Is there a formula that will calculate standard 60 minute time in to 100 dinute time? Example 2:21 = 2:35. I know how to get to the answer with a calculator, but would like a formula to cut out all of the extra steps.
In cell L7 I have (80/60)/24 and formatted h:mm to get 1:20. In cell M11 I have 1:00 (h:mm). In cell M12 I have L7-M11 and get the result 0:19. Why I'm losing a minute and not getting the result 0:20?
I am creating a Little League Schedule and want to start Saturday games and have the lower cells ad 2hr 45min to whatever time I post in the upper cell
create a Macro that runs when system clock changes minute and then at every change of minute of system clock.
For example, if I give the execute command to start the macro at 09:14:45 (HH:MM:SS), then its first run should be only at 09:15:00, then next run at 09:16:00 so on...
I already have a Macro that runs every minute from initial run time, using
Code: Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "MyMacro"
but it seems to be unreliable, because in case I open another sheet that takes lets say 20 seconds to open, the next macro run is delayed by 20 seconds.
Anything in the same line will round to the bolded time.
Example: I arrive to work at 8:09 and go to lunch at 11:59, it will round to 8:12 and 12:00, making my time worked 3:48 or 3.80. Then I get back from lunch at 12:59 and leave at 17:14, which will round to 13:00 and 17:12, making my time worked 4:12 or 4.2 for the 2nd 1/2 of the day and 8:00 or 8.0 hours for the day.
Time In----------Time Out----------Total Time----------Decimal Time----------Total Hours ...8:12.................12:00..................3:48......................3.80 ..13:00................17:12..................4:12......................4.20..........................8.00
The problem is I want to write the actual time and not have to round everything myself and yet I need the decimal time to match what my time clock actually calculates from.
My current formula for the decimal shown above as 3.80 is this: =(HOUR(F7)*60+MINUTE(F7))/60 My current formula for the total time for the day (regular hours) is this: =IF((((E7-D7)+(I7-H7))*24)>8,8,((E7-D7)+(I7-H7))*24) My current formula for overtime is this: =IF(((E7-D7)+(I7-H7))*24>8,((E7-D7)+(I7-H7))*24-8,0)
This is not a time clock, it is my personal copy of what my time for the week was/is, so that I can compare it to the actual time card that I have to sign off on.
I have two columns C & D. In col C (C10) a time is entered (either 13.45 or 0:33.22 format). If column D (D10) is blank then the time in Col C stays the same (13.45 or 0:33.22). However if Col D has a M in the cell (D10) I want to add 0.24 to the time in Col C (C10) eg 13.69 or 0:33.46. I have tried various formula combinations but keep getting circular reference errors.
I am trying to round up the total sum of time to the quarter hour. I enter time in fields as follows:
WORKSHEET SETUP: Column B: Time I begin working Column C: Time I end working Column D: Total time C minus B Cell format for columns B and C: H:MM AM/PM Cell format for calculated field in column D: H:MM Calculation, column D to show total time on a daily basis: =IF(C6>0,C6-B6,"")
However, I want to calculate total time per month in decimals, rounded up to the nearest quarter hour.
I worked 5 minutes (I do not want to reflect 15 minutes for five minutes of work). When I total time for the entire month (total daily time in column D), I would like that total to reflect total Hours:Minutes rounded up the quarter hour - but in decimals!
Assuming this is possible, how should I format cells, and what would the formula be for the total of hours per month?
Okay I have a basic Time clock calculation in excel (i.e.-(timeout1-timein1)+(timeout2-timein2)="Total time"). What I need to do is convert the "Total time" to be changed to 3 min increments. I don't know if that is the best way to put it but let me show you the chart for the conversions. 3 mins=.05 hrs, 6 mins=.10, etc etc etc.
So lets put this into us
A1 (timein1)= 6:42 AM A2(timeout1)=11:30 AM A3(timein2)= 12:00 PM A4(timeout2)= 5:00 PM (17:00)
So A5(Total Time)=9h 48min, but I need it to equal 9.80 hrs because with the conversion, 48 mins is .80 of an hour. So how can I set up A5 (Total time) to automatically do this calculation? This website is how I would like it to work
I am working on a model for a school project. Time is in ColA, the number of events is in ColB.
Each event requires one person to work before and after the event. For example, if we assume that I need one person 30 min before the event, one during the event and one 15 min after the event - ColC shows the number of staff required. I would need a formula to calculate ColC. Basically I want excel to add the values of the rows above and below a value if it is within a specified time range
It gets a little bit more complicated unfortunately, the time requirements need to be dynamic - so one day it is 30 min before the event, but another day it could only be 15 min before but 30 min after the event etc.
I was trying to do this with a SUMIF formulas, but couldn't get it to work.
I have a column with dates + time under this format: 2005-01-01 00:00:00. I wanted the same thing for the whole year, so, I wrote 2005-01-01 01:00:00. in the cell below, and then did an autofill.
Unfortunately, at some point, the cell goes from 2005-01-05 03:00:00 to 2005-01-05 03:59:59 which is a problem for me, because I was using the hour as an indicator. And hour(2005-01-05 03:59:59) returns 3 and not 4!
Is it possible to 'round' a time to the next nearest 15min interval?
As an example in cell A1 I have a value that returns 2:07 PM (its formated as h:mm AM/PM), but in B1 I wish to translate this to the nearest 15min interval in an hour which is 2:15 PM, if the value in A1 was 5:39 PM I would want to show 5:45 PM in B1 etc etc
I would like a macro or event, etc to round an inputted time to the nearest 15 min increment upon exit of a cell.
For example, a user inputs a raw time into cell B5. Upon exit from B5 I would like the macro to round that time to the nearest 15 minutes and keep the time in cell B5. All of the cells in column B would need to have this capability.
1. How do I call teh macro upon exit from the cell
2. What is the code to grab that data from the cell in column B, round it to the nearest 15 minute increment and then put that value back into the same cell?
Entering a formula which will allow me to expand my data set by interpolating between sets of x,y values. My data set is in 5-minute resolution and I would like to interpolate so that I can output a new set of x,y values in 1-minute resolution. Here is my example of what I have and what I would like my end result to be, and also I have attached a sample of my data set in the below excel file:
Original data set Date TimeTemperature oC 6/12/13 13:30 18.28 6/12/13 13:35 17.9 6/12/13 13:40 17.9
Desired data set Date TimeTemperature oC 6/12/13 13:30 y 6/12/13 13:31 y 6/12/13 13:32 y 6/12/13 13:33 y 6/12/13 13:34 y 6/12/13 13:35 y 6/12/13 13:36 y 6/12/13 13:37 y 6/12/13 13:38 y 6/12/13 13:39 y 6/12/13 13:40y
I need a basic formula that will take my start time from my end time and round it up to the next hour with a two hour minimum. I formated my cell to not have decimals and I tried to use round and roundup along with and if/then formula but no luck. If it makes any difference, all times are in 24hr format.
I work at a facility where we care for adults with disabilities and we need to record times that clients arrive and leave. I created an attendance check-in sheet that needs the current time entered quickly. Is there code that will allow staff to double click on a cell and have the current time entered and rounded to the nearest quarter hour?
I am attempting to pick up a date with time entry on a worksheet and place it into a TextBox on a UserForm. Format on the sheet is mm/dd/yyyy h:mm AM/PM. The UserForm is placing the value as mm/dd/yyyy 12:00 AM. here is the
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() If Not Range("dDate").Value = "" Then TextBox2.Value = Range("dDate").Value TextBox2.Text = Format(DateValue(TextBox2.Text), "mm/dd/yy h:mm AM/PM") Else TextBox2.Value = "" TextBox2.SetFocus End If End Sub
"dDate" is the named range where the date is sitting. The format is also set on the TextBox2 exit event. Can anyone see why only the date portion is being transfered with the default 12:00 AM for no time component of the value?
I have a sheet that I enter time into in a 24hr time format, ie Military Time and cant figure out how to format the cell so that I can just type in the numbers and it automatically put it in the hour format. Currently I have to type in the hour then the colon the the minutes otherwise if I type in the time in a three or four digit format it just gives me 0:00.
I'm creating a spreadsheet where a test note taker needs to repeatedly enter the date/time code in a column as events occur.
I tried recording a macro that will enter the =now() formula and then copy that over itself with the value but didn't work.
So now I'm thinking I need to just write code that will determine "now", and write that serial value to the next open cell (with care not to overwrite the previous data point). I'd like to execute this with a simple keystroke.
The thought is to start at the top of the column, go down until the next blank cell is reached, insert the time code (can't be a formula that will change but an actual value).