Average Data Columns Ignoring Hidden Rows And Zero Values

Aug 30, 2013

I need to average the columns of data and ignore both hidden rows and zero values. I have tried writing if statements as well as the subtotal function. Both functions either ignore null values or hidden rows but not both.

The system wont let me update a sample workbook but Im wondering whether there is a formula or combo formula for this.

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Ignoring Autofiler Hidden Rows With SUMPRODUCT And SUBTOTAL

Feb 18, 2009

I posted a thread a while back about how to ignore hidden rows from autofilter when using formulas. http://www.excelforum.com/excel-work...ml#post2039071

The solution worked perfectly. But I have since had to use this on another sheet which is laid out a bit differently, I have tried everything to try and modify the formula to work on the new sheet but so far I have failed miserably!! I need to do the exact same thing on this sheet - filter the sheet by week and search the data for certain criteria ('Line' and 'Fail Reason') and sum up the total quantity, while ignoring autofilters hidden rows. Here is an example of the sheet, along with an attempt of mine to modify the formula, which I think I have got TOTALLY wrong!

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Automatically Rank Cells Ignoring Hidden Rows?

Mar 7, 2012

Any way to automatically "rank" cells, ignoring any hidden rows? I don't even really need Excel to sort for me (although I wouldn't be opposed to that), but I'd like the first non-hidden cell in column A to always say "1" and the second one to say "2" and so on.

The back story, if you need it: I have a spreadsheet that tracks sales for 2 separate brands. I've created a macro and linked it to a listbox, so that you can choose which brand you want to view and Excel will hide all rows that aren't pertaining to that brand (I'm absurdly proud of that accomplishment). The only problem is the rankings are hard-coded, so when you hide one brand the rankings no longer make sense.

Every Monday I sort the items by the most recent week's sales and rank them from there. The addition of a second brand is obviously new to my little spreadsheet!

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Calculating Rolling Average Ignoring 0 Values

Jun 6, 2014

What I have is a spreadsheet with a whole bunch of sporting data on it. see attachment for an idea of the layout, Stats.jpg

In these data each round a player is given a rating. What I want to do is calculate is the average rating for each player across the last 3 and 5 games they have played. When a player misses a game they get a rating of 0 for the round. I want 0 ratings to be ignored in the running averages. Additionally, games yet to be played have a 0 in the cell and should be ignored. To get overall averages ignoring 0's was simple I used the averageif function, but I couldn't figure out how to use that but only extract the last 3 non 0 values. I currently have data up to round 12, so if a player has played in 12, 11 and 10 then the 3 round average should just be the average of these 3, but if they missed for example round 11 then the 3 round average should return the average of 9, 10 and 12.

The data is set out in the following way.

In column B I have a list of player names from cells B3:B618.

Across row 1 from N1:AM1 are labels "round 1" "round 2" etc.

The ratings for each player in each round are in N-AM and from 3-618. i.e. N3:AM3 contains the weekly rating for player 1, 4 contains player 2 etc.

I would like the 3 round averages to be returned for each player in column L and 5 round averages in column M.

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Excel 2010 :: Average Ignoring Zero Values / Non-Consecutive Cells

Dec 4, 2013


I wan to calculate the average for three cells not in Sequence using AVERAGEIF with condition (VALUE >0)

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Get Average But Exclude Zeros AND Hidden Rows?

Aug 15, 2013

excluding zeros and for excluding hidden rows, but can't seem to find a way to do both at the same time, which is what I need to do.

My company has projects that come and go (and are hidden when they are gone) and at times, those projects return 0s because we do not work on them for a short period... so, when I average a column, I need to exclude both situations.

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Concatenate Multiple Columns But Ignoring Blank Values

Aug 13, 2012

I wish to Concatenate contents of several columns into a separate column, i tried using the following "column1 & column2 & column3 etc..." however with this the blank cells get concatenated too...What should is use so that contents get concatenated but blank cells are ignored?

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Remove Hidden Rows And Columns

Oct 25, 2006

I have a spreadsheet with various hidden rows and columns that I do not wish the user to have access too as it contains too much detail for their purposes.

Copy/paste and copy/paste special also copies across the hidden columns and rows so what I need to do is to copy it to a new workbook but then remove the hidden rows and columns and just delete the existing formulas in the cells which total the data and insert a new autosum.

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Chart Not Plotting Hidden Rows/Columns

Sep 14, 2006

I have mapped data from Sheet1 to Sheet2 and created graphs in Sheet2 using the data. but when I hide the rows in Sheet2 the Graph is being cleared off. Need a solution so as to display the Graph in Sheet2 while hiding the rows in the same sheet.

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Rows & Columns Not Hidden When Workbook Shared

Sep 20, 2007

I have a worksheet that is shared. It has hidden rows and columns. Problem is those hidden rows and columns are unhidden when someone apart from me opens the worksheet! Only way round it is to have the worksheet unshared. How do I keep the rows and columns hidden?

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Prevent Selection On Hidden Rows/Columns

Sep 21, 2007

One of the fields I want them to enter is a library branch and I have used a data vaslidation list to provide a dropdown box.

To make it act more like a windows drop down box I have hidden 7 cells above this box with the 7 possible entries. This means that with autocomplete, if they start typing in the cell it will autocomplete the entry for them.

This work fine, but if someone presses enter from the cell above my hidden rows, one of the hiddenn cells is selected!

I have no explanation for this behaviour, nothing like it has ever happened before, and I have no idea how to get rid of it.

example attached

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Find & Replace In Hidden Rows Or Columns

Mar 19, 2008

I need to find, then replace a particular value ("/0"), however, some cells may be hidden. And I just discovered that I can not replace the value of a hidden cell! Am I missing something, or do I have to unhide the row/column that the cell is in and then replace it? ...this does not replace the "/0" with "0" if the row the cell is in is hidden.

Sub test()

Dim rMatch
Set rMatch = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find(What:="/0", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
rMatch.Value = "0"

End Sub

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Excel 2007 :: Subtotals With HIDDEN Rows AND Columns Given Some Criteria

Aug 8, 2014

I am trying to develop a compliance report with Excel 2007) based upon a simple pass/fail criteria. The subtotals must be tracked both by Device (column) and by Requirement (row). There are macros (not included in the attached sample) that hides both columns and rows. I successfully found an example which I modified to correctly calculates data for a column when rows are hidden (see GOOD function below). However, I'm totally clueless on how to calculate data by row when columns are hidden (see BAD function below). What I'm trying to figure out is highlighted in red in the attached spreadsheet.


BAD (returns 0 and includes a circular reference)

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Prevent User Seeing Senstive Information In Hidden Rows/Columns

Aug 19, 2008

I have a feeling the answer to this will be 'no' based on the searching I've done, but is it possible to allow formatting of rows/columns on a protected worksheet, yet prevent the user from unhiding some rows/columns I don't want them to see? I've allowed them to format rows/columns so they can "size" them to fit the text they enter, but that has opened up the ability for them to unhide columns. Using Shrink To Fit would be cumbersome due to the number of cells involved.

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Columns And Rows - Fill Values For All Data In CSV

Sep 18, 2012

I have a table = Columns A - E contain data in a variety of formats

Code 4
Code 5



What Column F (code 6) should contain is a csv of Columns A-E as shown.

What formula for Column F will automatically fill the values for all data within a row in a csv?

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Average Ignoring Holidays

Jan 11, 2009

If I have a formula which adds the value of each day of the week and divides by 7 to get an average per day, how do i fix it to get an average if their is a holiday so their would only be 6 days without changing the formula as the holidays could change from week to week by province.
=(a+b+c+d+e+f+g)/7 what happens if "e" is a holiday and I need to divide by 6, or in the case of xmas if "d and e" are holidays and I need to divide by 5?

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Average While Ignoring Zeros And Errors?

Feb 14, 2013

I'm trying to return the average, min and max values of a range that will have errors, be blank or have zeros. I have already found an array formula that works getting rid of the errors but the zeros are now a problem.


I was thinking that an OR might be needed but for the life of me can't figure out where it belongs. I will also be using this formula with both MIN and MAX in the adjacent cells so it would be great if all I have to do is swap those in for AVERAGE. I'm not keen on how array formulas work, just found an example similar to this on the interwebs, and I'm curious why if the array brackets are removed the value returned is 0 and not an error.

Workbook is proprietary so VB is locked and not an option (not sure if it was but wanted to be clear).

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AVERAGE Without Range Ignoring Blanks

Jan 4, 2009

Trying to determine the best way to do this. I understand that the standard AVERAGE function will ignore blanks if given a range; the function I'm using does a search for a particular value to determine if a value is to be included in the averaging: ...

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Ignoring Cells While Calculating Average

Oct 18, 2009

I want to average the cells in column B but ignore values in the corresponding rows with a 1 or 7 in column C.

This will be used in a years data where 1 - 7 are days of the week and I want to separate weekdays from weekends when calculating an average.

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How To Average Large Formulas Ignoring 0 And Blank

Jun 20, 2014

So in Cell K12 there is a rather large formula (I condensed it for this example).

This formula is to average out the respective cells in column J. For each cell there is a possibility of 9 different entries. NRT, N/O, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

So based on the formula in K12 I need Cell J12 to Display the answer.

if any one of the Cells referenced in the formula are NRT then I need it to Display NRT. Which the Formula does now.

The problem comes in when a Cell is N/O (Not Observed)

How do I get the formula to Ignore N/O currently I have it set up to recognize N/O as 0. But excel averages 0 in and it affects the answer.

I know in a simple formula I can add <>0 to the formula to ignore zeros. How to write it into a bigger formula such as in K12.

For example the current numbers in Cells J17:J25 should average 5 however the formula averages it as 1 because it calculates N/O as 0.

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Average Of VLookups Ignoring Blank Cells

Oct 24, 2011

I am trying to get a rolling 8wk avg of a large group of data. I am trying to take the avg of 8 vlookups:

=AVERAGE(VLOOKUP($A$9,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE),VLOOKUP($A$9-7,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE),VLOOKUP($A$9-14,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE),VLOOKUP($A$9-21,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE),VLOOKUP($A$9-28,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE),VLOOKUP($A$9-35,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE),VLOOKUP($A$9-42,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE),VLOOKUP($A$9-49,'Raw Data'!$A:$DV,MATCH(B8,'Raw Data'!$2:$2,0), FALSE))

However, in some cases, the cell to be looked-up may be blank. Using the formula above, the result of these vlookups is "0". I want to take the average of these vlookups excluding the blanks from the 'Raw Data' sheet.

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Average Of Columns Of Various Rows

Jul 30, 2009

I have data that I need averaged. The problem is that my data is taken into chunks of time, and I want to average each individual column after each break of time. My data looks like this: ...

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Average Array Rows And Columns

Feb 12, 2007

code for an assignment, I have a table of values, the 5 colums are arrays, one with 20 student names and the other 4 are grades for 4 subjects, each colum being one subject.

I need code to find the average of each student and get it to display in a separate colum and averages for each subject also getting it to display in another row.

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Average By Multiple Columns And Rows

Apr 20, 2007

I have a file that I want Column D to average by column A and C. I also want to ignore any rows that dont have data in column B in the average. See sample file.

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Average Column With Positive Or Negative Number - Ignoring Zero And Blanks

Dec 5, 2011

I have a column of numbers that are derived with a formula. I need to Average only the ones that either have a Positive or Negative number, ignoring blanks or zero.

I have tried Search but couldn't find anything that address both blank and zero.



Excel tables to the web : [URL] .......

With this small sample, the answer should be 3.35% according to Excel when I choose just those neg and pos cells.

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Copy Data Without Hidden Rows?

Aug 21, 2014

Is there a way to copy and paste a sheet from one spreadsheet to another without getting the rows that have been hidden? I have a database with about 800 rows and another 150 or 200 scattered through it that are currently hidden. For what I need right now I don't want any of that hidden data. Do I have to manually delete it or is there a way to ignore it (I thought of paste special but I can't find one that works).

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Hidden Columns In Pivot Table Source Data

Jul 17, 2009

I wish to hide some columns that contain data used to update a pivot table in another worksheet. What I want to know is though, will this affect the pivot table? I think that graphs in excel will normally ignore data in hidden cells, so I was wondering if it was the same with pivot tables.

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Find Wont Find Existing Text When Columns/Rows Hidden

Oct 8, 2006

Attempting to hide columns (of cities) via VBA generates an error when that same city is reselected (either individually, or as part of the group) in the list box, upon clicking the 'Hide' button.

The error happens at this point: ...

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2 Rows Of Data For Individuals In A Population - Attempting To Average The Rows?

Apr 30, 2014

I am an undergraduate biology major working on a geometric morphometrics project. It is focusing on wing asymmetry, so I have data for the left and the right wings for a sample population of 30 individuals. The data from the software is exported as a spreadsheet with two rows of data for each individual, since each wing was calculated separately, and my mentor has asked me to average the data for subsequent analyses in another program.

I'd like to do this easily with an Excel formula, but when I try to do the averages I'm having a little trouble getting the formula to carry on correctly. I need it to average, say, E2:E3 then the next cell average E4:E5, but instead the only thing I can get it to do is average E2:E3 then the next cell do E3:E4. Which obviously doesn't work for me, since E3:E4 is data from two different individuals.

Is there a way I can do this for my data? One of my spreadsheets is a 60x32 matrix of landmark coordinates, so I'd really rather not try to do all the cells individually.

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Ranking With Duplicate Values While Ignoring Zeros And Negative Values

Mar 26, 2014

I'm trying to rank the values in cells S32:S38 in ascending order while ignoring zeros and negative values. I also need to rank duplicate values with a unique ranking, so that no ranking value is repeated. I tried the formula below, but the ranking values start at "2" instead of "1" and I can't figure out how to fix it.


[Code] ....

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