Calling Non-existing Sheets

Oct 28, 2009

Currently I'm trying to set up a table that referneces sheets that don't yet exist. These sheets will be added by the user or by macro, either one. I want my table to automatically take these pages into account when they're created without having to rewrite my formulas. The problem is that when I make the call to a sheet that's not there, it opens a file open dialogue box and I don't want it to do that. Is there something I can do here about that?

I don't think it's really going to shed any light on the subject, but this is my call (from memory, not copy and paste)

IF(OR(ISERROR('P01'!N2),'P01'!N2 = ""),"",'P01'!N2)

Also, when I enter this formula and the sheet doesn't exist, it automatically reverts to a text field and I have to manually switch it back to general in which case it gives a #REF error (which is just fine).

Also, I'm writing it in Excel 2003, but it completely crashes Excel '97 if I try to open it there, how can I fix this?

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Renaming Multiple Existing Sheets

Mar 7, 2014

I am a teacher who has created a gradebook in Excel. Each class has a student template sheet, individual sheets for each student in the class (maximum 26 students/class) which has the structure of the template and some cell referencing to the template, and a couple of mark-entry sheets and a sheet that shows the progress of all students in the class.

A number of teachers in the school have been using this gradebook and I am constantly looking for ways to make it more user-friendly. Currently, when a new course starts, a teacher opens a blank copy of the file (which has all of the sheets I mentioned above present). To set up a class, the teacher enters the students' names once on the mark entry sheet (called the "Binder Sheet"), and then changes the individual student tabs (right click...rename...) to reflect the names of their students.

I am wondering if there is a way to have the individual sheet tabs (Student 1, Student 2...Student 26) update automatically to match the names that the teacher enters on the Binder Sheet in cells A4:A29.

I would like to be able to embed the update procedure/script into the blank template so that it is user friendly for others.

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Copy All Sheets To An Existing PowerPoint Template

Apr 2, 2009

I have a Workbook, that I would like to copy over to an existing PowerPoint template.

The order that the sheets are currently in, is the same order I would like the presentation to be.

Can this be done all at once with command button?

see attachment for examples of the Workbook and PowerPoint template

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Automatic Update In Other Sheets: Need Some Changes To The Existing Code

Aug 29, 2008

I have already got an anwer for this long back from this site. The code was writted by Mr. Krishnakumar
the thread is here :[url]

i need some changes to be made in this code. The existing code creates and updates the details in the sheets automatically from the master data. I just need the sum of Column I in all the sheets after the last row of Column I.

selecting all the sheets and typing the formula in I column is not possible because, the last row in Column I is different in all the sheets.
In sheet 1, the last row of Column I is Row 15, in sheet 2 Row150 is the last row.
I guess something could be done in macros.

follwing is the existing
Sub TestIt()
Dim sWS As Worksheet
Dim Sellers As Range, Seller As Range
Dim lRow As Long, fRow As Integer
Dim CopyRng As Range, ws As Worksheet

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Merge Multiple Sheets Of Existing Workbook Into One Sheet?

Mar 27, 2014

I want to merge different worksheet of an existing workbook into one by macro .I did not want to repeat the rows label for each worksheet data.Also I want to get at right hand side i.e in G column the data to be extracted for respective worksheet in the merged data.I have enclosed in attachment an expected solution in a sheet name "merged".However the number of worksheet is here only 3 for sample purposes.However,in reality there is more than 3 .

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Calling The Min Row To Another Row

Oct 22, 2007

i have 5040 rows in a sheet. in columns A,B,C,D,E,F, i have some input. and based on that i have some formula on column G.

lets say, min value is at row 4094 by looking at G column... i want to call entire row to the, lets say K L M N O P ....i need a formula for that....

random numbers are included in the formula. So ever time i make any changes on the sheet, min value changes even thought i dont play with the formula and input... so i want my new min value shown at row 1 of K L M N O P, every time i do that

how can i do that?

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Calling One Sheet From Another

Sep 26, 2009

I am creating a set of lists, each on a different sheet. I want to have the first sheet as a sort of "Title Page" with basic information from the others. Is it possible to create a link of some types so that I could click on "Magazines" for example and go to the sheet called Magazines, or "Books" and go to the sheet called books. The latter would be very handy as this workbook has around 30 sheets in it, which is a pain to look through to find the right one.

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Calling Macro From Add In

Feb 12, 2009

I have created an XLA using a blank workbook which has a macro (called CompareMan) I have written within it.

I have written a utility (called INSTALLMAN) to install this add in.

When I run the install it creates and activates the add in OK.

The install also creates a toolbar with a button to trigger the macro.
Problem is, when I click the newly created button, no matter which workbook I am currently in I get a message ...

"The macro INSTALLMAN.xls!CompareMan cannot be found".

So my question is, how do I get my button to trigger the macro in my add in?

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Calling/using An Array

Apr 15, 2009

I have to do the same procedure for a number of profit centers. The only differences are the names of these profit centers. Therefore I want to use the same code, with changing references. How can I use this array so that it calls/uses 1 profit center at the time? If I use the following code they all are used at once (P1100P1200P1300P1500P1600P1900)

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Calling A Sub With A Formula

Jun 22, 2009

Is there a way to call a sub with out actually saying its name? In other words can I refer to a sub by a value or a cell that holds its name? for example, in my CNC programs I often use something like this;

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Calling UDF Inside VBA

Jan 20, 2012

Okay, I know you can reference worksheet functions with code like:

But how do you use a UDF function within VBA???

I tried, thisworkbook.UDF() (UDF being the name of any UDF) but it didn't work.

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Calling A Form From Add-in

Mar 13, 2012

I have a add in for excel (self made) and I recently hit a wall when trying to add functionality to it.

I have a form "UserForm1" created within the .Xlam file of the add in.

I want this form to be useable for any excel file that might be open, so putting code in the excel file that needs to use the form is undesirable.

The functions carried out by my add in are activated trough ribbon buttons.

my goal is to have a button on the ribbon that loads the form.

As the code doesn't work, I will need a alternative.

I did find the code for making the sheet show if there would be a button in the workbook, however I want all code to be in the add in.

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How To Loop Instead Of Sub Calling Sub

Mar 17, 2012

I am using the following code to find the text "Employment" in any row in colum H. If found it copies it to another worksheet.

Sub CopyRowsSht8()Sheet8.SelectSet Rng = Sheet8.Range(Sheet8.Range("H1"), Sheet8.Range("H" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))For Each cell In RngIf cell.Value = "Employment" Thennum = cell.RowSheet8.Range("A" & num & ":" & "L" & num).Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Employment").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)End IfNextCall CopyRowsSht9End Sub

1. This sub calls CopyRowsSht8 and then this calls CopyRowsSht9 and so on. I have 15 sheets so how would I code this into some kind of loop to include sheets 8 to 22 instead of calling sub then sub then sub etc.

2. It takes a while to do just two sheets so 15 would be very slow - can this be made faster. The maximun number of rows containing data is only about 100 on each sheet -could that make a difference?

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VBA Calling Another Subroutine

Mar 14, 2008

Im trying to call another subroutine within the same workbook but it doesnt work,


Sub Macro1()

Dim mac1 As Variant
Dim mysub As Variant

Select Case Cells(1, 3)
Case mac1
Call mysub

End Select

End Sub

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Calling Variables

Apr 14, 2009

The below thing has been driving me up a wall for 2 days now. I know the fix has to do with calling the variables, but I can't figure out the exact code.

Sub Parsing_Logic()
Dim IBG_URL As String
Dim A As String
A = Mid(IBG_URL, Application.WorksheetFunction.Find("/200", IBGURL), 8)
Dim B As String
B = Left(IBG_URL, Application.WorksheetFunction.Find("/200", IBGURL))
Dim C As String
C = Right(IBG_URL, Len(IBG_URL) - (Len(A) + Len(B)))
Dim D As String
D = Left(C, Application.WorksheetFunction.Find(".200", C))
End Sub

Function IBGLink(IBG_URL As String, Formatted_Date As String)
If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsErr(A) Then
IBGLink = (D & Formatted_Date)
Else: IBGLink = (B & Formatted_Date & D & Formatted_Date)
End If

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Calling Another Macro

Aug 4, 2006

I am trying to call another macro, but instead of using the name of the macro, I have it in a variable. I am getting an error that says "Compile Error: Expected sub, Function, or Property." Can you call a macro that is in a variable? I basically have a bunch of macros created. I also have a list of the name of those macros on a worksheet in Excel. I want excel to start at the top of the list in excel and run the macro, then move down and run the next macro, and so on. Below is my code.

Sub Commercial_2005()
Dim Macroname As String
While ActiveCell.Value <> ""
Macroname = ActiveCell.Value
Workbooks("copy of recast_Report_v2.xls").Activate
Call Macroname
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub

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Calling A Function

May 1, 2007

I guess I just don't understand the basics of calling a function. I have the following function in a standard module:

Function CleanUp(ws As Worksheets)
ws. Range("A2:P100").ClearContents
End Function

I have this code in a worksheet module:

Sub Trying_to_call_a_function()
CleanUp (ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Month End"))
End Sub

But when I run the routine that calls the "CleanUp" function, I get the message: "Object doesn't support this property or method." I have tried changing the Function to this: CleanUp (ws as Worksheet) [instead of (ws as WorksheetS)]. Yet, this does not change anything.

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Calling A Subroutine

May 23, 2007

Is calling a subroutine within another different than running it from the play button in the VB editor? I am getting different results.

I have the following code that I want to call from another subroutine that creates a series of command buttons.

Sub DynamicButtons()
Dim ButtonCount As Integer
Dim ctl As OLEObject

' Create the Button objects
ButtonCount = 0
For Each ctl In Sheets("Sheet1").OLEObjects .............

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Calling Columns Into Different Worksheets

Nov 4, 2008

I'm not sure whether this should be a general question or it should go in the programming section... but here here goes anyways

I need to create a spreadsheet where the contents of Col A & B in Sheet1 are copied into both Col A & B in Sheet2 & Sheet3. Sheet1 Col A&B will be continuously updated (rows will be added) and as these columns are updated, Col A & B in Sheet2 & Sheet3 should be updated automatically and keep the format that is set in Col A & B in Sheet1.

Now, Col C&D in Sheet2 & 3 will be updated by a different user. As the user updates the cells in Col C&D in Sheet2 & 3, Col C&D in Sheet1 should automatically be updated with the data in the cells of Col C&D in Sheet2 (and keep the format) and Col E&F in Sheet1 should automatically be updated with the data in the cells of Col C&D in Sheet3 (and keep the format).

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Calling Routine From A Class In Add-in?

Feb 4, 2014

I've got three workbooks that end users will be using for data entry. The VBA code for the three workbooks is identical.

I'm trying to encapsulate the code into an add-in so I only have one copy of the code that I have to debug/maintain.

Furthermore, I've also encapsulated the code in the add-in into a class. The class isn't really a "usual" object modelling some data; rather, it's a utility class processing Worksheet_Change and Worksheet_Activate events. Hopefully this isn't a really bad idea, rather than keeping the code in standard modules in the add-in.

The application is called "Midas". Here are some code excerpts:


Standard Module:

[Code] ......

Class Module:

[Code] .....

And in the end user workbook:

[Code] .....

The Wbk_SheetChange event handler is triggering, but it's looking for the code in the end user workbook, instead of the class. Is there a way I can change

[Code] .....

to call the private routine "Cases_Changed" (where "Cases" is the sheetname) residing in the class instead of looking for it in the workbook?

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Calling Variable From Userform

Aug 13, 2007

Hi, i'm having a terrible problem (at least for me).

I want to use a var from a UserForm to use it in calculation method in a Module.
How can i refer to that variable in the Userform in the Module code?

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Using Variables And Calling Subs

Aug 19, 2008

I'm having some trouble getting to grips with using/calling variables and other sub routines.

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Calling Forms Using Variables

Nov 9, 2009

I would like to know if it is possible to display a form using a variable containing the form name rather than the form name itself, I have tried everything I can think of and cannot make it work. I know I can use CASE SELECT but I have a large number of forms involved and would like to use a variable name if possible.

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Calling A Function In A Procedure

Feb 2, 2010

I need to extract the filename “My Excel File” from Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(“A1”), whose value = C:Documents and Settingsuser1DesktopMy Excel File

I found on Chip Pearson’s site a Function TrimToChar which, using SearchFromRight and a TrimChar of “” will trim OFF the filename “My Excel File”, leaving the Path.
But, I think I could use his function to tell me the number of characters in the Path and then use that to extract the remaining characters from the total character length (Mid Function)

Problem is, I don’t have a clue how to call a Function in VBA to work on Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(“A1”). How do you set the InputText , TrimChar, & SearchFromRight?????

(eventually, this will be in a loop, where I extract the filename from a Dynamic Named Range (list) in Column A)

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Calling Sub Routine Every Odd Minute

Dec 17, 2012

I currently have a macro that runs every 10 seconds. This macro calls 5 sub-routines.

Public Sub Copy_Data()


Call SortData

Call Create_OutOfStock_File
Call Create_NearEmpty_File
Call Create_InStock_File
Call Create_Other_File

Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:10"), "Copy_Data"
End Sub

I need to keep the current code to run Copy_Data every 10 seconds, however, i would like:


Call Create_OutOfStock_File
Call Create_NearEmpty_File
Call Create_InStock_File
Call Create_Other_File
To be called/run every odd minute, for example, 00:01:00, 00:03:00, 00:05:00

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Calling Form From Another Workbook

Mar 5, 2013

I have a hundred or more spreadsheets that I will be applying a utility to. I want to use one button on each sheet to call a form in the utility workbook. That form will have buttons that call individual parts of the utility.

I tried"utility.xlsm!frmStart"). No dice.

I also tried: "utility.xlsm!frmStart". Same result.

How can I overcome this.

The reason I want my forms in a different workbook is the difficulty with maintenance and installation.

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424 Error When Calling Into Subroutine?

Nov 17, 2013

I met problem in calling into a subroutine. It is error 424. I have dim all variable. However I still get it.

Sub UpdateAll()
' UpdateAll Macro


I got the error when I pressed F8 to step into the getOneRecord() function, which is highlighted in red.

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Calling Web Service In VBA Excel

May 14, 2014

I have a web service URL from vendor, i need to call the particular method in that web service and pass parameters to method from VBA excel. In C# its working fine.Same method like i need to do from from Excel VBA. My doubt is how to form authenticate xml and how to call a particular method using soap action URL.

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Calling Macro From Different Workbook

Nov 14, 2006

I have a set of eight files, each of which is refreshed daily through a macro. I wanted to set up a master macro in a separate file that would open up each of the eight in turn, calls its refresh macro (which saves and closes the workbook), and then open up the next one, etc. I've searched the board and Help on this subject, but I keep getting an error:

Sub UpdateCSHoldReports()
' A sub to update all the US CS Hold Reports

' First, change the directory to the one that holds the files

ChDir "s:Marketing_ReportsCustomer Service2006CS Hold ReportsUSA"

' Next, open each file in turn, and run its refresh macro
' The refresh macro saves and closes the file automatically

Workbooks.Open ("VERIFICATION HOLDS 1000 PLUS.xls")
Workbooks("VERIFICATION HOLDS 1000 PLUS.xls").Activate
Application.Run ("VERIFICATION HOLDS 1000 PLUS.xls!V1000Refresh")
End Sub

I'm only working on one file right now; I'll add the others when I get this one going. The error message I get is "1004" "The macro VERIFICATION HOLDS 1000 PLUS.xls!V1000Refresh cannot be found." It occurs when the Application.Run statement attempts to execute.

What obvious thing am I missing here? I have checked all the spellings, etc., so it's not something like that.

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Calling Out Worksheets By Number Not Name

Dec 28, 2006

can I reference worksheets by number rather than name in a macro?

I'm trying to make a macro that will go through and rename all worksheets according to a date they calculate. I want them to be able to re-name themselves again if the date is changed. This makes it not possible to use "2-12-07" as a callout because this name could change. So, what I'd like to do is select worksheet(4) regardless of the current name.

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