Automatically Multiply Set Value And Overwrite Original Entry With Result
Jun 5, 2014
I want to be able to enter a value into a cell (within a specified range) and have it automatically multiply by a set value and overwrite the original entry with the result so making it all happen within one cell. The set value would be another cell on that sheet.
So the range for example is "H17:H74" and the value I want to multiply by is "D8"
Is this possible?
I've looked at another forum but it wasn't working when I wanted to define the set value as a cell.
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May 30, 2009
I have an inherited formula and I am not sure if it is giving me the correct answer. It is:
The result is 1.503
What I am aiming for is to get 3% and 25% of 688, deduct the results from 688 and then get 10% of that answer.
Is the inherited formula correct?
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Feb 26, 2012
I'm trying to find a formula that will find an original entry using 4 criteria original entry is cases ordered.
columns A,B,C,D will have to match then give me a result in column E to find original entry if there is one otherwise I will have to enter new row and original entry for cases ordered.
A = section
B = description
C = size
D = region
E = cases ordered
Row 2 = fruit, apples, medium, north, 25
Row 45 = fruit, apples, medium, north,
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Nov 10, 2008
I know when you multiple anything by 0 the answer is 0.
But I have a list of numbers I need to multiply out
but want to keep the total even if there is a 0 in the sequence
So A1*A2=150 if I then multiply by A3 I get 0, but I need to ignore the cells that have 0.
So for the last example my answer would be 140.
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Mar 12, 2009
I want to be able to enter a value into a cell (within a specified range if necessary) and have it automatically multiply by a set value and overwrite the original entry with the result so making it all happen within one cell.
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Apr 25, 2014
I have excel result sheet which contains students information. i.e. name, subjects and their corresponding marks, grade, percentage etc. So from that sheet I want to print result cards for each students separately from the data (result sheet).
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Oct 11, 2006
I presently have a macro that, when run, takes to conents of C4 and C6 and saves a new version of the file being worked on into a folder on my desktop. I love the macro with the exception of one part: I don't want to be prompted to overwrite the file if it already exists. How can I change this macro so that, when pressed, it overwrites the file without prompting the user and waiting for their answer?
Here is the current
Sub SaveIt() ...
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Sep 24, 2009
I have put a VLOOKUP in place for a range of cells. Where the referenced cell has no entry it puts #N/A in the sheet. This is causing me further problems, is there a way to get all entries which equal this to leave the cell blank?
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Sep 5, 2012
The problem is when I highlight a row with some color the original color of the row is gone, so I tried this code, and again, it's removing the original format and color for the row This is the code from McGimpsey & Associates : Excel : Highlight row with background colors
PrivateSub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Const cnNUMCOLS AsLong=256
Const cnHIGHLIGHTCOLOR AsLong=36'default lt. yellow
Static rOld As Range
Static nColorIndices(1To cnNUMCOLS)AsLong
Dim i AsLong
IfNot rOld IsNothingThen'Restore color indices
How can I retain the range's historical color so that when I deselect the row it reverts properly?
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Sep 14, 2008
I would like to look at an array and find the largest number. Once that is found, return the text value that is in column B from that row. For example:
In this example, I would be looking at the array C1:D3. Because the highest value is 7, I want the text "Orange" to be displayed in a new cell such as A5.
To find the largest number, I am using =Large(C1:D3,1). How do I display its' corresponding text value from column B in a new cell?
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Jan 30, 2009
I have a column of consignment numbers in this location
Sheet Name: C NUMBER
Reference: C3:C10000
I have an entry field for which people may type their Consignment number in at this location to search for possible match
Sheet Name: Query
Reference: Cell D10
I would like to be able to allow a portion of the number be typed in to D10 and then have Cell D11 show the full first match from that partial entry.
Thank you,
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Oct 30, 2013
Excel (2000), what formula would I use to accomplish the following?
If A1 equal or less than 1000 value, multiply by B1, otherwise multiply by C1.
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Aug 31, 2010
How do you multiply a column and have the results reappear in the nextcolumn? E3:E3631*1.3 = F3:F3631, is the code I tried.
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Jul 6, 2006
Is there a way you can copy formulas to the next line when a new entry is automatically added to a spreadsheet via a form?
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Mar 24, 2014
I've got a master spreadsheet grabbing data from 12-13 different tabs/spreadsheets.
One of those has a table, and I was wondering:
Is it possible for the master spreadsheet to automatically add a new line every time someone adds a new line and creates a new entry in a different spreadsheet?
In other words,
If there is a table in the master spreadsheet, and someone adds a new line, is there a formula which allows the master spreadsheet to add a new line in order to autopopulate?
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Aug 1, 2014
Is there a way to automatically move cells down after I entered data in it? This way I do not have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the list to add new data.
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Nov 28, 2006
I'm trying to figure out how to create a database on Sheet 2 by filling in the info in a template created on Sheet 1. I have seen it done with the addition of a button within the Excel sheet itself, and you simply click it to send your information to the database page. I am thinking it is along the lines of OLAP or recording macros
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Dec 5, 2007
How do I get data validation to automatically add an entry into its database.
If a cell if formated for data validation and I make an entry thats not currently in its database, it enters it into its database.
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Nov 19, 2009
I already have various dependent validation lists established using the INDIRECT function.
Now I want to figure out how I can automatically change the selected values given the selected list. For example:
Cell D11 is a validation list with options: Boat/Car
Cell D15 is a validation list where if D11 = Boat the options are Catamaran/Sailboat/Tugboat. If D11=Car the options are Convertible/Sedan/Midsize.
The problem is that if D15 is preselected as Sailboat, for example, and you go back and change D11 to equal Car, cell D15 remains an option from the Boat validation list. I would like it to automatically update as the 1st item on the car validation list.
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Apr 17, 2008
I have multiple worksheets of computer equipment, each worksheet is a group/department. Column H is the serial number column and the entries have to be unique. I have managed to create the code below which does find duplicates across worksheets.
When error message pops up about which sheet the duplicate already exists on, the duplicate entry is deleted and the cell is blank but the error checks again and reports the blank existing on another worksheet and then it is stuck in a loop. How can I ignore the blank or null.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim I As Integer
I = Sheets.Count
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("H2:H200")) Is Nothing Then
Do Until I = 0
If Application.IsError(Application.Match(Target, Sheets(I).Range("H2:H200"), 0)) Then
MsgBox "That entry already exists in the " + Sheets(I).Name + " sheet"
End If
I = I - 1
End If
End Sub
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Mar 3, 2014
How can I copy the result of a cell into another cell automatically.
I have a formula that builds a description of a product using the contents of a bunch of cells
I can copy and paste the value but how do i get the cell to do that by itself.
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Apr 7, 2004
When I enter a formula into a cell, for instance; (d27*d28/144)*d23, and then enter a number into cell d23, the formula gets replaced by the value of the result automatically.
I've searched the help files and found no setting that does this. It reminds me of an old question I've had lingering since I've used excel and that is why sometimes when you enter a math calculation, for intance; =25/5, the number 5 is entered into the cell instead of the formula.
After I posted the above, the problem magically went away until.....
This is boggling my mind. The problem is back.
The wierd thing is I copy a known good formula to one of these cells, for a split second you can see the formula in the formula window and then it gets changed automatically to the result of the formula. Formula is gone!
Then I tried this:
I set security to high (I had it on Low) and of course my macros would not run, but this did not clear up the problem. However when I set security back to low, it now seems to be working good. I am scepticle (sp.?) though because the problem is very random.
Could I have a virus?
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Apr 26, 2014
I have a customer data base going across each row about payments/address/DOB etc. When i go to alter some information in certain cells the rows become uneven and the information for customer B1 will be for C1 instead. I'm not familiar with excel but what i did notice when scrolling down i saw an outline of uneven rows.
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Jan 1, 2009
I have posted about creating an Excel worksheet which would help determine proper entry into a retirement plan. Another idea that I had entailed setting up a separate worksheet which would return the dates of entry following an employee's date of hire. Therefore, an employee hired on 8/5/2005 would have dates of entry following that stand at 1/1/2006 and 7/1/2006. Then, I had an idea of creating a formula or function to add up the number of hours that the employee had worked.
Setting up a separate worksheet with the number of hours that an employee worked during the initial eligiblity computation period and the subsequent computation periods (separate respective columns for the initial eligibility computation period and then for each subsequent computation period) would help. I would calculate using sum functions.
So, to sketch this out:
One sheet would have the employee's DOH
Another worksheet would have the Dates of Entry subsequent to that DOH (e.g. for an employee hired 8/5/2005 the next Dates of Entry entails 1/1/2006, 7/1/2006, and 1/1/2007)
Yet Another Worksheet would sum the total hours that an employee had worked since DOH on a month by month basis (i.e. the total number of hours than employee had worked since his or her DOH up to a certain point on a monthly basis; e.g. an employee hired on 8/5/2005 would have on the sheet the calculation of the hours this employee had worked as of from 8/5/2005 to 9/1/2005, then the next column would have the total the number of hours worked by the employee from 8/5/2005 to 10/1/2005, etc.)
Finally, the worksheet with the DOH information would have a column which would (this would probably entail heavy use of VLOOKUP) snag the information as to how many months and years an employee had worked as of the subsequent Dates of Entry; if the employee had worked 1,000 hours and 12 months as of 1/1/2007, for example, the employee would enter the plan.
To explain the situation further:
The employee must work 1,000 hours during his or her initial eligibility computation period. That starts on the day of the first hour that an employee works for the company. So, an employee hired on August 1, 2005 who worked one hour on that day must 1,000 hours from then till August 1, 2006 to enter the plan as soon as possible. If the employee did not work 1,000 hours during that period, then the eligibility computation period shifts to the plan year. So, if the employee did not work 1,000 hours between August 1, 2005 and August 1, 2006, but did work 1,000 hours between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2006 (this of course presumes the plan operates on a calendar year)
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Mar 20, 2009
This is the first time I’ve tried to use VBA. I’m using Excel 2000. In my excel workbook have 1 sheet called “Cards” in which I Change data in one cell $B$2 (enter a part number) and formulas in this sheet return many values from another sheet “Card Data”. In the “Card Data” sheet, formulas that look through a sheet “Sales Book” and return the data that pertains to the Part Number I entered in the sheet “Cards”. In the sheet “Card Data” there are 3 pivot tables (“PH CALC”, “PH QTY”, and “Pivot Table 3”) that use the Part Number data to show 3 different sets of information. The pivot tables are the source for 3 charts in the “Cards” Sheet.
Problem: Pivot tables don’t automatically refresh. I would like to use VBA code to automatically refresh the pivot tables in the “Card Data” sheet when I change the Part Number in cell $B$2 of the “Cards” sheet, which, in turn, would then update my charts in the “Cards” sheet.
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Feb 24, 2007
I've got a software test plan that has test cases w/ individual pull-downs to select result states (All individually color-coded thanks to a macro). If any state is selected other than "Pass" or "Untested", a text entry feild appears two rows beneath the test case for additional notes and information regarding what behavior occurred when the test was done.
I need a way to a.) Automatically select this text field once any state other than "Pass" or "Untested" is selected in the pull-down, and b.) Require text entry in the field before the user can proceed to the next test case. (ideally w/ accompanying custom error message describing what information is required.)
I've pasted my macro code below: ...
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May 12, 2014
I want to make a spreadsheet with bets of mine and my friends (picture). How to make cells D4, D5, etc., change to Win or Loss depending on the result?
Attached Image : Bets.jpg
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Aug 13, 2009
I own a Hair Salon which collates its daily takings using a spreadsheet. A section of this takings sheet asks staff to enter which Products have been sold and what they where sold for (RRP), so that once all products have been entered, totals at the end of the day allowing the end -of-day "till-up" process to reconcile purchases and services rendered aginst cash and cheques received.
Unfortunately there is over 600 products to choose from and this evergroes as new products are introduced by manufacturers. Names are long and often very similar, and product price manual listings are slow to reference, therefore the customer has to wait while the staff find the right product and select the right price.
All of this is subject to human error. What i would like is simply to enter part of the product name into a Cell and the right product to be visibly selectable and the price automatically added to an adjacent cell.
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Oct 26, 2008
What i would like to do is Hide Rows Based on Cell Value in Multiple Sheets & Multiple Columns
and i need the macro to be fast
If the value in Range BE11:BE160 equals 1 don’t hide the row
If the value is “0” or “ “ then hide the row
If the value in Range BE11:BE160 equals 1 don’t hide the row
if the value is “0” or “ “ then hide the row
If the value in Range BE11:BE160 equals 1 don’t hide the row
if the value is “0” or “ “ then hide the row
If the value in Range O1:O150 equals 1 don’t hide the row
if the value is “0” or “ “ then hide the row
If the value in Range B1:B150 equals 1 don’t hide the row
if the value is “0” or “ “ then hide the row
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May 16, 2009
The following code works perfect but the "change" event is only triggered when working directly on intersect range. Tried using the "calculation" event but could not figure it out. This is what I want:
1) To replace the code provided below using the calculation event
2) To only trigger the event for the row(s) where the new value was generated, not for the whole "For Each" statement
3) To use one single code for all worksheets, instead of copying the code in every working worksheet on the workbook, if feasible
4) And I would like a "second alternative", where the user of the workbook can click on a button and trigger the event on every row on the workbook that has a non empty cell within the intersect range, assuming that the intersect range column is the same for all worksheets
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim c As Range, d As Range, fc As Long, bc As Long, bf As Boolean
Set d = Intersect(Range("I:I"), Target)
If d Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
For Each c In d
Select Case UCase(c)
Case "C"
fc = 1: fb = True: bc = 4
Case "O"
fc = 2: fb = True: bc = 3
Case "D"
fc = 2: fb = True: bc = 46
Case "G"
fc = 2: fb = True: bc = 5..................
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