Displaying A Cell Entry From A Function Result
Sep 14, 2008
I would like to look at an array and find the largest number. Once that is found, return the text value that is in column B from that row. For example:
In this example, I would be looking at the array C1:D3. Because the highest value is 7, I want the text "Orange" to be displayed in a new cell such as A5.
To find the largest number, I am using =Large(C1:D3,1). How do I display its' corresponding text value from column B in a new cell?
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Sep 11, 2006
how to retrive and display Data. I've attached an excel file with the macros. That what I need is to be coded in Module1.
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Sep 2, 2004
Is it possible to write an if statement to display a picture if a cell contains a certain value? Ive got if statements nailed, its not a problem with that i have, just the returning of an image, rather than text ar a hyperlink.
Eg, "if cell A1="stadium", to show a picture of a stadium in cell C1"
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Apr 8, 2009
Workbook containing macros and formulas. The workbook will create worksheets automatically by macros and uses the same formulas in the worksheet. After creating the 10th worksheet these formulas stop displaying the result. They showed #N/A but in actual there supposed to have a values in each of the cells. By manually clicking the formula bar and pressing enter these values will appear.
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Dec 12, 2011
I have cells on my spreadsheet which contain: =now() and they work as they should - displaying the date and time at the moment of entry. Unfortunately the cells update when other info is added at other locations on the sheet - is there a way to ensure they enter the current 'now' only at the point of initial entry - such that the data doesn't then alter?
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Jan 22, 2010
I have a list of questions that need to be filtered by the user and i was looking for an effective way to do it.
Column A is the question number
Column B is the Question Category
Column C is the actual question.
The user wants to use a dropdown box and select the question category. the results they will get are the question number and the question. there may be several questions within a category so all questions need to be displayed for the category that is selected.
(I havnt explored the use of a list as it gives the user the chance to display all the questions and i am trying to keep the viewing space that this list takes up to an absolute minimum). Also i have mentioned a dropdown box as these are very familiar to the user and so they could use it without the risk of user error. I have attached a list of the questions.
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Jun 10, 2006
I entered a simple formula in a cell =B14*B16 but it won't calculate. The cell only displays the formula and not the result. tell me what I did wrong. I've attached a sample.
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Jan 15, 2010
Can this Formula work? Where if c2<e5 then its value is a number. The formula below is what i tried but it didnt work
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Feb 5, 2014
I have been trying to get the row number of a cell to be decided by the integer result of a function. My thought was to do something like this .........(D(MATCHxxxxxx))....... With "D" being the column and "MATCHxxxxx" representing some function that results in an integer.
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Sep 25, 2009
How do I change the color of a cell as the result of a logical function?
For example: =IF(A1<A2,A1 is yellow, A2 is yellow).
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Sep 14, 2006
how to run a macro from an IF function, if the function is true macro 1 runs if the function is false macro 2 runs.
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Aug 23, 2007
I want to have a warning message appear when a particular cell function result is a specific number, probably very simple to achieve.
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Sep 24, 2009
I have put a VLOOKUP in place for a range of cells. Where the referenced cell has no entry it puts #N/A in the sheet. This is causing me further problems, is there a way to get all entries which equal this to leave the cell blank?
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Jan 30, 2009
I have a column of consignment numbers in this location
Sheet Name: C NUMBER
Reference: C3:C10000
I have an entry field for which people may type their Consignment number in at this location to search for possible match
Sheet Name: Query
Reference: Cell D10
I would like to be able to allow a portion of the number be typed in to D10 and then have Cell D11 show the full first match from that partial entry.
Thank you,
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Jun 5, 2014
I want to be able to enter a value into a cell (within a specified range) and have it automatically multiply by a set value and overwrite the original entry with the result so making it all happen within one cell. The set value would be another cell on that sheet.
So the range for example is "H17:H74" and the value I want to multiply by is "D8"
Is this possible?
I've looked at another forum but it wasn't working when I wanted to define the set value as a cell.
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Jan 23, 2010
I have been trying to get this formula to work, and it appears it only works when it wants to and I cannot figure out why. What I'm trying to do: I have a spreadsheet with several columns of data, but I want the formula to read only two entire columns for a specific criteria for each column, then display the most recent date based off the criteria. I do not need to total up the criteria, just display the last date. This is what I have so far: =IF((AND(Sheet2!A:A=B2,Sheet2!B:B="Game: Counter Strike - Source")),MAX(Sheet2!C:C)).
I have this in a table, header as "last date" which is (C2), the B2 in my table would be where criteria would be typed in. So basically, my table should pull the last date from based off the criteria from raw data in sheet2, that is entered in to B2 on sheet1 and is "Game: Counter Strike - Source".
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Mar 26, 2014
I have some code which i would like to search a range of cells to see if a value is already used in this range. if it finds the value it will return a message box saying 'value found' and exit the sub, but when it doesn't find the value it will run extra code using "else" function. The code does what i want it to do, but it still returns the msgbox even if the the code in the "else" section runs.
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Jan 18, 2014
I am having trouble with some formulas displaying the results of the logical test as words.. For example.
=IF(E4>F4,100, IF(F4>E4, 200))
That works perfectly but I want "100" to be "Valid" and "200" to be "Invalid"
=IF(E4>F4,Valid, IF(F4>E4, Invalid))
only results in the #NAME? error for me?
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Mar 20, 2014
I have a percentage in R3.
If I make an entry in D13 then I want the R3 to be duplicated into C27 otherwise C27 should be 0.
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Mar 13, 2009
is to display a set of data based on filtered information.
My Data base:
Company Department Name
A X John
A Y Joe
A X Jane
B Y Bob
C Z Kate
A X Kerri
Based on user selection of Company and Department, I want to be able to display the relavent names.
If user chose Company A, and Department X, I want to be able to display
I've used the ROWS, Index, Small combination that works perfectly (Please see sample below). However, since the this software doesn't support the ROWS function, and doesn't support Macros.
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Jun 10, 2014
When I drag my VLOOKUP formula down a column in Excel 2010, the return value copies the formula result from the original VLOOKUP formula result. For example, if the first VLOOKUP returns a value of 0.5, I expect to see 0.5 or 1 in the cell below that one. However, I get 0.5 which is not the expected result for the cell below.
When, I click the fx on the cells below, the expected return values appear in the formula result. After I click OK, the expected formula results updates and now appears in the cell.
I'm not sure what is causing this issue. My computer was updated recently from an old machine to a new one. I have never experienced this issue before.
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Jul 7, 2009
i have an address that is all in one cell displayed like
101 hampton Court, Hampton heath, Hampton Town, Hamptonshire, HA01 1AS
but i need to have it split in to individual cells so
Cell A1 would be 101 hampton court
B2 Hampton Heath
C2 Hampton Town
D3 Hamptonshire
E5 HA01 1AS
each part of the address is split by a comma, so i have tried to use that as a identifier as to where that part of the address is, but failed on that, i can separate out the first part and the post code with a find and replace but not the middle.
also i need it to work backwards ie
it finds the post code first,
then the county
then the town
as those 3 are always the last 3 parts, but the address could only have 1 line of addres beofre the town or 3, and it would get messed up as all the post codes, county ans town needs to be in their respective columns
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Feb 13, 2009
My formula is: = INDEX (Lastsales,$022,$S$5)
O22 is blank
S5 =1
I am not getting an error message. I am getting data that is in Lastsales in column 1, row 19. What is Excel using for the row since $O22 was a blank?
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Dec 5, 2012
I want to run a macro if the result of an IF function is true.
E.g. cell J55 contains =IF(H55>I55,"Goodbye","")
H55 contains =NOW()
I55 contains =DATE(2012,12,31)
Now by changing the dates etc. it prints Goodbye.... simple enough, but what I want is for it to run a macro that selects a range from the previous year's figures and simply changes the fill colour on the range. The macro for this also works fine.
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Nov 6, 2008
I have a huge worksheet that contains four character payer code in column D for example: 9081, M897, 0235. I am looking for a function that will show the result in column AD
IF payer code in column D starts with a 9 (9???) - GOVT
IF payer code in column D starts with a 7 (7???) or M (M???) - MNGD
IF payer code in column D starts with a 2 or 0 (zero) – COMM
IF payer code in column D starts with either Z, I, C - PTR
I tried IF function, but it didn’t work for me.
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Nov 29, 2007
I've created a Database using excel which feeds data to a pivot table I created based on it. My objective is to create a new item in this pivot table (Pivot Table > Formulas > Calculated Item) which calculates the average data for the past 6 months.
The formula I used in order to get a result is this:
and the problem is that the answer is 0 when there is no data for all 6 months (for example, there is a customer who hasn't baught anything during the past 6 months), the pivot table displays 0, instead of not showing this customer at all. My goal is for the IF function not to return any data if the result is 0, so that the pivot table doesn't show items with no data.
I also tried:
and also using ;" ";
but these formulas return #VALUE! in the pivot table, given that the Data is "SUM OF Sales" and "" is not a number.
How can I get the formula not to show anything at all?
In addition to this, I was wondering if it is possible to make this formula more automated, so that it calculates the average of the past 6 months, taking into account some type of reference month (rather than having to edit the formula each time a new month is analyzed).
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Oct 11, 2006
I have a simple/dumb question... How do you "capture" a value that is returned by a custom function.
I have tried searching the forums for this & I know that I should by all rights know how to do this by now... but I just can't figure it out.
Here is a Function that I copied from Ktrasler in this thread:
Week Numbers
Public Function MyWeek(DateArg As Date) As Byte
Const BaseDate = "30/12/2001"
DateArg = CDate(DateArg) - (Weekday(DateArg) - 1)
MyWeek = Int(((DateArg - CDate(BaseDate)) / 7) Mod 52)
If MyWeek = 0 Then MyWeek = 52
End Function
I know how to pass variables to Functions, and tried this one out & it worked splendidly for my needs, but how do I take the value of "MyWeek" and use it in the subroutine that I am calling it from?
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Nov 13, 2006
How do you use the result of the "Address" function as ranges for other formulas?
I have 2 cells A1 and A2, each containing an "Address" function to find the start cell and end cell of a range.
A1 shows the result "$J$6" and A2 "$AB$6". These are working fine:
A1: =ADDRESS(ROW($A6),MATCH(HLOOKUP('cleaned up'!$I$2,pivot03!$2:$2,1,FALSE),$2:$2,0),1)
A2: =ADDRESS(ROW($A6),MATCH(HLOOKUP('cleaned up'!$I$5,pivot03!$2:$2,1,FALSE),$2:$2,0),1)
I want to get the average of this range using cells A1 and A2, but Excel treats the formula as an error: =Average(A1:A2) shows the error #DIV/0!
Going back one step and putting the formulas within cells A1 and A2 into the average formula doesn't work at all with a colon:.....................
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Jan 27, 2008
i have the formula "= sum(A1:A10)" in cell A4 & would like to call macro when the value changes. The code i'm using below work's if I manually type in a value, but isn't working with the formula.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' Checks for cell value change
If Intersect(Target, Range("A4")) Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
' If cell value change, calls msgbox based on criteria
If Range("E4").Value = "C" And Range("A4").Value > "30" Then
Call MsgBox1
End If
If Range("E4").Value = "F" And Range("A4").Value > "38" Then
Call MsgBox2
End If
End If
End Sub
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Aug 11, 2014
I am attempting to get an INDEX function with multiple "IF" statements to return more than one result. Building multiple IF statements. That portion of the below formula works. However, I can only get the INDEX formula to return the first, single result.
=IFERROR(INDEX(Func_Area,SMALL(IF(Const_Start<=DATE(YEAR($B$2),MONTH($B$2),DAY($B$2)), IF(Cost_End>=DATE(YEAR($C$2),MONTH($C$2),DAY($C$2)),ROW(Func_Area)-MIN(ROW(Func_Area))+1,"")),ROWS($A$4:A4)))," ")
Func_Area,Const_Start,Cost_End are all Named Ranges on Sheet "Proposed". My intention is to return a list of projects on Sheet Test1 for all projects starting construction after a certain date and completing construction before a certain date. I suspect something in my ROWS fuction or ROW-MIN+1 is wrong.
This formula returns the first result in the first row, but every subsequent row is blank...see attached spreadsheet.
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