Auto Update Formula Reference & Sort
Feb 21, 2008
1. Is there any way a Cell can automatically be updated? for example:
On Citi Bank worksheet, As soon as a deposit matures, I insert another row and enter new fixed deposit data on "Row 13", but then I have to manually change the references on "Row 4" so that it points to the new "Maturity date" and the "Interest" and the "Current balance".
Is there any way I can automatically update Maturity, Interest rate and Current balance as soon as I enter new deposit information.
2. On the "Fixed Deposit Report" worksheet. Is there any way the list of deposits can automatically sort based on the maturity date as soon as I enter the new deposit information?
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Dec 9, 2009
I'm using a total of 20 Rows and 2 Columns. Each row has Column A for Description and Column B for Score. There are total 10 subjects with 10 noneditable rows, and 10 editable rows.
I'd like to protect column A and B for rows 1 to 10 and unprotect only Column B for rows 11 to 20. When any cells from Column B, rows 11 to 20 updates, I'd like to automatically sort columns A+B for ONLY rows 1 to 10.
Therefore, rows 1 to 10 need to be sorted based on the scores on Column B, and since rows 11 to 20 are just input fields, they are never to be sorted.
Column B for Rows 1-10 will be formulas and are based on Column B values from rows 11-20.
When a value in any of the rows 11-20 of Column B is updated, Range A1:B10 will automatically sort from highest score to lowest score (Column B).
Since Column B for rows 1 to 10 contains formulas and not actual values, would it throw off the order of things when sorting formulas?
the macro coding to perform this task.
Here is just a visual of what the spreadsheet will look like
....A B
1||A (B11)
2||B (B12)
3||C (B13)
4||D (B14)
5||E (B15)
6||F (B16)
7||G (B17)
8||H (B18)
9||I (B19)
10||J (B20)
11||A 10
12||B 9
13||C 8
14||D 7
15||E 6
16||F 5
17||G 4
18||H 3
19||I 2
20||J 1
The Bold are editable fields. and I want to use auto sort A1:B10 based on updated values of B11 to B20.
I have also attached the basic excel file that situates my concern.
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Jul 10, 2014
I am using the formula below to sum across several worksheets, and the formula I am using works fine, but when I copy the formula across to other cells, I can't figure out how to have it update my cell range:
The range A:A is ok to be static, but I need the G:G to be dynamic so when I drag it to the right it will change from G:G to H:H. I:I, etc.
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Feb 17, 2012
If I do a simple AVERAGE or SUM of A1:A10 in worksheets Sheet 1 to Sheet 3 I do get the result I need (average or sum of this cell range across the 3 sheets).
Now if I change the order of my data (sort it) in one of the sheets, what used to be A1:A10 will perhaps become F1:F10 after sorting and the whole point of 3D reference formula will be lost. Lets say in all these sheets ROW A contained some whatever values for MILK and I needed to SUM them across 3 sheets, now A1:A10 might be BREAD (after sorting) and I will be summing MILK and BREAD.
My formulae does not know I sorted my data.
That is the question - is there a way I can sort my data in one sheet and still be able to use 3D referencing to get my totals right?
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Feb 10, 2014
I send these kind of mails to intimate people about upcoming meeting, the format I prepare in Excel 2013 and paste it in Outlook 2013 (as a table, not as an image)
Now one of the columns I put as 'Days Remaining' which basically tells the users how many days are there to the review, the image below will show how it looks:
Now the numbers of days remaining will be correct the day I send the mail, but when somebody opens the mail at a later date, it would not sort of show the true number.
Is there a way to auto-update this number inside the Outlook mail, as it works in an Excel Sheet?
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Jan 10, 2012
I have dates values in 3 columns.
A1 - Header - "Holidays in XXXX'
B1 - Header - "Holidays in YYYY'
C1 - Header - "Leaves by YOU"
A2:B11 have static dates consisting of 10 dates in each column.
C2:C11 - the user may enter any date at any point of time.
I would like to auto-merge the dates in all the 3 columns (A2:C11) in a single column say D2:D31 and then the system should auto-sort the column based on dates in any one order. So as soon as the user enters a value in say cell C2, all the 10+10+1 dates should get sorted.
Also the constraint here is a user may not apply all 10 leaves at in a year. So many of the cells may have blank values.
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Oct 13, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with 3 tables (all side-by-side). Table one has 8 rows of data; table two has 2 rows of data; table three has 3 rows of data. I am looking for assistance on how to sort each table in desceding order (by sales). Basically I want to do a sort everytime there is a change of values in any of the tables. I have attached a sample spreadsheet to clarify the table layout and the manner in which the values change within each table.
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Mar 31, 2009
I have been tasked with coming up with a solution to an excel issue my boss has. I'll try to explain it as simply as I can but it might get confusing.
We have workbooks containing ledgers for a retail establisment. We create a new book for each year. Each book contains a sheet per month. We also have a comparison book/sheet. Currently we have the rolling total for each line item transfer over to the comparison sheet and then manually workout and enter the data for the same day from the previous year. What we would like to do is have the data from 2008 automatically update as we update the 2009 data.
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Apr 8, 2009
I have a sheet that retrieves data over the internet and have an issue that when update sheet I loose cell reference to cells below that I have used to calculate average. This might be easy but I just can not figure it out. See attached sheet. When you update sheet 1 I loose the reference in B5 of sheet 2. Is there a way to maintain the same reference even though rows are added?
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May 9, 2014
Auto Updating the Comments in Column "M" based on the Values.
I had a TAT Report where there Two different Types i.e., OBI & OBC in Column "D".
In Column "L" i had a overall Production TAT (TAT - Turn Around Time).
Now i need to Auto update the Column "M" using below Criteria's.
1. Type : OBI
If the Production TAT is less than or equal to 3 hours then i need Auto Comment as "Completed"
If the Production TAT is Greater than 3 hours then i need Auto Comment as "Exceeded due to Neglegency"
2. Type : OBC
If the Production TAT is less than or equal to 10 hours then i need Auto Comment as "Completed"
If the Production TAT is Greater than 10 hours then i need Auto Comment as "Exceeded due to Neglegency"
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May 11, 2009
I’m just starting to learn the VBA process with Excel, this problem is probably very basic so forgive me.
I have a cell in excel that is linked to a textbox, if you add text to the textbox it will update the cell. If you close and reopen the application you need to click the textbox to show the value previously added to the cell, can this be viewed automatically.
Here is my
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Mar 15, 2012
What I'm trying to do is this:
In sheet "Available", I have a list of all shirts available in store. I often make a printable shopping list in sheet "Shopping list". Once the shopping is done, I would like to automatically add the shirts bought to "Available" sheet.
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Mar 31, 2009
i have a workbook that pulls data from 7 other workbooks based off of 3 criteria. In 6 of the 7 workbooks there are 6 sheets and in the last sheet there are 15sheet. All the sheets are used on different computers and currently the member who use these sheets cant remember to save them so the main workbook can pull the information. So I was hoping for a VB code to do the save for them after they enter any data in the range of A1:J50.
Then for the main work book i was hoping for a VB code to auto update after entering the 3 criteria. I have a marco made but it takes awhile to do it. First it saves the sheet, then pulls the information, then refreshes some pivot table, then populates into the proper cells.
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May 10, 2006
I have a spreadsheet of 30 or so tabs, all of identical layout, with columns B to AS used. Each day I have to drag a row down to collect data from various other spreadsheets, on each of the 30 tabs (different data in each tab, but same format), i.e. today I dragged down B216:AS216 down to B217:AS217 for all 30 tabs. I could record a Macro on the first tab and then play it for the remaining 29, but I have to record the Macro each day so it drags down the next row down.
I am after a Macro that will drag down the columns to the current date (which is in column A and is already entered down to the end of the year) on all tabs, so if I left it for 5 days etc, and then ran the Macro, it will drag down 5 rows. But if I had to run it 5 times that wouldn't matter. A button on the first sheet would be brilliant too, meaning I could open it up, click the button, and then all 30 tabs would drag down to todays date.
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May 1, 2007
I am in charge of a report spreadsheet which gets updated by my users multiple times a day. The spreadsheet is called the R-A-G report (red, amber, green). One of the columns has colours which are updated manually in accordance to the ammount of stock we have in the database (oracle column) and in our warehouse (utl column).
Right now the users update these colours manually, using a key at the bottom of the spreadsheet. My dream is to have these colours auto-updating when a macro is run.
I spent a little time and wrote a very basic macro, but there are a few problems with it. For one i do not think that the macro fills out of the possible variables; therefor it has around 50% accuracy.
I have uploaded the file and would really appreciate if i could get some feedback on how i could write this correctly, maybe some usefull websites specifically directed at elseif (if that is the correct code for me to use).
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Jun 20, 2007
Ok this is tough to explain but I will try. I am using edate to find data that is older than 2 years old. I have a formula that works. =If(C2<EDATE(TODAY(),-24),B2,""). My issues is that it does not auto-update the data until I have manually changed the date. You can look at my sample. If you change the date or double clik on any "cert date" cell, then my data updates.
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May 22, 2014
I have an add row macro and i need to sum up all of the numbers in a column however when i add a row the sum doesnt update to include the new row. Is there a way to fix this?
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Aug 22, 2014
I create daily report for dispatch documents to our various branches. Now I am looking for formula (or formula is not possible then VBA code) that will auto update document number and dispatch date in "output" sheet.
Find attached sheet with desired output.
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Jul 5, 2014
I modified an employee schedule that I found on here to meet my needs but I am needing one more thing:
I need a field (or separate worksheet in the workbook) where I can enter employee availability and if they are unavailable for a specific day, it will auto update in the calendar stating they are unavailable for that day.
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Sep 17, 2013
I am trying to do exactly what the calendar from this thread does with the Waste Log: [URL]....
But the years only go to 2012, can someone update this for 2013? And include Saturday and Sunday on the calendar too?
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Oct 17, 2013
I want to auto update ( refresh ) an external feed containing odds from Pinnacle Sports website, at 30-60 seconds intervals. Here is the link : [URL] .....
I would also want to apply some formulas to other columns in excel, but mainly I would want to know where is the change in odds. For example if Bayern Munchen has the odds 2, and after the refresh the odds dropped at 1.9 I would want to see the difference in another cell.
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May 25, 2009
I have a quote that has a value in a few cells =IF(B31="","",VLOOKUP(B31,'[Product Supply-1.xlsm]Sheet1'!$B$8:$N$11,13,0)). Though when i make changes in the product supply file i need it to automaticaly update the quote file. Look at thread to understand the problem. The quote file is there in thread.
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Jul 21, 2008
i have a list called "parts". i want this list to be updated everytime a new part # is entered into the list cell. i can get it to work in one cell. i have been able to get it to work in up to 6 rows, however i want it to work in up to 50 rows. here is the vba code i am using
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim lReply As Long
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Target.Address >= "$D$3" Then
If IsEmpty(Target) Then Exit Sub
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("parts"), Target) = 0 Then
lReply = MsgBox("Add " & Target & " to list", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
If lReply = vbYes Then
Range("parts").Cells(Range("parts").Rows.Count + 1, 1) = Target
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
i am using insert>name>define for the list and this is what i used for that
like i said, it will work for d1-d6, then it stops working.
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Aug 17, 2008
I did try a search before posting this - either I am too stuipid or the info was a bit too cpmplicated and in bits and peices for me to figure out. My query is this
Lets say I have a workbook with around 10 sheets in it. and I have a saved a copy of the sheet ias a webpage (HTML ) for user convinence. Now is it possible to somehow ensure that when the orginal workbook is updated then this webpage would also get updated - both would be in the same drive ( I dont want to use internet for this purpose)
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Feb 1, 2009
There are only 3 columns, A, B, C and only 10 rows but I would like it to sort automaticaly. I enter data on other sheets and it is loaded automaticaly back to sheet 1 after some calculations are made. I would like the data on sheet 1 to sort automaticaly on column C keeping the rows of data intact.
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Jul 20, 2009
I am trying to figure out how to auto sort information on a spreadsheet so that when update notes are added by date at the bottom of the list, they are automatically sorted (moved) to the top of the list so the latest update is shown first. I am pretty clueless when it comes to macros although I have given it some attempts after reading other posts without success. I am including a copy of the spreadsheet. The info that I need sorted starts at B43:E43 and goes to B104:E104. That same sort info would then be used for the similar info to the right of this one. For example everything on the line B43:E43 would move together.
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Jun 14, 2014
The below is a data sheet which is going to be designed to keep the records of "sending and receiving" details of wash-garments from a garment factory.
01. Starting from B12, the dates of sending and receiving are entered in the sequence they occur. Both sending and receiving can occur on the same date.
02. Starting from C12, there are reference codes related to the activity, if Sending the letter is entered as "S", and if receiving it is entered as "R". I included this for the calculation or sorting purpose.
03. Columns D to J includes the break down of sizes of the quantities sent or received.
04. column K simply calculates the totals of the columns from D to J.
Requirement : I need to have the totals of each size wise quantities sent and received in the "summary table" as follows;
>> Size wise totals of "sent qtys" to be shown in D5 to J5(referring to the code "S")
>> Size wise totals of "received qtys" to be shown in D6 to J6(referring to the code "R")
>> The dates to be updated and displayed"automatically" in the rows of the column B, when the code letters("S" or "R") is entered in the column "C"
Special Remarks : The last date of sending or receiving cannot be predefined, the rows(dates)will be kept adding according to the way sending and receiving may occur.
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Jan 2, 2006
I've a workbook and it has two sheets. Suppose, I want to link A1(sheet1) and a1(sheet2). If I update any of the cells in any of the sheets the other one will be updated automatically. How can this be possible? Or are there any other alternatives?
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Oct 25, 2012
I have excel graphs linked to a power point presentation that runs in a loop and I would like have to the links update everytime slide 1 pops up or when the loop restarts, either one works for me. When I close the looping presentation and reopen it I get a message asking me if I want to update the charts, but I would really prefer the looping presentation to update itself. I know this is going to be a VBA setup, but I cant seem to figure it out. I pasted the links by: pasting special, paste link as microsoft office excel worksheet object.
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Feb 7, 2014
Trying to get this macro to auto-run after the referenced cell is changed:
Sub Headerdata()
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightHeader = Range ("d1").Value & Range ("e1").Value
End Sub
I got it to work in one book but it won't work in any other book...
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