Choose Parent And Return List Of Bottom Level Children?
Apr 16, 2014
I have a large flat hierarchy table. I am looking for a method to select a parent and return a list of my lowest level children. I am somewhat familiar with VBA but I don't know where to begin coding this.
This has been a great learning source over the years, but this is one of the few instances I cannot find my problem so I am now posting. Example below:
If I select 5, I want values 2 & 1 returned.
If I select 50, I want values 20 & 10 returned.
If I select 100, the value 100 should return.
If I select 40, the value 20 should return.
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Apr 22, 2013
I have a listbox with a state and below it several cities. For example:
New York
New York - New York City
New York - Nassau County
New York - Westchester
New Jersey
New Jersey - Newark
New Jersey - Monroe County
New Jersey - Passaic
I would like to select the state and have it auto select all of the related cities including the state. So if I select New York,
It would look like this, where all are highlighted (as if selected). I coudln't find the highlighter on the thread tool bar:
New York
New York - New York City
New York - Nassau County
New York - Westchester
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Jun 25, 2012
My wife is a teacher and she has asked me if there was a way of randomly selecting a child's name from a pre-defind list and for that child not to be selected again during that session.
Some criteria:
Up to 35 children in the class (selected from a pre-defind list)A child can only by picked on once during the lessonA method needs to be in place for seelcting the child's name (either a button that can be pressed, or another option).
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Dec 10, 2007
I have data for , say - Cars, Company and Average.
I solve this upto 2 level i.e cars and companies.
But i want a third level also.
When i select Car from drop down list, using data - validation - list , in cells(1,1) , i should get all companies in Cells(1,2) and on selecting companies , i should get Average in cells(1,3).
If i do define name ,and then data validation list , and then use Indirect() function, i can solve it upto 2 level.
Eg. I can get company for car .. but how to get Average Also.
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Jun 5, 2014
Does excel 2013 have a fence way to sort a list of alpha numeric numbers and alphabetize in this order A - Z and then 0 - 9.
Ex) Apple, Greg, Rob, Sand, 123, 126, 1000, 2001
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Jan 23, 2013
I have a sheet on the left is a list of document names, next to the list is a hyperlink to the actual document. On the right is a drop down list.
The list contains:
In Progress
I want each person to be able to use the dropdown list to move to the next level but not be able to go backwards.
Example of how it would work:
A person would click the link to the document and set the status to Started in the drop down.They would read half the document and set the list to In progress. However they would not be able to go back to Started or a blank cell once they have set it to In Progress. The same applies to the next level, if they set it to Complete, they cannot change it to anything. Perhaps before "locking" it as Complete there could be a message box warning that the action is not reversible and giving the option to leave it as In Progress.
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May 2, 2008
I am attempting to choose a cell containing a text string based on information placed in a raw data area.
My output from this formula will be a line of text picked from yet another reference cell, based on each of the four choices.
Removed non pertinent information and edited for clarity.
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Mar 17, 2007
I have 8 values in a drop-down list that I've created with excel " Validation" function. Each one of these values changes my data in the sheet. I'm trying to set up a macro that will choose each one of these values and print out the sheet when each new value is chosen.
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Mar 27, 2009
I have a few macros that need to work with various worksheets which are in different windows.
1. Make the user name the files a certain way for consistency
2. Make the user type the name of each window at the start of execution
I was wondering if there was a more flexible option though: one which would allow the user to choose from a list of open windows (similar to the Window>More Windows>Activate function in Excel).
Ideally the macro would run and say something like, "Which of the following open windows contains dataset1?" "Which of the following open windows contains dataset2?"
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May 19, 2009
I have a sheet in a work book which will act as the "Purchase Order" sheet. I would like to have the sheet include a drop down which would allow me to choose from a list of vendors which would print on the purchase order.
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Aug 16, 2008
I need to set up a formula to choose 2 job titles from a single column. There can be 2 to n job titles (non-repeating) and I want to find the title at random. I have no problem finding the first job title using index and randbetween, but I want the second title to meet the same criteria, just not equal to the first job title.
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Jul 30, 2007
What I want to do is rank both the top and bottom of a list.
I know how to rank but unfortunately the bottom will be changing (i.e.: the table size may change from month to month and this is where I have a problem.
I am ranking a table, then doing a lookup on the list to return other values based on the ranking.
What excel formula can I use to ensure I get the bottom 5 if the list length/table size is changing from month to month?
(Please note - I need to do this in excel - not as excel VBA)
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Mar 10, 2008
when you choose Data Validation for a specific cell, you can choose list. Once you have chosen list for "Allow", you can select the source cells for what will be in the drop-down menu. I want to be able to use VBA (or just use Excel) to modify those source cells.
For example:
There will be 3 lists with drop-down menus using Data Validation.
List 1:
Choose first option in list -> List 2 uses source A
Choose second option in list -> List 2 uses Source B
List 2:
Choose first option in list -> List 3 uses source C
Choose second option in list -> List 3 uses source D
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Dec 16, 2008
I have a workbook with the twelve months of the year as seperat worksheets. a thirteenth worksheet is a "total" page. I have three different names to choose from a drop down list in collumn E. I need a formula that will say something like, "if JanuaryE4 = John Doe, total page A1= January A1" Is this possible?
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Jan 8, 2008
How do I make a list of selections for user to choose from in my combo box?
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May 3, 2007
is it possible to do the following with a drop down list, without requiring VBA? I would like to have 20 products to choose from in a drop down box. When the user selects one of the products, a more detailed product description will appear in the same cell where the drop down list is. For ex: If the user chose "chair" from the drop down list, what I would like to appear in the same cell is "chair - model T654".
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May 26, 2014
I have a drop down list that shows phrases for different math functions, like "divide by 2," "divide by 4," divide by 8," etc. When one of these items is selected, I want it to perform that specific calculation on a range of nearby cells.
However, I also want the user to be able to see the original value of the cells if they select "show original value" from the drop down list.
I have attached a workbook as an example. I think macro would probably work best.
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Aug 23, 2013
I have a spreadsheet listing various pieces of computer hardware, software and mobile accessories, etc with costs attached.
I have created a dropdown list of staff profiles eg a sales representative, finance assistant, IT administrator.
What I want to do is get Excel to pull the data through from the data sheet, to a printable summary output form (something you could also cut and paste from). For example, a sale rep would need to be set up with a laptop, laptop case, mobile phone, etc, so when you select Sales rep from droplist, I want that action to pull all the associated data through to the summary form. Similarly, a Finance assistant would require different kit , perhaps a desktop PC , monitor , etc.
Next to my data I have created columns with "Y" for yes in cells containing kit that match the staff role requirements, but I am not sure of the best way to pull this together.
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Jan 3, 2013
I am after some VBA code that chooses each value from a drop down list (in cell A1) then copies a separate sheet 1 (sheet 1) into another workbook (can have both workbooks open at the same time or the first step will have to create a workbook) with the name of the added sheet renamed to the value chosen from the list. When the second value is chosen then sheet 1 should be copied into the newly created workbook as well.
Sheet 1 has lookups that are updated when the new value in the drop down list is chosen
There are around 85 values in the drop down list so I'm expecting a workbook with 85 tabs (copy pasted values and formats)
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May 26, 2013
I would like to be able to choose a Size from a drop down list.
After choosing the size, the Parts and Price records (rows of data) will populate below a few cells.
I will manually insert the Quantity amount of items I need,
This will calculate the total from the cells (price & Qty).
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Nov 9, 2011
In the "Pivot Table Field List" I have the option to "Choose fields to add to report". I have a large number of fields that I want to choose and "Add to Values" - so it is tedious to select each item individually.My question: Is there any possible way select multiple fields at the same time? e.g.
a "select all" option, orhighlighting a range of the available fields (either by dragging or holding the shift key)I've looked / tried above with no luck.
Any Excel Add-Ins out there that might address this? I'm fearing not since my searches have come up empty.
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Feb 26, 2014
I have two problems sort of rolled into one. I have a spreadsheet with a list of skills to perform in cells a2:z2. Under those I put in dates where those skills are performed so a3:a100 , b3:b100 and so on. At the moment I have the these dates populating another sheet with the list of skills going a2:a200 and the dates in b2:b200.
Annoyingly I have been asked set it up so it inputs the other way so my problems are: The skills in the second sheet are in a different order than in the first sheet so its not a straight correlation between the two so I would need to search for the title and match it to the second sheet. Then the second problem is as the will be numerous entries I need to find the next available space in the first sheet. So can you add data at the bottom of a list??
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Mar 5, 2008
if it is possible to write/record a macro that will automatically add a summary/total row immediately below the data that is created from an advanced filter. (XL00)
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Apr 12, 2008
attempting to utilize the powers of Excel to generate a math worksheet for my children. I have no experience with macros and I have only used the basic functions and formulae.
Basically I need assistance in designing a worksheet where I can input the number of problems I want displayed, the type of problems (add or minus), and the number ranges for the values. With a subtraction problem, I want the formula to make certain the top number is not lower than the bottom number. Also, I would prefer that the worksheet maker does not generate duplicate problems. Once generated, I have the option to print the results for the kids to take with them or sit on the computer and enter the values - whereby Excel will instantly turn color the answer cell green for a correct answer, and red for an incorrect answer.
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Jul 24, 2014
Using Excel 2007. When I put password protection on the template, the template child doc also gets the same password protection. I want to prevent tampering on the template, but I want the child doc to be fully editable for the end user. After all, isn't that the purpose of a template? I just don't want anyone to be able to edit the template itself, which also seems like the purpose of a template. Am I missing something about not seeing how to configure this obvious functionality?
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Nov 11, 2008
I'm currently working on a form to fill out in a study on different analyzers; the master form has gone through several revisions. To keep things looking neat, all the "children" forms have had to be altered, too. The amount of data is getting large and having to do this is getting annoying.
Is there a way to create a master form that is modifyable where the changes are spread through the children? i.e. if I insert a row with new information, I'd like the change to occur on multiple sheets. If I move a row to a different spot, similarly, I'd want all my forms with data to move around to follow suit.
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Feb 3, 2010
I am getting ready to create a spreadsheet to list vendor's names and emails along with other data. I would like to include at the bottom of the email addresses a quick copy and paste distribution list. I have achieved this in the past by using a similar formula:
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Nov 5, 2008
Imagine this:
* Main Category #1
Sub Title #1: "Value"
Sub Title #2: "Value"
Sub Title #3: "Value"
Sub Title #4: "Value"
* Main Category #2
Sub Title #1: "Value"
Sub Title #2: "Value"
Sub Title #3: "Value"
Sub Title #4: "Value"
Sub Title #5: "Value"
Sub Title #6: "Value"
Sub Title #7: "Value"
Sub Title #8: "Value"
Sub Title #9: "Value".................
Main categories and subtitles are in the same column. "Value"s are in the column to the right.
I want to make a list in the columns to the right. This list will only show something if the "value" is not zero. It will show in the first column right from the original list, the main category to which the subtitle belongs to and the subtitle. Something like this (imagine subtitle #2 from cat #1 and #2 and #3 from cat #2 are not zero):
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Feb 22, 2013
(and about 5000 more sets with garbage page headers in between the sets of parent rows)
Basically the data spit out by machine is separated by a blank row.
Let's say I need all the data with the child row "tn" , so I would autofilter /PivotTable it for that entry, but that leaves me with a blank column A. It'd be no issue if I had the column A heading in the child rows (and the number of spaces in between is random like 2 sometimes 15+ so Vlookup/Index/Match aren't too useful). It is possible to have a function that repeats the first row until it hits a space?
Like so:
[Code] ......
Then I could autofilter/pivottable to get:
[Code] .....
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Jul 19, 2014
I have the following table and i need to be able to present it an indented list of parent child relationship. The hierarchy can go 1000+ levels deep. How do i achieve this using VBA?
[Code] .........
If there is a better way of presenting it, it isn't limited to an indented list.
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