Does anybody have a formula to use to auto enter an alphabet? With this formula I would like the last letter in the alphabet Z to be followed by AA, AB, etc. If I delete row 5 (letter E) I would need the letters to auto generate in order.
I have made a custom list in Excel 2010 so it auto-increments the alphabet using the auto increment pull down/copy square on the bottom right of a cell in Excel. My question is I have some data in a sheet such as this
600 600 600 600 601 601 601 601 602 602 602
What I want to do is add a letter of the alphabet to the end of these numbers and have the alphabet auto increment based on the data above like this:
I would like to make a list of vehicles with auto servicing dates appearing in the next column. How can I do this, example would be say 30/11/2008 was the last service, next column would be next service due 30/02/ 2009 and then a column next to that to say when service was done.
Pretty simple but I can't seem to get it to auto bring up the next service date which would be in 3 months time or 90 days.
I've exhausted my search engine skills and I'm about 99.9% sure Excel is incapable. This message board has been great over the years of figuring out even the trickiest of problems, but is there any functionality in 2003 or the slight possibility that after a user inputs a number in a cell (no tab, no enter) that it will move to the next cell.
After reading about this, most people say it is not possible even with VBA or Macro, and I certainly believe it, but the whiny, and horrible department that I work for are curious if this is possible. So, is it? If this is the wrong area for this questions, I apologize, I was considering putting this in the Macro/VBA area, but I gave up in deciding where to post this.
What I want to do is if I add data into B7 or F7 then the current date will appear in J7. I also don't want the date to change every time the project is opened.
If I enter "withdraw or any word" into B7 or F7 - The current date (4-Dec) would appear in J7.
then if I close excel and I open it tomorrow, J7 would still read as 4-Dec, while if I enter "deposit or any word" into B8 or F8, the current date (5-Dec) would appear in J8.
- would need to be able to enter multiple entries on one day as well.
If given columns B and C, is there a VBA code that will look to those columns and auto-enter the payments across the week matrix based on that criteria?
i have an excel sheet where i enter company information including Zip code. the zip codes around here all start with 797 and end with numbers from 01 to 12
i am looking for a way to enter just the last 2 numbers and have it automatically insert the full zip
line one i would enter 01 and 79701 would show up in the box.
I know there are ways to do this, just can't remember its been so long since I've had to use excel.
I'm wanting to make a checkbook register. That part I can do (I am totally an Excel idiot, but I'm fairly decent with Google and I couldn't seem to find anything about this), but I'm wondering if auto-drafts are possible. What I'd like to do is have a table of regular auto-withdrawals (or deposits, for that matter) and then on the appropriate day have them auto enter into the register. Ideally, I'd like them to enter 2-3 days in advance, or even at the beginning of the month.
For example: Netflix on the 1st, Life Insurance on the 12th, Auto Insurance on the 15th, etc.
Col A has a list, mixture of letters and numbers. By default excel sorts the numbers in order and then the letters. How do I display the letters A-Z first and then the numbers?!
I purchased the book from Mr.Excel and got it last week called VBA and Macros for Microsoft Excel. I can't seem to find the code for macros to search through the cells and then either change the cell colour to highlight the cells that contains an alphabetical character. I am trying to remove all the characters in the cells so only the numbers are left over.
Is it possible to take a list that is alphabetized in the following manner--Jones, Mary--, convert it to Mary Jones while also removing the comma after the name?
The =TRIM and =MID formulas that I saw in another thread both seem to convert the text, but they also leave the comma at the end.
I have a long list of names and right now I have to scroll down the list like crazy to get to some of the letters (xyz for example).
I really wanted to setup a clickable row or column that has one letter in each row or column, but I'm not sure I can do that as the sheet is already formatted. But I could just use one cell where I could click in it and type a letter which would jump me to the portion of the list that starts with that letter.
or I guess maybe something that pops up a requestor for me to enter the letter.
I found some stuff that was close on here that had some of the functionality I needed, but I couldn't piece it together.
I'm trying to go through David's books, but I haven't had a lot of time and I'm not getting some of the basics.
I really know nothing about vba so here goes. I would like to enter data in a row with 4 cells of info. then hit enter and return to the first cell and move the row down. all four cells must have data entered. and all four must move down. i tried some code as below i found and i modified but it did not work as expected. this moved the row down when returning the cursor to A2. It also should not copy the data style of the top row.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Column <> 1 Then Exit Sub Application.EnableEvents = False
First my goal is to sum a row and column. For example i want the sum of row 1 a to row 1 g. However, I'm using a loop for an automated macro. So i want to be able to say something like cells(1, count), so during the loop count goes from 1 to 7 representing the letters in the alphabet. But I'm not sure how to do so.
Secound, in my vba script to pull information from specific pages i say "sheet1.activate" how can i had the sheet switching during the process to speed up the calculation? and last but not least,
If Cells(1, locd) = "2008" Then
When i run my script, i get a runtime error 1004 application-defined or object defined error. The weird thing is, i can move what line it is on and then the macro will run ONCE and then it breaks again with the same error for that specific piece of code.