Calculating Number Of Days - Differentiate Between Leap And Regular Year

Jun 10, 2014

I need a formula that will calculate the number of days (ex from 10/1/08-1/1/12) and will differentiate between leap year and a regular year. I am trying to calculate interest between 2 dates and leap year is calculated on a different interest rate. Right now I have it set up so I have to manually type in the leap years in a separate field instead of being able to just you point a to point b.

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Leap Year

May 29, 2009

I need to ignore February 29 when subtracting 1 day from another,

We have the DAYS 360 formula available .... I need a DAYS 365 sort of formula. Any ideas?

For example,
F5 = 5/1/2017
F4 = 9/12/1985
F5 - F4 = 11554

but I want it to be 11546 because I want to pretend February 29 never happened in any of the years between the two dates.

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Check Which Is A Leap Year

May 28, 2008

I've typed in the following code in VBA to run see which year is a leap year etc. The code is not working form me is this the right function am using?

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Leap Year Formula

Sep 25, 2009

I could use a little help with a leap year (they sure are great, eh?) formula.

There's a cell (A1-K1) with a year in it (2008-2018)

The part of the formula I need is something like this:

=IF(A1 has 366 days,366,365)

So I can put this at the end of my formula.

Should be simple, but my 1044-page Excel 2000 selfhelp Bible can't offer me the solution.

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Determine If The Input Date (Yearx) In A Userform Is A Leap Year

Sep 18, 2009

I need to determine if the input date (Yearx) in a userform is a leap year. I tried doing this: Leap = Evaluate("MOD(Yearx, 4)") IF Leap = 0 then (show 29 days on my planner).

But no matter what date I put in, it generates "0" as the value for Leap, so indicates that February has 29 days. Obviously I'm not doing this right.

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Number Of Days Per Year

Apr 24, 2007

If I have a year in a cell, say 2006, and in another cell I need a formula to tell me how many days are in that year. Just to try and calculate deliveries of things far into the future, so need to account for leap years.

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Calculating The Number Of Days

Nov 3, 2008

If I had two dates in two separate cells , so E2 is the 01/10/08 and F2 is 06/10/08 and I want to work out that their is a difference of five days what would the sum be? Also is there anyway I could factor into that sum what is pure working days as opposed to weekends?

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Calculating The Number Of Days Between Dates

Aug 5, 2008

I need a formula that will allow me to put a date in cell a2, and in cell a3 put the the number of days between 2 dates. Example.. For example (A2) shows 08/06/08, a3 to show the number of days from 08/06/08 to 08/14/2008--(a3 )14 and (a4) to shows the number of days from 08/06/08-10/05/2008 ---(a4) 60 days.

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Calculating Number Of Days Between Dates

Feb 7, 2007

is there a way to calculate the number of days between two dates using the excel cells do i put in formulas so excel will calulate the number of days between May 3rd and september 19?

i want to enter may 3 in say a1 then sept 19 in a2 a3 should says days between em

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Calculating Number Of Days For Job Length Periods

Mar 16, 2009

I'm trying to calculate the length of a work order to develop an average and future proposal estimates.

For example:
Job received = A1
In work = B1
Job completed = C1
Total days to complete = D1

I know I can enter in D1 C1-A1 and get the correct result but I want the field to calculate A1-TODAY() until a completion date is entered. This would display the number of days the job has been in work until completed. Once completed use the C1 for calculation.

Sorta like
If(C1=">=0" then (A1-Today()) else C1-A1)

I will then use conditional formatting with block colors to indicate whether it is a completed job or in work job.

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Calculating The Number Of Business Days In A Specified Period

Jan 1, 1970

It should be deplaying dates of weekly days in Monday, Wednesday and Friday excluding sundays. Or Tuesday, Thursday Saturday excluding Sunday. e.g

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays of June
June 1, 2006
June 3, 2006
June 6, 2006

Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays of June
June 2, 2006
June 5, 2006
June 7, 2006

This should be happening after entering any date on the first cell of the List and should accommodate up to 3 months

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Calculating Number Of Business Days Between Two Dates?

Dec 31, 2013

Calculating Number of Business Days Between Two Dates?

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Calculating Number Of Days Between A Choice Of Dates

Apr 19, 2006

I have a spreadsheet where I have an intial date of issue of a warrant. Once this warrant has been executed, then a further column is populated with the date. The data I need to work out (Preferably without using macros if possible) is, if there is no execution date the length of time from issue to todays date, but if there is an execution date then length of time from issue to execution. I can do either on their own, but i would like to have only one column showing this info and if possible to update each time the sheet is opened

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Calculating Number Of Days In Specific Month Given Range?

Aug 29, 2013

At the end of each month, my agency collects data about clients served in our programs. One of the many pieces of information they want is the number of "bed days" a client was residing within our programs for the given month.

For example:

Jon Doe entered the program on 7/16/13 and discharged on 8/15/13. I would like to know how to calculate the number of days in July that Mr. Doe was residing in the program. (The date of discharge is not included.)

I recently took over the responsibility of completing reports such as this one at my office. The previous person who completed the monthly reports would count the days by hand for each client, but I know there must be a better way.

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Excel 2003 :: Calculating Number Of Overlapping Days With Several Date Ranges?

Jun 25, 2010

I am having difficulty calculating the number of total overlapping days between several date ranges (6 of them to be precise)

I am using Excel 2003 and my data looks like this:

Sent Out (A) - Received (B)
01/06/2010 13:00 - 30/06/2010 13:00
02/06/2010 13:00 - 16/06/2010 13:00
09/06/2010 13:00 - 10/06/2010 13:00
21/06/2010 13:00 - 25/06/2010 9:44
23/06/2010 13:00 - 25/06/2010 10:56
23/06/2010 13:00 - 29/06/2010 13:00

I really can't wrap my head around the idea of calculating overlap (in network days) between six date ranges and was wondering if any of you would have a solution to this problem.

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Excel 2003 :: Calculating Number Of Overlapping Days With Several Date Ranges And Conditions

Jan 6, 2014

I am having difficulty calculating the number of total overlapping days between several date ranges for each item in another sheet which has unique items

I am using Excel 2003 and my data looks like this:

Sheet-1 Sheet-2
Item - Sent Out (A) - Received (B) Unique Item Number of days excluding overlap days
1234 01/06/2010 - 30/06/2010 1234 -
4321 02/06/2010 - 16/06/2010 4321 -
1234 09/06/2010 - 10/06/2010
4321 21/06/2010 - 25/06/2010
1234 23/06/2010 - 25/06/2010
4321 23/06/2010 - 29/06/2010

I have used the below formula found from the earlier post but need to add a condition calculating the days for each item.


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Calculating Overtime And Regular Time Based On Shift Schedule?

Nov 19, 2012

I am trying to calculate over time based on shift time.

For example: Regular shifts are between 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM (Monday thru Friday). Anything between those hours and on those days should be considered REGULAR TIME. Anything between 12:00 AM to 6:59 AM or between 3:01 PM to 11:59 PM should be calculated as OVERTIME.

Anything on Saturday or Sunday should be calculated as OVERTIME as well.

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Increasing Row Number In Regular Pattern

Jun 10, 2014

I want the first 60 rows of column C to be constant meaning C1, C2, C3, C4..C59 and after 60 rows it should start again with C1, C2, C3.....C59 rather than C60, C61, C62. In other words i+1 but after 60 rows i should be reset to 1 and then again increase by 1. how can i implement these changes

[Code] ......

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Sort Into Regular Part Number Order

May 20, 2009

i have a list of part numbers that all have prefixes and i need to sort them into regular part number order and can't seem to figure out why i'm having such a hard time. the order i need them is this example. i need after part number 1-1 to be 1-2 followed by 1-3 etc. not 1-10 followed by 1-100. i hope i'm explaining this correctly.

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Calculating Rent By Year

Dec 12, 2006

I have attached the spreadsheet in a pdf. I can e-mail it to anyone who is is willing to help me.

I am trying to calculate the amount of income per calendar year from each tenant.

I have, for each tenant, a commencement date (the date that the first lease year began) and a termination date (the date the last lease year ended). If a tenant has signed a 10 year lease, for example, and his lease commenced on February 15, 2005, then it will terminate on February 14, 2015. The 10 years in that range each have a different rent for that year. Year 1, (from February 15, 2005-February 14, 2006) he will pay $4k a month. In Year 2, (from February 15, 2005-February 14, 2006) he will pay $6k a month. What I want is a set of columns that show the total rent he will pay in 2005, 2006, and so on. The 2005 total should be: $42,000 (10.5*$4000). In 2006, it should be: $69,000 (1.5*4000 + 10.5*6000), and so on to year 10 (being split between 2014 and 2015. Also, please note that the lease could commence on any day of the month and they pay the corresponding pro-rata share of rent based on the number of days into the month the Lease Year is starting/changing.

The result should look like this:

next tenant amounts
next tenant amounts

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Calculating Business Fiscal Year

Sep 1, 2008

writing a formula that would result in my organizations' business fiscal year.

Assuming the fiscal year is 2008, the quarters are as follows:

1st QTR = 7/2007 - 9/2007
2nd QTR = 10/2007 - 12/2007
3rd QTR = 1/2008 - 3/2008
4th QTR = 4/2008 - 6/2008

When 7/1/2007 is entered, the result should be Q1-2008
10/20/2007, Q2-2008 and so forth.

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Calculating Dates In Year And Month

Jan 24, 2008

I trying to find a formula to give the difference between two dates in year and month.

For example, the start date is Feb 1 2006 and end date is Jan 1 2008.

The formula should result in 2.11

I tried the following formula from a previous thread but it gives the answer in text but I need it to result in 2.11.


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Calculating Prior Year Info

Jul 23, 2008

My Financial year runs from Oct to Sept. My current month is June 2008 and the YTD Expenses is in Cell P2032. I have set up a formula to calculate the prior YTD Expenses as sum(AU2032:AM2032) This is for the period Oct 2006 to June 2007. When I do July 2008, I would like to the formula to caculuate the prior YTD Exp as sum(AU2032:AN2032)

How can I get the formula to Change Automatically based on the Month & Year as per the example shown above?

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List All Days For The Week For The Year

Oct 11, 2009

i have the year in cell A1 (Just The Year)

what i was looking for is a formula that will list all the days of the week..

IE if i pick Monday form a drop down list than it would like all the mondays for all twelve (12) Months

so Jan Column would say


and so on for each month than if i picked a different day it would do the same

Using Microsoft Excel 2003 On Windows Xp Home Edition

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Formula For Calculating Partial Year Interest

Feb 4, 2014

I have developed a financial calculator that asks the user for the "input date" which is used to record balances as of the input date. My interest calculation for the first year is based on the current date compared to the input date. For example, if the user is keying in a current balance of 10,000 @ 10% interest, and the "statement date" or "input date" is 12/30/2013, and the current date is today, 2/4/2014, then it should calculate interest for the entire year of 2014. It is not doing that. It calculates $3 interest.

But if input date is 6/30/2013 with current date of 2/4/2014, it seems to work OK. It calculates interest of $504 in that case. It appears to get messed up with the year transition between current date and input date. The formulas I have listed below appear to work fine except when the input date is 2013 for the year and the current date is 2014. The formula does not "see" that input date was last year. There must be a minor tweak to formula I am overlooking.

Cell C2 = Today's Date=TODAY()
Cell C3 = Input date (user keys in date in mm/dd/yyyy format)
Cell E2 = "translate input date to year format" =DATE(YEAR(C3),12,31)-C3
Cell E3 = Investment Rate
Cell G2 = yr 1 interest rate adjusted =(E3/1)*($E$2/365)
Cell C21 = Current Balance
Cell D21 = Interest Yr1 = C21*G2

I need the interest calculation to account for partial year accrual.

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Calculating Days ..

Sep 15, 2008

What I would like to do is insert a formula into column E that would calculate the number of days from when the count is at 50 to when the next count is i.e. for part 6689841 the time between when the count was 50 and when it was at 20, so the difference between 21/01/2008 and 08/08/2008 in the above example. It does not matter what the count number is (it could be any number except 50), I'm only concerned with every time the count is at 50 how long it is until the next count and to show the result in days.

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Year,month,week,days Calculation

Aug 3, 2006

What I am trying to to is calculate the number of Years, Months, Weeks, and Days from one date to another. So far I can calculate years and months accuretly but I'm having trouble with the days and can't seem to figure out how to do the weeks.

I'm using the formula: =DATEDIF(B1,B2,"y")&" Year(s), "&MOD(DATEDIF(B1,B2,"m"),12)&" Month(s), and "&(MOD(DATEDIF(B1,B2,"d"),365))&" day(s)"

B1 is the current days date
B2 is the entered date

What I am getting when I enter the date 9/14/09 with the current date (8/3/06) is 3 years, 1 month and 43 days. when it shoud only be 3 years 1 month and 11 days. Any date I enter the days are not right. I can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. Also I'd like to get the weeks to come up also. Such as Start date 8/3/06 Entered date 10/19/09. What I want to see: 3 year(s), 2 month(s), 2 week(s), 2 day(s).

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Count Days In Specific Year Between Two Dates

Jan 22, 2008

I want to be able to count the number of days in a specific year between two dates.

Suggested formula input: DaysInYear(Date1,Date2,Year)


DaysInYear(3/3/2005,3/3/2006,2006) should return 62 (31 in Jan, 28 in Feb and 3 in Mar.)

DaysInYear(3/3/2005,3/3/2007,2006) should return 365

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Excel 2007 :: Count Number Of Days Between Two Date Where Off Days Are Friday / Saturday And Holiday

Mar 14, 2014

I am making process TAT(Turn Around Time) which required following information. In Excel 2007.

1-Count number of days between two dates where working days are (Sun to Thursday). So required to exclude (Friday,Sat + Holidays)

A1-Start Date Mar/01/2014
B1-End Date Mar/31/2014
C1-No Of Days 22
D1-Days between two dates 21
E1 To E10-Holidays

2-Count number of days between two dates where working days are (Sat to Thursday). So required to exclude (Friday + Holidays)

A1-Start Date Mar/01/2014
B1-End Date Mar/31/2014
C1-No Of Days 27
D1-Days between two dates 26
E1 To E10-Holidays

Note : Any weekend (off days) dates listed in holidays should not effect the query.

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Vb Macro Code For Calculating Sum And Average Of Rainfall For Each Year?

Mar 5, 2014

I need to calculate SUM and AVERAGE of rainfall for each and every year separately and must be displayed separately in a separate column. For your easy understanding, I have done manually and attached the excel sheet.

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