Calling Sub Routine Every Odd Minute
Dec 17, 2012
I currently have a macro that runs every 10 seconds. This macro calls 5 sub-routines.
Public Sub Copy_Data()
Call SortData
Call Create_OutOfStock_File
Call Create_NearEmpty_File
Call Create_InStock_File
Call Create_Other_File
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:10"), "Copy_Data"
End Sub
I need to keep the current code to run Copy_Data every 10 seconds, however, i would like:
Call Create_OutOfStock_File
Call Create_NearEmpty_File
Call Create_InStock_File
Call Create_Other_File
To be called/run every odd minute, for example, 00:01:00, 00:03:00, 00:05:00
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Feb 4, 2014
I've got three workbooks that end users will be using for data entry. The VBA code for the three workbooks is identical.
I'm trying to encapsulate the code into an add-in so I only have one copy of the code that I have to debug/maintain.
Furthermore, I've also encapsulated the code in the add-in into a class. The class isn't really a "usual" object modelling some data; rather, it's a utility class processing Worksheet_Change and Worksheet_Activate events. Hopefully this isn't a really bad idea, rather than keeping the code in standard modules in the add-in.
The application is called "Midas". Here are some code excerpts:
Standard Module:
[Code] ......
Class Module:
[Code] .....
And in the end user workbook:
[Code] .....
The Wbk_SheetChange event handler is triggering, but it's looking for the code in the end user workbook, instead of the class. Is there a way I can change
[Code] .....
to call the private routine "Cases_Changed" (where "Cases" is the sheetname) residing in the class instead of looking for it in the workbook?
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Sep 13, 2013
create a Macro that runs when system clock changes minute and then at every change of minute of system clock.
For example, if I give the execute command to start the macro at 09:14:45 (HH:MM:SS), then its first run should be only at 09:15:00, then next run at 09:16:00 so on...
I already have a Macro that runs every minute from initial run time, using
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "MyMacro"
but it seems to be unreliable, because in case I open another sheet that takes lets say 20 seconds to open, the next macro run is delayed by 20 seconds.
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Feb 22, 2007
I am in the process of re-building a major project due to bugs. In the process, I plan to re-organize my sub-routine grouping within modules. In the source file, I have 18 standard modules, with 10-30 routines in each one.
What I would like is a printout of each routine name and which module it resides in, so I can check off each one as I copy it and paste it into the new file. I see that I can get a psuedo tree-view of my project in th eObject Browser, but can't figure out how to print that.
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Nov 27, 2013
Entering a formula which will allow me to expand my data set by interpolating between sets of x,y values. My data set is in 5-minute resolution and I would like to interpolate so that I can output a new set of x,y values in 1-minute resolution. Here is my example of what I have and what I would like my end result to be, and also I have attached a sample of my data set in the below excel file:
Original data set
Date TimeTemperature oC
6/12/13 13:30 18.28
6/12/13 13:35 17.9
6/12/13 13:40 17.9
Desired data set
Date TimeTemperature oC
6/12/13 13:30 y
6/12/13 13:31 y
6/12/13 13:32 y
6/12/13 13:33 y
6/12/13 13:34 y
6/12/13 13:35 y
6/12/13 13:36 y
6/12/13 13:37 y
6/12/13 13:38 y
6/12/13 13:39 y
6/12/13 13:40y
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Jan 8, 2008
Is there a formula that will calculate standard 60 minute time in to 100 dinute time? Example 2:21 = 2:35. I know how to get to the answer with a calculator, but would like a formula to cut out all of the extra steps.
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Dec 6, 2013
I'm trying to use some call data for some predictive staffing. I need to see the highest number of calls happening around the same time each day. I'll have to do this for a number of different lines, so working out a formula that could apply.
I have two columns, date and time stamps of the calls. A small sample is below.
7/1/13 5:50 AM
7/1/13 9:49 AM
7/1/13 10:33 AM
7/1/13 10:53 AM
7/1/13 11:19 AM
7/1/13 11:41 AM
7/1/13 12:07 PM
7/1/13 3:58 PM
7/1/13 4:03 PM
7/1/13 5:35 PM
7/1/13 6:27 PM
7/1/13 6:39 PM
7/1/13 7:37 PM
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Mar 6, 2014
What is the formula for taking two times, and finding the minutes between them. E.g. 12:35 PM-12:28 PM=7. I know i can use (A1-A2)*1440, but is there an easier way?
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Mar 21, 2013
Is there a way to refresh a sheet every minute? So not on selection change but automatically every minute
I know this code will refresh but i dont know how to do this every minute (Not a selection change as then this could refresh every second which will not be efficient)
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May 23, 2008
i am using excel 2007 on windows xp. here is what i have, i have 5 scanners that i want to track to see how much they scan per minute in a day, week, and month period. here are my data in excel for one scanner in a 8 hour shift:
A1 = the image they scan for a day
B1 = hours they worked that day (cell formatted to [m])
C1 = A1/B1
it should come out to 10.63 but it doesnt.
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Nov 4, 2008
I have a macro called MyMacro which I would like to run every minute starting from 08:00:00 and finish at 14:00:00.
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Apr 16, 2014
I have a table in format below, I want show a third column with sum of w.r.t the minute, so for time 2:10 ,
i want to show 10 which is sum of first four values.
Started DB request
2:10:00 2
2:10:11 3
2:10:11 4
2:10:13 1
2:11:10 3
2:11:11 2
2:11:12 1
2:12:10 1
2:12:12 2
2:12:12 2
2:12:13 1
2:13:11 1
2:13:12 1
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Jan 6, 2014
In cell L7 I have (80/60)/24 and formatted h:mm to get 1:20. In cell M11 I have 1:00 (h:mm). In cell M12 I have L7-M11 and get the result 0:19. Why I'm losing a minute and not getting the result 0:20?
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May 12, 2009
I have been given the task of finding out who logs in at what time of the day.
I have attached the raw data that I have to work with.
In essence I need to see how many login's there were for 06.00 - 10.00 at 15 minute intervals e.g:
06:00 - 5 Logins
06:15 - 1 Logins
06:30 - 3 Logins
06:45 - 11 Logins
Has anyone got any suggestions?
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Jan 11, 2014
In the attached excel file I'd like to use data that was polled every 15 minutes. i.e 00:15, 00:30, 00:45, etc. Can I do this without having to manually delete all the nonrequired data per each row?
Also I have many files of such data that and would like to combine the all them into one to represent data for the whole year polled at every 15 minutes.
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Jan 29, 2009
I am creating a Little League Schedule and want to start Saturday games and have the lower cells ad 2hr 45min to whatever time I post in the upper cell
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Jun 21, 2012
How could round a time value like 08:23:51 to the nearest 15 minute like 08:30:00?
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Feb 4, 2007
Is there anyway of getting an "Active Clock" in a cell.
I know the =now() thing, but this is not what I am looking for,
I would like to get a clock that updates by the minute, without having to select a cell, or make excel do a calculation.
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Oct 17, 2007
I have costs per minute and call times in seconds
How do I work out the cost per call in Excel?
It's probably something very simple, but I just can't work it out. No matter what I try, I can't get it right
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Mar 2, 2008
I'm trying to create a macro to loop through daily one minute data.I believe the flowchart would be something like:
Create Variable
For each day in recordset
Loop through each minute record
Run system rules
Copy to Seperate worksheet
Additional Info:
Data is in columns B-G (Date,Time,Open,High,Low, Close)
Sample system could be something like:
If Current record close price is > Past 2 records Close Price Then
Buy 100 Shares
Liquidate if poistion moves against by 10%
Take Profit if position increases by 5%
Else close by days end
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Nov 6, 2009
I have a large sheet with the values of power from a counter in a 15 minute base.
01.01.09 00:15 0,25
01.01.09 00:30 1,15
01.01.09 00:45 0,75
01.01.09 01:00 2,01
and son on until the end of the month
What I am trying to do is to create a macro which calculates the average per hour and put in another columns like this:
01.01.09 01:00 average from 00:15 until 01:00
01.01.09 02:00 average from 01:15 until 02:00
and so on until the end of the month.
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Feb 2, 2006
I have a worksheet that I enter time values into individual cells:
A1 = 6:00
B1 = 12:00
C1 = 12:45
D1 = 17:15
When I enter these values, I would like some of the values to round to the
next higher "30 minute increment" such as Cell C1 should become 13:00.
I would also like some of the values to round back to the next lower "30
minute increment" such as Cell D1 should become 17:00.
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Mar 12, 2007
how to format a cell, or what formula to use, so that when an entry is made the colon is automatically put in? so that 1011 shows as 10:11
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Apr 27, 2007
I am trying to figure out the written formula for needing this answer:
For a time clock with 6 minute rounding.
If I type in 8:20 as the arrival time, I need it to round to 8:18, so that the final time will be in tenths.
Here is the rounding:
Actual Rounded Minutes in Time Clock
:57, :58, :59, :00, :01, :02
:03, :04, :05, :06, :07, :08
:09, :10, :11, :12, :13, :14
:15, :16, :17, :18, :19, :20
:21, :22, :23, :24, :25, :26
:27, :28, :29, :30, :31, :32
:33, :34, :35, :36, :37, :38
:39, :40, :41, :42, :43, :44
:45, :46, :47, :48, :49, :50
:51, :52, :53, :54, :55, :56
Anything in the same line will round to the bolded time.
Example: I arrive to work at 8:09 and go to lunch at 11:59, it will round to 8:12 and 12:00, making my time worked 3:48 or 3.80. Then I get back from lunch at 12:59 and leave at 17:14, which will round to 13:00 and 17:12, making my time worked 4:12 or 4.2 for the 2nd 1/2 of the day and 8:00 or 8.0 hours for the day.
Time In----------Time Out----------Total Time----------Decimal Time----------Total Hours
The problem is I want to write the actual time and not have to round everything myself and yet I need the decimal time to match what my time clock actually calculates from.
My current formula for the decimal shown above as 3.80 is this: =(HOUR(F7)*60+MINUTE(F7))/60
My current formula for the total time for the day (regular hours) is this: =IF((((E7-D7)+(I7-H7))*24)>8,8,((E7-D7)+(I7-H7))*24)
My current formula for overtime is this: =IF(((E7-D7)+(I7-H7))*24>8,((E7-D7)+(I7-H7))*24-8,0)
This is not a time clock, it is my personal copy of what my time for the week was/is, so that I can compare it to the actual time card that I have to sign off on.
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Mar 21, 2009
I am trying to grab the value of a cell every time it updates and copy that value and store in a new cell.
So I have a cell (A2) and it updates every 60 seconds, I need that value for t=1 (first time) to be copy and pasted into a new cell (B2). Then when t=2 (second time, 60 seconds later) I need the value to be pasted into the same column but a new row, namely cell C2. Then when t=3 (third time), I need it to be copied to cell D2 and so on.
I'm assuming it just a macro that is called every 60 seconds and grabs the value of A2, but then needs to find the next cell in column B that is empty and paste it there.
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Mar 16, 2007
What formula could I use to round up or down time values to the nearest 6 minute increment?
Time ----> Rounded To
5:02 PM --> 5:00 PM
5:03 PM --> 5:06 PM
4:18 PM --> 4:18 PM
4:19 PM --> 4:18 PM
4:20 PM --> 4:18 PM
4:21 PM --> 4:24 PM
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Aug 28, 2007
We have a system called Datamart that outputs in excel formatted file.
The output of a duration is : 22.00:8.00:25.00 ( day hour minutes )
I want to be able to add, subtract, average, calculate the 10 fastest/slowests durations from a list of durations in this same format. I have googled and tried custom formatting but excel does not like this format. when I try to sum a range and divide by the number excel gives me 0.
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Sep 12, 2007
We have a report application and developers that are giving us a real challenge.
1) if you have a cell formatted with:
DD:HH:MM and have a 4 digit numeric value for each section:
you can use the following formula to convert to hours minutes that excel can handle:
=(LEFT(P18,4))+MID(P18, FIND(":",P18)+1,4)/24+MID(P18, FIND(":",P18,7)+1,4)/1440
2) if you have a cell formatted with:
DD:HH:MM and have a 2 digit numeric value for each section:
you can use the following formula to convert to hours minutes that excel can handle:
=(LEFT(P4,2))+MID(P4, FIND(":",P4)+1,2)/24+MID(P4, FIND(":",P4,5)+1,2)/1440
our developers have created a new report that now has a variable format
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Jun 7, 2014
Here is what I am trying to do: I have 30 duplicate worksheets that I enter data every 3 months. I have a macro that clears certain fields and copies data from one field to other and I run this macro after selecting each sheet one at a time. How can I create a macro that will run this macro from the 1st sheet through to the 30th sheet in one click. My macro is called Clear_data.
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Jun 24, 2014
I have a macro file
when I run the macro it activates a sub macro called: Find_Empty_cells_win
when this is run it picks up a empty cell in Column G
When this happens I get a Msgbox prompt and then I click on OK.
After this it continues on to the rest of the code.
How do I completed exit the vba coding right after I click on OK
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