Average A Consumption Per Week

Nov 15, 2008

I made a sheet were i record my gas and water meter numbers.
I try to do i everyday but sometimes i forget.
I want the average consumption per week so it's no problem when i don't forget one day.
In column A is the date, column B has the meter figures, column C has the consumption for that day (this day - yesterday).
I want the weekly average so i can make a graph of it.
How can i calculate a weekly average even when i miss a couple of days?

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Average Day Of The Week

Jan 15, 2008

I have a spreadsheet where column a = date, b = weekday and c= total calls. I have this array formula to get the true average for the entire month. {=average(if(isnumber(c4:c34),c4:c34))}

The question is can I do something similar to get a true average adding in the day of the week?

What I need is the average amount of calls per weekday.

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Average For Each Day Of The Week

Jun 18, 2009

I require a function that calculates the average amount for each day of the week for a range of dates.

I'm a little new at this and I though that something like this would work but it doesn't. The TEXT function doesn't accept a range so I don't know...


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Average Of First Three Days Of The Week?

Feb 9, 2014

I have following data

Column A Name of the company
Column B Date
Column C Day
Column D Week of the Year
Column E High Price
Column F Low Price

My requirement is I need the average high price for the first three days of the week i.e Mon, Tue, Wed in Column I and average Low Price for the remaining days is Thu, Fri, Sat , Sun in Column J.

If in some case any day is missing then average high / Low price for the next two days is to be calculated.

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Average % And Week Target

Sep 24, 2008

************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book1___Running: xl2000 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutB8C8C10=ABCD1MeasurementAshUtilisation 2Friday23.55%44.60% 3Saturday42.86%39.68% 4Monday14.95%45.76% 5Tuesday30.16%36.91% 6Wednesday   7Thursday   8Week To Date27.88%41.74% 9    10What we need today #REF! 11    12Weekly target22.00%66.00% Sheet1 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.

I m having difficulty making a formula for the box marked "ref".
The taeget for the week is 66% and I want a formula to work out what I need today to hit that target.

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The Average Amount Per Week Of Each Item

Aug 20, 2009

Different items and their respective amounts are entered in the table attached. I neeed a formula to work out the average per week of each item as shown.

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Calculating Average Number Of Staff Per Week

Aug 4, 2014

I want a formula to calculate the average number of staff working per week in the attached data.

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Gas Consumption Spreadsheet

Mar 3, 2007

I have a spreadsheet in my PDA that figures out my average gas consumption and it does fine, HOWEVER, it's made to do ONE calculation only which means I have to always re-enter how much gas I got NOW and how much the last time.

I would like to extend this formula/sheet so that it will keep a track of the TOTAL average consumption as well as after the last fill up.
Ie, how what was the odometer at last fillup 15,000 miles
how much is the odometer showing today 15,300
How much gas did you put in today, 30 gallons and so on.

Normally, I would have to go in and retype the values but I would like to continue and simply type in the NEW odometer setting and the gas I got this last time and so on and it should tell me what my average was TODAY and the total of ALL the entries.

I SUCK at math so a description will NOT do it, I will need the actual formula and so on or even better someone to e mail me the spreadsheet and I can then modify it IF needed.

Right now it says MPG=(Miles at this fillup minus Miles at last fillup) Divided by gallons pumped..

I'm thinking that if I play around with it enough, I can extend this, BUT, I was more concerned about figuring out how to do the running total so to speak without having to go in and do this manually somehow..

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Spread Of Consumption

Nov 6, 2008

writing a formula or creating a macro

The first step will be to get the formula or macro to fill in the cells under the date columns that will show how the consumption of the 555 is assessed to be spread out over the period. The formula should portray an equal distribution of the consumption over the period.

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - claimv1.xls___Running: xl2002 XP : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutB2=BCDEFGHIJKLM2Start DateEnd DateTotal consumptionLast week day14-dec21-dec28-dec04-jan11-jan18-jan25-jan01-feb317-dec24-jan555Assesment        4   Actual        Sheet2 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.

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Gas Consumption Charts - X Axis

Jan 24, 2008

I am trying to create a spreadsheet with a chart to show gas consumption in our house.
I have sufficient data to produce the standard "S" curve for a 12 month period and would like to be able to have one chart with the standard "S" curve on it plus a curve of progress in the year to date of gas used so that an instant comparison between planned and actual usage can be made.
The problem is that the 2 curves require a different X axis. The standard "S" curve has an X axis that is 12 months long whereas the current one is as long as it is from the start of the year being measured. Both curves will have data inputs on different dates in the year.

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Reagent Consumption For Blood Sugar Testing?

Apr 11, 2014

I want to solve the problem of giving an alert for opening a new reagent vial for blood sugar testing

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Auto Open Macro To Find Correct Week Tab & Day/date In 52 Week Worksheets

Jan 19, 2010

I am new to VBA & not sure of the full understanding of code copied from a workbook which worked on the same principle but with Monthly (12) tabs. I thought if modified to show weeks, the macro would be able to locate the current week tab & day/date within - but upon opening, the cell stops at WK19 & column O - rather than WK43, Column N (which changes daily).

Sub Auto_Open()
week(1) = "WK1"
week(2) = "WK2"
week(3) = "WK3"
week(4) = "WK4"
week(5) = "WK5"
week(6) = "WK6"
week(7) = "WK7"
week(8) = "WK8"
week(9) = "WK9"
week(10) = "WK10"
week(11) = "WK11"
week(12) = "WK12"
week(13) = "WK13"
week(14) = "WK14"
week(15) = "WK15"
week(16) = "WK16"
week(17) = "WK17"
week(18) = "WK18"
week(19) = "WK19"
week(20) = "WK20"
week(21) = "WK21"
week(22) = "WK22"
week(23) = "WK23"
week(24) = "WK24"......................................

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Auto-updating Formula For Week Over Week Change?

Dec 11, 2013

I was wondering if there's a way to add a formula to calculate week over week % change automatically every week when I enter in new data. see the attached excel file for reference.

What I would like to have is the ability for the formulas in c5 and f5 to be able to auto-update to the newest week and the previous week's data instead of manually having to update it each week. So if I were to add a new row with data for week beginning 12/2, the formula in c5 and f5 would automatically update to calculate the week over week variance. I tried researching prior to asking the question on this forum, and I think it may be possible to do it using the index match function, but I'm not sure how to apply it in this case.

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Delete And Insert Record Week On Week

Aug 6, 2008

I have a comparison model that looks at two weeks of data. I am trying to get around the deletion and insertion of records week on week. With the code below, I can currently find and correct the deletions and insertions to the list, and then resort the list so that the comparison will work.

Sub CheckForNewProjsRemovedProjects()
Dim MyCell As Range, oCell As Range, NewCell As Range
Dim Rng1 As Range
Set Rng1 = Range("A1:A" & Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
' Columns("B:B").Select
Range("B1:B" & Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Range( _
"C1"), Unique:=True
For Each oCell In Rng1
For Each MyCell In Range("C1:C" & Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
If MyCell.Value = oCell.Value Then................

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Week Number Caluclating Hours For Week

Mar 6, 2010

I have a running time sheet daily. It has 2 columns for Labor and 2 columns for travel
i.e. travel From / To 1300-1400 calculate 1 hour then travel home 1600-1700 1 hour this is calculated by the date entry 01/02/10 I have another calculation that tracks by the date i.e. 01/02/10 then Next job which all works fine.

The problem becomes how do I calculate a weekly total labor and travel by the date So added another column called weekly hour’s labor and use the Weeknum to determine which week is which day/date so the first Monday in January 2010 is week 2

2 problems
Having many multiple day / date entries are the same date x 7 days Monday –Sunday
(Relies on the date entered and the weeknum) 01/03/10 each line is complete however the dates carry over as does the time

When trying to calculate each row x 3 same date time then the value will be incorrect I need to calculate
Say 9.5 hour labor from the date 01/03/10 not 28.5 hours and then calculate the total weekly hours
01/03/10, 9.5 hours labor, 3 hours travel
01/03/10, 9.5 hours labor, 3 hours travel
01/03/10, 9.5 hours labor, 3 hours travel

i do have work and travel times for each job on the same line (separate columns) but I display the total here by date to summarize the totals
i have tried sum products and sumif to avail. I am using Windows XP SP2 with MS Office 2007

how do i calculate weekly hours by date and weeknum ?

Total Work per day

Total Travel per day


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Formula To Tell When Its Week 1 Or Week 2 Of A Any Given Month

Jun 16, 2014

I'm trying to write a formula that will tell me when its week one or week two, week three and week 4 based on a given date of any month.

I'm using weekday formula but no luck.

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Comparing Files From Week To Week

Feb 5, 2009

I have to download a report every week and have been manually checking the report weekly for changes.

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Formatting Date: Add The Month And The Text "Week" Before The Week Number

Nov 24, 2009

I have a column where I am convering the Date into a Fiscal week number.

For example 10/6/2009 is Work week 41
Now I want to show October Week 41

I need to add the month and the text "Week" before the week number. what is the formula I use.

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Copy Week Total In Weekly Sales Worksheet To Appropriate Week In Monthly Sales

Oct 14, 2009

I need to copy the values of a range on the weekly sales worksheet to the monthly sales worksheet. The last column is the total on the weekly sales. Part of the heading of the total column is the week ending date (e.g. 10/17/2009. On the Monthly Sales I have the months in columns by week ending (e.g. 10/17/2009).

Range I4:I28 to the monthly sales worksheet by date.

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Convert Date To Year/week Of Year/day Of Week

Apr 6, 2007

Is it possible to format cells to convert a date format of month/day/year to = year/week #/day of week? For example, 04/05/07 (April 5, 2007) would read as 7145, (7=last digit of year/ 14 = week number / 5 = day of week....Sunday being the first day of week)

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Average Column Of Cells But Ignore Errors And Return Average Of Numbers That Are There

Jun 14, 2013

E11 through E24 contains numbers and a few errors (#N/A) that need to persist (the errors need to show).

E10 needs to show the average of the numbers that are in E11 through E24, and just ignore the errors.

I have many columns like that - where the errors need to show and I need to show an average of the number/values that do appear, ignoring the errors.

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Average And Vlookup: Average The Grades With Appropriate Names

Dec 9, 2008

i have two columns...a and b (a w/ names, and b w/grades). then i have the table lookup with names and grades all mixed up for many rows. i want to be able to average the grades with appropriate names.

=average(vlookup(name, table, column, false))?? i don't get it to work and how can i specify the grade to average?

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Worksheet.function Average Returning Error "Unable To Get The Average Property Of The WorksheetFunction Class"

Jan 23, 2007

TotHCInv.Value = WorksheetFunction. Sum(KRInv, PBLInv, CRInv, PVInv)
If i >= 34 Then CPSCtphRMA.Value = WorksheetFunction.Average("G" & (i - 30) & ":G" & i)

The first line runs properly, but the second line bugs out with the error message "Unable to get the Average property of the WorksheetFunction class". I can simply do the math, but I thought that using the worksheet function would be easier than summing and dividing. I'm curious, though, as to why I can't seem to use the Average function.

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How To Get A Minimum Average And A Maximum Average

May 23, 2014

Can I get a minimum average and a maximum average, I have a worksheet with days of supply for 100 stores with about 100-200 products each, the dos resides in column D.

I was going to create a summary page and reference column d.

The following just gives me the min, I want the min average if possible:

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Grade Point Average Using AVERAGE IF AND

Sep 1, 2006

I am attempting to calculate Grade point averages for my students for all classes. There are 5 columns of grades to be considered. I frist assign values of 0-5 to the grades then average the points. My problem is that I want the AVERAGE to ignore the zero but it calculates it as well. (I enter a 0 if I have no grade for that class.) I have tried the{ } to make it an array formula but this also did not work. Here is what I have, can anyone help?

=SUM(AVERAGE(IF(AND(L2>89,L2<100),5,IF(AND(L2<90,L2>79),4,IF(AND(L2>69,L2<80),3,IF(AND(L2<70,L2>59), 2,IF(AND(L2>0,L2<60),1,0))))),IF(AND(T2>89,T2<100),5,IF(AND(T2<90,T2>79),4,IF(AND(T2>69,T2<80),3,IF( AND(T2<70,T2>59),2,IF(AND(T2>0,T2<60),1,0))))),IF(AND(AB2>89,AB2<100),5,IF(AND(AB2<90,AB2>79),4,IF(A ND(AB2>69,AB2<80),3,IF(AND(AB2<70,AB2>59),2,IF(AND(AB2>0,AB2<60),1,0))))),IF(AND(AJ2>89,AJ2<100),5,I F(AND(AJ2<90,AJ2>79),4,IF(AND(AJ2>69,AJ2<80),3,IF(AND(AJ2<70,AJ2>59),2,IF(AND(AJ2>0,AJ2<60),1,0))))) ,IF(AND(AR2>89,AR2<100),5,IF(AND(AR2<90,AR2>79),4,IF(AND(AR2>69,AR2<80),3,IF(AND(AR2<70,AR2>59),2,IF (AND(AR2>0,AR2<60),1,0)))))),-1)

I know it is huge. The syntax is correct. It calculates the average, but always for all 5 columns. It will not ignore a 0 in a column.

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Formula =AVERAGE(B16:L16) To Give The Average

Jan 7, 2008

I'm using the formula =AVERAGE(B16:L16) to give me the average.

However I have a couple of problems with this. Firstly I would like to exclude the value zero from the average. Secondly to also ignore the lowest and highest values.

Example, if the values in the cells are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 then the current result shows 5, by ignoring the 0 and lowest value 1 and highest value 10 the average should be 4.5.

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Avoiding Average Of An Average: Times

Oct 11, 2006

Ok, I for some reason just cant wrap my head around this. I need to to get the average time per call of two rows, but they are based on how many calls taken.

so in one column i have 50168 calls taken at 4:21 seconds per call. and in the next row i have 597 calls taken at 5:20 per call. I need to see what the new average will be with them combined, and I need it to display in m:ss form.

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First Day Of Week

Jun 21, 2006

How can i find the first day of a week

I have the week number and i need the date of monday of that week

Ex: Week number:24
First day of week(Monday):12-06-2006

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Day Of The Week

Jun 27, 2006

I need the name of the day of the week from a date that has to be put together. This is going into a label on a UserForm.

I have a named range called wbDate. It is the month & year. The day of the month is the value of a TextBox (TBDay) on a UserForm. When I tried to combine these items, I used this

vToday = Month("wbDate") & " " & TBDay.Value & ", " & Year("wbDate")

vToday is dimmed as variant.

I am getting a type mismatch error and I'm not sure how to correct it.

What I am aiming for eventually, is the name of the day of the week.

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Making Average Buy Price And Average Sell Price

Aug 13, 2008

to formulate Excel formulas to obtain the average buy price and average sell price for me to do this futures trading. Thanks a lot. I downloaded the Htmlmaker to post the spreadsheet here to show the manual way to calcualte the average buy price and average sell price but when it is on html form, i clicked on the 'Please click this button to send the source into clipboard' button & then i paste into this thread. Is the way to make my spreadsheet appear here correct cause it cannot work.

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