Calculate Average Using Non-consecutive Columns
Feb 18, 2008
I have data in 3 different columns (A, C, and E) to name a few. I want to average each of these columns, but if any of them include zero values, I want to exclude that from my calculation.
Column A = 10
Column B = 0
Column C = 3
Right now, my "average" formula, is showing the average as 4.33. (average a5, b5, c5)
The real average I'm looking for is 6.5. What is the best way to setup my formula?
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Feb 1, 2013
Example.xlsI have a list of people with 10 years of salary history for each (in ten consecutive columns on the spreadsheet). I need to calculate in excel the highest 5 consecutive year average salary for each (if they have less than 5 years with salary, then it should just average the years the do have). Some people have breaks in service (for five years, there is a blank in that entry). These years should be ignored and skipped in calculating the avergaes.
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Jul 1, 2014
I have a pivot table showing actual and forecasted sales per month for diffrent regions/sales channels/segment.
I would like to calculate the average monthly sale, for forecasted and actual data, within the pivot instead of doing it outside in columns to the right of the pivot table.
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May 4, 2009
I am trying to determine the average reduction amount of appraised property values. I have two columns in my spreadsheet. Column H has appraised value of property. Column I has the accepted value of the property. Sometimes the accepted value is the same as the appraised value, sometimes it is reduced, and sometimes it is rejected.
I want to be able to find the average reduction amount when the accepted value is less than the appraised value and is not rejected.
Column H always shows a numerical value (i.e. $250,000), but Column I may have a numerical value or show "rejected".
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Nov 15, 2012
I've been trying to loop data for column A from row 1 until 6 and print the result on specified cell. But the problem is, it keeps looping until column B,C and D.
I want to calculate average result separately for column B,C, and D without taking the previous data.
Here is the code that I've done.
Sub Avg()
col = 1
Row = 1
Name = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(Row, col).Value
If Name <> "#" Then
[Code] ....
I attached my excel. The green box indicate the result that I want : function.xls
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Aug 1, 2014
It's probably best if you open up the attached example spreadsheet that contains sheets "Before" and "After" otherwise it might be pretty difficult to understand what I'm talking about.
So I have this spreadsheet where I have part numbers in column B, status of the orders in Column I and lead times in Column M. What I want to achieve is to get of Mode (col N), Median (col O) and Average (Col P) values of each part number and each of its status using the lead times in Column M. If possible I would only like this on the top lines of each of these. I have done the formulas manually on sheet After so if you click on the formula you can see the range's it covers.
I did create a concatenation in column K (conc of column B and I) as helper column because in theory this might make things a little bit easier.
Now going into second part. I would also like to do something very similar but only using the part number and status "Finished" and get the values in columns T,U, and V on the top row of each part number. I made some blue boxes and arrows to kind of point out the idea.
The solution can be either formula based or macro, it really doesn't matter, however I will intent to use it within macro either way.
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Jan 26, 2014
Objective: I am trying to find consecutive (2 or more) lap time that is above a certain value per lap. Once that is accomplished. I would like to know the summation of these values and the average. These values (summation and average) are not over the entire data, but for the consecutive periods only. Ideally I would like the for n number of laps and lap-time.
(i.e) if threshold is 85 seconds. Please view the attached image and sample spreadsheet.
Lap #
Lap Time
2 or more laps
[Code] ........
The formula I used to get the consecutive data above
formula I used is =IF(AND($B2>$D$2,OR($B3>$D$2,$B1>$D$2)),$B2,""). This yielded the values on the last column.
My question is, how can I sum and find the average and summation of consecutive value till blank cell. Using the example above,
I would require the average, ((118.2+92.74)/2) in one cell. I would require the next cell to give me the average, ((87.5+86.5)/2. Also I would require the summations used.
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Jan 26, 2014
Objective: I am trying to find consecutive (2 or more) lap time that is above a certain value per lap. Once that is accomplished. I would like to know the summation of these values and the average. These values (summation and average) are not over the entire data, but for the consecutive periods only. Ideally I would like the for n number of laps and lap-time.
(i.e) if threshold is 85 seconds. Please view the attached image and sample spreadsheet.
Lap #Lap TimeThreshold2 or more laps
The formula I used to get the consecutive data above
formula I used is =IF(AND($B2>$D$2,OR($B3>$D$2,$B1>$D$2)),$B2,""). This yielded the values on the last column.
My question is, how can I sum and find the average and summation of consecutive value till blank cell. Using the example above, I would require the average, ((118.2+92.74)/2) in one cell. I would require the next cell to give me the average, ((87.5+86.5)/2. Also I would require the summations used.
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Dec 4, 2013
I wan to calculate the average for three cells not in Sequence using AVERAGEIF with condition (VALUE >0)
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Jun 13, 2008
I have Excel 2000.
If I have columns A B C D E how do I copy A and C only (at the same time) and paste them into a new workbook? I get a popup saying it's not possible.
I don't want to copy one column at a time in case I make a mistake and item 1 in column A no longer lines up with item 1 in column C (I'll be performing this at least daily and the results will go on a website)
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Sep 3, 2013
I am trying to simply copy the range of C7:C LastRow and W7:W LastRow
The code below copies all columns C:W to LastRow. I want just column C and column W.
I've tried some other combinations, but it has me stumped.
'Range("C7:C" & LastRow, "W7:W" & LastRow).Copy
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Jan 26, 2008
I have to work with a report where columns are sometimes added or removed. However, the columns I need are always there, just not always at the same place. To identify them, I have my macro search for their title (they never change) and enter the column number in a variable (iSID, iPID, iEPN, iEPT, and iOD).
I now need to take these five columns and copy them into another workbook. Usually, I would use something like Range("A:A":"D:D":etc). but now I'm a bit stuck. I wanted to use something like Range(Columns(iSID), Columns(iPID), etc), but I can't seem to be able to write that correctly or something (I get errors like "wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment"). I guess I could copy the columns one by one using Columns(iSID), but I was wondering if there wouldn't be a more elegant way to do that.
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May 6, 2008
What is the fastest way to delete 2 consecutive columns after skipping 2 columns?
For eg: Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F
I would like to delete column A & B, skip Column C & D, and then delete Column E & F
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Dec 11, 2013
I was trying to see the values only if the same value arrived more than three times in the given range.
in the given range A1:J1, I would like to count 'A' only if it repeats more than or equal to 3 times. For row 1 I should get count as 4.
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Aug 17, 2009
Is it possible to load non-consecutive columns from a worksheet into an array? This works fine for 1 column:
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Oct 31, 2013
I need an equation that will return a 1 in column F if data is available (cell is populated) in 2013 or last two years (2012 & 2013) or last three years (2011 & 2012 & 2013) or last four years or last five years. A zero counts as data.
Data is set up as:
Years in columns
product 1
[Code] ......
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Apr 24, 2014
I have a worksheet with a series of data in rows. Every 40th row is a sum of the previous forty rows.
I have a second worksheet that in a series of columns uses the 40th row sums from the other sheet. So column 1 uses row 40, column 2 uses row 80 data, etc.
Every time I update this, I create the new column using a copy and insert copied cells and then have to go to each field on the new column that uses this other worksheet to correctly update the formula for the new row. As when I do it this way, if Column 1 cell a1 formula said "worksheet2!A40, then the new column 2 cell b1 says "worksheet2!B40, where I want to make it be worksheet2!A80. I have tried highlighting a series of these corrected columns and dragging the formula over but still get a change in columns vs row from the other sheet.
I am looking to see if there is a way to do something like (in layman's expression):
(first column) worksheet 1, cell a1 = worksheet 2 cell A40
(second column) worksheet 1, cell b1 = worksheet 2 Cell A80
(third column) worksheet 1, cell c1 = worksheet 2 Cell (A80+40)
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Jun 26, 2013
I have a table where I need to make a drop down list in two consecutive columns (G and H). The list in column H will depend on the Option chosen in Column H.
Column G
Column H
Savings Box
Update Information General PAYROLL
Payment Inquiry Update Information Severance Pay
As shown above If you select Compensation in G you will have those three options in column H and the same for Payroll.
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May 27, 2014
I'm using Excel 2010 and my spreadsheet contains numbers in columns A:E and approx 500+ rows. Here is a 10 row example of my data:
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
0 2 4 6 8
1 3 5 7 9
1 2 4 5 8
3 4 5 6 9
9 8 1 2 3
7 6 1 4 0
0 8 2 1 9
1 0 5 3 2
I would like to count the number of consecutive times each number appears (to a max of 9 consecutive times in a row). So, from my example above:
Number 1 appears:
1 consecutive time = 1 (appears in row 1)
2 consecutive times = 1 (appears in rows 4 & 5)
3 consecutive times = 0
4 consecutive times = 1 (appears in rows 7, 8, 9 & 10)
Number 2 appears:
1 consecutive time = 4 (appears in row 1, row 3, row 5 & row 7)
2 consecutive times = 1 (appears in rows 9 & 10)
3 consecutive times = 0
4 consecutive times = 0
Number 5 appears:
1 consecutive time = 2 (appears in row 2 & row 10)
2 consecutive times = 0
3 consecutive times = 1 (appears in rows 4, 5 & 6)
4 consecutive times = 0
and so on....
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Aug 6, 2014
how to find the average times of two different sets of groups. There are the baseline times and intervention times. Both groups have three subtopics: Time Fell Asleep, Woke Up, and Duration (how many hours I slept). I am not sure how to find the average of each subtopic. Here are the times....
Baseline times:
Fell AsleepWoke UpDuration
2:30 AM10:00 AM7:30 hrs
4:30 AM12:30 PM8:00 hrs
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Apr 5, 2012
I have a column of percentages, how do I get an average % rate at the end of my column?
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Sep 27, 2012
I want to calculate the average for 6 cells across 6 different worksheets.
For instance in sheet 7 i want to calculate what the average of sheet 1 A1, Sheet 2 A1, Sheet 3 A1, Sheet 4 A1, Sheet 5 A1 and Sheet 6 A1 is. However some the cells contain blanks/zeros which are resulting in an error message. The overall figure still needs to be divided by 6 to get the average.
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Mar 15, 2013
I need to calculate the average based on SKU patterns.
For example, if the SKU begins with "CZD", then take the average SKU that meets that pattern.
Items Sold
[Code] ......
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Apr 3, 2008
I have two columns of data. Column B is age column C is gender. I want to calculate average male age and average female age. Suggestions?
57 f
53 f
47 m
40 f
42 m
Average female age is ___
Average male age is ___
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Mar 16, 2004
I need to find the average time it takes students to take exams . I use the following formula =text(end time - start time, "h:mm"). I am able to calculate the amount of time it takes a student to take the exam. Now I need a formula to calculate the average time students take to complete a test. I have over 80 times i need to average. Whenever i try a formula I keep getting 0.
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Jun 10, 2014
I have an array formula in the attached file to calculate the average of the Top 3 (cell F6). I put that same formula in cell F14 to calculate the average of the Bottom 3 (just change the "large" to "small", however it doesn't work. The result shows zero. How do I fix this?
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Feb 14, 2014
Trying to calculate the lost revenue value for when a piece of machinary is offline for a period of time based on the hrly price during that particular period. The machines come on/off line at various times during the year so i am trying to make this a bit dynamic so i only need to add new info and not have to change the formula
Column F - Off date of machine
Column G - Restart date of machine
Column H - Hrly time
Column I - Hrly price
I thought this formula (an array) would work for me
=average(if((Column H>=Column F) * (Column H<= Column G), Column I)) but it only calculates that average price for the first period and not new average prices for other periods.
what adjustments I can make to my formula or is there a better formula to use?
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Mar 26, 2014
I need to calculate the average amount of days it is taking for files to be processed. Here is the example I have.
Assuming that B1=0 and C1=1 (in the # of days row)
# of Days 0123456789101112131415Total Files
File Count011712113203000000049
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Jun 3, 2009
I'm working on a time series dataset with a time step of 15 minutes. I need to calculate daily average of the several variables. So let column "A" be the "date-time" column, let column "B" be the "variable column" and column "C" be the "average column", I need a function that calculated in C1 cell the average of B1 to B95 cells, in C2 cell the average of B96 to B190 cells, in C3 cell the average of B191 to B285 etc.
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Aug 26, 2009
I'm using Excel 2003. I have about 190 rows that I use on any given day to enter start times & end times. I calculate the difference in Column E. Is there a formula that will calculate the average time as I enter them in the rows? Some days may have only 100 entries, other days may have as many as 190. I don't want to keep adjusting the average formula for column E.
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