Auto Update Calendar With Spreadsheet?
Sep 17, 2013
I am trying to do exactly what the calendar from this thread does with the Waste Log: [URL]....
But the years only go to 2012, can someone update this for 2013? And include Saturday and Sunday on the calendar too?
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Apr 15, 2006
I want to make my VBA cell reference update when I update my spreadsheet by adding or deleting columns or rows. Is there a way to do this?
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Jul 31, 2013
I am trying to auto generate a calendar based on two drop down menus - Month and Year.
Once the month and year is selected I want to import all work orders onto the calendar based first on the "Labor Name" found in the list of work tab, then assign each work order for that labor name to the respective date on the calendar for the month.
August PM Schedule Demo.xlsx
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Nov 5, 2008
I have been trying to complete a excel spreadsheet that incorporates a VBA calendar. You will know the sort of thing that I mean, the user clicks on a cell and a calendar appears then the user clicks a date and the date is added to the active cell. The reason why I have to do this in VBA is because the finished file is going to be stored on my works server and it doesn't have the calendar activex add-in installed.
Well I have made a little progress. However, I have now become stuck. the link below will give you the file that I got so far. If you extract the file then click on cell A1 a calendar will appear. However, you will see that when you try to change the month it is stuck on January and I do not know how to cure the problem.
I should add that the code that is written within this spreadsheet was not written by me. It was originally written by another person whom I am no longer able to contact. Unfortunately my knowledge of VBA is not that of the original author.
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Sep 8, 2007
I have a sheet pasted below, I am wondering if it is possible to take data and have it automatically laid out in a calendar format. Say all the dates in column G could be sorted into a calendar with reference text from column E....
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Mar 24, 2009
I am looking for an excel calendar that will auto-populate content into it based on a spreadsheet that I fill in.
Maybe I would just need the formula that would be inserted into each calendar day? I'm not sure how you would set this up, but I'm open to suggestions!
I have attached the .xls file for your reference.
For example: The comment "Client 1 - KOM" would populate in a blank calendar in excel on the date 3/23/2009.
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Mar 11, 2012
I have a Main Customer Spreadsheet. I want to Auto Populate FROM the Main Customer Spreadsheet to a New Spreadsheet. I want to be able to key in a customer name on the New Spreadsheet and take the info for that customer from the MAIN Spreadsheet and fill in the blanks. I need to be able to do this several times a day.
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Mar 19, 2014
I am creating an employee work register to record working days and hours both in the office and remotely. I am doing this using Excel, where one spreadsheet represents one month and each cell represents a day per person. I want to enter everyone's working hours for the first week of the first month and then use a formula or another feature to replicate that pattern across the entire month/year, i.e. add a recurring event.
At the moment, I have twelve worksheets in a workbook for each month and each worksheet looks like this:
DAY | DAY | DAY >> (all the way to the end of the month)
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Feb 28, 2014
I have created an monthly budget spreadsheet on excel with a calendar. Formula to show the recurring expenses in the calendar? (Example: Rent/Mortgage on the 1st of every month).
This is what I have : Monthly Budget.xls‎
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Jul 3, 2014
So, I work in a large indoor grow facility, and as such, we need to keep an active, updated calendar of all activities that will need to happen in the grow. If something happens to a set of plants, we need to change to date of transplant into the next pot size and every transplant after that, as well as moves into the flowering room from the vegetative room.
I have tried to manually make a calendar (I'm not worried about auto-generating a calendar or auto-filling dates, only things that happen on those days.) and tie in this information, but I'm having issues automatically searching a column and finding the date, and then pulling more information from that row automatically. (i.e. If anything in Column E has the date 7/3/14, then fill the data from Column C and Column B on the same row.)
I'm attaching a copy of the spreadsheet that I am trying to pull the Data from, and a copy of the Calendar I mocked up.
FYI, the spreadsheet I am pulling from Automatically fills once you put in the Clone Date, and then if you add in an adjusted date, it will adjust all later dates from that same section.
I tried to find something other than Excel as well to do this for me, but AFAIK nothing exists to make the calendar update Live, only to reproduce a new calendar with the current spreadsheet. This is not an option, I need it to stay up to date.
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Feb 28, 2013
I've put together an annual leave tracker for the department and am trying to make it as automated as possible. It currently consists of two sheets, 'Leave Applications' and 'Leave Tracker 13'.
If you look at the 'Leave Applications' sheet, I wish to be able to take this data to fill the calendar on 'Leave Tracker 13' with either AL or HL to demonstrate whether the day is annual leave or half day leave. This only wants to happen if the leave has been accepted, represented by an 'A' on the 'Leave Applications' sheet. The calendar obviously doesn't have any dates in the cells but I've got around this when it comes to shading in weekends by concatenating the date above and to the left of the cells and assume I must be able to do the same for populating it.
It's also complicated by the 'Leave Applications' consisting of multiple members of staff, though this may be ordered by date.
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Dec 30, 2009
I am playing around with creating a calendar based on a date (month) I enter into a cell. I am doing this with a simple =date+1.
I have a sample attached. Only problem I am having is that for months with 30 days I don't want the last day to show the first of the next month. But I can't simply remove that as if I entered a month with 31 days I would need it to show the 31st.
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Jun 26, 2014
I am trying to build a Calendar that pulls all of it's entries from data submitted via user form. To be more clear, I built a basic user form in VBA where I can submit this data: name, brief description, Time/duration, and date. Instead of the data I enter into the form populating in specific cells in my Excel workbook, I would like for the information to be populated into a calendar based on the date.
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Dec 6, 2006
I have one source spreadsheet, where are columns NAME, DATE. I read these data by ADO to other spreadsheet, where I can change/delete data and then run macro for update data in source spreadsheet. The problem: In source spreadsheet is column "NAME" and column "DATE", with values e.g. "Joseph"; 1.1.1980. I read this data to other spreadsheet, then I delete in it value 1.1.1980. When I run macro Update, it messages error.
Sub UpdateItem
.Fields.Item(1).value = activecell 'activecell value = "Joseph"
If Not isempty(activecell.offset(0,1)) Then
.Fields.Item(2).value = activecell.offset(0,1).value
.Fields.Item(2).value = "" 'I tried Empty and 0 too but when I read data again then, it displays 0.1.1900, nothing works
End If
End Sub
It seems that in source spreadsheet has data in column "Date" format Date and when I try to update data in format String ("") in source spreadsheet by Update macro, it messages error. When I used
.Fields.Item(2).Value = Empty
' or
.Fields.Item(2).Value = 0
after rereading data it displays 0.1.1900 What I want to get is that if the cell with date (in other spreadsheet) is empty, the cell in column Date in source spreadsheet after updating will be blank (contains no values).
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Dec 4, 2013
I am trying to have the calendar in the second tab of the attached excel file to auto populate based on info in the first tab.
In the first tab, there is the start and end dates of certain projects. The calendar will need to only show the project name of every project being worked on that specific day.
Some days will have more than one project being worked on, the Calendar will just need to list them all under that day. The Start and End dates count as days the project being worked on as well. We will also need the calendar to auto update whenever we modify the dates in the first tab or add/remove projects (rows).
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Jan 7, 2014
I have created a spreadsheet that displays new dates in column D based on provided dates in Column B and recurrence intervals selected in column C. The dates in column D are when a training deadline occurs. I have been trying to get a macros written so that when a cell in column d is updated, an outlook appointment message is sent to the person doing the updating. The idea here is that anyone can use this without future coding (so their address would be placed in cell say A1)
So far all i have gotten is excel to send an email to me with the excel spreadsheet as an attachment, not really what I want. Again, I dont want somethign specific to my computer settings, I want to be able to send the spreadsheet out with simple instructions for the user to change their email in cell A1 and then every time a cell changes in column D, it automatically generate an appointment reminder for the new date.
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Aug 23, 2013
Looking to create a calendar in excel and auto-populate the content with specific fields I enter. I know how to create an excel gantt chart but I'm really looking for a calendar view instead of a series of columns with dates. I reviewed the original post on Auto-Populating Excel Calendar but was confused by the instructions. (1) create a calendar in excel and (2) show me how to populate the calendar with fields like (dept and project name) into the dates on the calendar? I have two dates that are important (a due date for the project and when that project will be published). Is there a way to have both dates show info otherwise the most important date will be the publish date?
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Apr 26, 2014
I'm trying to auto populate a calender style sheet in Excel 2010 based on data from a Work Schedule sheet. The work schedule sheet contains a list of jobs, with each row representing a different job. There is a column for the start date (e.g. 25/04/14) and a column for the end date (e.g. 26/04/14). There are other columns which select resources such as people and vehicles. Each resource may appear on any one of several columns for each row, e.g. Site Operative 1, Site Operative 2 etc.
On the calendar sheet, in which one cell represents one day (e.g. 25/04/14), all the dates are shown along the top going right and all the resources are shown on the left going down.
On the calender sheet, in every cell I want a formula that will look at the Work Schedule sheet and see if that particular resource is being used on that particular date. If it does, the cell can display information from another cell such as the job number or job name to which the resource is assigned; if it doesn't, the resource isn't being used so it can display "Free" or "Available".
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Nov 4, 2012
I wish to Automatically copy the TEXT that is written from Spreadsheet 1 cells D5 to F5 to Spreadsheet 2 cells F5 to J5 .... a similar range of cells.
Is there a formula I can use or do I need to venture into the programming side of things.
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Jul 18, 2012
Here is the scenario:
I have a primary excel spreadsheet that I work from. The architecture is as follows:
Sheet 1: Called "Information"
Column A: Name
Column B: Date of Birth
Column C through Z: Various bits of information.
Sheet 2: Called "Master"
Cell B1: Contains the date and time of last update from the VBA I am asking for below.
On a weekly basis I get sent a "Update" spreadsheet that is constructed the same way as my primary. This is what I would like to do with some VBA:
From my primary sheet I run the VBA and it opens a pop up that allows me to select the updated worksheet. Next it cycles through both worksheets (Primary and Update). It compares Column A and B, if it finds a match it updates columns C through Z from the "Update". In order to get a match cell A1 and B1 of the primary worksheet has to match Cell A1 and B1 of the update sheet exactly.
The second thing I would like it to do is if the update sheet contains a new other words the update sheet has a row that does not match the primary it copies the row from the Update sheet to the Primary. In this way, the Primary sheet is always growing with new information and updating any old information it matches.
The last thing I would like to do is copy the current date and time after the comparison is complete to the Primary workbook to sheet "Master" in cell B1. This way I always know the time and date of the latest update.
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Jul 10, 2009
I have a spreadsheet for Jan-Dec 2008 containing entries for each day as seen below.
I would rather not have to update each date manually so could any of you kindly inform me of a command whereby all of the 2008 dates can be updated to 2009?
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Apr 24, 2009
I want to automatically update data from one spreadsheet to ther one i am novice to vb programming
here are two file plzzz help me out --sheet 1--sheet(data of sheet one to be copied into)
and is there any way that the data copied also gets saved the in that spreadsheet as next time data in sheet 1 is updated!
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May 28, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that update from the data warehouse (I do this manually daily) there is always new sports being added
When I update I would like a macro to check for new sports and if there is one then msgbox me and add it to my table on the next sheet that I use for lookups.
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Feb 17, 2006
I need to have all the information in one workbook for all 100 employees and still provide an individual report for each user and an overall report. In the attachment is a "Summary" and "Calendar" sheet these are the original individual files. summary contains personal information and the "calendar" tracks absence and holiday and the totals returned to the Summary sheet. I think what I need is a Master worksheet that has all the information in for each employee pre row and to have a "calendar" input/change/ call worksheet sheet to call an individual detail, this would also update the master worksheet with any changes.
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Sep 6, 2007
I have about 5 text boxes. The user enters data in each text box and, as of right now, the data automatically gets saved as I am using the _change event. (TextBox1_Change()) This stores the value of each text box into a cell of my choosing on an Excel spreadsheet automatically.
From what I gather (according to a great ozgrid administrator ), it would be better, as a coder, to not use the _Exit event and instead, perhaps I should use the _Enter event. (TextBox1_Enter.) This way, when the user fills out the information in the text boxes, the information will NOT be loaded onto an Excel spreadsheet automatically as they type. (Which is what it does now by using the following code for each text box
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & intRow.) = TextBox1.Value........
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Mar 31, 2009
I have been tasked with coming up with a solution to an excel issue my boss has. I'll try to explain it as simply as I can but it might get confusing.
We have workbooks containing ledgers for a retail establisment. We create a new book for each year. Each book contains a sheet per month. We also have a comparison book/sheet. Currently we have the rolling total for each line item transfer over to the comparison sheet and then manually workout and enter the data for the same day from the previous year. What we would like to do is have the data from 2008 automatically update as we update the 2009 data.
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May 9, 2014
Auto Updating the Comments in Column "M" based on the Values.
I had a TAT Report where there Two different Types i.e., OBI & OBC in Column "D".
In Column "L" i had a overall Production TAT (TAT - Turn Around Time).
Now i need to Auto update the Column "M" using below Criteria's.
1. Type : OBI
If the Production TAT is less than or equal to 3 hours then i need Auto Comment as "Completed"
If the Production TAT is Greater than 3 hours then i need Auto Comment as "Exceeded due to Neglegency"
2. Type : OBC
If the Production TAT is less than or equal to 10 hours then i need Auto Comment as "Completed"
If the Production TAT is Greater than 10 hours then i need Auto Comment as "Exceeded due to Neglegency"
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May 11, 2009
I’m just starting to learn the VBA process with Excel, this problem is probably very basic so forgive me.
I have a cell in excel that is linked to a textbox, if you add text to the textbox it will update the cell. If you close and reopen the application you need to click the textbox to show the value previously added to the cell, can this be viewed automatically.
Here is my
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Mar 15, 2012
What I'm trying to do is this:
In sheet "Available", I have a list of all shirts available in store. I often make a printable shopping list in sheet "Shopping list". Once the shopping is done, I would like to automatically add the shirts bought to "Available" sheet.
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Mar 31, 2009
i have a workbook that pulls data from 7 other workbooks based off of 3 criteria. In 6 of the 7 workbooks there are 6 sheets and in the last sheet there are 15sheet. All the sheets are used on different computers and currently the member who use these sheets cant remember to save them so the main workbook can pull the information. So I was hoping for a VB code to do the save for them after they enter any data in the range of A1:J50.
Then for the main work book i was hoping for a VB code to auto update after entering the 3 criteria. I have a marco made but it takes awhile to do it. First it saves the sheet, then pulls the information, then refreshes some pivot table, then populates into the proper cells.
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