Change Formula To Static Value In VB

Aug 18, 2009

I have the following code that places a formula into the cell.

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Change Macro From Static To Relative Location

Sep 28, 2007

I have a file that has 114 rows of data. One for each office I'm working with. I need to insert 6 rows in between each of those rows and type text into some of the fields. I recorded a macro (since I don't know how to write one), but it uses a static location for the rows and data, as opposed to a relative location. So, what happens is, I get the same data entered over and over again. Also, even if I get this to work right with a relative location, I still would have to run it 114 times. I'd like to create one macro that would do the entire document. Here's what I've recorded: .....

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Static Date Insert - Change When Modified

Mar 12, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that has the date in one cell. I want the date to remain static unless I make a change. ie, when I first create the sheet I want a static date to go into this cell. Then I only want this date to change if any changes are made to the workbook (several sheets), I dont want the date to change everytime I open the spreadsheet. It must however update if I make any changes to particular cells on various sheets.

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Static Date & Time Corresponding To Cell Change

Aug 15, 2008


What I need is lets say I have 3 columns Name, Date & Time

Name field has a drop down menu having a list of names

Now what I need is - lets say from the dropdown menu someone selects a name - THEN at the same instance the Time & Date fields gets populated with the Date & Time of that update.

and that Date & Time shouldn’t change if someone selects the same or different name in the row below

Kindly assist in lay man terms as I am a novice to Excel


In this format what I need is like above , the start date & start time should update real time ONLY when a name is selected

and when the End date is selected the End time , Date Elapsed & Time Elapsed should Populate automatically.

However there should be NO effect if data is entered or changed in the Request Id or Issue Cells - basically the triggers should only be Name field & End date Field

Can you attach an example sheet as well please

Have enclosed an sample attachment

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Keeping Formula Static?

Jan 30, 2012

I have a formula in column A, =AVERAGE(C2:Z2). I have a macro that moves columns C to Z over one column to the right every day. How do I keep the above formula the same as it is now. At present the range also moves one column. I have added $ but it still changes

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Making A Formula Static

Jul 13, 2008

I have 2 sheets in a work book. In the first sheet in A27 I have a value. In the secend sheet I have a formula "=SHEET1!$A$27".

Problem is when I insert a new row in sheet 1 the formula in sheet 2 changes to "=SHEET1$A$28" and I want the formula in sheet 2 to stay the same that is, always =SHEET1!$A$27.

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OFFSET Statement Formula Static

Oct 21, 2008

Is there a way to make the last two parts ("height" and "width") of the OFFSET statement formula static (meaning they alway refer to the same cell)? I am inputting a different number in the "colum" section of the formula and every time I changes which cells the "height" and "width" refer to.

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Converting Formula To Static Code

Apr 24, 2009

Converting formula to static code. I am currently using the following code on a spreadsheet:

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Formula For Static Date Formatting?

Jan 9, 2010

Here is what I currently have to make the cell blank and highlighted yellow in the event the date in K1 equals the second day of any month


Conditional formatting is just =DAY(K$1)=2

What I need to do is apply these same conditions to the cell if the date in K1 is equal to 02/10/10 or 04/10/10 or 06/10/10 or 08/10/10 or 10/10/10 or 12/10/10

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How To Populate Static Date And Time Using Formula

Nov 29, 2012

what type of vba code I could use to populate a static date and time that I could plug into a formula. Basically what I need is:

IF A1<>"" then L1 shows the date and time of the entry. If A1="" then L1 remains blank. I don't want the date to change once it has been entered.

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Using Static Cell While Dragging Formula Across Rows?

Aug 21, 2013

Let's say I have a value in B2, and a formula in C2. If I drag the formula from C2 all the way down to C20 (spreading it 18 times), the formula wants the value in B2, B3, B4, etc.. down to B20. How do I drag a formula, but have it always reference B2?

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Volatile Formula Returning Date To Be Static

Sep 21, 2008

I've posted this question in another site , but i haven't gotten any answer. I'm attaching an example of the file to show an idea of what i'd like to do, please check first. As you can see, i have a Due Date and Priority columns. The Due Date column has a formula, that when i choose the Priority level, it calculates the Due Date from the current date and auto populates in the cell. The problem is, when i open the file the next day, and insert another Priority level, it updates everything even the previous Due Date entry. This is the formula i have in place for the Due Date:

=(TODAY())+SMALL(IF(WEEKDAY((TODAY())-1+ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&(VLOOKUP((B3),{"Urgent",1;"High",14;"Low",21},2,0))+ ROUND(30*((VLOOKUP((B3),{"Urgent",1;"High",14;"Low",21},2,0))/30),0))))<6,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&(VLOOKUP((B3),{"Urgent",1;"High",14;"Low",21},2,0))+ROUND(30*((VLOOKUP((B3),{"Urgent",1;"High",14;"Low",21},2,0))/30),0)))),(VLOOKUP((B3),{"Urgent",1;"High",14;"Low",21},2,0)))

Is there a way to make up a vb macro to be able to make the Due Date output static, without affecting the formula?

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Paste As Values To Each Of The Cells In The Above To Convert The Formula To A Static Value

Jan 29, 2010

I have the following VBA code, which works nicely -

PHP     For Each C In Sheets("data").Range("A2", Range("A2").End(xlDown))
            C.Offset(0, 5).FormulaR1C1 = "=IF((RIGHT(RC[-1],3)=""ago""),RC[-1],"""")"
    Next C 

What I want to do is Paste As Values to each of the cells in the above to convert the formula to a static value,. Is there a simple bit of code I can include in the above loop, instead of doing a Selection.Copy Selection.PasteValues etc over the range?

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Count Used Cells Formula. Make Reference Static

Nov 5, 2006

I have a problem using indirect in a counta function. Basically, I want to count the number of used cells in a range. However, there would be insertions to the rows (using the insert row) on top of the range.

my function is now =counta(indirect(" events database"!"A"&M22&":A"&M500)

However, this formula returns an error. What have I typed wrongly?

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Match Formula Using Static Column Heading Which Could Appear In Random Columns

Aug 5, 2013

I have one worksheet which comes out of an online application (for the purposes of this example I will call it "Online Sheet"). The column headings in this sheets are always named the same but could theoretically appear in any column address. For example, the column header "Completed" could appear in column "X", or "AT", or "ZZ".

On a second sheet (called "Code Sheet") I have to unscramble all of this data into a standardize layout. Each row value has a unique ID which appears on both the "Code Sheet" and the "Online Sheet". However, in the "online sheet" the unique ID could also appear in any column. Like the "Completed" column this column also has a unique column heading ("Unique ID").

Using Match I can calculate the column number in which the "Completed" column appears in this instance of the online data. For example, "Completed" = Column "25". However, I now need to use some lookup function on this column based on the row in which my "Unique ID" appears of the "Online Sheet" (which could of course be in any column in the "Online Sheet").

For example, if "Completed" is in column "25" and the "Unique ID" which I am referencing on the "Code Sheet" appears on row 14 in the "Online Sheet", then the lookup formula must return the value of column 25 row 14 on my "Code Sheet".

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Change Static References With Lookup References

Mar 2, 2009

I am using the dsum formula to sum some values...the formula in B2 is:

=DSUM(BaseSistemasFebrero,"vlfinf",OFFSET('Planes Entidades'!B$1,0,0,COUNTA('Planes Entidades'!B$1:B$49),1))

The Planes Entidades sheet the data is layed out like this: ....

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Edit Excel Formula Links To Use Environment Variables Instead Of Static Absolute Paths

Sep 30, 2013

Is there a way that formula links in spreadsheets can use environment variables to reference formulas in other spreadsheets/addins?

For example, I have a spreadsheet that imports templates which call functions in an addin. The spreadsheet, templates and the addin could be installed into either the 'Program Files' or the 'Program Files (x86)' folders.

I am experiencing issues with the formula references when moved between 32 and 64 bit computers since Excel seems to store the full path of the addin in the Excel formula (even though it hides it when the reference resolves its path) in my templates. I would like to update the references in my templates so that they use an environment variable (set by my software installer) to always know the correct path of the addin.

In Excel 2003, spreadsheet links are edited via: 'Edit'->'Links'
In Excel 2007 and higher,'Data'->'Edit Links'

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Static Formula Reference: Delete And Drag-and-drop Data To Get Rid Of Any Bogus Values

Jan 10, 2008

I making a template for multiple users to import data into for analysis. I want them to be able to delete and drag-and-drop data to get rid of any bogus values. However i need forumlas that reference those to NOT follow the values as there as moved. As a simple example say you have two columns, column A is a set of random numbers, column B is the number from coumn A times 2. If take the bottom half of column A and drag it up one cell, overwriting a cell, now the cell in column B next to the overwritten cell has a #REF err and ever cell below that now references a Cell in column A from the previous row. I want a formula that references a static address and will not follow the cell if it is moved.

If I use named ranges rather than specific cells references it works for the above example, however for my actual form it does not. Even though the ranges and formulas stay the same I start getting incorrect values. If there is no other way to this I will try to figure why the named ranges do not work.

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Weekday Formula: When I Change The Month, It Automatically Will Change My Formula

May 9, 2006

=CHOOSE(WEEKDAY("1 Jan " &$C$1),"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat")

where C1 = the year 2006. B1 has the month Jan and I want to input that into my formula, so when I change the month, it automatically will change my formula. I tried =CHOOSE(WEEKDAY("1 $B$1 " &$C$1),"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat")

B1 = Jan
C1 = 2006

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Dragging Formulas; Values Of The Formula To Change And The Other Not To Change

Jan 29, 2010

I want to drag a formula however i want one of the values of the formula to change and the other not to change. for example:

c3= a1+b3
: : :

how can i make it do this when i drag? a1 is not just a constant and it depends on other parameters.

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Worksheet Change Event Triggered By Formula Change?

Dec 6, 2011

Basically the situation I have is Sheet2 has many references to cells in Sheet1. Sheet2 is for all intents and purposes a kind of nicely formatted report form, and Sheet1 is the input form.

My ultimate goal is to automatically resize row heights on Sheet2 when cell contents change on Sheet2.

Using a worksheet_change event isn't working I presume because it doesn't see the formula output change as a worksheet change, the worksheet_change is firing only when the input is changed in Sheet1.

how can I capture these formula output changes on Sheet2 (triggered from input on Sheet1) OR is there a way of making a particular sheets rows always adjust in height to best fit?

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Change Cell Value And Not Change Formula

Jan 27, 2007

I want to edit a cell's value without changing the formula the cell contains.

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VBA Keep Shape Static?

Mar 21, 2014

How do i Keep shape where it is no matter if i scroll up or down.

Sub KeepshapeStatic()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim shp As Shape
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")
Set shp = ws.Shapes("MyShape")
'How do i Keep shape where it is no matter if i scroll up or down
End Sub

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Static RND Inside For Loop

Feb 17, 2014

I am trying to create a For Loop where the RND from array column sptemp(i,2) is static throughout the entire loop when I pull the data out separately by columns to create a chart. The data works perfectly if I print it out on the excel spreadsheet via ctrl+shift+enter as an entire array but I am trying to graph the columns and the RND is updating and not syncing with the same random number, as sptemp(i,3) and sptemp(i,5) are both linked to sptemp(i,2) which is the RND. I am trying to graph column 3-5 on the Y-axis and column 1 on the X-axis, and column 3 and 5 should look identical after subtracting column 4.

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Possible To Make Sheets Static?

Dec 7, 2006

what im creating is a live odds program for NFL football... and in my workbook I have ALL the teams as individual sheets.

The problem im having is say im looking at the calculations for Pittsburgh on the pittsburgh sheet, and my macro decides to update.

What it does is pulls me away from the pittsburgh sheet and goes through all the updates for all the teams on all the sheets. By the time its updated all the odds for all the sheets and running and highlighting with the other macros I have to click back to Pittsburgh and view again for like 20 seconds.. and away she goes again updating the sheets.

Is there any substitute for "select" in the programming where it will not select the sheet.. but just update it "behind the scenes" ?? making the page static and remaining viewable while it runs all the processes in the background??

( yep im pretty new at all this, but i have a great method for calculating games and winners each week, but probably better without looking for 20 seconds waiting, clicking back to the sheet and looking for another 20 seconds .. etc etc .)

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Static Date Function

Jun 18, 2009

I have found threads that explain that if you want a to use the now() or today() function but make it static, you have to put a code in the worksheet relating to it.
I have read quiet a few threads, but i can't seem to make my code work.

I need to format column A to have the date format in it. I have a event procedure that puts Now() when run in Column A and I think i need to add the following code to the worksheet to make it static.

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Static Data For Directory

Oct 3, 2011

I have multiple VBA modules that all refer to directories on the local machine and across the network.

I am currently defining the directories in each module.

How can I define them once and then refer to them in any module?

Set Word_Template_Name = "Sanitary Survey Template.dotx"
Set Excel_Template_Name = "Sanitary Survey Blank.xlsm"
Set WQCDdir = "c:CO Sanitary Survey"
Set WQCD_Source_Dir_File = "...wqcProgramsSDWEngineeringTemplates"

This would ensure that any directory changes could be made once rather than 5 times.

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Save As With Static Name Along With Cell C1 Value

Mar 13, 2012

I have developed an excel template that is used at our fire department for dispatching purposes. The template is loaded and then info is placed into the template. It is a read only file so I am looking to have it save the file name as "Incident Report ()" replacing the bracket will be the value of cell C1. Example would be "Incident Report 234". I would also like it to save in the same file location every time.

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Static Dates Within Excel?

Aug 9, 2013

I want to add a date into cell Q when adding data into cell N but I also want to ensure that that date remains static, so when the spreadsheet is re-opened the historic date remains. Also, I want to add a date to column E which will remain static. I have entered the formula = TODAY() but when I re-open the spreadsheet I lose the historic date.

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Making A Date Static

Feb 28, 2008

I have a rather simple question that I can't seem to find an answer to anywhere, even with a date stamp search on the board. I've found similar answers, but nothing specific to my problem.

I'm currently working on a department worksheet to track productivity. I have the formula in 2 cells to automatically display the current Sunday through Saturday dates when the worksheet is opened:=TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY()-1) in E1 and=E1+6 in E2However, I need these dates to be static once the week is over for each worksheet and the workbook will contain a sheet for each week in the month (I'm not sure if that matters). I know this needs to be done in VBA, but I can't find how (if possible).

I'm new to this board and not a super Excel pro, so any help would be fantastic! Also, I'm working with the company's very old Excel97.

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