Automatically Clear Contents Of Cell Range
Jan 17, 2013
Is is possible to clear the contents of a cell range if a message box appears stating an error. I have tried the following code but the logic doesn't actually work and am struggling to achieve what I am trying to do.
My code so far is as follows:
If ActiveSheet.Range("F84") > 0 And ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PES").Range("D24") = 0 Then _
MsgBox "Your Entitlement is currently 0", vbCritical, "Error"
The message box appears fine if the IF statement is true but if IF statement is false, the cell range of K84 to T84 on the current sheet is still cleared..
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Oct 13, 2009
Is there way to automatically clear the contents of a cell when the user clicks in that cell. Eg, click in "A1" then then "A1" clears automatically.
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Dec 6, 2006
Is there a way to clear the contents of each cell in a range without losing formulas?
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Jan 9, 2007
I have the following Worksheet Change Event in my worksheet. The contents of range rng are not cleared.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
rng = Range("F" & Target.Row & ":M" & Target.Row)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("N5:N1000")) Is Nothing Then
If Target.Cells.Count = 1 Then
If Target.Value = "Yes" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
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Dec 23, 2009
I'm using a macro to copy the results of a formula and paste the values only on another sheet. The result includes lots of "blank" rows. I have another macro to get rid of the empty rows and move the information up.
It's not working because the "blank" rows aren't empty. Even though I paste values only, experimentation shows that the cells that appear blank return a false to the ISBLANK test with a length of 0.
So now I think I need a macro to run after the pastespecial command to look for cells within a range with a length of zero and delete the contents of those cells, but leave alone anything with a length of >0.
I am brand new to the idea of using VBA, but I have successfully cobbled together some stuff and can usually modify things to work.
It seems I need to maybe use some sort of IF statement along with a LEN and ClearContents. I don't want to delete the blank cells, just make them truly empty so that all of my actual data stays where it should, and my delete empty rows macro works correctly.
I did a search and see some info on clearing contents of columns or rows, or clearing contents based on the content of other columns or rows, but I'm unsure of how to tell it to search each cell within a range and clear the contents of 0-length cells to make them truly empty.
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Jul 21, 2006
I'm trying clear the contents of a column range when the cell above this column range is empty. I know how to do this for one cell, but I would like it to work for a rangefrom R15:BB15.
If IsEmpty(Range("r15")) Then
End If
End Sub
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Jan 10, 2007
I am filtering column S in a sheet to show all rows with a date after the end of the previous month - i.e. >= 01/01/07. What i want to do is clear the contents of those visible cells in column S. I tried the code below (got it on this site) but it works its way up from the bottom of the sheet until it finds the first visible row and then clears the contents of column S in each row above it, whether it is visible or not.
With Range("e2:C2")
.AutoFilter field:=5, Criteria1:="<=" & Sheets("Filtered Statistics").Range("c3")
.AutoFilter field:=19, Criteria1:=">=" & Sheets("Filtered Statistics").Range("d3")
For i = Range("s65536").End(xlUp).Row To 3 Step -1
If InStr(1, ">=" & Sheets("Filtered Statistics").Range("d3"), Cells(i, 19).Value) = 0 Then
Cells(i, 19).ClearContents
End If
Next i
.AutoFilter field:=19
End With
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Feb 11, 2014
I have a range variable named data I want to clear all the data in the 3rd column in the range variable I know how to reference a single location in the range variable but not a whole column. see example code below
[Code] .....
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Jan 4, 2009
I want to have users fill out. While it is possible to have it Read Only so that they always SaveAs I would rather put in a macro to clear the user input fields. I have done this in Excel 2003 and when I try using the same techniques in 2007 I get an Error 400.
I have all the cells (some are merged cells) in a named range and have the following code for clearing them.
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Dec 17, 2007
There is data(numerical) or blanks in each of the cells in the range H32:O37
I want to clear the contents if they are a duplicate of the previous line.
Looking for a macro hopefully. Found many to delete the whole row but just the specific range based upon the duplicate criteria..As there is data surronding that area do not want to delete whole row just clear that specifc area.
H32:O32 clear contents if same as H31:O31 if any valuse are different then stays the same
H33:O33 clear contents if same as H32:O32 if any valuse are different then stays the same
H34:O34 clear contents if same as H33:O33 if any valuse are different then stays the same
H35:O35 clear contents if same as H34:O34 if any valuse are different then stays the same
H36:O36 clear contents if same as H35:O35 if any valuse are different then stays the same
H37:O37 clear contents if same as H36:O36 if any valuse are different then stays the same
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Jun 4, 2013
I am trying to clear the contents of a range of contiguous cells (containing formula) in Excel 2010 64bit. But it is taking a LONG time (read >30min to clear a range 288 x 100). Originally was doing it in VBA but it was taking too long so I started stepping through the macro and identified that the slow down was occurring on a particular sheet only. So the problem is in Excel....not VBA because it is still very slow when deleting the same range in Excel without using VBA.
I've tried all the usual suspects including: Application.EnableEvents = False (run from the VBA Immediate window when using Excel without VBA), Setting to Example of slow clear contents5.xlsxExample of slow clear contents5.xlsxManual Calculation, Turning off screen updating, deleting all the conditional formatting on the sheet, removing any data validation from the sheet (yes all these at the same time). There are no links to external workbooks. I've even tried in VBA changing from .ClearContents to .Value = vbNullString. All to NO AVAIL! By way of background the file is about 72Mb #.xlsm.
If I try to clear contents of larger ranges on other sheets in the same workbook it is instantaneous. If I copy the problem worksheet off to a new workbook, I can delete the problem range almost instantly. Why deleting a range of cells should take so long! Again to clarify, I am using the terms "delete" and "clear contents" interchangeably, but they both mean "clear contents" (not delete and move up cells). P.S I've also looked into the reported conflict between Excel and Google Desktop Office Add-in (Office Button->Excel Options->Addins->Com Addins and deselect Google Desktop Office Addin) but I didn't have Google Desktop Office Add-in so it isn't that.
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Jan 17, 2012
I have the following code where I want to clear the cells.
When I run this code, where it should select G27:I57, it instead selects G27:N57!!!!
When I manually try to select the G27:I57, the selection jumps to the right to N57.
When I use this piece of code on a different worksheet, it works OK!
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Mar 7, 2007
Is it possible using vba code to clear a specific cell's contents? I have a workbook that has text boxes that need the linked cell cleared when the workbook opens so the user can start fresh with empty text box's.
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Feb 7, 2013
I have a spreadsheet with data to row 5000. I have column Y that has an "X" in it. I would like some VBA code to look at each row up to 5000, in column Y for the "X". If it is there, clear the cell contents on the current row in columns T, U, and V.
I've tried modifying some existing code (excluding the Y column range of 5000) but keep getting a "Compile error: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignments". How do I set the 5000 limit and get this code back on track?
Sub RemoveBankDelay()
n = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("Y:Y"), "X")
For i = 1 To n
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Jan 13, 2010
I'm trying to clear cell contents based on a defined name given to a set of various cells in my worksheet. The cells are not continuous, but since they're given that defined name, I don't think it matters.
The defined name is listed as "CommentsFields".
The worksheet name is listed as "QPRForm_V6"
I found a similar thread, but cannot get it to work with what I'm looking for. I'm relatively new to writing VBA/macros, so I'm not sure what to do.
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Sep 12, 2012
Small piece of code to clear the contents of
Rows 33 thru 100 , then
Rows 142 thru 209 , then
Rows 251 thru 318 , then upto
Rows 43524 thru 43591 then finish
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Feb 21, 2007
If I have a pick list, or drop-down list, in cell B21 and one of the options in that list is "Clear", how can I get the contents of cell C21 to be cleared when I select the "Clear" option in B21?
Constraint... Don't want to use VBA.
I am thinking of hiding a formula somewhere other than in C21 that evaluates B21 and does an If Then kind of deal to clear C21.
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Sep 3, 2008
I am trying to write a piece of vba that clears the contents if the first character in the cell is not #.... if I use "#"*, I get a syntax error
Just figured my syntax needs a slight adjustment to be recognized...
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Apr 25, 2008
I need to clear the contents of every other cell in a selection of 5000 rows starting with the first cell. Is there a macro that can do this for me?
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Feb 22, 2013
I have created a worksheet with many calculations based on user input into several unlocked cells. I would like to create a cell that when selected, would clear the contents of this group of unlocked cells.
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Jul 3, 2014
I am currently using this Code to search column1 for a Key Word that is entered into textbox "Kunde" on my userform.
[Code] .....
What i would really like to be Abel to do is :
Search for the cell in column1 with =Kunde.Value
Clearcontents of this cell and the 2 adjacent to the right.
i.e. Word is found in A7
Cells A7:C7 contents are cleared and fill Color returned to default colorindex 0
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Oct 8, 2013
I'm trying to create macro that will clear the contents of the cells in the 4 columns to the left of a cell that = 0 %, as well as the cell that = 0%. For example, if cell F13 = 0 % then the contents of B13:F13 would need to be cleared. The range in which data is being pasted into is B13:F27.
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Feb 18, 2009
Been racking brain, searching through the forum here, and my Excel 2003 Bible all day trying to figure out this problem to no avail. I would like to clear the contents of any cell in a given range if the cell immediately to the right of is formatted as bold.
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Jun 1, 2014
i need a code that moves down a column and for every empty cell in the column the cell to the left is cleared and then it moves on to the next cell down. the column is not always the same and will start from a selected cell, and the column will contain no more than 5 rows
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Mar 9, 2013
I am relatively new to VBA. I am creating an attendance calendar that tracks employees calling sick, late etc.. It is a point based system. What I am looking for is, a way to clear the point value that was manually entered in a specific cell (I3), if there is a Value manually entered in (CU3). Each column in my worksheet is for a specific date ie; I3 is the cell where I enter the points (1.00) for that employee by calling in sick on 3/1/2013, (Column "I" is for 3/1/2013). After 90 days, this point accumulated by the employee does not count against them, so I need that point entered in (I3) to either = 0 or the cell contents to be cleared if there is a value entered in cell (CU3) which is 91 days after, so my (A3) cell does not add that point acquired on 3/1/2013.
I need this to run in a range (I3:I450) so if any value is entered into (CU3:CU450) it has the same result and continue to for (J3:J450) so if any value is entered into (CV3:CV450) and so on..
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Mar 7, 2007
I am a financial administrator & every month I have down load 4 bank accts as CSV, import into xl & code (CACode) the amounts for our accountant. I have VBA that formats, adds headings & formula etc but I have a problem/s. In H col I place CAcode & I use a sumif formula in I col to sum all the amounts with that have the same CAcode. For simplicity sake I copy the sumif down & then sort H col ascendindingly (this is done by VBA). Now I am trying write a macro to clear the contents of the cell in I col
if eg h60 = h59
then I60 clearContents, Select h59
Else select H59
Do until H3 is selected
Select table (A2:I Xldown)
Sort Table by CAcode (H Col)
Set Range as H3:Xldown
Select Last cell with CAcode (Xldown) in H col
For every cell in Range (H3:Xldown)
Use If/thenIf Last cell = 2nd Last cell (H Col) then
Clear contents of I col (last row)
select 2nd Last cell (H Col)
Else 2nd Last cell (H Col)Next Cell
I have to use Xldown to select range as the range will be variable each month & for each bank acct. I need to clear contents of cell to verify that all the sub-totals of unique CAcodes of the CAcoded amounts = the totals Because I may have up to 120 rows X 3 bank accts I am slowly using vba to do my work.
Sub sort_And_delete_Sumif_amounts()
Dim r As Range
'Select range to sort
'Sort CAcode in H col ascendingly
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("H2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
'select range for comparisomn of CAcode
Set r = Range("H3", Selection.End(xlDown))................
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Mar 19, 2009
I have a workbook with two sheets of data. I want to hide column B of Sheet2 and clear contents of range B2:B50 if the value in A1 of Sheet1 is "a".
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Jul 17, 2013
I'm attempting to clear the contents from a range of cells on rows where a cell string may equal R, X, XX, Y, Z, ZX, #N/A.
The macro runs fine until it gets to a cell that contains #N/A. How to get this to work?
Sub Recalculate()
Dim r As Integer
r = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Row = 13 To r
[Code] ........
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Sep 23, 2013
I have a 700 line spreadsheet and would like to delete the cell next to another cell if it contains a certain string. I.e if A1 to A3 equals "Test" then i would like to delete the contents of B1 to B3, But if A2 equals "Completed" then only B1 and B3 should be cleared.
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Jun 13, 2014
I'm trying to use the "clear contents macro" for merge cell, but I keep receiving this "compile error : Expected End Sub" error.
FYI, I have named my merge cells to "myMergedCells"
[Code] .....
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