Automatically Create Csv Files From Columns

Apr 9, 2008

I have an excel worksheet with data from A to T and the numbers of rows may change from use to use. I want to create a button/macro that determines where the data ends and will take the data from two columns, say column A and column D and put it in a new csv file.

In my final product, I would really like to be able to have a set of check boxes that say "Column D", "Column E", ... "Column T" and so if I check TWO boxes, say "Column D" and "Column T" and click create, it will output TWO csv files, one with Column A and Column D and the other with Column A and Column T.

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Automatically Create Tables From ASCII Files

Dec 3, 2009

I've written a program to read data into a custom table from ASCII
files. The ASCII files are created from a VB script I've added to an Excel
spreadsheet. The VB script in Excel is the following:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim str_fileName As String
Dim int_fileNum As Integer
Dim str_fileName2 As String
Dim int_fileNum2 As Integer
MsgBox "Testing"
str_fileName = "\EPCOR02COLLECTSinto.txt"
str_fileName2 = "\EPCOR02COLLECTDisa.txt"
Application.EnableEvents = False
If (Target.Address = "$D$2") Then
'Write to the Sinto file
On Error Goto Err_CreateOutputFile
int_fileNum = FreeFile...............................

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Automatically Create Columns Based On Difference Between Two Dates

May 2, 2008

I have been perusing various Excel sites in hopes of finding a macro or function that can create columns based upon two dates input into specific cells. My ultimate goal is to use this macro or automated function so that when the user inputs the dates, the columns would automatically be created for them, rather than having them do it manually.

ideally, the 'start' and 'finish' dates are named cells and the macro could determine the difference between the two and automatically insert columns to the left of a ' Totals' column.

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Files Open Automatically

Jul 25, 2007

The background is that I only use macros for a few limited files to save me some time spent on monotonous clicking. Well, yesterday I made three little macros that clear the info in three weekly files and save each with a new date (in preparation for me adding the new info). When I left yesterday, the macros worked as intended. I come in to work this morning, and each of those files now open automatically whenever I open any other file in Excel (just for the first one, nothing happens if I open a second).

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Automatically Convert Text Files To CSV

Aug 24, 2006

I have a lot of .txt files that needed to be converted to .csv file format. Right now I am doing it manually using MS Excel i.e. File > Open. For each file, I need to specify the length of each fields one by one, so it is quite an effort for me.

Is there any way to automate this process using MS Excel or any other existing programs?

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Automatically Copy Modules To Other Files

Nov 10, 2006

I need to copy a code which I have in Module 1 of File 1 to numerous other files. Is there any quick way of doing that?

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Transfer Columns From One Worksheet To Another In Multiple Columns?

May 4, 2013

I would like to take the data from worksheet1 and put into worksheet2 but limit the length of a list (the real spread sheet has over 100 rows and i would like them in 4 sets of 25 versus the example I provided). Is there an array or macro that would make this work (keeping the formatting)..

Excel 2007


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Mass Data Import From 200 Files. Automatically

Apr 24, 2009

I have around 200 files, all named from 001.xls to 200.xls, all containing the same format, the same number of colums, but a different number of lines.

Now I have the great task to actually open all these files and copy each files data into one file and start analyzing it. Well, since I personally have no interest to open, copy and paste 200 hundred times, I am wondering if there is any faster way to let excel automatically copy the data into this master file?
I am thinking about somehing like *='001.xls'Sheet2!B2:E20*

One thing is that each file never has more than 20 entries, thus i would only need excel to import the from line 2 to 20 from a certain file and then do same thing all over again with the next file.

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Automatically Combining Records From 2 Files Into One Database

Aug 30, 2013

Specifically, I have customer sales data from my web site that contains order numbers and sales data. From Google analytics, I have transaction information that also contains the order number. The data element that is common to both is order number. I can't just paste columns from one file into the other because the records listed in rows may not match up.

I don't want to have to copy and paste data from one file to another for each record manually since I have thousands of records. Is there a way to merge the two files together automatically by having Excel "understand" that it should pair the two files together using the order number to create a row that contains data from both files?

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Creating Files To Automatically Determine Proper Entry

Jan 1, 2009

I have posted about creating an Excel worksheet which would help determine proper entry into a retirement plan. Another idea that I had entailed setting up a separate worksheet which would return the dates of entry following an employee's date of hire. Therefore, an employee hired on 8/5/2005 would have dates of entry following that stand at 1/1/2006 and 7/1/2006. Then, I had an idea of creating a formula or function to add up the number of hours that the employee had worked.

Setting up a separate worksheet with the number of hours that an employee worked during the initial eligiblity computation period and the subsequent computation periods (separate respective columns for the initial eligibility computation period and then for each subsequent computation period) would help. I would calculate using sum functions.

So, to sketch this out:
One sheet would have the employee's DOH

Another worksheet would have the Dates of Entry subsequent to that DOH (e.g. for an employee hired 8/5/2005 the next Dates of Entry entails 1/1/2006, 7/1/2006, and 1/1/2007)

Yet Another Worksheet would sum the total hours that an employee had worked since DOH on a month by month basis (i.e. the total number of hours than employee had worked since his or her DOH up to a certain point on a monthly basis; e.g. an employee hired on 8/5/2005 would have on the sheet the calculation of the hours this employee had worked as of from 8/5/2005 to 9/1/2005, then the next column would have the total the number of hours worked by the employee from 8/5/2005 to 10/1/2005, etc.)

Finally, the worksheet with the DOH information would have a column which would (this would probably entail heavy use of VLOOKUP) snag the information as to how many months and years an employee had worked as of the subsequent Dates of Entry; if the employee had worked 1,000 hours and 12 months as of 1/1/2007, for example, the employee would enter the plan.

To explain the situation further:

The employee must work 1,000 hours during his or her initial eligibility computation period. That starts on the day of the first hour that an employee works for the company. So, an employee hired on August 1, 2005 who worked one hour on that day must 1,000 hours from then till August 1, 2006 to enter the plan as soon as possible. If the employee did not work 1,000 hours during that period, then the eligibility computation period shifts to the plan year. So, if the employee did not work 1,000 hours between August 1, 2005 and August 1, 2006, but did work 1,000 hours between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2006 (this of course presumes the plan operates on a calendar year)

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Read Specific Cell From Many Excel Files Automatically?

Mar 11, 2014

Is there anyway to read a specific cell from many excel files automatically and add them to a new workbook?

I tried to link that specific cell to a new workbook manually but now I have a problem: If I change the name of any workbook that is linked to the new workbook, Excel can't update the new file name

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Merging Files Automatically Named Based On Date

Oct 3, 2013

I am trying to merge 2 files (FileA and FileB) into a new file which will be automatically named based on the date. I would only need Sheet 2 of both files to be copied over and merged into the new file. The range to be copied is from Row 3 onwards to whichever point where the data ends. All the files can be found in a specific drive and the new file should be created there as well.

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Create Files Based On Sort Value?

Jun 11, 2013

In every month I have to send report to each sales person provided one sales person should not get info of another sales person. Now I am doing it by making file after sort using copy and paste which is time consuming. Is there any way that I can make individual file for each sales person in shortcut way.

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Macro To Create CSV Files From Spreadsheet

Jan 27, 2010

How do I create VBA macro to create CSV files out of Excel spread sheet for each tab? Right now I am manually opening the spreadsheet and saving each tab as CSV file. But it is taking lot of time if we have lot of tabs.

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Create Folders & Copy Files To It

Jun 26, 2007

I need to create a macro that will allow the user to create a directory based on a template directory, with all directory paths/ names stored in workbook cells:

1) Create a new directory (name/path specified in workbook)
2) Go to a template directory & copy the entire directory, subdirectories & all files
3) Paste them into the new directory
4) Save a copy of the workbook into the specified location from (3)

-copy all to-
X:Projects(Value specified in workbook cell)

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Create List Of Files In A Directory

Oct 20, 2007

Is it possible to create a VBA script that will list the filenames of files in a set directory? I have about 100 directories, each containing 1000 files and they need to go into an excel spreadsheet (each file on a new row)so they can be audited... ;(

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Create Automatic Link To Files In Same Folder

Apr 28, 2009

I have two files,

1. Form Templete & 2. Student Data Index. (Both files will be placed in same folder)

About Form Templete : This is a simple form, containing some fields. Fields which i require are Form No., Student's name & Standard.

About Student Data Index : This file is to maintain records.
Each time when I fill form for a new student i will copy paste the form templete file & rename it by form no. (Entered in the Form Templete file, Form No. field)

My question is : Is it possible that whenever i create a new file in the same folder with student's name the required fields in the Student data Index get filled automatically, apart from that the new file created get hyperlinked & when i click on form no. the form for that student gets open?

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MultiSelect Files - How To Properly Create Array

Aug 28, 2013

I got the following code:

Function DateiAuswaehlen() As Variant
Dim FileOpen As Variant, i As Integer
Dir Left(KonvPath, InStr(KonvPath, ""))


Basically, I want the function to return an array, but also work when the user does not choose any file.

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How To Create / Save Multiple Files In One Shot

Mar 26, 2014

Any way to create individual excel files for over 300 people in one shot.

I have created an excel template and have a list of 300 people. Rather than one at a time, is there a way to do it in one shot?

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Create Zip Files Based On Cell Contents?

Jul 28, 2014

I have a excel file where I have the list of File Path in Column A & list of File names in Column B, Default path location is available in Column C. Now I want create a zipped folder based on the file name in Column B to the location Column C. I had browsed in Internet and found some code for creating the zipped file by selecting the files in Windows browser window. However my case is need to create the Zipped file based on excel cell contents.

I had found the code in the following location

Zip file(s) with the default Windows zip program (VBA)

create a code for creating the zipped folder based on Excel cell contents

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Search Folders And Create Hyperlinks To Files

Feb 18, 2009

I have a list of file names sans extension in column A. I want to search a folder I specify and if file is found create a hyperlink to said file either in a new cell or in column A.

The code I have does the search fine, but its hyperlinking is offset and I can’t get it to match the link to the file name.

Also it breaks if it can not find the file.

Here is the code...

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Create A List Of Files With Clickable Links

Mar 17, 2006

I've found countless, very useful macros that do 1/3 of what i need. My needs:

1) A macro to look in a set network folder, and generate a list of Excel files, and display them (1 per row, just the file name if possible)

2) Each file name is a hyperlink to open that sheet

3) A macro to look at the file listed above, then list in the column B a value from a set cell. So it would ideally output:

1| RH0018.xls A1CellValue
2| RH0019.xls A1CellValue
3| RH0020.xls A1CellValue

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Always Create Back-up Automatically

Aug 15, 2007

How to make sure that every workbook I create has the option of "backing up before saving" turned-on? I need a Excel-wide option, i.e. one that applies to all workbooks created, The known to me facility of turning the option on every time I create a workbook is not satisfactory because often I forget to turn the option on when creating a new book -- and I create many.

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Loop Through Multiple Files To Create List Of Tab Names

Jul 26, 2013

I have a folder with 20 Excel files. I'm trying to create a master list of all the tab names. I can see all of the files opening, but it only copies some of the names.


Sub GetTabNames()
Dim wkBook1, wkBook2 As Workbook
Dim stFilePath1 As String
Dim FileList(1 To 18) As String
Dim iLoopSheet, iLoopProg As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

[Code] .....

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Automatically Create New Row With New Entry From Different Tab / Spreadsheet?

Mar 24, 2014

I've got a master spreadsheet grabbing data from 12-13 different tabs/spreadsheets.

One of those has a table, and I was wondering:

Is it possible for the master spreadsheet to automatically add a new line every time someone adds a new line and creates a new entry in a different spreadsheet?

In other words,

If there is a table in the master spreadsheet, and someone adds a new line, is there a formula which allows the master spreadsheet to add a new line in order to autopopulate?

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Create Matrix Of Data Automatically

Jan 30, 2013

I have 2 types of data: Product & Store

And the data would go like this:

Corn Flakes
Frosted Flakes
Froot Loops

Store 1
Store 2
Store 3
Store 4

The number of entries of course is a lot bigger, that's why I'm trying to make it auto.

So what I need is to have a table created that would mix both data type in 2 columns, like this:


Corn Flakes
Store 1


How would this be done automatically by a formula?

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Automatically Create Chart Images

Jun 12, 2014

I currently need to create around 1200 chart images using excel for a report series I am performing for a client. I have been trying all kinds of different things, all failures, to automate this process. My current method is to filter a pivot table on the building I am analyzing, copying the chart, pasting it as a picture in Ms Word, then saving that image as a Picture. Obviously, this process is quite lengthy, especially if I multiply that over the course of all 1200 images.

I am looking for a solution using a macro, vba, or a combination of things to automate this process and maybe even create the jpgs automatically?

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Create Chart Automatically Via Code

Dec 19, 2006

to write a code that would create a chart automatically in another worksheet when a button is clicked.

I have attached the sample data that I am working on.
Each row in the sheet represent 3 coordinates, which are:
coordinate # 1 = start, 0
coordinate # 2 = centre, level
coordinate # 3 = end, 0

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Auto Excel File Copy And Create Files With Given Names

Jul 13, 2013

I'm looking for one macro code in order to generate the excel files and give the standard excel file names.

Example: I have one master file in the given path like C:Temp and input box required to assign the number of file option. If I declare 10 files then my master file should get 10 copies and save it the above path....

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Automatically Create Summary Report On Another Sheet?

Jun 21, 2014

I need to create a summary report on another sheet, but it is beyond my capacity.

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