Get (tabs) Of Action Log To Auto-populate And Auto-delete In Master Log
Jul 29, 2014
I need the tabs of a project action log to auto-populate and auto-delete in a master log. (So when something is added or deleted in a tab it is added or deleted on the master) I use excel a little bit for work and personal finance purposes but I have zero experience with macros or VBA.
Certain job descriptions require certain training. Drivers needs these two particular trainings and an office employee only needs that training...
I have a reference sheet with what trainings are required for what job. I then want the next chart with each employee name and subsequent job title to have the required trainings automatically checked. (I can take care of the conditional formatting after that).
I have never really used VBA and so am completely stuck at this problem. I need to create a macro which auto-populates a master worksheet from the individual user sheets in a shared workbook. Sheet 1 is the master sheet "Team Stats". There will be an undetermined number of individual worksheets to accomodate new staff. Each worksheet will be identical, using columns A-I with row 1 having the headings:
Date, Name, Reference, Value, Price, Age, Purchased?, Destination, Add. Products (the last 3 columns will have a drop-down list which will be used to enter data into the cell). There will be a varying number of rows in each of the individual sheets. If possible I would like the macro to run every time data is entered into one of the individual worksheets. If this is not then it would be fien to update every time the workbook is opened.
In this attached example, this is a portion of a actual work procedure. The yellow highlighted cells are the same work element within the master procedure but one is for one type of machine while the other is for same model but added options. This is a pattern throughout the entire worksheet. Basically 1 model with several different types of options. I don't want to have unnecessary elements in a work procedure.
So what I am trying to accomplish, I want to create a userform or dashboard which will allow selection of model #, model type #, then based off those selections have excel populate a worksheet with all correct procedures based off model type choice.
In this example there is 6 model variations, all share same basic procedure, but all have their own work procedure based on options, so my above approach will allow me to make changes to the master procedure only instead of changing 6 procedures.
I am trying to auto populate one spreadsheet from a master sheet
What I am trying to do: I have a master sheet where information on 25 countries is entered. Sheet has multiple columns for data entry I have 25 additional identical spreadsheets that correspond to one of the 25 countries so can drill down to country specifics
From the master - is it possible to select a country from a drop down menu so when I start entering data on the master it auto populates the corresponding sheet by the country selected.
I am trying to auto generate a calendar based on two drop down menus - Month and Year.
Once the month and year is selected I want to import all work orders onto the calendar based first on the "Labor Name" found in the list of work tab, then assign each work order for that labor name to the respective date on the calendar for the month.
Within a data validation selection, are you able to do both Auto Complete and Auto Delete? I have this posted at another forum [url]but have not been able to find a solution (a copy of the file, test. zip is there as well). I am not sure it is possible, or, at least I have been unable to get it working. I can do each, but not both.
I've attached 2 test files, one is the database master file containing the projects (each row represents a project, unique reference number in column A) and the other is the blank template file i'm hoping to export data into and then save down with the naming convention "column A_column B.xlsx"
Kept the test files simple but would need to modify any code to apply to much larger database consisting of many more fields etc.
I have a bit of code that I saved as an add-in. The code does a couple things: (1) Creates a right-click button that on action (2) draws a rectangular auto-shape that is the size of any selected range.
The add-in seems to loaded correctly.
However, when I launch a new excel sheet, my intent was to have the code (the right click option) be available whenever I opened Excel.
In Excel, is it possible to put coding/formula to rename a tab based on a cell value? For example if cell D3 says "America" could "Sheet 2" get automatically renamed to "America"?
I have a column with multiple currencies. Is there a way to write a formula or some code that will look to that column, and create a new Tab for each new currency name it finds, and then name the Tab that currency?
For example, C5:C15 has an assortment of entries either USD, GBP, AUD. I'd like a search that looks to C5 and creates a new tab labeled whatever the first currency is, then move down the column and do the same thing every time it encounters a new currency, but pass over a cell if it's a currency that already has a tab made for it.
I have a workbook with a list of names of up to 15 people in each of 5 rows. Each row then populates a row in a separate workbook with those names. Each person is identified by a number and each person then has their own worksheet in that workbook.
Is it possible in some way to auto-name the tab for each worksheet from the number in the name cell?
I am interested in printing an entire workbook in one shot with multiple tabs, where each tab is one page. I would like to print the tabs such that the first tab has the number '1' in the footer, the second tab has '2' etc. And I don't want to go into each tab and type the number in the footer.
consolidating data from 3 worksheets which contain same data fields but each representing 1 brand. I like to have a summary/mastersheet to contain data from all 3 worksheets and then when the data in each worksheet is added or updated, the summary worksheet should reflect the changes (adding new data to the last row).
I have 5 columns: A, B, C, D & E of which I have drop downs for: Yes, No, Maybe, Not Sure for A, B, C, & D. I need column E to offer a hyperlinked when A, B, C have Yes, Maybe or Not Sure selected. If Yes, Maybe or Not Sure is selected for D, I need to have a hyperlink When no is selected for any of them, I need to have it say None.
The first tab I have a summary sheet which I want to auto populate with a sumproduct function, the second tab is where the dates and values are I wish to sum the value if it’s returned in January. I had a go to try sum the entire range see below but it’s not working
The ultimate goal I am trying to achieve is if there is a date in January in the date returned column and the php column does not contain a value I want it to sum in the summary sheet in January. Hopefully if anyone can advise that would be great then I can look at the formula and try workout to sum only if there is a value in the php column in January
on Sheet 2, I have a very long list of names and addresses. What I am trying to do, is to have the correct address auto populate in Cell B253, depending on which name I type into Cell B252.
The formula has to be able to determine which name is typed in cell B252, i.e., John A Doe, and then auto populate his address in cell B253.
On the 'Activity' sheet I: select the date, select the description, and select the category (dependent on the description using indirect) and enter a value. ($ dollar amount)
How do I make the entered values appear automatically :
- on the correct Sheet for the Description - 'EXPENSES' or 'INCOME'
- in the correct columns (matching) the category
- and in the correct row (matching) the date,
- "add to" - if a value already exists in the cell (more than one transaction on a date)
after they have been hand entered on the 'Activity' sheet?
My macro runs, and it inserts a cell, but in order to record data on a summary page, I need a formula to auto populate, and I've tried having the macro copy/paste and I've tried ActiveCell.Formula...and nothing seems to be working. The formula needs to go into Cell B3.
I have a database in the form of a spreadsheet with the following column headings: A=DATE (3 letter abbreviation for the month...jan, feb, mar, etc) B=Client C=City D=State E=Department F=Contract number
Is there a formula that I can enter in another worksheet (which is being used as a report), that will "grab" the monthly data for all entries for a given month (i.e. "mar"), and auto-populate corresponding cells with each?
I am trying to run a macro to put in the Month, Day, Year on each tab but I want it to exclude holidays and weekends. I am not a techie or anything but I would like to know how to do this. I have tried various vb codes but they don't exclude the weekends/holidays.
I have a master page with A1 containing the names of staff members and then 5 columns indicating preference1 .... preference5. Each preference column will have one 4 digit site code i.e. 8156 entered. I will have 64 worksheets matching all potential 4 digit site codes that could be entered in the preferences columns.
SAMPLE - one staff member entering 5 site codes (A1 to A6)
Billy Bloggs - 8124 - 8456 - 8456 - 8123 - 8882
What I am looking for is a way to autocopy the persons name to the appropriate worksheet and into the correct preference column as I enter the 4 digit code against the staff members name on the master sheet.
So i have 40K to spend, i want to eneter 40000 into a box and it will auto populate the number of units i can buy, always setting the weapon #6 as the priority.
I am trying to add some code that will auto populate cells based on entries and list selections. In the attached spreadsheet, when information is added to cells in column 'A', the date should auto populate the cells in column 'C'. When a status of "Complete" is selected from the dropdown box in cell 'B', the date should auto populate in the cell in column "D".
The code partially works in that it will auto populate columns "C" and "D", but the code errors out every time and I have to cancel the error to continue to the next entry.
Based on selection in column C populated using a drop down list from a range titled PracticeID. Other named ranges, all on sheet titled Validation, are PracticeName and Name_ID (a 2 column range made up of PracticeName and PracticeID). This works great the first time a selection is made in column C. But, of course, if the user needs to change the selection in column C, the value in column D does not change. Would the cell change event be the appropriate place to place this action?
I use the code below to autocreate a folder and hyperlink to it. It creates a folder when I enter a drivers name in column D it then turns the name into a hyper link to that folder - my problem is I have 2 files in the drivers folder on the C drive - one called wkd.xlsm (a small spread sheet) and one called notes.txt (a notepad document) I would like these files to be automatically added to the folder that is created when I add a drivers name to the D column - I would also like a hyperlink to be created to the wkd file in column H and a hyperlink to the notes file in column X.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) folderpath = "c:drivers"
If Not Intersect(Range("D3:D1000"), Target) Is Nothing Then If Target.Value "" Then If Dir(folderpath & Cells(Target.Row, "D") & " " & Cells(Target.Row, "C"), vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then