbox > First subfolder (sales) > second subfolder(Sales 1)

I need to save attachments from second subfolder (Sales 1) to my drive.

Currently i got macro which picks up attachments from first subfolder (Sales). The macro code is

Sub SaveAttachmentsToFolder()
On Error GoTo SaveAttachmentsToFolder_err
Dim ns As NameSpace
Dim Inbox As MAPIFolder
Dim SubFolder As MAPIFolder

[Code] ...........

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Macro Code Only Works If Specific Worksheet Active

Apr 30, 2008

I have searched the FAQ's but have not found a suitable answer to my problem. I have some code that works perfectly when it is run from the VB Editor but when I put it behind a command button it gives me an error almost straight away. I have read that when a command button is used the command button defaults the active sheet to the one that it is one therefore you always have to specify the active sheet but I have done this so am still confused as to why it is falling over. Below is my code, I have commented where it is tripping:

Sub FormattingAcutalReport()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="H:Risk ReportingDaily TemplatesMF Consolidated Risk DAILY LIVE DATA FROM BO.xls"
Workbooks.Open Filename:="H:Risk ReportingDaily TemplatesDaily Non Banks LIVE.xls"
Dim myBorders() As Variant, item As Variant
Set SEGNSEG = Workbooks("Todays Reports.xls").Worksheets("Seg and Non Seg Bank Summary")............................

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Code To Create Folder And Inside Subfolder

Mar 7, 2014

The code below is sending back an error. It's supposed to create a folder and a subfolder within it and if the folder already exists then a msg box should pop up saying that folder already exists.

[Code] ....

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Color Code -a Specific End Condition

May 12, 2007

I searched through the files and found a macro that works for me to color code my spreadsheets in Excle. Hwoever. How can I set it to stop when Cloumn G = the word "Created"?

Sub prettyPattern2()
Dim lRow As Range
For Each lRow In Range("A6:K500").Rows
Select Case lRow.Row Mod 2
Case Is = 1: lRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 34
Case Else: lRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 35
End Select
Next lRow
End Sub

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Get A Macro To Look In A Subfolder Relative To Its Current Directory

May 28, 2014

This Macro (Located within "SWMS Auto-Fill.xlsm) scans the folder its in and transfers information into select cells within each .xlsm file it finds. However I need to move the SWMS Auto-Fill.xlsm file to the parent directory.

So I need it to scan: Workbook DirectorySection4

Code is below:

Sub Autofill_SWMSs()
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFile As String
Dim Wkb As Workbook
Dim Cnt As Long


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Consolidation Of Worksheets Using VBA Code

Sep 19, 2012

I have many sheets in an excel workbook. Each sheet contains some data. I want data of all sheets into one sheet in the same workbook. The data of sheet 3 should appear below the data of sheet 2 & so on. I leave the first sheet of the workbook blank so that data of remaining sheets can be consolidated in the first sheet. Therefore I wrote the following code:

Public Sub consolsheets()
Dim a As Integer
Dim rng, rng2 As Range
a = a + 1
For a = 2 To Worksheets.Count
Set rng = Worksheets(a).UsedRange


Data of row 3 of sheet 2 (ccccc) is overwritten by data of row 1 sheet 3 (11111). Similarly, data of row 3 of sheet 3 (33333) is overwritten by data of row 1 of sheet 4 (@@@@@).

This problem is not faced if the sheet 1(blank sheet) has some data.

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Adding An Auto Filter On Specific Columns Of A Worksheet..?

Dec 14, 2007

How do I go about using adding an auto filter on specific columns of a worksheet..?

I.e. I want to auto filter column "D", "G" and "I" but none of the columns in-between ("E", "F" and "H")

Currently I can only create the filter for one column or a group of columns that are next to each other)

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Duplicate Column Of Information In Consolidation Code

May 27, 2014

I have a piece of code that consolidates data onto one sheet.

Once the code has copied everything over, I would like it to also duplicate the Category field.

There is no option to add the duplicated column in the source information.

Here is the consolidation code:

[Code] ......

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Consolidation Named Ranges Into One Worksheet

Aug 1, 2009

I've a workbook in excel 2007 with 6 worksheets, 4 of witch have a named ranges, i would like to have a macro that consolidates this named ranges into one worksheet.

Sheet1 -- Skip Worksheet
Sheet2 -- Skip Worksheet
Sheet3 -- Range1
Sheet4 -- Range2
Sheet5 -- Range3
Sheet6 -- Range4


The Named Ranges are Excel 2007 Tables and they are positioned in the same place in Sheet3 to Sheet6.

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Multiple Worksheet Consolidation With Inconsistent Layouts

Jun 28, 2006

I'm attempting to consolidate 3 columns of data that is a varying number of rows in length (a range of 0-1000 roughly) for 53 different worksheets (1 per week of the year, named '1' , '2', etc.). All three columns on each page are the same length. What I want to do is consolidate all the data onto one worksheet 3 columns wide and X rows long (so one week's range of data after the other, but it doesn't have to be in any specific order). I am looking mainly for code because that seems to me like the best option at this point unless someone can provide a viable alternative.

What I've tried:
I've tried on a smaller scale, 5 worksheets, naming the ranges using the OFFSET function to create a dynamic range and then trying to paste one right after the other with no luck getting it to paste such a large range. Going along with that I chopped and dropped some code from another online source (forum? tutorial? I don't remember) and modified it to consolidate the 5 named ranges, however, the code does not really seem feasible for 53 named ranges. Loops seem reasonable, but I couldn't come up with an easy way to cycle through the worksheet names and named ranges.

I only have a few hours worth of VBA tinkering so I'm sort of lacking, but I have other coding experience so the structures and concepts are familiar just the syntax and finer points are greek to me. I sadly don't yet have the time to sit and learn VBA either.

If there's an easy way to put a few loops in or you think it should loop through and copy each cell rather messing around with ranges then go for it.

Here's what the code looks like after I modified it: ....

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Adding Worksheet Code During Run-time

Sep 10, 2004

A procedure residing in the "ThisWorkbook" module has just added a new worksheet into the active workbook. I now want this same procedure to write a set of code into this new sheet's code module.

Solution 1:
Create a worksheet before run-time that is already set up with the code you want behind it. Then, use this worksheet as a sort of "template" when you want to create a new worksheet as opposed to using the worksheet.add method.

I can use solution 1, but isn't there a way to insert the code on the fly?

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How To Get Consolidation Macro

Sep 12, 2012

I have 7 different files that each contain one sheet. Each sheet has the same headers/data types in columns A:H, but may be any different number of rows in length. I need a macro that goes through each file and copies cells A2 through H of the last row of data and pastes them all into my master sheet ("Timesheets") where the macro will be stored. My problem is that I want all the data from File1 to be pasted, then all the data from File2 to be pasted at the next empty row, and so on. I also need to include a way to tell the macro to move on if a file is not found.

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Macro For Consolidation (with Pics)

Mar 19, 2008

I have let's say 3 workbooks with 1 sheet in every book.
Sheet in first wb named "SD_Romania". It looks like this:

Sheets in other workbooks named "SD_Bulgaria" and "SD_Poland" (there are more than 3 workbooks, just an example).

What I need to do is to write a macro that can extract only "Outlook" row data from all books and worksheets into new workbook. So that data will be structured like this:

BM and KF_TYPE are constants. REG should be taken from worksheet name. VERSION should be taken from A1 column (3 chars, starting from 8 char).
Period should somehow be transformed from "March 2008" to "32008".

The macro should look search for information in all opened workbooks, regardless of their names.

This is a hard macro, I guess. But unfortunately I don't have a clue how to write vba macros

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Excel VBA - Applying Code To Specific Worksheet?

Jul 23, 2013

I have a number of different modules. Each module does something similar, but different to a specific workbook. Instead of running the macro(s) individually is it possible to have a parent-class that calls on each module, and further to have each module *know* which worksheet it should apply to?

Example below:

Sub Cost_Center_Information_File()
'What it does: applied to a worksheet (there are about 15 worksheets in the workbook) it
'will do some formatting manipulations.


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VBA Code For Selecting Specific Cells Within Worksheet?

Aug 28, 2013

know the VBA script to select only specific cells within a worksheet. To be more precise, on sheet 1 - A2, A6 and A10 cells are filled with red color. I want only those cells which are highlighted in red to be selected, copied and pasted to sheet2.

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Adding Code Into A Macro

Mar 28, 2009

I've added the following code into macro i have assigned to the button on this attached worksheet which deletes any row where the cell in the A column is blank.

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Running Or Bypassing Code In A Macro Based On A Certain Condition...

Feb 17, 2010

I want to be able to run a certain chunk of code in the macro if a certain condition is true, or if that condition is not true then I want to bypass that chunk of code. It doesn't matter if this is accomplished with an if... then... else statement, or some other way.

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Macro To Copy Six Specific Columns From One Worksheet To Another Worksheet

May 12, 2008

What I am trying to do is to write a macro that will automatically copy six columns from worksheet (Sheet 1) to another worksheet (Sheet 2). i.e. ‘Description of Project’, ‘WBS Code’, ‘Rate’, ‘Employee Name’, ‘Premium’, ‘Invoice’, ‘Status’, ‘Total Cumulative Hours’, ‘Total Cumulative Amount’ from Worksheet (from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2)

The problem arises as I know the names of the columns to be copied in Sheet 1 (as details above) but they can be in any order in sheet 1.

In additional the columns ‘Total Cumulative Hours’, ‘Total Cumulative Amount’ are total columns so when they are copied from ‘Sheet 1’ to ‘Sheet 2’ their values should be copied as opposed to the formulas

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Making Existing Code Work For Specific Worksheet/s

May 30, 2013

I would like the following code to be run for all those sheet/s that has a name = "single" (Not case sensitive neither an exact match) of my active workbook.

Dim LR As Long, i As Long
LR = Range("I" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To LR
With Range("I" & i)
If .Offset(, -1).Value = 1 Then .Value = .Value & "-"
End With
Next i
End Sub

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Macro Code For Adding CC To Email?

Nov 17, 2013

VBA COde for adding CC, BCC to email sent from excel. I already have the below code to send email from worksheet, i need to add a copy email.

Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" _
Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, _
ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, _
ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long


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Adding Formula Through Macro Code

Jan 10, 2007

Im trying to autimatically insert a RTD formula in a cell but it is failing trowing the error 1004 : 'runtime 1004: application-defined or object-defined error'

Here is the ....

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Macro Code Automatically To Hide Rows Based Condition

Apr 26, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that calculates percentages and then outputs the results to a pie chart. There are 9 different percentages being graphed in cells A41 to A49. The chart looks weird if any of the percentages end up being 0, so I have the formula set to add 0.00001 to each calculation (so they show up as 0% and display on the chart as 0%, but truly are 0.00001). I would like it so that if any of these 9 percentages ends up being 0 (or really 0.00001) that the row automatically hides and thus won't display on the pie chart. How can I create a macro that automatically runs to accomplish this, and automatically updates as percentages are recalculated.

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Macro To Copy Rows From One Worksheet To Another If Condition Is True

Oct 14, 2006

if there's a macro that can be run to check one worksheet. In this worksheet there is a column where the value should be "true". If this value is true, I'd like to copy the entire row of data into another worksheet.

There can be multiple rows of data where this condition is met.

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Macro Code Hangs/Freezes Adding Rows

Sep 15, 2006

I've managed to use some code I found to add a new row below the selected row, and duplicate all the forumlas of the source row. It worked fine dozens of times yesterday, but today it's decided not to work. It gets as far as creating the new row(s), but then just hangs & excel crashes before duplicating the formulas. I've even tried reverting to an earlier version, which also worked fine, but this crashes also!

Sub Add_New_Row()
' Unlock Worksheet
Worksheets("Sheet1").Unprotect Password:="*****"
Dim x As Long
ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select 'So you do not have to preselect entire row
If vRows = 0 Then
vRows = Application.InputBox(prompt:= _
"How many rows do you want to add?", Title:="Add Rows", _
Default:=1, Type:=1) 'Default for 1 row, type 1 is number
If vRows = False Then Exit Sub
End If
'if you just want to add cells and not entire rows
'then delete ".EntireRow" in the following line
Dim sht As Worksheet, shts() As String, i As Integer
Redim shts(1 To Worksheets.Application. ActiveWorkbook. _

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Assign 2 Macros To 1 Button (or Adding VBA Code To The Existing Macro)

Dec 23, 2009

I'm verrry new to editing VBA code and I've been trying to figure out how to send a column of data ("Min Data" AB3:AB21 from "Sheet1") to a worksheet ("F4" - Min) and sending another column of data ("Max Data" AC3:AC21 from "Sheet1") to a different worksheet ("F4" - Max) by using only the one button ("Record Data" from "Sheet1"

I've been trying to figure out ways to edit the VBA in "Module 1" to make this work

Can anyone help me out here? If what i'm asking for isn't clear enough, just let me know and i'll try to explain in more detail.

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Check & Change Cell After Adding Formula Via Macro Code

Apr 17, 2008

The loop is putting the correct formula into the cell - but THEN... - I wish to (within the loop and before it moves on) check if the value is equal to OR greater than 1 - if it is, make it a value of 1 (this '1' is then used at the bottom of the column of data to give a total). I need to do this before it moves onto the next cell. What am I doing wrong? Is it because once it puts formula in the cell, it then moves down - do I need to select the cell again first? As I had originally posted on this site - link: url]http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=641970[/url]

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Assistance With Creating A Specific Macro Using VBA Code

Dec 8, 2008

I was wondering if someone could help me generate a Macro to do the following:

I have a sheet with the following characteristics.

Column A, rows 8-15 contain headers
Column A, rows 17-24 contain headers
Column A, rows 26-40 contain headers
Column B to CV, row 6 may or may not contain an "X"
Column B to CV, rows 8-15 & 17-24 & 26-40 may or may not contain the various data

I need a macro which does the following on the press of a button located somewhere on the sheet:
Generate a .TXT file in the folder C:Test with the name "Test_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS_Full.txt" which uses the system time and date to fill in the values In the TXT file the following data should be created: ....

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Run Worksheet Specific Macro Only On One Sheet?

Apr 15, 2014

I'm trying to add some code so that it only runs on the specific sheet or a range of specific sheets - but this list might change in the future) as a worksheet event... When I have been doing this in the past, I have been copying the code to each of the individual sheets but this now seems to be incorrect.

This time, though, I have created the code on one sheet (with a Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() event) which launches a macro in a separate module - my logic being to have as little code as possible in each of the sheets for copying, pasting, editing purposes, and centralise the main code in the module. However, I've noticed that this code is actually being run on all the sheets - even those I do not want it to run on. I thought, while developing this code, that it would only run on the one sheet it had been added to (e.g. right click the worksheet name, view code).

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Opening Specific Worksheet Using Macro

Mar 6, 2014

I'm having a problem to use the macro for opening a specific worksheet in a workbook. My plan to setup the workbook to open the first worksheet no matter which worksheet that was last saved and close.

What i have in mind is like below macros but it is not working.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

Attached is the sample for the workbook. Test file.xlsm‎

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