Copy All Sheets To An Existing PowerPoint Template

Apr 2, 2009

I have a Workbook, that I would like to copy over to an existing PowerPoint template.

The order that the sheets are currently in, is the same order I would like the presentation to be.

Can this be done all at once with command button?

see attachment for examples of the Workbook and PowerPoint template

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Copy From Template And Select Any Sheet That Starts With S And Copy / Paste This Template To

Aug 19, 2008

I have a list of invoice #'s on a sheet named "Temp Sheet".

I have a VBA macro that created a new tab for each entry and named it the invoice #. So basically the vba code created a new tab ( based on the number of invoice #'s on my list ), and named each tab an invoice number. So if I had a list of 10 invoice #'s, named S1-S10, the vba code created 10 tabs, named S-1, S-2,. S-3.....

Now to my question.
I have a template sheet I want to copy from ( "Template" ), and select any sheet that starts with "S", and copy/paste this template to.

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Copy Template Worksheet To Multiple Worksheets And Incrementally Number Sheets In Workbook

Mar 25, 2014

I have what is probably a simple request to all the VBA experts out there, and simply want to take a template sheet in a workbook and copy it across to 100 sheets numbered/named 101 -200, and add the name of each sheet as a text reference, e.g. sheet name 101 will have a cell within the worksheet that refers to sheet 101.

I have attached a simplified spreadsheet which indicates what i'm trying to achieve.

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Add Worksheet Template To Existing Workbook?

Oct 4, 2011

I need a macro to add a work sheet template to an existing work book, I can add a blank work sheet no prob but it needs to be a template

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Copy And Rename Sheet (template) From Cell Value Entered In Template?

Feb 21, 2013

how to create a copy of my employee attendance template. Is there a way to create a copy of the template by entering an employee name in the "name" cell of the template and it automatically renames the sheet that employee name and also saves or recopies the template for use with the next employee?

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VBA - Copying Data From Multiple Workbooks And Worksheets To Existing Template

May 19, 2014

(Code at the bottom of this message)

I have a file with a roughly 20 workbooks. I need to split the data in each workbook into two sheets, rename each sheet, then export the data to template with multiple sheets. After splitting the data into the appropriate sheets in the original workbook, Sheet1 in has only 1 row (plus header) and needs to be transferred to "Project Entry" in the template; Sheet2 can have any number of rows (less than 100) and needs to be transferred to "Activity Entry" in the template. I need to save the template based on the value of cell A1 on "Project Entry" sheet of the template. The organization of the columns in the original workbooks is different than that of the template, so this is not a straight copy and paste operation. The cell formatting in the template must be retained.

I have half of this under wraps. I've cobbled together some code that splits the original data where I need it split, copies it to new sheets and saves the files. I now need to figure out out to get it out of this saved file and into the template.

The crosswalk of values between the original data (Sheet1) and the template(Project Entry) needs to look like the below. So, variable 1 exists in column B of the original and needs to populate column B of the template, and column Q in the original needs to populate column G in the template. The variables and column relationships are different for Sheet2/Activity Entry.




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Copy Chart Into PowerPoint Slide From Excel Workbook?

Oct 28, 2011

Which the best procedure to copy a chart into a powerpoint slide from a excel workbook? So that when I update the chart data in the excel workbook I can update it even in the powepoint slide ....

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How To Copy And Paste Excel Chart And Data Table In PowerPoint

Jan 23, 2013

I have a chart and a data table (please see attached file named "delete_1.xls).

I need to present these 2 items in a single slide of PowerPoint.

I have done like this.

-First copied the chart from Excel.
-Then pasted it in PowerPoint using "Paste special".
-Then clicked "picture (windows metafile)" this is to reduce memory consumption

Then repeated the above steps for the excel table too.

The PowerPoint slide that I got cannot be attached as system doesn't allow me.

Question: I wanted to a give a paper copy of the PowerPoint slide to my Director who needs a PowerPoint slide and not an Excel chart. But in the slide, the numbers of the table look much juggled and as if the numbers are too closely typed.

I tried with various different fonts in Excel and then copy and pasted in PowerPoint but the problem persists.

What things I should do in Excel table so that cell values are clear in the Table presented in PowerPoint ?

Attached File : Delete_1.xls‎

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Count & Insert Template Sheets

Feb 17, 2010

I need a coding for count of "Reconciled" items and insert that number of template sheets.
Attached is the sheet for your better understanding.

With the help of attached example I need a coding which will count the number of items the word "reconciled" appears in control sheet (L:L) and should insert that number of template sheets. In this example the count is 16 so it should insert 16 new template sheets.
Pls note the count would not always be the same and count would not always be in cell L123.

After inserting the template it should be renamed as the combined value from the cells.
for example from control sheet the template should be renamed as from E8,D8 & F8
First should be affiliate then subdivision and then currency. It should include "-" between the names.

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Paste Template Onto Multiple Sheets

Feb 14, 2008

i have created a diary using multiple tabs. I would now like to create a template that i can paste into the multiple tabs. I have tried to copy and paste but the format ends up all wrong, I would also like to paste all the tabs in one go
Regards Johnt Auto Merged Post;I dont have to paste anything all i have to do is select all sheets on the first page and then design my template on that page which will show on all pages

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Macro Add Sheets Using Template And Name Them From Column Of Cells

Feb 4, 2014

Step 1: I have data coming from a data dump which is placed on the "Summary" sheet of my excel workbook. I need to take column A (beginning at A8) and create a new sheet (based on "Template" located in the same workbook) for each name in column A.

Step 2: I need to place the name of the new sheets in cell C4 of each sheet so I can do a lookup using C4 as my lookup_value, so this can't be a formula like "=MID(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1))+1,256)" because lookup doesn't function properly.

Step 3: Delete "Template", so that the only things left are the "Summary" sheet and the new sheets.

Each department will have their own workbook with a "summary" sheet and different sheet names although they will all start off with the same data dump and will all be in the same format. Each department could also have a different number of new sheets added depending on information from the data dump.

I found a utility (ASAP Utilities) which will do the steps I need done, but it won't record in the macro.

Budget time is fast approaching and each department needs their worksheets.

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Macro To Create Multiple Sheets From Template?

Nov 10, 2011

I'm trying to create a workbook with multiple worksheets. My first sheet to be named "Main" and each additional sheet to be named in sequence after the values in the cells between B5:B98 on !Main.

B5 = "01"
B6 = "01.1"
B7 = "01.2"
B8 = "02"
B9 = "03"

I'd like to have a macro that would take a worksheet in this workbook named "Template" and make a copy for each cell between B5:B98 and name that new worksheet "c" and then the value in each of those (B5:B98) cells.

First worksheet named "Main"
Second worksheet named "c01"
Third worksheet named "c01.1"
and so on.....

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Calling Non-existing Sheets

Oct 28, 2009

Currently I'm trying to set up a table that referneces sheets that don't yet exist. These sheets will be added by the user or by macro, either one. I want my table to automatically take these pages into account when they're created without having to rewrite my formulas. The problem is that when I make the call to a sheet that's not there, it opens a file open dialogue box and I don't want it to do that. Is there something I can do here about that?

I don't think it's really going to shed any light on the subject, but this is my call (from memory, not copy and paste)

IF(OR(ISERROR('P01'!N2),'P01'!N2 = ""),"",'P01'!N2)

Also, when I enter this formula and the sheet doesn't exist, it automatically reverts to a text field and I have to manually switch it back to general in which case it gives a #REF error (which is just fine).

Also, I'm writing it in Excel 2003, but it completely crashes Excel '97 if I try to open it there, how can I fix this?

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New Sheets Created With Template And Populated With Data When Conditions Are Met

Mar 24, 2014

I have a workbook with three sheets: Collections, Client and Interest New sheets created from a range in Sheets("Interest"). The range in Sheets("Interest") holds the client names.

Then the template in Sheets("Client") is copied and pasted into the new sheets

For each new sheets cell B6 holds the client name and .Range("A10:A1317") holds the dates
Sheets("Collections").Range("D10:D1317") holds the dates and .Range("D8:WC8") holds the Client Names
if Sheets("Collections").Range("D8:WC8") = new sheet.cells(6, 4) then
if Sheets("Collections").Range("D10:D1317") = new sheet .range("A10:A1317") then
copy the value in Sheets("Collections").Range("D10:WC10").offset(0, 3) to new sheet .Range("C10:C1317")
end if

move down on row and repeat the steps.

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Alter Existing Formula To Copy Specific Cells In Row Instead Of Copy Entire Column?

May 1, 2014

I need the macro to look at cells B9:B84 on the Sheet1 tab of the Cost Template. If it finds an x I need it to copy the 3 cells to the right of the x and paste them in a template. For example if it sees an x in cell B9 it would copy cells C9, D9 and E9, open the Purchase Order to the Detail tab, then paste it to cells B3, C3 and D3. It would continue looking for an x down to B84. So if it found 5 cells with x, it would give me 5 instances of the Purchase Order with 3 cells pasted into each.

I've attached my Cost Template and the Purchase Order it needs to copy to. In the Cost Template is a macro called Create_PO. This is what I was trying to alter to make this happen. I can't seem to get it right! FYI in case it matters, I had to change the Cost Template from .xltm to .xlsm in order to upload it on this site.

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Renaming Multiple Existing Sheets

Mar 7, 2014

I am a teacher who has created a gradebook in Excel. Each class has a student template sheet, individual sheets for each student in the class (maximum 26 students/class) which has the structure of the template and some cell referencing to the template, and a couple of mark-entry sheets and a sheet that shows the progress of all students in the class.

A number of teachers in the school have been using this gradebook and I am constantly looking for ways to make it more user-friendly. Currently, when a new course starts, a teacher opens a blank copy of the file (which has all of the sheets I mentioned above present). To set up a class, the teacher enters the students' names once on the mark entry sheet (called the "Binder Sheet"), and then changes the individual student tabs (right click...rename...) to reflect the names of their students.

I am wondering if there is a way to have the individual sheet tabs (Student 1, Student 2...Student 26) update automatically to match the names that the teacher enters on the Binder Sheet in cells A4:A29.

I would like to be able to embed the update procedure/script into the blank template so that it is user friendly for others.

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Macro To Create Sheets In New Workbook Based On Template And Evaluator?

Feb 10, 2013

I had created a base data with evaluator and performance appraisals templates which should be sent to each evaluator for filling up the forms based on templates


Macro that would i require will be

Where in my base data if i select filter of "Arun", i will performance appraisal templates in column I. Next, i have sheets individually created templates which refer column I

So, based on arun filter if i select, it should create a new workbook for arun and six individual sheets of employees reporting to him with a base data and appraisal templates similarly if i select anita in filter , it should create a new workbook for anita and six individual sheets of employees reporting to her with a base data and appraisal templates

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Macro - Generating Multiple Sheets Using A Template And Source Workbook

Mar 20, 2014

I am new to the VBA editing and I am missing some steps to get my files correctly generated and then ideally saved in PDF format in the same folder.

I have two files; one is an invoice template with the following fields:

Invoice Reference: Line 8 column D
Issue date: Line 9 column D
Client name: Line 11 column E&F
Client address: Line 12 column E&F
Product name: Line 16 column E&F
Product details: Line 18 column E&F
Production date: Line 20 column E&F
Delivery date: Line 22 column E&F
Units: Line 24 column E&F
Total Units: Line 26 column E&F
Total Invoiced: Line 30 column F

Each sheet in the "template" workbook should be named after the Invoice Reference.

Secondly I have the source file in which the data is organized as follows: (Both are in the same folder)

Invoice Reference: column A
Issue date: column B
Client name: column C
Client address: column D
Product name: F
Product details: column G
Production date: column H
Delivery date: column I
Units: column J
Total Units: column J
Total Invoiced: column E

One invoice needs to be created per line in the source workbook. I tried many times the macro recording without getting the correct outputs.

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Automatic Update In Other Sheets: Need Some Changes To The Existing Code

Aug 29, 2008

I have already got an anwer for this long back from this site. The code was writted by Mr. Krishnakumar
the thread is here :[url]

i need some changes to be made in this code. The existing code creates and updates the details in the sheets automatically from the master data. I just need the sum of Column I in all the sheets after the last row of Column I.

selecting all the sheets and typing the formula in I column is not possible because, the last row in Column I is different in all the sheets.
In sheet 1, the last row of Column I is Row 15, in sheet 2 Row150 is the last row.
I guess something could be done in macros.

follwing is the existing
Sub TestIt()
Dim sWS As Worksheet
Dim Sellers As Range, Seller As Range
Dim lRow As Long, fRow As Integer
Dim CopyRng As Range, ws As Worksheet

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Merge Multiple Sheets Of Existing Workbook Into One Sheet?

Mar 27, 2014

I want to merge different worksheet of an existing workbook into one by macro .I did not want to repeat the rows label for each worksheet data.Also I want to get at right hand side i.e in G column the data to be extracted for respective worksheet in the merged data.I have enclosed in attachment an expected solution in a sheet name "merged".However the number of worksheet is here only 3 for sample purposes.However,in reality there is more than 3 .

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CSV Copy To Template Using VBA

Oct 15, 2008

I need to write a VBA code which will read the CSV files from a folder by opening the CSV files , then copy the contents of csv file into another EXCEL template already present in the same xls template.

The XLS template has tabs named like "UAT2D" and i want the csv file data to paste in the particular xls tab which is blank initially. But what is happening my code open the required CSV , copy the data and insert the CSV into the xls template by creating the new tab. see the code A below

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Copy Template Sheet And Rename It?

Oct 12, 2013

I have a template sheet which i want to copy in to same workbook but want it to be renamed using a name which i fill in on a seperate sheet "articles". But I only want the template copied with the new name every time i fill in a new name in the sheet "articles". Also this procedure may not overwrite existing sheets.

So there is not a predipefined table in articles but rather it grows each time I need a new copy of template.

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Vba To Copy A Template Worksheet To New Workbook

Mar 18, 2007

I have created a template with a Worksheet called "Certificate".

There is a userform that is opened on Auto_Open of this template and
allows a file name and some other parameters to be input.

On pressing the OK button on this form, I want to do the following.

1. Create a new XLS workbook with the file name entered on the form
(this includes the full Windows folder address).

2. Copy the Certificate workbook from the template across to this new

3. Close the original template (maybe closing needs to be done at the
end??) and make the "Certifcate" worksheet in the new workbook the
active worksheet.

4. Using the parameters entered on the userform, change the details in
"Certificate" (this code is already written but not set up for the new
workbook - currently it updates the template "Certificate" worksheet)

5. Save the new excel workbook with the changes.

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Copy From Template To First Empty Row In A Master Workbook

Dec 30, 2009

I'm unsure how to adapt the code to suit my needs.

I have an Excel workbook that is created a few times a month from a template. When I update it I run a macro that saves a values only copy with the current date. I'd like to copy non-blank rows (from row 8 down) into the first empty row in a master workbook that is saved on a network drive. The path to the master workbook is "B:8MPBGTrade Pre-AdviceBG Trade Confirm Master.xls"

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Using VBA To Select Data / Copy Into Template And Save As

Jan 20, 2012

picking things up. At the moment I am trying to create a macro using VBA to do the following in this exact order:

1. Delete Column A and B (once only)
2. Automatically pick up credit card number (In column A)
3. Copy all instances of this credit card number (and all data on same row)
4. Open a template I have set up
5. Paste the copied data onto a specific sheet on this template
6. Save as file name "xxxx - branch name - XXXX - DDMMMYY"
7. Repeat (loop?) this for all credit card numbers on the sheet.

There are approximately 90 credit cards, and I need a new workbook for each one to work on separately.

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Copy Named Ranges To New Version Of Same Template

Aug 28, 2006

I will try to keep a version control of a template I develop on an ongoing basis. The version number I will try and use to provide an easy way to upgrade any file based on an older version of the template by simply copying values that reside in cells that I see on a list of named ranges into a file that is a copy of the new template.

1: I will use the version control suggested by Tom Ogilvy in
And keep the version number in a property named "Version".

2: I have a hidden sheet named "config" in which i have a list of cells holding the names of all the ranges that must be copied. The list of named ranges is right below a cell named "Config_values_to_copy", so
range("Config_values_to_copy").offset(1,0).value holds the name of a range (e.g. "Priority_Column") in which case there is a column off values there, that must be copied to a blank instance of a new template and placed in the same named range.

3: I will keep the newest version of the xls-file (template) - not as a xlt file, just xls for now somewhere - on the LAN in a specific folder and always have the name of the latest version being: "Risc and issue documentation Template, latest version.xls" (If possible I will manually include the version number into the file name instead, and make sure that there is only one file in the particular folder.) For this help let's just say that the folder is local "C:latest-version-template" I think that this can somehow be done based in parts on the answer Ron de Bruin gives to this topic - but I am not sure that it is all there...

4: When a user opens a workbook based on the template a control button named something like "check for new template version" should be accessible - alternatively I will hide the code and do this when the user opens the file.

5: Now here goes: The code must somehow check current version from step (1) against the version found in the folder with the latest-greatest version of this template. If the template available in that folder is newer than the template that this current file is based upon, then prompt the user if he wants to upgrade. If YES then I must somehow iterate throught the named ranges and copy all the values onto a copy of the new template and afterwards save this intelligently on the users harddrive.

I imagine using this kind of iteration to go through the named ranges - this code is altered a bit from elsewhere in the file:

While Len(Range("Config_values_to_copy").Offset(i, 0).Value) > 1
' As long as I am in this loop, then I have values that must be copied to the new workbook.
[new workbook!] Range(Range("Config_values_to_copy").Offset(i, 0).Value).Value = Range(Range("Config_values_to_copy").Offset(i, 0).Value).Value
i = i + 1

Can I do this - how do I copy a version of the newer template and paste the values (by value) into the identical named ranges? Probably the line

[new workbook!] Range(Range("Config_values_to_copy").Offset(i, 0).Value).Value = Range(Range("Config_values_to_copy").Offset(i, 0).Value).Value

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Updating Excel Files...Old Template To New Template?

Jan 5, 2009

I Have a number(30+) of excel files based off of one template. I have since updated the template, thus making the the old ones obsolete. Is there a way to update the older files to use the new template without having to copy and paste the addition's row by row column by column?

None of the additions to the template will change the placement of existing data, nor will it change the data itself. It will however add Values to cells that were previously empty.

Hints, Tricks, or Ideas?

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Daily Worksheet Macro - Make Copy Of Template For Each Day Of Month?

Dec 22, 2011

We have a workbook that we create each month that has one worksheet per day of the month, labeled 12_01_2011, 12_02_2011, 12_13_2011...etc. The pages are an empty template with formulas and fields in place that we simply copy and paste the results of an SQL query into. Presently, we are copying the page manually several times over, and then manually renaming the pages with the new dates for the upcoming month.

So, here is my question. Macro that I might use that would:

1) Make a copy of the template for each day of the month.

2) Label each page in sequence with the dates for the upcoming month.

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Copy An Existing Formula Down Or To Create One For The Same Job

Apr 2, 2009

I have a very simple lookup formula (eg: ='data'!C1) that I need to copy down about 4000 rows. The difficulty is that I need to miss out 5 rows in between each paste but no matter what I try when copying it down, it throws itself out of numerical order. I have tried to type the formula manually for every row but its taking forever and is bound to go wrong at some point. I have attached a very small example to show what I mean - Imagin this example needing the formula to run down in order up to row 4000?

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Copy A Sheet To An Existing Workbook

Apr 1, 2009

Is there a way to copy a sheet in one Workbook to and Another Existing Workbook?

I have attachment two Workbooks to this thread.

The one entitled: Copy a Sheet to An Existing WorkbookI would like to copy any Sheet to Workbook "Create PowerPoint"

I would like it to be the first sheet in the Workbook "Create PowerPoint"

The one entitle: Create PowerPointIt has three sheets that have data already in it

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