Cell-dependent Drop-down
Oct 12, 2009
Say in A1 i have either Yes or No, in B1 i have a dropdown validation from a list if A1 is Yes and "n/a" if A1 is no.
I thought if i renamed my list validation to "Yes" and labelled "n/a" as "No", then using =INDIRECT(A1) as my list validation would do the trick.
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Jan 22, 2010
I have two drop down lists 1) Country and 2) States/province
Country has list: [US, Canada]
If "US" is selected, [Arizona ,Florida, NewYork] is listed in the 2nd drop down list
If "Canada" is selected, [Alberta, Ontario, Quebec] is listed in the 2nd drop down list
First, I select "US" and choose the states to "Florida"
Next I change the country to "Canada" and forgot to choose province
Then, the 2nd dropdown list is changed to [Alberta, Ontario, Quebec],
BUT the current value is still "Florida"
Now I have "Canada" and "Florida" selected in the sheet
If the primary list is changed, can I make the 2nd drop down list to show a default value (e.g. blank or the first entry i.e. Alberta)?
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Apr 21, 2009
I am trying to create validation drop down list for a cell, however I want different drop down lists which are depenent upon another cell.
in Cell A1, I want the options "A", "B","C" etc
If cell A1 = "A", then drop down validation for cell A2 = 1,2,3,4,5
cell A1 = "B", then drop down in cell A2 now equal 6,7,8,9, 10
cell A1 = "C", then drop down in Cell A2 now equal 11,12,13,14,15
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Jul 6, 2009
I have been searching on this for a little while now but have not been able to find a solution to my problem. I have been asked to create a series of dependent dropdown lists using excel so that we can use these for inventory imports into a asset system. The catch on this is that nobody here really has any idea on how to make these dependent lists reference each other correctly. The reason for that is because the fields all have spaces in them and I do not know how to get a list name with a space in it or to create the proper translation for it. An example of this would be something like what I have written in below ....
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Aug 12, 2007
I am trying to put together two combo boxes, Combo1 and Combo2, the content of Combo2 will depend on the selection made in Combo1, for example Combo1 will have 10 items, once an item is selected Combo2 will have different sub selections relating to that item. I know you can do this via Validation, but the problem with that I have about 4000 options in the combo1 and about 60000 in the second, here is the structure of my data:
First Option /Second Option
Option1_____ 1.2
Option1_____ 1.3
Option2_____ 2.1
Option2_____ 2.2
Option2_____ 2.3
Option3_____ 3.1
Option3_____ 3.2
Option3_____ 3.3
My ultimate final result should look like this, two drop down menus once Option1 is selected second drop down form should display these options:
Option1 /_____ 1.1
____________ 1.2
____________ 1.3
see attachment for complete clarity
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Jul 30, 2009
I'm trying to make a number of cells dependent to a drop down list. However, these cells would also be drop down lists and while they'd show a value automatically determined depending on the drop down list, the user would still be able to choose another value.
Coated steel
This would be my initial drop down list.
In the same sheet, I could choose the materials for the machines shaft, fasteners, anchors, chains, sprockets, nozzles, etc. These materials would be, again:
Coated steel
in 90% of the cases, having the machines frame at SS304 would mean the rest of the materials would also be SS304. However, depending on the needs, the anchors could be SS316. So basically I'd like that the options all be in the same material as the frame, but with the possibility of choosing another material through a drop down list.
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Apr 11, 2008
My problem is a dependent drop down list that keeps the previous value when a different value is picked in the first drop down list. The dependent drop down needs to change to empty/blank.
The first drop down list is in cell C3.
The dependant drop down list is in cell C4.
The source in C4: =INDIRECT(VLOOKUP(C3,allnames,2,2))
I had a look at various answers on the internet but somehow cannot get it to work (and that is more of a reflection of my own skills than the writers of those answers!).
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May 10, 2007
The only thread I could find on this topic was not resolved. I want to reset the value of a dependent drop down list (in H3) to the first valid choice when F3 is changed.
I have the following code that initially worked but no longer does.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Goto errHandler
Dim DLRng As Range
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("F3")) Is Nothing Then
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
Set DLRng = ActiveWorkbook.Names(Target.Value).RefersToRange
Me.Range("H3").Value = DLRng.Offset(0, 0).Value
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Could not change dependent cell"
Goto exitHandler
End Sub
I now get the error message ""Could not change dependent cell" every time I pick a different item in the drop down list in cell F3. If I remove the error handler I don't get the error and the code simply doesn't work.
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Feb 18, 2010
I'm using dependent drop-down lists. In the first box the user can choose a color which drives a set of options in the second box. (e.g. User selects "Red" and in the second dropdown they can then choose "Red A", "Red B", "Red C", etc.). Right now, if you select "Orange", it will still show "Red A" from the previous selection until the user selects the dropdown in the dependent box to refresh the list of options. Is there a way to make it so that second dropdown box will default to "Orange A"?
I tried writing some code to do this, but I can't seem to make it work. I've attached my file.
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Apr 29, 2008
Now he has another task that I am not having any success with. He has asked if we can make an Excel spreadsheet that allows us to access a list of customer units from a drop down menu which is in another workbook, and once you choose that particular unit, another drop down menu will allow only those customers who are assigned to that unit to be selected from that sub-menu. I hope that makes sense.
Say customer A1 (we will call him Delta Co, 2-1 Aviation) is selected from this first drop down menu (which I haven't figured out how to make yet either). Then this selection would access another worksheet in that other workbook with a new drop down menu with only the four customers in that unit. As an example we will use the names SSG Wilson, SGT Jackson, SFC Jones, and SGT Phillips.
So when the Supply Tech here opens the spreadsheet, the first drop down menu, he will select Delta Co, 2-1 Aviation. Then the next menu will only show four names, and he will select SFC Jones.
Once we get this going, I may be able to figure out the other things the commander wants, if not I will be back.
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Aug 24, 2009
to make the user experience better by inserting the " Stock Search" sheet to speed up the process. The spreadsheet attached is a simplified version of the current version, where it would normally have many many more sites, areas and models of cars. The existing process means the user has to trawl through the sheet where they are only interested in what sites in their area has stock. I can not change the format of the "Red" and "Yellow" sheets so hoping to insert another sheet to do the work.
I am hoping to have on the "Stock Search" sheet a few drop down boxes.
The user will select
1. Area
2. Type of Colour (the type of colour selected should link with the sheet name in effect, so only stock within the "Red" sheet will be shown if the "Red" colour is selected from the drop down box)
3. Model of Car
This will then give the resulting Store/Stores with stock (value 1 or above) with those conditions met which is showing in the relevant sheet
So as per the attached sheet, if a user selected Area "South West", "Red", "Renault Megane"
then SO10 Clifton 1 and SO15 Yeovil 3 would be shown in a list.
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Mar 19, 2009
I'm trying to create a drop down list which returns values based on what has been selected in the previous drop down list in the adjacent cell, e.g. if 'Apples' is selected in the previous cell then you should only be able to select from 'Gala, Granny Smith', or if 'Oranges' is selected you should only be able to select 'Seville, Blood Orange'. Is there a formula which would do this, or can I use a pivot table somehow? I'm totally stumped.
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May 31, 2012
I have a workbook with two sheets. The idea behind the workbook is an Interview Guide to be used just before an Interview. For now my problem is this.
Sheet 2 "Competencies" is just data. It stores competencies with their associated definitions and questions.
Sheet 1 "Control Page" is the sheet where the questions will eventually go. The user (Interviewer) will input data on the first two pages which will include name of candidate, date of interview etc. but they will also select 5 Competencies from the already existing drop down menus on page two. From there as the selections are made I wish for a code to copy the corresponding definition on sheet 'Competencies" to cells lower down in sheet "Control page".
I don't see a place to upload a file as I have a sample of the sheet ready to go.
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Jan 26, 2007
how can we disable/enable a cell based on a condition which is dependent on other cell data
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Oct 20, 2013
I'm trying to set up a dependent cell (B) based on what is in the independent cell (A)
If A is blank, B should be blank
If A has any value other than X, B should display a set string Y
If A contains X, B should contain a drop down list with a range of choices.
I've tried setting it up as a dependent validation cell and I've tried using OFFSET, but the best I can do is to get three different drop down lists to populate cell B. One with only string Y, one with only a blank, and one with the range of choices. The problem is in the first two cases above, I want the cell to fill automatically with either blank or string Y -- I don't want them to just be drop down options, with the cell displaying the last value that was input.
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Jan 28, 2014
In Excel it's possible to create a link dependent of a cell.
='C:UsersAMDesktop[" & C9 & "]Sheet1'!$B$3
where C9=Andrew.xls
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Apr 18, 2008
How can I get Excel 2003 to place a specific name (that is not in the spreadsheet) for cells in column A for which the cell value in column B contains a particular word?
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Aug 12, 2008
Currently F37 has a vlookup code that gives me text values and what I am looking to do is to color code these values.
For Example if the text value is GOOD, should be colored GREEN, VERY GOOD = YELLOW and OUTSTANDING = RED.
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Nov 29, 2009
I need an email to be sent to the last period teacher when a student earns less than 265 points. Some students go to a different class at the end of the day, so the teacher needs to be notified.
I have an if formula set up to create a yes statement: If(T26<265, "yes", ""). I need for an email to send when U26 is set to yes.
Actually I need an email to be sent anytime any cell in range (U5:U40) is yes, and I need it to be sent to the email address listed in the corresponding v column.
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Aug 8, 2006
All to occur in cell G2
Condition 1.
If F2 is > 0 then multiply F2 by D2.
Condition 2 in the same cell.
If the product of F2 multiplied by D2 is > E2 AND the sum of F2 and F1
multiplied by D2 is > 0, then add the product of D2 multiplied by the sum of
F1 and F2 to E2, otherwise input E2
Condition 3 in the same cell.
If the product of F2 multiplied D2 is < E2 BUT the sum of F2 and F1
multiplied by D2 is > 0, then input the product of D2 multiplied by the sum
of F1 and F2.
Condition 4 in the same cell.
If F2 < 0, and the sum of sum of F2 and F1 multiplied by D2 is < 0, then 0.
This is the best way I could think of the write out my intention. I think if
I can get the above scenario into a one cell formula that should resolve my
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Jan 19, 2008
Is there any way to make a cell's contents change automatically according to the present date?
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Jun 14, 2007
I'm trying to make a circles size (diameter) change depending on a value inputted in a cell, preferable I would like to have a limit to the sizes too so if that the circle will not have a diameter larger than 20 or smaller than 2 regardless of the values put in. the sheet will have several circles.
I know this must be documented somewhere but I don’t think I’m using the right terminology in my searches,
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Sep 17, 2007
How do i write a line in a macro that basically says:- If this box say (m1) has data in it follow the next procedure that i have designed (which is copying data from one spreadsheet to another and re-designing it). However if this set box is empty do not copy anymore information over.
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Nov 9, 2012
I have a list of items in cells b2 to z2. I want to display the contents of those cells in b2 dependent on what the active cell is. For example if the active cell is in column b I want a2 to show b2. If the active cell is in column C I want A2 to show C2, etc.
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Aug 5, 2006
1. I created a "Top Category Data Dependent Validation List for sub-categories” in the attached spreadsheet. The selection from the Category drop-down list in column B, then drives or limits the choices in the Sub-category drop-down list in column C.
Credits: To achieve the above technique, I used the "Dependent List Validation" document as a technical reference.
the document is available from http://www.ozgrid.com/Excel/dependent-lists.htm
2. If the user updates the Category selection in Column B, then the value in the corresponding row in Column C should be "reset to a ( NULL/Clear) value," as to automatically prevent any human-error in forgetting to also update the Sub-category data in Column C.
(Optional Reading--the following steps are not related to steps 1 & 2 above, just notes regarding other data validation process created in this spreadsheet
3. I also created another column (D) that gets automatically populated with the Category ID,
based on the sub-category drop-down list selection in C.
4. Also in this spreadsheet, a macro checks for any "missing required data
before allowing the end-user to save this worksheet. As an example, In Column A, if there is a "RecordId" that exists in the same row, then the macro checks if the user has entered required values in Column B, C, "AND/OR" D. If the end-user did not enter any of the required values,
then an error message pops-up with this message:
"Cannot Save this file due to Missing Required Data. Please review highlighted record and complete missing data."
Special thanks to:
-OzGrid Business Applications for writing code for a UDF (function that returns last word) that I used/modified a little bit to achieve Step 3.
-Carl (member name" carlmack") for his help in the methods I used in Step 4 above.
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Aug 4, 2014
I have a master list of names on sheet 1 column A. I want to create a list of names on sheet 2 column A of the people from Sheet 1 column A that have a specific value (Y) in column z sheet 1. I might also want to different numeric values for the Z column
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Jul 31, 2014
I'm trying to create a form where you can select names from a list dependant on what depot has been selected
On Sheet 1 along the first row are names of depots, under each of these are a list of names (number of name varies)
On Sheet 2, C2 is a data validation list, with source being =Sheet1!A4:E4
Is it possible to make C3 show a list of the names that's dependant on what's selected in C2
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Oct 18, 2009
I'm working in MS Office Excel 2003. I have a spreadsheet with numerous drop down boxes and references to named ranges. Here's my current quandary:
In cell I12, I have a drop down box with listed choices A, B, C and D. In cells I15, I18, I21 and I24, I also have drop downs.
What I'm trying to do is when choice D is picked from I12 it locks cells I15, I18, I21 and I24 so that the choices in the drop down cannot be picked. Also, a popup message is displayed.
I was able to receive help in getting this pretty much taken care of. But the problem I'm having with the code is that the popup message is also being displayed whenever I make a choice from other drop down boxes. So if I choose option D from I12, it locks the other 4 cells and displays the message just fine, but then if I choose anything else from say K12 or L21 then the message continues to come up. Here's what I have...
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Jan 27, 2014
I've got a password protected spreadsheet with only certain cells unlocked to allow users to complete them. I need the following to work on Excel versions 2003, 2007 & 2010.
Cell E3 has a drop down list with types of car to choose from. One of the car types is "Pool_Car".
Cell D12 should only be used if "Pool_Car" is selected from the drop down list. If any other car type is selected, and the user tries to enter a figure in D12, I need an error message to appear.
E3 & D12 are unlocked cells.
I'm happy for D12 to become locked & only allow it to be unlocked if "pool_car" is selected, but I've looked elsewhere, but can't find VBA or data validation to work.
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Mar 27, 2008
Can anyone please help me with some code to rename tabs to match a value in a cell.
When I receive the spreadsheet it is in the standard Sheet1, Sheet2 and so on.
Now in cell E2 there is a Budget Cost code. Now I have to manually rename the tabs to match this code and it is quite time consuming.
Also Sheet1 is different as it has a logo in cell E2 so the budget code on that sheet is in E3 but like I said earlier Sheet2, Sheet3 and so on the budget code is in E2.
Can anyone post a little macro that will rename all the tabs on the worksheet to match the budget code in the above mentioned cells.
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