Clear ActiveX Textbox

May 15, 2013

Is there anyway to adapt this code:

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim rngInput As Range
Set rngInput = Sheet1.Range("Q197:T207") '

To clear contents in Active X text boxes as well as normal cells? The text boxes lie in the Q column and I want them to be cleared as well, whenever I press 'clear' (command Button 2)

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Copy One Value Of Textbox ActiveX On Worksheet To Userform Textbox

Jul 25, 2014

I need the value of active x control textbox on my worksheet 1, to be copied to a textbox in my userform, that pops up from that sheet....

And I want it to display after the textbox on my worksheet has been updated and the comman button for the userform is clicked...

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Refreshing Activex Textbox

Apr 6, 2009

I've built a spreadsheet with quasi-animation for a physics class on projectile motion. In it there's a animated chart showing velocity change as a function of distance. The chart has on it an ActiveX textbox that refers to a cell that contains a formula showing "V_y = {velocity}". I've tried a number of things to get the display of the textbox to change during the animation. If I break the code at the line that updates the cell referenced by the textbox the display changes. But I can't figure out how to get the display to update while the code is running.

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ActiveX Textbox Back Color - Transparent

Jan 14, 2012

Possible to set the BackColor of an ActiveX textbox to transparent? I have the BackStyle set to transparent, which is great since it will be transparent when not selected so you can see the color of the cell behind it, but once you select it to type in it, the BackColor overrides the cell behind it.

Right now, I have a sheet where the color of a cell changes to green if the textbox needs input from a user. If I have the BackColor set to white, the cell behind will change to green so the user knows they need to enter something in the textbox, but once they click the textbox, it goes white and may confuse them.

On the other hand, if I change the BackColor to green, it works great when the user clicks the correct textboxes, but if the user clicks the wrong textbox, it will 'incorrectly' turn green which may make the user believe they need to enter something in the textbox.

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Type Value Into ActiveX Textbox Into Cell In Another Worksheet

May 9, 2013

I have several textboxes that are not on a userform; they reside on worksheet A. I want to format these textboxes so that they only accepts numberical values (like 500, dollar sign and no cents needed). After typing in 500,000 lets say for this example, I want to paste it into a cell in worksheet B (I can actually handle this part). What iIcan't handle is:

Formatting the textboxes so that they only accept numbers (or display a message if a number is not entered) Display the 500000 as 500,000 in the textbox without the user having to enter a comma Hitting enter or tab to get the value from the textbox into the cell in worksheet B. It only pastes it into worksheet B when I click on another cell. That doesn't seem like the right way to enter data.

I am wondering if I just should have used a userform and added the controls onto it. I have 8 sets of 5 user controls; I thought this would be easier.

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Changing Text Direction For ActiveX Textbox?

May 26, 2013

is there a way of changing the text direction for an ActiveX textbox? I need it to show the text in some of the boxes vertically but in other boxes horizontal.

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ActiveX Textbox To Receive Focus On Workbook Open?

Aug 28, 2013

When the workbook opens, sheet 1 is selected. There is an activex textbox on sheet 1 that should receive focus.

using "textbox1.setfocus" or textbox1.activate" does not accomplish what I need. I have also applied this the setfocus and activate to the worksheet open event but without success.


Private Sub workbook_open()
Worksheets("regular sku").Select
Worksheets("regular sku").ScrollArea = "I1:T36"
End Sub

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Formatting ActiveX Textbox For Phone Numbers And Dates

Aug 28, 2012

I have several text boxes on a 'picture' which is the format for a business review. The text boxes are linked to cells behind the picture which picks up company names, cities etc...

Two of the boxes have a phone# and date

The linked cells are formatted correctly but obviously the text boxes, pick up the 'values' not the formats.

is there any way for the textboxes to show the values with the proper format i.e.,

mmm yyyy

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Formatting TextBox And Check Which TextBox Is The Active TextBox In The Loop

May 18, 2006

I am attempting to format some TextBoxes from within a For/Next loop. I need a way to check which TextBox is the active TextBox in the loop. Using i as the variable, I came up with this code snippet: Me.Controls("TB" & i).Text = Format("TB" & i, "mm/dd/yy")

If i = 3, this gives me in TextBox3 (which is called TB3) the text 'TB3' and not the value of what is in TB3. It has got to bo something simple, I just can't see it!!!

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Clear Macro NOT Clear Formula?

Aug 15, 2014

I'm having a problem with a macro clearing a formula in a cell. I have the same type of cell that doesn't have the problem but I can't find the difference between the 2 cells or difference in vb that's making it happen. I have to intentionally cause this to happen but don't see why it's happening. Do I need to attach workbook and describe what's happening? I have been copying and pasting from different sources as well as paying to have it created/started but it was expensive(for me) and I make nothing off of it, just use it at work. I am not proficient in Excel or vb but I'm desperately trying to learn as I go so as not to fork out a few hundred dollars again.

here's atleast the vb for the macros:

Sub clearclientinfo() '


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Excel 2003 :: Copying Information From Textbox To A Cell (or Another Textbox)

Dec 28, 2013

Is there a way without using code to have the text in a text box (excel 2003), copied to another cell or another text box on a different worksheet?

I have information in a text box on 1 worksheet. I would like this information to automatically be copied to another worksheet. On the master sheet, if any of the information gets changed or updated, the copied information should get updated as well.

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Conditional Formatting Userform Textbox Based On Textbox Value?

Jul 3, 2014

I've been using the following code to conditionally format userform textboxes based on a specific value (in this case 2490):

[Code] ........

What I'm looking to do now is amend this so rather than use a specific value, to use the value in a specific textbox on the same userform.

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Userform Textbox Event That Fires After I Exit The Textbox

Feb 2, 2010

I need a userform textbox event that fires after I tab or click out of the textbox. Going by the list of options:Beforedragover, BeforeDroporPaste, Change, DblClick, DropButtonClick, Error, Keydown, Keypress, keyup, mousedown, mousemove, mouseup.

I can't figure out which one will do what I want. The change event happens instantaneously which doesn't work. I need to fire off the event when my focus leaves the textbox.

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Copy Textbox Text When Cursor Moved From Textbox

Feb 7, 2007

In Excel VBA Userform, how to copy the text from textbox automatically when the cursor is being moved from the textbox. And when i put CTRL+V then the copyed text has to be pasted.

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ActiveX Collections Via VBA

Apr 19, 2006

I have a workbook which is a reasonably standard financial model (PL, BS, CF, etc). I have a control worksheet with a number of AcitveX controls (Command Buttons, Toggle Buttons and Combo Boxes) that drive the rest of the model (e.g., depreciation methods, trade terms, etc).

When the workbook opens I want to fill the lists of the various ComboBoxes, but I can't work out how to access JUST THE COMBOBOXES as a defined collection (e.g., MyWkSht.ComboBoxes[Index] or some such), or as a sub-type of a meta-collection (e.g., MyWkSht.Controls with Type="ComboBox"), without referring to them directly by name (e.g., MyWkSht.MyComboBox).

The ComboBoxes are NOT on a UserForm, but are embedded on the sheet as OLE objects.

I really don't want to have to hard-code the combobox names in directly, because I may need to add/remove them as the model develops - and anyway it's just WAY inelegant.

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Adding Text From One Userform Textbox To Another Textbox

Oct 12, 2011

Private Sub cmdSearchButton_Click()
Dim txtbox As String 'stores lookup value
Dim x As Variant 'value for wwid txt box
Dim ForeName As String
Dim SurName As String
Dim wwid As Variant
Dim iPosition As Integer

[Code] .......

Here is my code, it does a vlookup and if the persons name is not found it will split the text entered into forename and surname but when i try and add

frmAdd.txtForename.Text = "&ForeName &"
frmAdd.txtSurname.Text = "&SureName &"

It actually displays &ForeName & in the text box of the next from rather than what ForeName is..

eg. John Smith -> search button -> user not found msg -> user wants to add user -> string is split into forename and surname -> forename = John , surname = Smith -> display this in the second form.

What code should i be using to do this, i thought that &ForeName & would work.

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Insert Textbox With Textbox Containing Formula Rather Than Text

Mar 28, 2013

Looking for a macro to insert a textbox with the textbox containing a formula rather then text.

Sub AddTextBox()
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextBox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 2.5, 1.5, _
116, 145).Name = "Textbox1"
Selection.Formula = "=Manpower!R[3]C[1]"
End Sub

I tried this but I cant get the formula portion to work... I just want to insert a macro with that formula....

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Adding Comments To Textbox And Having Textbox Keep Updating

Apr 3, 2014

I have a form that has three fields (1. Comments (TEXT), 2. Legacy_Comments (TEXT), 3, Comment date (DATE))

Now my users need to keep adding comments to the comment text box, and when they do it automatically adds the date they entered the comment in the Comment date box. Now my problem is that since they keep adding comments to the comment box, I need to keep track of these comments in the Legacy_Comments (Text box).

For example, the First time a user enters a comment into the (1) comment text box it auto populates the date in the comment date box, and then adds the comment and date to the Legacy_Comment box. the end result is (comment,4/3/2014 now lets say a user needs to add a comment to the comments box tomorrow - I want the legacy_Comment box to then read (comment, 4/3/2014; comment2, 4/4/2014, ...., comment(n),date(n)) OR it can be vice-verse, because I just need to keep track of the comments, I am not worried if the new comments are before or after older (yesterdays / the day before yesterdays comments)

How can I write a VBA code that will always add the new comment to the legacy_comment field, without deleting the comments that were entered previously?

If isnull(me.comment.value) Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf me.comment.value = true Then
me.comment_date.value = date
me.legacy_comment.value = me.comment.value & "," & me.comment_date.value & ";"
me.legacy_comment.value = me.legacy_comment.value & "," & me.comment_date.value & ";"

It adds the comment only the first time, but it does not concatenate the string from yesterday to the string to today. I do not care which order the comments are, meaning if I added a comment today it can be before OR after the comment from yesterday.

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Copy Value Of Textbox On Worksheet To Textbox On Userform

Jul 27, 2014

I tried looking for everywhere, but i still cant seem to find the solution.. I have an Active X textbox on a worksheet, and I need it's value to show up on a textbox on my userform, that shows up through a command button on that worksheet. I'm fairly new to vba.

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Transferring Value From Textbox On Multipage 1 To Textbox On Multipage2

Jul 16, 2008

I have a two-page multipage form. I have a textbox on page 1 (txtOccupantLoad), and I want to pass the value from that textbox to another textbox (txtOccLoad_L1) on page 2. The code I've tried so far looks like this:

Private Sub cmbChooseLevel_Change()
If Me.cmbChooseLevel.Value = "Level 1" Then
Me.txtOccLoad_L1.Value = Me.txtOccupantLoad.Value
End If
End Sub

What I'm trying to do is to use the same form for 10 different levels (floors) of a building. Then on page 2, I'll itemize the values for each floor. So the combobox determines which floor the calculations are for; txtOccupantLoad is the total of all incremental occupant loads on that floor; and txtOccLoad_L1 is the first of a series of textboxes on page 2 where the value for Level 1 should go. If the combo box shows "Level 2" then I'll write new code for the txtOccLoad_L2, and so on. I've also tried including "page1." and "page2." after "me."

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Pass Vlookup Result Of TextBox To Another TextBox

Feb 13, 2008

I am trying to create a user form that has a series of text boxes that will all have a VLOOKUP function in them based off of input from a the first text box. If I can just get the code for the first one, I think I can figure out the rest. We will say that the file that the user form is contained in is 'Agent Administration' and the file that I want the VLOOKUP to pull from is called ' Roster for Auto Population'.

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ActiveX Option Buttons VBA

Mar 19, 2014

I am looking for a way to use 2 optionbuttons in vba. The option buttons are in different groups, and are independent.

I cannot get this to work. Is this even possible? In sheet1, the vba would read something like this.

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How To Use ActiveX Control Checkbox

Jan 9, 2012

I am trying to create a workbook where the first worksheet has a list of Checkboxes and each checkbox 'unhides' or 'hides' subsequent worksheets within the workbook, depending on whether the box is checked. I can make the checkbox, I can record the macro.

Sub Test_checkbox()
' Test_checkbox Macro
Sheets("Dist").Visible = True
End Sub

How do I link them together? Ideally, I'd like to have my boss be able to 'play' with which sheets are visible (check, uncheck, check, uncheck, etc) .

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Max Length Of ActiveX Control Name

Mar 16, 2012

What the max length of an ActivX Control name would be. I mean the name that you would use in coding something, not the actual caption name of the button. IN this case I am using a radio button.

Based on that I would like to create random IDs to assign to the button. I know how to do this in the cell formula but not in code.

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ActiveX Listbox On Worksheet

Sep 29, 2012

I have two listboxes on a worksheet and using VBA to load values into the listbox. I also have a combobox that is used to determine what values are to be displayed in the listboxes. I select a value from the dropdown list and depending on the value selected, a list gets populated in the listbox. This works just fine.

The problem I'm having is that when I adjust the zoom on the worksheet, 75% for example, the listbox automatically changes the width when new values are displayed. I try using the listbox1.width = xxx, to keep the width in place, but that doesn't really work.

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Use Activex Combobox In The Worksheet

Jan 5, 2008

successfully use Activex combobox on the worksheet, (excel 2003)
without the code from other boxes being triggered at random.

Or should I give this up, and use a form to house these controls? ( I have no Knowledge on this)

I've tried certain IF then statements to protect the excecutable, but it seems, that, even boxes in other books are looked at, with a simple call statement (to a macro in module)

Having a real problem in Isolating these things.

Try to get the code to activate when you select the same Item twice, It seems none of the procedures do this. I made a workaround with using two procedures, but it's a bit clumsy.

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ActiveX Combobox Code-run

Jun 4, 2009

I've created a workbook on whose main sheet there are three activex comboboxes. The first one contains a list of years, and the second one contains a list of months. The user selects the year, and it goes to its linked cell. The user then selects a month, and using the Combobox_Click event, should run a sequence of 7 macros (i.e. using the "call updateinformation1" macro, which is the first of the seven updateinformation macros).

The sequence of macros ran fine before I added the comboboxes. After adding the comboboxes, the final (7th) macro somehow goes back to the first macro and then causes a "ClearContents method of Range class failed" error on the "Selection.ClearContents" line. These are the first and seventh macros:

Sub updateinformation1()
'clears previous information to make way for new information
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False


I can't for the life of me figure out why it's looping back to the first macro instead of just stopping after the seventh. I have other workbooks that do something similar, and I don't have this problem. Am I missing something?

if I need to post all 7 macros?

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VBA Commands For ActiveX Controls

Jul 24, 2009

I have made an Excel sheet that uses ActiveX controls (Option Box and Check Box). I have included a couple of screen caps at the bottom of this post to better explain the layout. Here are the specifics:

There is one Option Box Group labeled "InputOptionGroup" with choices labeled: "FirstOption", "SecondOption", "RefundOption" and "NoneOption".

Adjacent to the Option Box is a series of Check Boxes that correspond to the choice made in the Option Box with the exception of "NoneOption". The Check Boxes are labeled "FirstCheck", "SecondCheck" and "RefundCheck". Each Check Box object belongs to the group labeled "OutputCheckGroup".

I do know that the value of the Option Box choices and Check Boxes can be either True or False depending on if it has been chosen or marked, but I do not know how to incorporate these values into the action script. With that being said, here's what I'm trying to accomplish:

...when "FirstOption" is chosen, clear values of all Check Boxes and place a check mark in "FirstCheck".
...when "SecondOption" is chosen, clear values of all Check Boxes and place a check mark in "SecondCheck".
...when "RefundOption" is chosen, clear values of all Check Boxes and place a check mark in "RefundCheck".
...when "NoneOption" is chosen, clear values of all Check Boxes (no furthur action).

Also, there are a couple more requests:Is there a way to lock the Check Boxes from user input? I want the Check Box values to be altered only by the choice in the Option Box.
Take the "GPIN" field, the one on the right is locked from user input. This particular cell references user input from the "GPIN" field on the left. Is there a way to return a blank value when the input field is blank insted of returning a "0"? If you notice, all fields on the right reference blank values as "0".
In the left "Amount" field, I need to display a "$" followed by the value in the input "Amount" field

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Unwanted ActiveX Warning

Jun 7, 2007

I have used the OWC.Spreadsheet 11 object in a form. But since then, I get a warning, usually when I open the spreadsheet, saying "This application is about to initialize an ActiveX Control that might be unsafe. If you trust the source of this file Select OK.etc,etc". I am using Excel 2003. Is there anyway of getting rid of this message? I am worried that users will see it, worry about using it and press cancel instead of OK at the prompt, thus rendering my form useless.

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ActiveX - True / False Checkbox?

Sep 5, 2013

I've done a check box on excel (ActiveX) which then enters True or False when I tick or untick it. Is there any way which you can change the True/False words to something else?

For example, if the box was ticked it would enter "Electric" instead and "N/A" if the box was unticked?

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