Is there a way to have an excel worksheet automatically sort the data everytime new data is entered. I have daily purchase logs that 9 users fill in throughout the day as they make purchases. I would like to have it sorted by pur. amt automatically.
Is there a way to have a sheet automatically sort itself by date? I keep selecting cells and sorting manually but it get tedious doing it over and over every time I enter something new. Like if I had dates in row G every time I added something new it would automatically sort all rows by date.
I'm running a macro to auto sort data and copy it to another page. One of the sort parameters is to only look at the data that has a blank in column 13. The code is as below:
I have collate the results from 3 companies all whom sell a series of products. Each day they submit there sales and productivity results to me and I collate them to a weekly return that I then manually rank each area in a league table to show 1st, 2nd, 3rd....
I'd love to be able to automate this so that the league table page updates and sorts top to bottom automatically from the data entered on the other pages, but don't know how. I think macro's are the answer but I have no idea how to make a macro perform the actions I need.
I have a problem on auto-sorting my data after clicking the "x" or "Close" button on DataForm. Im creating a command button that trigger a macro to open an autofill DataForm. I want a code that everytime i ADD or EDIT using the DataForm, it will automatically sort the Column A after clicking the "x" or "Close" button. Below is the code of my macro:
Code: Sub OpenForm() Sheets("DATA").Select ActiveSheet.ShowDataForm End Sub
I need to have cell data on sheet 1 to populate cells / rows on sheet 2 when the data is sorted on Sheet 1.
So let me explain: I have workloads on each row in Sheet 1. Column A has a list of people that I assign to each workload. After assigning a name in Column A to each row, I sort Column A by the user to print out only their workloads.
Currently, we have a paper worksheet where they manually write in their workload. I have replicated this worksheet on Sheet 2 and was wondering if I could use the data in Sheet 1 after being sorted by user, to populate the worksheet on Sheet 2 ?
When I run the macro, some columns are already hidden. The macro doesn't seem to autosize cells correctly. For instance, one cell in a row appears to have some contents hidden (or below the reading area of the cell). In other instances, the rows are auto-size to huge heights and widths.
I need the tabs of a project action log to auto-populate and auto-delete in a master log. (So when something is added or deleted in a tab it is added or deleted on the master) I use excel a little bit for work and personal finance purposes but I have zero experience with macros or VBA.
Making a mission tracker that requires less upkeep than my units previous methods. I am using Excel 2007 and have some things in mind that I would like it to do. On the down side, I have only basic experience with excel and have never used macros or VBA. Even if what I am after could be solved with functions (which I prefer), I simply do not quite know how to make what I want without assistance. Ok, now on to the description.
The mission tracker aside from showing a list of the missions we have done during our program, it needs to also generate metrics automatically. In my worksheet, I am using columns A-G and rows 1-501.
The mission scheduling type in Column E are listed below. The letters on the left are what I am using in the sheet, the part to the right is what it really means:
Column D has the day of the week listed as: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun.
now the metrics I need to be generated are the number of different types of each mission compared, how many of each type of mission was flown per day of the week, how many of each type of mission was flown per month.
Basically what I need is a way to automatically count the number of rows that meet a specific criteria throughout the range. This would require being able to check the value/text of multiple cells at a time and count the number of rows that meet that criteria.
[SOLVED] 1. The first part would be to have the worksheet be able to count the number of each type of the 9 mission scheduling codes throughout the range. I would be storing the count in new cells that would then be connected to pie charts.
[SOLVED] 2. The second part would be to count the number of each type of mission that was flown per day of the week. That would require searching both mission type and day of the week. All I would need is a working formula for 1 set, then I could switch mission codes and weekdays to match all the 63 possible outcomes.
3. Knowing the number of each type of mission flown per month. This would be checking the date and the mission type. The trickier part that comes up in my mind is that our programs span multiple calendar years, so it would have to track it by month and year, that way there is a difference between Jan 2009 and Jan 2010. The counted numbers would be used to make histograms. It would be nice if the chart titles could be automatic based on the dates inputed in the mission tracker. If I needed to choose a maximum time length for it to cover, I would pick 3 years.
4. I would like to figure out how to make an inputted line of data on the main tracker sheet to create a copy in the corresponding worksheets based on schedule type, that way a person could look at/print a specific type without having to sort the main list.
The actual goal is to make it where a person can enter the 1 line of data per mission (cells A-G) and the mission metrics update automatically after each mission is inputed allowing upper level supervision to have current information quickly whenever it is needed. Currently we need about a weeks lead time to get the information asked for on our current progress.
Within a data validation selection, are you able to do both Auto Complete and Auto Delete? I have this posted at another forum [url]but have not been able to find a solution (a copy of the file, test. zip is there as well). I am not sure it is possible, or, at least I have been unable to get it working. I can do each, but not both.
I have one worksheet that contains a large table. I'm using VLOOKUP to spread each row of the table to separate worksheets.
When VLOOKUP refers to an empty cell, is there a way to set that row to be hidden?
Also, if VLOOKUP returns data to a cell, is there a way for Excel to automatically set the row height to display all of the linked data in that cell? There is only one column of data.
Possible to auto count and auto sum based on Unique ID.
Download link to the file in question [URL] ..........
So for Example ID 79125 should get a sum 537.39 and count should be 12, also in any given week like 50 , 51 , 52 , week 1 etc.., duplicate entries must be all counted as 1
I am trying to auto generate a calendar based on two drop down menus - Month and Year.
Once the month and year is selected I want to import all work orders onto the calendar based first on the "Labor Name" found in the list of work tab, then assign each work order for that labor name to the respective date on the calendar for the month.
A1 - Header - "Holidays in XXXX' B1 - Header - "Holidays in YYYY' C1 - Header - "Leaves by YOU"
A2:B11 have static dates consisting of 10 dates in each column. C2:C11 - the user may enter any date at any point of time.
I would like to auto-merge the dates in all the 3 columns (A2:C11) in a single column say D2:D31 and then the system should auto-sort the column based on dates in any one order. So as soon as the user enters a value in say cell C2, all the 10+10+1 dates should get sorted.
Also the constraint here is a user may not apply all 10 leaves at in a year. So many of the cells may have blank values.
how to create the database and the resulting Pivot Table. My Sales Database includes the Sales $ and GP$ for each line. In the Pivot Table I've managed to create a calculated field for GP %, no problem.
i have also managed to figure out how to express each Row as a % of the Pivot Total, also very easy.
What I need to know is how can I sort my Pivot Table High to Low using these calculated fields?
I don't understand all of it, but I observed that it works only with mp3 with tag id v1, not v2, anyway I also see another code for tag id v2 given by NateO.
But before entering in detail of what I want, is it possible to edit tag id v1 or even v2, with VBA? Because I want to complete my mp3 informations that are missing, or modify the wrong one, in excel, and then with a macro update my mp3 files...
I've found this code on the forum to get my mp3 informations :
Option Explicit
Public Type mp3Info Header As String * 3 Title As String * 30 Artist As String * 30 Album As String * 30 Year As String * 4 Comment As String * 30 Genre As Byte End Type
Sub Getmp3Info() Dim mp3ID As mp3Info Dim lngRow As Long, lngFile As Long Dim lngFileCnt As Long
With Application.FileSearch .NewSearch .Filename = "*.MP3" .LookIn = "H:Daniel" 'Change this to the folder you wish to search .SearchSubFolders = True........................
I have a sheet with fixed number of rows but variable number of columns. I have to sort this sheet on the basis of column A starting A2. i am using the following code
But it does not sort properly. To illustrate, i have 10 rows, some 4 columns wide and some 5 columns wide. Since the first row is 5 columns wide , all the rows with 5 columns populated get sorted but the rest get left out.
(There are 500+ more lines like the ones below, in groups of approximately 17 lines per page of information.)
* C.B.A. Bank - 2nd reference to branch near Mike's store. (21/03/1956) * Berwick exams results. (06/06/1877) * Berwick exams (09/05/1877) * Steps taken for erection of Berwick. (11/07/1874) * Berwick tenders for work at home. (11/07/1877) * W. was a storekeeper at Berwick. (25/07/1881) * Berwick Brass. (27/06/1877) * Commercial erected for son. (27/06/1878)
I need to do the folowing to it: (not necessarily in the following order)
- Insert into Excel - Remove brackets - Sort chronologically - Copy back into program I am using again, in same chronological order.
The desired outcome is to be able to throw into Excel all the lines and press a button, (possibly the Sort Ascending one) and have a chronological list of all entries.
I have a table which holds scores as well as other data for players. Is it possible to automatically sort a table based on their points score to see who is top of the league?
Is there a code or some way for me to sort 4 columns together? I want to sort a list of employees and for each employee theres a column with their Lost Business, customer satisfaction, and two more columns. I want to sort all the columns at the same time so that the best employees overall will go to the top of the list and the worst ones will be at the bottom. Whenever I use the sorting feature it does each column independant of the others so everytime I sort a new column it just moves around the last one I sorted.
I have five columns of data A to E. In each row there can be data in either 2 3,4 or 5 of the columns. What I want to do is essentially condense the data. So in columns, say, G,H,I J,K if there is data in column A then It goes into column g, if not it asks if there is any data in column b and so on. Then for H it does the same but one on. I have attached an example to show what I would like to happen.
I created a data base that had a hyperlink to a plan of the store so we can find parts easy. With a lot of help for people here on this web site, it works very well.
My only problem now is that I sorted my Database by the hyperlink column. It made it easy to do one hyperlink and pull the fill handle down for the rest of the same hyperlink reference.
When I went to resort the database so that the parts were in alphabetical order. The sort worked well except that the hyperlink for lets say cell F87 was not sorted. Example : - F87 hyper link presort had the reference to Rack 10 self B. Post sort it had the reference to Rack 16 shelf C. But when clicked on it still took you to Rack 10 self B.
I'm trying to sort this spread sheet so that each email address will have its own column assigned to it. Ie will alway be column C and will always be in D. The problem is I've around 1200 rows of infor and the email addresses are all over the place..
I have around 1900 dates that I need to sort into order but I need the data to be displayed as DD/MM in chronological order eg 01/01, 02/01 etc.
At the moment the dates are DD/MM/YYYY in one column. Have tried sorting them into date order but have found that they're sorted by YYYY. Is there a way of sorting them DD/MM instead?????
I have an array of data that I need sorted. I did a Custom Sort. However, the data did not all sort properly (some of it did). Any ideas as to why this happened and how I can get it to sort correctly?