Close / Reopen Excel Using Taskkill

Mar 17, 2014

I have the following code that needs to execute. Basically, every once in a while, our terminal program encounters an error that makes it so Excel and it can't talk to each other. The only way to fix this is by killing the entire process tree of both terminal and Excel, or restarting the computer. I've written this bit of code in the event it starts happening while someone is using the macro - it checks to see if the two can talk, and if they can't, it just kills both programs.

[Code] .....

Is there any way to launch Excel with a 8 second delay, so that once the kill command executes, Excel re-opens? Or could I write a batch file with delay built in to execute prior to the kill command? I could use Shell to execute that prior to killing Excel, but I'm not sure if that's possible....

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Close And Reopen After A Set Time

Jul 4, 2009

I'm enquiring about this just out of intellectual curiosity.

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Macro Close Without Saving Reopen

Jan 6, 2010

Using excel 2003, I have a ss that uses filters and sorting. I can get to the data I want but must reopen the workbook if I want to start over and extract different information. I tried installing this VBA:

Sub CloseMe()
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:10"), "OpenMe"
ThisWorkbook.Close False
End Sub

Sub OpenMe()
MsgBox "I'm Back!"
End Sub

This is my first time at inserting VBA. Usually I just use keystroke macros. I have set my Excel VB Book options to: Option Explicit double clicked the sheet I was using and under general inserted the code, closed Ctrl+Q, saved workbook. When I reopened and tried to use it all I get is “I'm Back!” nothing else happens. One time it actually ran and reopened but it appeared that the workbook was saved before closing because it was still sorted. What I need is it to completely unsorted as it is when I first open it so I can start over.

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Save, Close, Then Reopen Workbook

Oct 2, 2007

I am testing the following section of code.

Sub Macro1()
Dim NewWB As Workbook, NewName As String
Set NewWb = Workbooks.Add
NewName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(ThisWorkbook.Name)
NewWb.SaveAs NewName
NewWb.Close False
Workbooks.Open (ThisWorkbook.Path & "/" & ThisWorkbook.Name)
End Sub
It seems like I need to rename the sheet I am working on in order for this code to work. If I do not, it tells me that it "cannot save this workbook with the same name as another open workbook".

I am trying to use this code to get around an error with Excel described here: [url]

I would like to have the sheet save itself (not "Save As"), close, reopen, and continue running the macro. What adjustments do I need to make to this code to do this. I have tried different things, but I must be getting the syntax wrong.

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Ontime Causes Workbook To Reopen After Close

Jun 18, 2007

i want vba to show a msgbox every 5 sec & it should start as soon as the file is opened. Below is the code & it works. Problem is, that when i close the file it immediately reopens and starts the "msgbox proess". Only if i close excel completely, this problem goes away (& thats not a very proffessional way to do it!!). Can someone pl look at this one & help ?

Private Sub workbook_open()
Call Macro4
End Sub

Sub Macro4()
Dim i As Integer
MsgBox "test!!"
NextTick = Now + TimeValue("00:00:05")
Application .OnTime NextTick, "Macro4"
End Sub

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Close And Reopen Workbook From Macro Stored Inside Workbook

Mar 30, 2007

I have a Macro that is stored in a specific workbook,"Projection Modeler.xls" the last line performed in this macro is the close workbooks without saving chages(this needs to be done due to the way this macro was written, and it would take too long to rewrite). If I would then like to reopen this workbook, and then rerun this macro, can I do this from inside the current macro (in a new sub routine, for instance), or do I have to write a macro outside of the workbook and then open the workbook and call the routine?

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Excel 2010 :: Setting Up File To Print - Cannot Reopen It

Apr 17, 2013

In Excel 2010 I was working on a file setting it up to print. The file closed somehow and I just cannot reopen it. There are other files in the same folder and they all open normally.

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Compile Error On Close Of Excel 2003 But Not On Close Of Workbook

Mar 22, 2012

I am using Excel 2003.

It’s been working perfectly up until around an hour ago. However, now when I close Excel, I get compile errors.

These compile errors seem to be because Excel is trying to access controls in the workbook after it has closed. Since the workbook is closed, VBA can no longer ‘see’ the controls, and therefore it thows up errors.

I’m also getting a similar error on a Worksheets("DataExplorer").unprotect line, which seems to be because the worksheet isn’t there after closing.

These errors only occur when I close the whole excel application using the big cross in the top right. If I just close the workbook (using the smaller cross just below the big cross in the top right of excel), it doesn’t throw up these errors.

Just to clarify: all of the code runs perfectly when Excel is open. The errors are being thrown up for lines of code which run without problem until Excel is closed.

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Reopen A Workbook

Jul 25, 2008

Work Book . save ***
Workbook. save AS.......
Workbook close

I would like to at this point reopen the orignal workbook as saved in the line marked with ***

I think before the save i need to record the location and filename to a variable "file"

then = "File"

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Number Change On Reopen

Jan 26, 2009

is there a way to get one cell to have a number in it that will change after each time you open it?

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Save Today() As Value To Prevent Changes On Reopen

Jul 30, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that containt a conditional formula to place the current date aka Today() into a cell based on if an entry in the previous cell.

I put in this formula:
=IF(I131>="1",TODAY()," ")

My boss told me to update to this one: (same result)

BOTH will change the saved sheet data if we open it tomorrow (due to using Today()). We want to retain the date that it was entered on (which will always be the date he puts entry into sheet).

Is there a way to save the sheet and update the code for Today() to the date value so it will appear as a date when it's opened in the future?

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Macro Not Working Except In One Tab, Must Save And Reopen To Work In Others.

Oct 17, 2009

I have a wierd issue. I have this macro for a workbook i use and if i run the macro in the first tab it runs and works fine. When i select the other tab and run it it gives me a debug error. If i close the worksheet save it and reopen it and run it in the other tab it runs fine.

So in otherwords i have to run the macro in the tab desired, save it , and always close and reopen the file to run it in the other tabs. I know the code is correct because it runs flawlessly without errors but i must be missing something.

Also i currently have the macro to run on the active tab/worksheet. Can i have it run on multiple tabs? i have 15 20 and 30 tabs in this example file but in my real file i have many more milage intervals ( some tabs i would not want to select ). It gets tedious having to select one tab at a time, run the macro, rinse and repeat.

For Example Run Macro First, in the first tab. It works perfectly. Go to the second tab and run the first macro. It gives a debug error. If you save the file and reopen it and go to teh second tab and run the macro again it works.

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Close Excel File

Nov 10, 2009

I wrote this code to open an excel file when a button is pushed. I also have another piece of code to close the excel field when another button is pushed. The problem: the code to close the excel only works on my computer. There is no error message, but the file doesn't not close on others' computer. Can you please advise on a solution?

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VBA To Close Worksheet Or Excel

Mar 22, 2012

I want to create a VBA that will close excel if there are no other worksheets open. if there are, then close only this worksheet.

I tried these 2 codes:

Sub CloseExcel()
End Sub

This one works, but it wants to close other excel project opened (i do not want this!)

Sub CloseWorksheet()
End Sub

Works too, but it close the worksheet leaving excel opened in background. (i do not want an empty exel in background!)

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How To Auto Close Excel Application

Jun 15, 2014

Any way to auto-close the excel application after finishing my macro run?

I tried this code,but it doesn't work... i added a sub and ran it like this:

Sub CloseandSave()
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
End Sub

to be more specific,there is a macro running,closes all open workbooks,but excel itself stays open...

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Close Outlook From Excel With Delay?

Feb 24, 2014

Trying to find a way to close outlook from excel workbook close. If outlook is open then delay excel workbook 45 seconds from closing.If outlook is not open then close excel normal. Here is what I've tried with no luck

[Code] .....

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Spell Check When Close Excel?

Mar 28, 2008

How can I get excel to always perform a spell check before I close the document. I've tried using VBA but it won't execute. (I'm really bad at VBA.) This is what I tried but it wouldn't work:

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Cells.CheckSpelling SpellLang:=1033
End Sub

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Close Excel Using Task Scheduler

Jun 27, 2012

I currently use task scheduler to open a a spreadsheet at 4am every morning and run a macro. This macro refreshes data pulled from an accounting software. The macro also closes the spreadsheet at a specific time. After this is complete I have task scheduler open a separate spreadsheet and runs a macro to pull the data from the first spreadsheet into a dashboard presentation of sales data.

This all works fine...what I am looking to do is make sure both instances of excel get closed. Currently, this whole process is complete around 6am and when I get to work around 7 or 8 am there are two instances of excel still open. The workbooks are closed but excel is still open. When I am in the office I can just close these instances of excel but if I am out of the office these two instances of excel stay open and mess things up for the next mornings refresh.

Is there a way to make sure both instances of excel get closed? I am using the code below to close the spreadsheets.

Sub Closeworkbook()
ActiveWorkbook.Close True
End Sub

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Close Access Database From Excel Using VBA

Jul 19, 2012

I have an access database that runs some excel subs. If the excel sub doesn't meet a certain criteria, I want to close the excel workbook and close the access database. Most google searches yield how to close excel from access but I need closing access from excel. I was thinking that if the "detonate" criteria was met, I could pass a variable over to access and terminate that way....

If x 5 then
end if


if x 5 then "Self-Detonate"
end if

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Close Open Instance Of Excel

Aug 6, 2013

I use the following code to open an existing open workbook in a new instance of Excel...

Everything works fine... What I would like to do is close (when I say close I mean, completely exit/quit the application). I'm not able to do that, the original Excel instance stays open with no spreadsheet open. I would just like it force the application to quit so that after running the code I would just have one Excel instance open (with the desired workbook, which works fine now)...

Public Sub Re_open_workbook()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False


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Open And Close Files Using Excel Macro?

May 16, 2014

I have a folder which has a set of files (Files may be anything like excel,pdf,word..etc).My rrequirement is: When i run the macro the first file to last file should open and wait for 5 sec and then close..I mean first time the first file should open and wait for 5 sec and close..Next 2 nd files shoul open and close after 5 third files should open and close after 5 sec...Like wise till last file..Is this possible to achive through macro code..

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Macro To Close One Excel File And Open Another?

Jul 18, 2014

I have created several excel files as I cannot open them all at once since they are too large. So I have to open one excel file whilst closing another.


I want a macro that opens the excel file part 1 and part 2. Then it should close part 1 and after closing part 1 it should open part 3. Once part 3 is open, part 2 should be closed and when part 2 is closed part 4 should open. When part 4 is open, then part 3 should be closed and part 5 should open.

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Disable Only Close Button In Excel Workbook?

May 16, 2006

Sample code on disabling the close button in Excel workbook?

I tried the Tool -> Protect -> Check Windows method. But, it will disable the maximize and minimize buttons as well. Moreover, it will minimize the workbook.

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Auto Close Message Box On Start-up Excel

Apr 22, 2009

As an example, I have this code to open a message box saying "Hello" when Excel opens.

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400 Error When Excel Close Button Is Pressed

Jan 10, 2014

Why I receive a 400 error when the 'excel close' button is pressed in the attached sample.

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How To Save And Close An Excel Using Access VB Code

May 15, 2009

I have two procedures in two different access forms. First procedure executes fine. It ends up with creating a Table1 by importing the data successfully from the Excel file. But after that later when I call procedure 2, it throws the below error when it is trying to import the data in to Table2. I think the Excel "Test.xls" did not save properly and close in the Procedure 1. I could see some Excel thread running in the Task Manager. How can I handle this. Please advice. Your expertise help will be truly appreciated. I am absolutely new to this VB-Access code world.

Error: "'MySheet2$'is not a valid name. Make sure that it does not include invalid characters or punctuation and that it is not too long." ....

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UserForm - Excel Has Found An Error And Needs To Close

Sep 13, 2003

when I try to do this:

Private Sub Workbook_Open() vbnomode
End Sub

I get one of those "Excel has found an error and needs to close......"

and it crashes down

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Excel 2007 :: Calculating Sales Close Rate?

Jun 13, 2014

I want to set up an Excel spread sheet where I can put my total number of sales appointments for the month and the percentage of those I closed. I've done this before, but for the life of me I can't remember the formula I used & I know it's a very simple one! I'm using Office 2007.

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How To Close Text File That Was Opened By DLL Called By Excel

Mar 11, 2014

I call it from a macro. It is supposed to write some temporary files, and close them in the end, and delete them. Sometimes, the dll can't close properly, and the text files remain open.

With error treatment in my macro, I can continue execution, but i need to delete that files.

Since the dll DOES NOT CLOSE the files, i'm not able to delete them in my macro.

I need some way to close that files, in order to delete them.

When I use GetFile to reference the file, it remains as "File", which does not accept "Close" method. I can reference the file with myfile.OpenAsTextStream, but this way it seems to me that the file is opened again, and the "Close" method does not work either, with the file defined as a TextStream object.

If I close excel, I'm able to delete those files, but that's not the way I want. Since IT'S OPEN IN EXCEL PROCESS, I imagine there's some way to close it.

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Open ANY File Type From Excel, Save And Close

Aug 16, 2008

I need to open about 2000 documents one at a time, and save them with a different name.

they are a mix of word documents, PDFs and .jpg pictures.

some VBA like:

Open.file strPath & nextfile
where strpath = C:Temp

and nextfile = picture01.jpg

What should the line be? or is it more complex than a single line ?

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