Calculating Difference Between Two Letters?

Nov 14, 2011

Is there a formula to calculate the difference between two letters?

For example, I have levels A-Z. Column A contains level at the start of the year (A-Z). Column B contains level at the end of the year (A-Z). I would like to find the difference (e.g. level A to level D would be a change of 3).

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Identify Difference Between A Value That Includes Letters And One That Does Not

Jun 10, 2014

I have a list of codes in a column, they are all 6 digits long. Some are 3 letters followed by 3 numbers (eg. ABC001), and some are just 6 numbers (eg. 000123).

Example list....


I want to be able to autofilter with the criteria being all the ones that include letters, or all the ones that are only numbers. So I need to fill a variable with each list so that I can use it for the autofilter criteria.

How would I go about identifying the ones that have letters in from the ones that do not?

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Calculating An Average From Letters

Feb 11, 2008

I have a table with 9 columns filled by a letter (A, A-, B+, etc). This letters correspond to grades (4, 3.67, 3.33, etc). The tenth column is supposed to contain the numerical average of all 9 letters in the line.

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Calculating How Many Higher / Low Case Letters In A Row?

Jan 20, 2014

I have been developing a spreadsheet for my HR department to display sick leave and holidays amongst various other things. After completing it I was asked to tally up both half days and full days (Full days shown with a capital 'H' and half days with a lower case 'h')

I have tried various combinations of things to get this to work using Exact and if statements but had no luck.

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Calculating Difference Pivot Row

Nov 24, 2008

I created a Pivot Table whose columns are different years (2007, 2008). I would like to show the growth (or not) of the percentages from the years. For example

Dept. 2007 2008 Growth

Bio 97% 56% -41%

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Calculating The Difference In Time?

Aug 17, 2013

I'm calculating the difference in time:

9:54-9:45 = 0:09

Now to convert this in minutes (in number format), I multiply this number with 1440:

0:09*1440 = 9

When I click the cell this number is actually 9.0000005, rather than exact 9. I need it to be exact 9 since I have to match this number from other excel sheet.

To sum up:

This is what I expect:

31.99999 should be changed to 32

10.000001 should be changed to 10.

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Calculating Difference Between Two Times

Mar 29, 2007

I am trying to calculate the difference between a scheduled start time and an actual start time. If the actual start time is greater than the scheduled start time a negative time (hh:mm:ss) should be returned. instead the cell is populated with #############....

I have tried to reformat using the custom formats, but the only options in excel 97 are for either standard numerics or £ (these return a minus figure).

I've had a look at the time functions but could not see a suitable one.

I'm sure there is a simple format solution to this.

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Calculating Percentage Difference Between Cells

Dec 5, 2013

Formula "(Cell-Cell)/ABS(Cell)"

When calculating percentage difference do I always subtract the smaller number/cell from the larger number/cell, then divide by the smaller number/cell or vice versa? Maybe I am over thinking it, but it is confusing the heck out of me

I provided an example below to illustrate a spreadsheet I work on. The numbers go up and down. I want to know how I should go about setting up the formula. If I need to ensure the smaller number is always subtracted from the bigger number, it will require a lot of manual intervention on my part.

Row 3 is =(b2-b1)/ABS(b1)Row 4 is =(b2-b1)/ABS(b2)Row 5 is custom. I went through each cell and made sure the smaller number was being subtracted from the larger number, then divided by the smaller number


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Calculating The Difference Between Time Stamps?

Dec 12, 2013

I've got a spreadsheet of samples taken at certain time intervals for a period of 2.5 hours, they were collected in hh:mm:ss format. Most of them are approximately 5 minutes apart. What I'd like to do is convert the first time to 00:00:00 and then recalculate each sample from there. Is there an easy way to do this?

So, what looks like this right now:

Would look like this:

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Calculating Difference In Time After Midnight

Dec 14, 2013

I'm trying to calculate the available man hours I have for my shift/team. I have got the basic formula to deduct the time, and lost time for breaks ok, but when the shift end time crosses midnight the formula returns a "value" error message. i.e. start time = 18:00. End time = 24:00 breaks = 15 mins gives me a formula like this =TEXT(O17-N17-P17,"h:mm") and a result of 5:45

How I can make this formula work so it can calculate the variance even though the shift ends at 02:00am the following morning?

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Calculating The Difference Between Cells, But Using The Value Of Another Cell If The

Jun 2, 2009

I have the following on a spreadsheet that keeps track of when student work is handed in and calculates how many days late it is so a penalty mark can be given.

A1= User entered value : a fixed submission date that a piece of work is due to be handed in on.
A2 = User entered value : The date entered if work is handed in on time or early
A3 = User entered value : The date the work was handed in if late
A4 = User entered value : The date the piece of work is due to be handed in if an extension has been granted
A5 = Calculated value : How many days late a piece of work is

Essentially I want the calculation in A5 to reflect how many days late a piece of work is. SUM(A3-A1) would do this of course. If the work is early or on time, A2 is ignored.

Sometimes however students have permission to hand work in late, in which case another calculation is needed to work out how many (if any) days over their extension date (A4) their work is. How do I combine these two calculations into the same cell, so that if A3 is empty it checks A4 to see if the student has an extension date and then returns a 'days late' value if applicable?

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Calculating Difference In Time Using Excel

Mar 7, 2013

I manage a team in a call centre and deal with lots of reports on excel.

I am dealing with a report on a daily basis that i need to use in order to calculate the total idle time that each of agents have. There are roughly 170 agents.

After I have formatted the cells to hh:mm:ss, the obvious thing to do would be : =(B1-A1)

Is there a way to write a macro (or anything) in order to reapply this to the report on a daily basis? Bearing in mind that this has to be done daily for 170 individual reports. They work a 8am - 5pm shift. So there is an entry every time they make a call.

Agent Name


28/02/2013 8:06:47 AM

28/02/2013 8:08:54 AM

[Code] ........

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Calculating Difference In Times As Hours And Minutes

Aug 10, 2009

I need to calculate the difference between a start time and end time in hours and minutes.

01/07/2008 11:40

01/08/2008 19:28

Start and End columns are formatted as 'Custom' m/d/yyyy h:mm.

I'm not sure what formula to write to calculate the hours and minutes between the two times. Everything I've tried doesn't count over 24 hours. Also what do I format the result cell as?

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Calculating Difference Between Two Times Through A Column Of Data

Aug 21, 2013

It will be easier to explain in an example:

Time (hh:mm:ss) Digital
1 10:03:00 0
2 10:03:01 0
3 10:03:02 1
4 10:03:03 1
5 10:03:04 1
6 10:03:05 0


From the data above I am searching for the duration of when the digital column says '1', i.e my function = A5-A3 which would output 2 secs or 00:00:03 & likewise A9-A8.

The problem I have is that the digital signal is staggered and does not always have the same frequency. I have over 6848 lines of time to check so to do this manually would take me all day.

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Calculating Time Difference Based On Row Criteria?

Jul 30, 2012

I am conducting some analysis on alarm data of certain devices and am looking for creating a VBA algorithm that will do the following (refer to the table below for example data)

I want identify an asset in alarm (Column F) and based on its asset ID (Column C) and Fault Description (Column D) then find the row when the asset with the same asset ID and fault description returns to an 'ok' Asset State. After the row where the same asset ID and Fault description is found where the asset state returns to 'ok', I want to calculate the total alarm time based on the difference between when the asset ID and Fault description goes from 'Alarm' State to 'OK' state from DateandTime Column.

I want the result to be populated in a new worksheet that displays data with the following column headings as a result of the above calculations: Date, Asset ID, Asset Description, Fault Description, Alarm Time

I have added an additional column to show the type of output I am after.

There are up to 20,000 rows of data I want to perform the above calculation on.



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Calculating Time Difference Between Two Days Combined With IF Formula?

Jan 30, 2014

I am using the following formula in Column E to calculate the difference between an employees start time, and their previous shift end time in order to work out how many hours rest they have had:


My Current Formula works fine for same day calculations, but if an employee finishes work at 18:00 on Friday and starts work at 22:00 Saturday night, Excel calculates the Total Rest hours as 04:00, when in fact they have had 28:00 hours rest...

Is there a way of calculating the hours difference between two dates?

I have attached a sample of my spreadsheet to illustrate

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Calculating Date & Time Difference: Result In Hours Only

Sep 29, 2006

Instead of calculating a time difference manually I want to have a formula do it for me. What I want to achieve goes as followed:

08/06/2006 04:33
12/06/2006 01:05

Time difference is 92:32 [hh:mm]

another example:

09/06/2006 12:42
12/06/2006 11:35

Time difference is 70:53 [hh:mm]

So instead of getting 92:32 and 70:53 by calculating it myself I would like to have a formula do it for me. Otherwise I'll have to invest a lot of time to get the information I need.

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Calculating Difference In Months Between Dates / Ignoring Days And Years?

Mar 13, 2012

Cell A1 contains 02/29/2012

Cell B1 contains 12/01/2006

I am looking for a formula that will return the number of months (periods) between two dates, ignoring days and years. Using the above dates, which cannot be changed, the result needs to be 63. The formulas I have tried keep returning 64 because my later date is at the end of a period, and my earlier date is at the beginning.

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Removing Two Letters From A String Of Letters And Numbers

Jul 29, 2014

i have a list of 2000 fields which have the same format IE "AB10014"

I need to remove the "AB" from every field and leave the #.

Besides putting a space and running text to columns I'm not sure how.

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Macro For Creating Letters To UPPER Letters

Dec 7, 2009

I have words in cell range (i.e. A1:A1000) and I want them to became upper letters.

Excel forum to EXCEL FORUM

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Remove Letters From A Column Containing Both Numbers And Letters

Jul 24, 2012

I have a column of cells, some blank, some containing just numbers, some containing just letters, some containing numbers preceded by the the letter 'p'




In the cells containing the number preceded by the 'p' - i would like to remove the 'p' leaving just the number, with all other cells remaining unchanged.

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How To Seperate Small Letters And Big Letters

Mar 9, 2009

how can I seperate small and big letters from one collumn, example:


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Column Letters- VBA Command To Get The Letters

Nov 17, 2009

Is there a VBA command to get the letters, instead of the numbers, of the column of a selected cell?

I have to letter a list whihc means setting up a loop using character codes.

I may have to go into double letters so I am working on how I would set up the loop for if and when it gets past 90 and starts on double letters. so far the highest is the letter "U"

of course the easiest would be to pick up a column value as a letter

NT values do not get a number

A_____ _____NT###
D____ _______NT####

i am guessing the loop might involve some arithmetic test between the count and the character set 65-90. or maybe a mod thing.

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Sum Letters To Numbers?

Feb 26, 2014

Tallying entires from a PDF into excel. Such that


In a cell I would like to type =c+d+c for example and have it say 17,000 rather then me having to type in =1000+15000+1000.

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Letters In Sequence

Jun 24, 2009

I would like to create a column with letters from alphabet in a sequence. If I write A and in cell below I put B then highlight the two cells and drag down I get a repetition of A and B. How do I get the following alphabet letters ie. C,D, E etc.?

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Why Are Numbers Above Letters

Jan 16, 2014

I created this data worksheet with many tabs and multiple users. On the main tab, something weird has happened and I have no clue how it happened or how to fix it....

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Counting In Letters

Sep 30, 2008

I am basically looking for a method to fill in information through VBA in excel into a 2-D grid. Ideally I would like this to work but it does not.

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Possible To Average Letters

Feb 25, 2007

I need to average the following row of letters. Is it possible?


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Add Same Letters To Column?

Nov 21, 2011

I have a column of domains.

I need to add "http://" to the beginning of these domains. How can I do this?

EX. I have column A with about 27 cells of domains "". I want to add the "http://" to the front of them.

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Column Letters

Feb 28, 2007

Using =column() in cell A1 returns "1" as column A is column 1 with b being 2 etc.

How can I get it to return "A".

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