Call Or Go Back To Macro After User Action Such As Clicking In A Cell

Sep 27, 2012

I am about to write a small macro to do a iteration calculation. I would like though for the user to select me a cell so that the macro uses the value in that cell to start calculations. Now, what I think would be the problem is how do I code a "time" or notice an action such as clicking in a cell to continue with the macro.

Would it be by inserting a pause in the code of a certain time so that gives the user time to click and wait for the code to start? If so, how would much time is enough? Is there another thing that could restart the code such as "noticing a click in a cell" command in VBA?

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Call Macro When Clicking In Specific Cell From Personal Macro Workbook

Aug 13, 2014

This is the code I use to call a macro when the macro Im calling is in the same workbook.


However, I would like to call this same macro when using another workbook. I copied the macro "Clearformating" and pasted into a personal macro workbook module. However when I add this code to the sheet tab it will not run the macro.

I also tried this code.

[Code] .....

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Trigger Macro By Any User Initiated Sorting Action

Jul 26, 2014

I'm using macros to apply some complex sorting criteria. It is also applying some cell formatting specific to the sort criteria being applied.

At the start of each macro, I'm resetting all cell formatting to remove any formerly applied formatting that is not correct for the new sort criteria. Basic stuff.... works fine.

Now I need to ensure all formatting created by any macro-generated sort gets removed if a user applies a sort using any sort function from the Ribbon. (Reset all formatting prior to any 'manually applied' sort).

I can create the macro to reset the formatting, just not sure how to trigger it upon user action.

Is it possible to trigger a short macro to reset cell formatting when a user applies a sort using the Data>Sort, Data>Sort Ascending, or Data>Sort Descending commands from the Ribbon?

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Call Macro From User Form

Jun 17, 2009

I've made a user form and have it entering my data to "Sheet1". How do I get a macro that I already have in module1 in the same wookbook to be ran on "Sheet1" after the user clicks cmd1button. I've tried putting the code from the macro inside the user form with an if statement checking for true on optionbutton1 but it just skips the code. I know it goes to the end because my code to clear the user form values is at the end and it's clearing the form of all values. I can't find the proper way to call a macro inside the user form either.

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Ask User To Confirm Delete Action

Jun 18, 2014

I'm trying to prompt user when he tries to delete a value from a cell so he can confirm is action but not the same way to all cells.

Let's say that I have cells A1:F10 with values, and user should be able to change this values but not to delete them (can't be a blank cell) and I want to prompt him that info (something like "Cell can't be blank!").

In other range a want a different thing: let's say cells H1:K20. In this cells user should be able to change cells values and also delete them but I want to ask him for a confirmation (something like "are you sure").

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Run A Macro By Clicking A Cell

Nov 6, 2008

I would like to run a macro by clicking a cell. I don't want a toolbar button/menu item and Hyperlinks don't work. Can this be done?

More info: My macro selects the current row in Sheet A and moves it (cut & Paste) to Sheet B in the workbook. The macro then goes back to Sheet A and deletes the now blank row.

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Start Macro From Clicking In Cell

Oct 30, 2007

I have created a macro that autofilter values in sheet 2.

In sheet1 I have a cocpit of values from Sheet 2, 3, 4 and 5.

In the monitoring cells in Sheet1 I would like to doubleclick (or similar) in the cell where I have a value from ex sheet 2, and then trigger the macro which does the autofiltering.

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Run Macro When Clicking On A Specific Cell

Aug 15, 2006

I am trying without success to for a macro to run when a specific cell is activated. i.e. if a users selects cell A1, macro X will run.

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How To Prevent User From Clicking On Days In Calendar Control 8.0

Jun 22, 2013

Is there a way to prevent a user from clicking on the days in the Calendar Control 8.0? I am trying to place 12 calendar controls on a worksheet for reference only. I am using a linked cell to reflect what date the Calendar is to display.

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VBA Macro To Select Cells With Certain Value And Perform Action On Adjacent Cell

Mar 10, 2014

Converting old reports to usable excel format. I am having trouble using VBA to set up a looping macro that would search Column A for cells with the text string: "ACTIVITY TOTAL". If cell has that value I would like to perform text to column action on the adjacent cell (R0C1). The macro recording for the test to column settings i need is :

Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=ActiveCell, DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, Tab:=False, _
Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=True, Other:=False, OtherChar _
:=":", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, _
1), Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True

I have attached a sample of what I am currently working with. The actual file has roughly 6000 lines of data, so I would like the macro to go through all lines.

Attached File : LoopingVBA.xlsx‎

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Running A Macro When A Value Is Reached In A Specific Cell Used To Call Up Macro

Jan 7, 2009

I have a Sheet sheet1 and I want to run a macro when the cell D2 in Sheet1 is equal to 10,7,5,and 3. I only want this macro to run when those values are reached the macro then puts the data onto a sheet called wps. The macro is run as a module and is a sub macro.

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Refer A Macro Back To A Cell Value

Aug 31, 2007

macro which can paste the value from A1, to another B1 and when A1 is edited again, pasted it in B2. This will probably go on and on until B30. I have tried the if else then in Macro, and even the if elseif, but both don't go futher than B2. E.G A1=1 B1=1 A1=4 B2=4 A1=3 then nothing happens to B3. If there is a way to make this work, it will be great. The way i am tryin to get it is to have =if(B1="","",1) for each cell from C1:30 and with C31 the formula "=count(C1:C30)+1". Then i formated C31 to a custom and make it so that before numbers, there is an B. This means that if B1,2,3 and 4 and numbers in them, then C31 will read B5. That will be the cell i want my next record to go. I would prefer it if there is just a code that i can enter that will go to the next cell when it knows the current cell has a digit in it but if i have to, the count way will do,

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Call Macro On Entering Cell Value

Feb 9, 2013

I have a macro that is woking that is activated either via Ctrl-p or by an icon in my quick links.

I would like to call the macro when I enter text in the input cell C7.

At the moment I enter text in C7 and then call the macro to perform a series of tasks.

I would like to make the macro and tasks perform when I enter the text in C7 and hit return or enter key.

Is this possible??????

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Call Macro On Any Value Being Entered In A Cell

Oct 23, 2007

I'm trying to create a macro that will check that an Swedish corporate identification number (CIN) is correct. Swedish CIN conist of 10 numbers and are always written 123456-7890. The last number is a control digit to see if the CIN is correct. I've managed to get the macro working but I am not able to get it to work automatically. that is I want the macro to start running immediately after you have entered a companys CIN. In my template you are supposed to enter the CIN in cell A1, and I want the macro to check that immedately when you have pressed "enter". I can not get it to work. the macro works when I do it manually, that is Tools>Macro>Macro..>Run. I've read all about it here but I guess I just don't get it

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Going Back To Previous Cell Within Loop Macro

Jul 13, 2009

I need to copy a changing source cell, paste its value into another specific cell (always the same), and then return to the source cell for continued action (ie range selection, copy & value paste, which I can code).

This action is then followed in the next cell to the R of the first cell copied, etc to end of data. I can code the move to the R.

How do I return to the source cells as part of a loop?

Specific notes included in attached - I hope I've explained it clearly.

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Add Macro To Call Subs Depending On Cell Value

May 16, 2014

I am trying to add a macro to the ACCT DATA sheet, which calls one of two subs (AddCarriertoChecklist() - or - ClrPolChList() located in seperate modules). The macro should call them depending on whether "X" is entered in a cell in column "E". The issue lies in that I have macros doing a few things to this sheet already, and I am unable to tie this one in.

I have the two subs (AddCarriertoChecklist() - or - ClrPolChList()) working. I just can't seem to get them called. This small bit is how I was attempting to call them.

[Code] ......

Below is how I currently have it tied in with the rest of the code for this sheet:

[Code] .....

What is it that I am missing?

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Call Macro Based On Selected Cell Value?

Dec 27, 2012

code to do the following:

If any cell in range T75:KH1000 is selected whose value is "Exit", call the macro named View6.

(There are about 40 non-contiguous cells in this range whose value is "Exit".)

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Force Focus Back: Pop Up A Userform To Provide Instructions And Collect Some Additional Data From The User

Feb 18, 2009

I'm working on a spreadhseet which has several macros that can take up to 5 minutes to run. When the macro(s) complete, I pop up a userform to provide instructions and collect some additional data from the user.

The "problem" is that when the user moves to another application to do other work, the user form remains hidden behind the active app. I've added some text to the status bar to let the users know the processing is done, but they would like something more obvious - so, is there any way I can force focus back to Excel?

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Automatically Call Macro Based On Changed Cell Address & Text

Apr 13, 2009

I have the following code pasted into the worksheet module which used to work fine but no longer does. I didn't touch the code, it just stopped working.

Private Sub WorkSheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Select Case Target.Address
Case "$A$16"
Select Case Target
Case "Custom Color 1": Call CustomColorInput1
Case "Custom Color 2": Call CustomColorInput1
Case "Custom Color 3": Call CustomColorInput1
Case "Custom Color 4": Call CustomColorInput1
Case Else:
End Select
Case "$A$17"
Select Case Target
Case "Custom Color 1": Call CustomColorInput2
Case "Custom Color 2": Call CustomColorInput2
Case "Custom Color 3": Call CustomColorInput2
Case "Custom Color 4": Call CustomColorInput2
Case Else:
End Select
Case "$A$18"

CustomColorInput 1-6 are the same except they input data into different cells F16-F21.

When I attach any of the CustomColorInput macros to a button it works fine. When I try to call it from the worksheet module, the data input box pops up but the data doesn't get entered into the cell. When I try to step through the CustomColorInput macros using F8, the input box pops up, I enter data and press ok. Then I continue with F8 and the debugger jumps to a custom function that I entered (below), which is not called for and is in no way related to the code.

Function PullAfterLast(rCell As Range, strLast As String)
PullAfterLast = Mid(rCell, InStrRev(rCell, strLast) + 1, 256)
End Function

When I close VBA, the data that I typed into the data input box is in the correct cell.

So basically, I'm getting three different responses from the offending code depending on how I call it up. Can anyone tell me what's going on?

More generally, in this and previous occasions, I've had problems with macros that cease to work for no reason that is apparent to me. What are some things that would cause a macro to stop working, without actually changing the code (other than the obvious, like referring to names or worksheets etc. that don't exist anymore)?

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Call Macro - Use Macro Name From Cell?

Sep 30, 2009

My question: Is it possible to write a code that calls the macro with the name specified in a particular cell? Right now I have some AutoFilter going on making a list that has numbers 1, 2, 3... I also have alot of macros named Search1, Search2, Search3... So I can make a cell, say A28, that combines "Search" with whatever number is in Column C, row 29:

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Loop Through An Action Within A Macro

Nov 19, 2008

I am trying to loop through an action within a macro and require some assistance.

I have the following

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Action When Macro Is Aborted

May 30, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that when I am running an specific macro and userforms, this one sheet is visible, when the macro is not running, then, the sheet is hidden.

Now, that happens automatically the way that I set up my macro; however, if the macro is aborted, the sheet doesn't hide.

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Repeating Action In A Macro

Nov 23, 2007

I have a macro that is working fine. It calculates some values based on a SQL database and then copy the values and paste them into another spreadsheet.

However, I need to repeat the same procedure 1296 times.

Please see below the macro.

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "2"
Selection.QueryTable.REFRESH BackgroundQuery:=False
Selection.QueryTable.REFRESH BackgroundQuery:=False
Sheets("AWB RANGE").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False

I need to increment the line #3 (ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "2") that should start with 2 and end with 1296.

Also, I need to increment the line #11 (Range("K2").Select) that should start with K2 until K1296.

The other parts of the macro will not change.

Would you be able please to give me a hand on this explaining how to create a counter to start on 2 and stop with 1296 ?

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Macro To Take Action On All Sheets That Come After Specified Sheet?

May 13, 2014

I have an excel Workbook made up of sheets that are named after months ("May 2014", "Jun 2014" etc). I want to pull data from each sheet that comes after a user specified date.

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Macro To Disallow Delete Action?

Mar 25, 2013

So I have this worksheet full of formulas that I do not want users to accidentally delete. Now, I know I can use the standard "Protect Sheet" option to not trigger any accidental changes but I would like an additional safety check (since management users will have access to unlock the sheet) via a macro to prompt the user with a message box (with Yes / No options) which essentially asks the user if they are sure they want to delete a cell if the "Delete" button is chosen? If the answer is No, nothing will happen. But if the answer is Yes, it will delete the contents in the cell.

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Pause Macro And Wait For User To Click On Cell To Resume Macro?

Jan 15, 2014

I have a macro where I manually select a cell then the macro kicks in to copy and paste the contents into the Find function. From there it goes to another work sheet, clicks on a cell in column one and searches for matching cell contents. Then If false it manually goes back to the original worksheet/cell and then I input a N in the left adjacent cell. If true I enter a Y. Right now I can only run this for the specific cell the macro was recorded for. I would like to expand this.

What I would like to do create a loop in the macro that waits for my cell choice input then continues with the with the Find function. If false the macro should just loop back to the original worksheet/cell and wait for input, ie the next cell selected. However, if true a worksheet/cell is selected, a Y is input and it loops back to the original cell and waits for input.

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Excel 2003 :: Macro For Save As Action

Jul 12, 2014

I have some excel files which should be saved in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format . I am trying to write vba code for that i am struggling at starting . problem is i have 6 excel files which should be saved as Excel 97-2003 Workbook format i don't know how i give 6 files path to code .

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Macro - Making Extensive Action Items Log For Work

Apr 11, 2012

I am trying to make an extensive action items log for work.

On Sheet 1, rows 1-3 are blank. Row 4 contains column headers.

Column A: Item #
Column B: Description
Column C: Drawing #
Column D: Conforming
Column E: Nonconforming
Columns F, G, H don't really matter

What I am wanting is to be able to put an "x" or check mark in either column D or E (conforming or nonconforming). Then I want to run a macro with a push button (I know how to make these) that when pushed scans the spreadsheet row by row until it finds the "x" or check in Column E. I want it to copy every instance of this and send it to an Action Item Page that I have temporarily called Sheet 2. (This way I can go here to see all nonconforming issues). I do not want it to remove the information from Sheet 1.

Then, I want to be able to change the "x" or check on the Action Item Page to Column D (back to conforming) and the macro (push button preferably) copy and send that information back to the original spreadsheet in the SAME row it was.

So, in short I want this to be a fluid way of checking off a punchlist of items.

To complicate things even further, if possible, I would like to have several worksheets send information to the one Action Item List rather than just the one.

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How To Make A Macro Take Action When Data Meets Certain Criteria

Feb 6, 2010

I am watching 100 stocks when the stock market opens at 9:30 EST. Not all the stocks will come available to buy or sell at 9:30 but will become available at different time intervals, sometimes 10 minutes after the market opens. When a stock opens it is common for it to spike up, then spike down, then go into a "normal" trading pattern, this is called a slingshot pattern.

If I have a predetermined price up or down for 100 stocks, how can I write a macro that will look at the stock prices and if it shoots above or below a certain value it will submit a buy or sell order? (I already know how to submit the buy or sell orders, just need to get an idea of how to get the macro to constantly check the prices and if it meets my criteria to take action.)

Note: I already have a macro running at one minute intervals to collect data. One minute intervals is to long, I need it in second intervals or less to pick up the slingshot pattern. Is this possible?

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Macro Automatically Clicking Links In Cells

Jul 19, 2009

I have a list of links in 1 excel worksheet. They are spaced every other row if it makes a difference. I need to create a macro that clicks on every link automatically. Each link is a direct file that I need downloaded every few months. I have no Macro experience beyond hitting record to automate basic tasks.

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