Avoid Hard Coding Control Name Inside Control Event Procedure?

Mar 4, 2014

Is there any way in VBA to refer to a control in its own event procedure without referring to it by name/hard-coding?

It might be clearer to explain by a dummy code example:

[Code] ......

I'm seeking what I would need to replace Line1 with.

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Avoid Hard Coding Range Reference

Oct 5, 2006

I now can open all the workbooks in a filefolder and look at each of the sheets in each file and build an array to consolidate a range from one sheet to another. The problem is that the one range is hardcoded in the script (because that is what I was using to test.) I have written code to build an array of 66 rows and 5 columns that are stored in a worksheet in a named range.

how arrays work so I can use both of these arrays - one array ConsolParams(), to identify the range in the Sources part of the consolidate statement. The other array MyArray() stores the sheet names. Actually ConsolParams also stores "to" range now hardcoded as "J11".

Option Explicit

Private Sub cbConsolidateToRollups_Click()
Dim MyArray() As Variant
Dim Source As Variant
Dim sToPath As String
Dim sRollUpWB As String
Dim sRollUpToWs As String
Dim sRollUpFromWS As String
Dim sShtName As String
Dim sSourceWS As String
Dim nShts As Integer
Dim lCount As Long
Dim wbResults As Workbook
Dim wbCodeBook As Workbook
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim i As Integer
Dim r, c, p As Integer
Dim ConsolParams(5) As Variant
Dim CostType, RangeName, FromRange, TargetCell, TargetReport
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False.......................

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Control Object Event Handler

Aug 22, 2006

Is there an Event Handler that runs a macro whenever any control object in a worksheet has its state changed or whenever any checkbox is checked/unchecked. I want to have a method handle this outside of the checkbox since the number of checkboxes are dynamic and should not have to be individually coded by the user.

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Prevent Control Event Procedures Firing

Apr 27, 2008

I have CheckBox1 (.Value = FALSE) on the UserForm and when I run my sript ... this change Value to TRUE and run the subrutine Private Sub CheckBox1_Click. I need block this step with using VBA code.

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Spreadsheet Control (monitor For The Cell Change Event)

Jun 16, 2009

I have a spreadsheet control inside of a userform. I can generally access this spreadsheet and do what I need to do with it. My problem is that I need to monitor it for the cell change event. I normally accomplish this with:

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Test What Control Will Be Receiving Focus In Exit Event?

Jul 7, 2009

I need to test what control will receive focus after the exit event
this test needs to be in the exit event so i am able to validate and cancel only if focus will be the enter button

Private Sub myTextBox_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If NextControl.Name = "EnterButton" Then
DoMyValidationTest 'and other stuff, such as set TabIndex
'do nothing
End If
End Sub
so what should "NextControl" actualy be???

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Control Change Event Fires Via Unknown Trigger

Nov 17, 2007

So, I have a worksheet with a bunch of combo boxes. The code for the worksheet is below. The issue I'm having is that anytime I drag and drop a cell anywhere on the page, every single control on the worksheet triggers. VB runs through all the code on the sheet, TWICE(I used the debugger extensively trying to find a solution), and causes dozens of successive re-calculations of the entire workbook, which has a couple of tables. This happens on any cell drag-drop on the worksheet, or when I click the command button on the screen.

I have no clue what is causing this. Even more bizarre, it seems to trigger a custom function which is located in a separate module, and isn't even utilized on the worksheet in question. I guess this is because it makes the whole workbook re-calculate?

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Select Next Control / Cell On Worksheet After Enter In Control

Jan 9, 2008

Within the ComboBox properties, is there anyway to control after "enter" his hit, you move to the right instead of down (similar to the edit under Tools/Options)?

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Prevent Combobox Change Running Other Control Event Procedures

May 17, 2008

I have a userform with a combobox in it that's rowsource is a column of company names in a worksheet. When a company name is chosen, a combobox change private sub runs and many userform textboxes are populated with information about the company that was chosen from the combobox dropdown. This information is stored on a worksheet. I then want to edit any of the information in these textboxes. Once my edits are made I have a CommandButton that is pressed to save the edit changes. This CommandButton runs a private sub that disables the combobox (thinking this would prevent the combobox private sub from running), deletes the row that the information originated from, and then SHOULD make a new row of values based on the contents of the textboxes following the edits. The problem is that the CommandButton coding that deletes the row causes the combobox change private sub to run because the company that had been selected is now the missing from the rowsource; this causes an error.

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Drag From Treeview Control To Spreadsheet Control

Jan 12, 2007

I have created a userform within VBA which has a TreeView Control and a Spreadsheet control on it.

I have populated the TreeView control with data and what I want to be able to do is to drag the nodes off the TreeView control to the spreadsheet control.

I can drag onto a normal worksheet but not onto the spreadsheet control (the no drop mouse pointer keeps showing).

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Determine Active Control On Multipage Control

Oct 4, 2007

How do I determine which control the user is currently modifying on a multipage form (either changing, enterying or exiting the specific control). when I use "userform1.activecontrol" i get "multipage1" as the control name but I need the actual control on the specific active multipage. (also the .TABINDEX is for the multipage regardless of the on-page control) I use a generic data-field change SUBroutine so need the control name (and the TABINDEX) to provide my SELECT CASE. (so every fieldname_CHANGE calls the same SUB [with no parameters])

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Excel 2010 :: Control ENTER And EXIT Event Firing With Frames Active?

Oct 22, 2011

I'm having some trouble getting control ENTER & EXIT events to fire properly when having controls embedded on frames within a userform. I'm using Excel 2003, 2007, & 2010. Here's the userforms I'm working with:


Without FRAME:

In both cases, the DESCRIPTION field is disabled. The selectable controls on both are a combo-box, textbox, listbox, & 2 buttons. On the FRAMED version, the combo-box & textbox are contained on a FRAME.

Here's the code, same on both userforms:

Option Explicit
Private Sub cmbRecipes_Enter()
ListBox1.AddItem "ENTER - " & cmbRecipes.Value
End Sub
Private Sub cmbRecipes_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
ListBox1.AddItem "EXIT - " & cmbRecipes.Value
End Sub

All this is doing is posting a message to the listbox when the combo-box ENTER & EXIT events fire. This works as expected without the FRAME, ENTER is shown when the combo-box is entered and EXIT is shown as focus is moved to another control. But when running it on the FRAMED version all I get is a single ENTER event recorded regardless of how I move the focus through the control set.

Another oddity is that if I have more than 1 control that can receive focus on the FRAMED version, it appears to work correctly.

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Working On Document While It Is Still Inside Flashdisk Or External Hard Disk

Apr 15, 2014

Is it risky for someone to edit an excel document while it is still in the flashdisk or external hard disk? I was told that this habit can lead to loss of data or the data can be affected if someone does this. I was told that I have to copy/cut paste the document onto my desktop, edit/ work on it then move it back to the storage device. Is all that work necessary, or can I simply work on the document while it is still in the flashdisk or external hard disk..

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VBA Calendar Control Without Control

Mar 12, 2003

Has anyone out their ever seen an Calendar type of control totally built in an Excel vba UserForm?

My problem that I’ve tried to resolve for some time is utilizing some type of pop-up calendar to eliminate format issues in my published Excel forms. I have tried a number of calendar controls but all have to be registered on the local machine and this cannot be guarantied for every machine.

If someone could direct me to a vba UserForm that has this built in that might do the trick. Or is their another way to deal with this?

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Control Code Causing Other Control Code To Run

Jun 12, 2007

I have 2 macros: 1 controlled by a checkbox activex (PA_03) and the other a combobox (PA_03_rows) in a worksheet. I display the results from PA_03, and the user than then increase or decrease the number by using the combobox. But when I change the value (PA_03_rows.value = x) it causes the macro to jump to the macro.

I don't think it did initially, but it does now. According to another post, I saw it shouldn't do it! Is there something I'm just not seeing here?

Private Sub PA_03_Click()
Dim message, title, default, numberRows
Dim PA_rows As Integer
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
TakeFocusOnClick = False
ActiveSheet. Range("a15").Select
If PA_03.Value = True Then Goto Unhide:
If PA_03.Value = False Then Goto Hide:

message = "Enter the number of input rows required (1 to 50)"
title = "Non-Featured Standard Input"
default = "1"

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Event Procedure

Dec 11, 2007

I've created a macro with a custom dialog box, but I don't know how to make the transition from when I make the dialog box pop up, the user enters the information, then they click "Continue" or "Cancel" or whatever it may be, how to do I make it happen from there out?

Do I make the command buttons a boolean and if they click it's true? How do I make it work?

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Worksheet Change Event Coding Conflicting

Aug 31, 2006

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel. Range)
Dim S As String, X As Variant, n As Long
If Target.Column <> 3 Or Target.Cells.Count <> 1 Then Exit Sub
If IsEmpty(Target) Then Exit Sub
S = Target.Text
On Error Goto Reset
n = Application.Substitute(S, "-", "")
On Error Goto Reset
Application.EnableEvents = False
X = Application.Match(n, Workbooks("Database.xls"). Sheets("Products").Range("B1:B14000"), 0)
If IsNumeric(X) Then
Target.Offset(0, -1) = Workbooks("Database.xls").Sheets("Products").Cells(X, 1).Value

But each time i add it in, it ether's turns off the second statement and second works or vice versa. How can make both codes work at the same time without conflicting each other.

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Create Event Procedure Via Code

Nov 15, 2006

I'm trying to add a worksheet event via code. It works OK when I run it on its own but I get a run-time error 9 subscript out of range error when I try to run it from another procedure.

Please find attached my 2 bits of code. Any help greatly appreciated.

This is the bit that works OK on its own but not when called from my other procedure

Sub Code_To_Write_Code()

'This writes code to the new sheet

Dim StartLine As Long
Dim SheetToAddCodeTo
SheetToAddCodeTo = ActiveSheet.CodeName

With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(SheetToAddCodeTo).CodeModule
StartLine = .CreateEventProc("Calculate", "Worksheet") + 1 ..............

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Multiple Textboxes - Common Event Procedure

Apr 27, 2006

I have a userform with about 20 textboxes. I would like to use the same "data validation" procedure on each textbox as the user enters data into the form. I'll use the exit event to trigger the validation. As the user moves from one textbox to the next, the data will be validated; if it's out of range, the user will be prompted to correct it.

Is there a way to have a common event procedure so I don't have to have a separate procedure for each textbox individually? I know I can put the actual validation code in its own procedure and then call it from each event procedure but that would still leave me with 20 event procedures like:

Private Sub Textbox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
End Sub

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Adding A Global Name Inside A Worksheet Event

Apr 23, 2007

Working with named ranges is new to me, and very aggrevating to me too! I am trying to create a Named Range inside a worksheet_change event that is Global. I can create it, but it's always local to the sheet where the change event is happening.

For example:

Names.Add Name:="RandomName", RefersTo:=Target

...creates a local name instead of global one (whereas it would be global if it was created in just a normal subroutine).

Aside from using this trick: Change refersto property to workbook-level

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Before Double Click Event Procedure For Multiple Sheets

Apr 2, 2008

I have a calendar userform set as Userform1 and I would like it to pop up upon double clicking in two different ranges 'date' which is on sheet 1 and 'dates' which is on sheet 4.

So far I have this code in Thisworkbook, which works perfectly for Sheet 1, but I get the following error on Sheet 4: Run time error '1004': Methed 'intersect of object'_global' failed.

Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
If Intersect(Target, Sheet1.Range("date")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Exit Sub
If Intersect(taregt, Sheet4.Range("date2")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
UserForm1.Show .............................

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Click Event Fires But Doesn't Work Under Initialize Procedure

Jun 18, 2014

Why this code DOES NOT work:


But this one DOES

[Code] .....

Why would a click event execute but the same code doesnt fire on a initialize event?

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Excel 2010 :: Public Variables From Event Handling Procedure?

Jan 22, 2014

Excel 2010

I am trying to set public variables from an event handling procedure based in a worksheet so I can use that variable in a userform. Nothing I have tried works no matter where I declare the variable. I am using a msgbox to display the variable (a range) but it shows as blank regardless of whether I place the variable in a module, this workbook object or in the sheet object where the event code is placed.

I am sure there is a simple way to transfer variables from the sheet's code (where it must remain as the variable depends on the target cell's position that triggers the event).

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Excel 2010 :: Selection Change Event On Text Inside Textbox?

Jun 10, 2014

As part of a program I'm writing in VBA (for Excel 2010), I have a textbox in a user form used as an interface to write a formula in cells in Excel.The resulting value of a formula from a cell is loaded up into the textbox. It would be shown in the textbox like "See 1.2 and 1.3" where the formula in the cell is


This is just used as an example but the principle is there. It is worth noting that I’m writing this for very inexperienced Excel users but I need them to be able to edit the string part of the formula without breaking the formula.

However where I’m struggling is to pick up a selection change event inside a text box already selected. I need to be able to check if the textbox.SelStart is within an address value or within the string in the textbox.

The event Enter won’t work if the user is already editing the textbox (i.e. typing stuff) and then clicking or using the keyboard arrow to move the cursor somewhere else inside the textbox. I don’t think the event Change is the solution either as it would mean that the user would have already typed something and as a result the formula may already be broken.

I have had a good look around and I didn’t find an event for a selection change inside a textbox. Does it exists and/or is there a way that would have the same result?

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Change Control Name

Oct 22, 2009

I have added a control (a check box), it has called itself "Check Box 1", can I change it's name? Reason I want to do this is that I am using a macro to clear the check boxes, and therefore using a loop and I want the next control to be 5, not 12.

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Date Control

Feb 2, 2010

in cell f4 and cell i4. i have dates formatted to ..... e.g F4( 23/03/10 ) and I4 ( 06/04/10 ). in cell h9 i would like to return the answer ( 23/03 - 06/04 ). i am currently using this formula

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Multipage Control

Aug 23, 2007

I am creating a bar inventory/"numbers" sheet for a corporation. I have been searching on and off for a week or so to find an answer or a tutorial on what I am looking to implement into this worksheet. I want to take a userform, with a multipage control, and have the control for each tab, show me a different part of the worksheets. For instance, the first tab would be inventory, the second tab would be ordering, the third tab would be weekly numbers, etc ... I am wondering how to "add ranges to the multipage control in order to make it a "viewer". I have found tutorials on how to print, enter info into the form and save it to the sheets using a button, but I can't find a tutorial on how to implement the control on how to make tabs show the ranges. Can someone point me in the right direction on a tutorial, or maybe if willing a small spreadsheet with a mulitpage control on it, showing how to add the ranges from different worksheets?

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Control Down With Macro

Oct 9, 2007

I record a macro that copy a portion of a tab to another, but when my data changes the destination get data one above the other. I think it is because instead of sending Control Donw it goes to the cell that I recorded the macro with.

I probably just need to send Control downkey....

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Better Calendar Control

May 20, 2009

I'm trying to make it so that when a user clicks on a certain cell, a calendar pops up so they can pick a date. This seems like a pretty common thing to want; I hope Microsoft puts it into the next release.

Anyway, I've read the tutorial found at [url]which tells you how to create a userform, add the calendar control to it, etc.

I've also modified it so that the calendar comes up when the user clicks on a certain cell, and so that the form closes when they choose a date.

I had to use the selection_changed subroutine to tell if someone clicked on the cell, but there are some flaws.

First, moving over to the cell with the keyboard arrows brings up the calendar (undesired result; I only want it to come up with clicking)

Second, if the cell is already selected, clicking it doesn't bring up the calendar since the selection didn't change (also undesired; I would like the form to come up whether the cell was previously selected or not).

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UI Control In Code

Sep 10, 2009

There are a few aspects of the UI I'd like to control in
1. Is there a way to force Excel to select nothing? After a sort by macro, Excel leaves the sorted range selected. I can set it to select a specific cell every time, but I'd rather have no cells selected at all.
2. Can you programatically hide the Formula Bar, Gridlines, and Headings?
3. Can you programatically collapse the Ribbon? (Excel 2007 only, of course.)

The last two are intended to maximize the screen real estate dedicated to the body of the spreadsheet, and I'd like to do it in code so that I don't have to describe how to do it to less skilled users.

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