I have a football score system and wish to compare the values of various cells - 2 if possible, but more if not possible.
Essentially I have a list of predictions for the score of a game (e.g. 2-1, 1-0, 0-0, 2-2 etc) in a spreadsheet, and I have a cell where I enter the correct scoreline (e.g. 2-1). The way the points system works is that if the prediction is correct (i.e. 2-1) then that player gets 3 points. If the result/outcome is correct but the scoreline is incorrect (i.e. 1-0) then the player gets 1 point. If they result/outcome and scoreline are incorrect, then that player gets 0 points.
Ideally I would link to compare 2 cells - predicted score and actual score, where the format of the scores is entered as 2-1.
However, I feel this may be easier having to columns for the score - Column A = 2 Column B = 1. In this way the scores only need to be compared cell by cell, however they would need to be compared by value for the correct outcomes.
To make a long story short, I'm trying to compare formulas. I was able to copy the formulas as values.
There are hundreds of lines, each one with the formulas pasted as values, like '=SUM(G132:I132) / G30. What I want right now is to compare the text.
So, if for example:
the line for both parts of the pasted sum formula like '=SUM(G132:I132) / G30, I want a number 1 to be written in the adjacent cell (if '=SUM(G132:I132) / G30 is in A1, 1 should be written in B1).
However, if its is written '=SUM(G132:I142) / G30, than nothing should be written in B1.
Moreove, the line could have from 1 to characters. So it could be '=SUM(G1:I1) / G30 or '=SUM(G13200:I13200) / G30.
is the same, like of A1 is '=SUM(G1322), I want a number 1 to be written in B1
I am currently using excel 13' and am having trouble inserting rows once the value in column b changes. My goal with this procedure is to insert two rows after each change in value in Column b (i.e. b2, b3, and b4, all equal 123 however b5 equals 124) Below is the code.
Dim cell As Range Set i = Range(Range("A1:I1"), Range("A1:I1").End(xlDown)) Set bsort = Range(Range("B1"), Range("B1").End(xlDown)) Set ISort = Range(Range("I1"), Range("I1").End(xlDown))
'Need to Identify which cells are not equal to the one above in column B (bsort = range)
For Each cell In bsort If cell.Value cell.Value - 1 Then ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.EntireRow.Insert ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.EntireRow.Insert End If Next cell End Sub
I want to be able to count how many instances Primary Price is >= Price 2. And, secondarily how many times Price 1 was, at a minimum, >= to Price 2 and then also >= Price Price 3.
Ultimately I want to compare Primary to 100 or so "Prices" over a years time
I figure it would be a sumproduct function, but can't get it dialed in
I have a list of names and a seperate list of names with emails.
In column A there is a last name, column B a first name, and then for the second list in column D there is an email.
I need to tell Excel that if column A and Column B both have a replication on the list, then in Column D populate it with the email address on the list.
I know this is confusing so I have attached a sample of my spreadsheet. The email address is in yellow and I need to have it copied to the cells in white. The list is almost 14,500 lines long and it would take forever manually.
I have a cell (F2) that is auto updated with total sales units for today (Its a simple counter of individual sales). I want to detect when there is a "batch" of sales >= 10. ie. F2 may start at zero for the day and increment by 1,2,5 or 10 units at a time. If the increment is 10 units or more I would like to detect this and store the result in cell G4.
Typical values in C2: 0, 1, 6, 7, 9, 19, 21, 22 etc as new orders arrive. The larger order between 9-19 (viz 10 or more), I need to detect and store in G4. I know that I need to use both the current value of F2 (say 19) and the previous value of F2 (say 9) to perform this, but the solution eludes me.
If Cells(3, k).Value = "Actuals" Then DesActualColumn = Cells(3, k).Column End If nice and simple, and works fine until it cannot find "Actuals" in the cell because someone has put a tab ahead of it, for example. Can anyone tell me how I can use a 'LIKE' and put wildcards
I am aware this question must have been asked to death on this forum and I already searched and found some answers but for some reason I can´t get it to work. I have two worksheets (sheet1 and sheet2). In Column E of Sheet1 I have product descriptions that I want to compare cell by cell to the product descriptions in Column F of Sheet 2. If they are not the same, color in the cell in Sheet 2. There are 1810 rows in both columns. I tried this method but it gives me an error (in spanish) that says that I cannot compare ranges of data.
I have also seen some code to do something similar (http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showpost...85&postcount=3 ):
Sub find_cell() Range("A:E"). Find(What:=Cells(2, 6).Value, LookAt:=xlPart).Activate ar = ActiveCell.Row ac = ActiveCell.Column ' the two lines above store the row and column values of the cell found ' in your example ar is going to be equal to 229 and ac is 3 ' now this following lines are to change the colors to red With Cells(ar, ac).Interior .ColorIndex = 3 .Pattern = xlSolid End With End Sub
I don´t quite get the "Range("A:E").Find(What:=Cells(2, 6).Value, LookAt:=xlPart).Activate" part though.
Here is the qtn if two cells A1 and A2 has "ab 1" and "ab 2" the answers for comparing cells should be true as both cells has first 2 letters as alphabets then space followed by numeric..format of cells is same.
I'm trying to compare the values of columns B and G and if any of the cells are G < B, I would like to move the whole row into the second worksheet. And only if possible, it would be awesome if the macro could check column A for duplicates before the value comparison and sum up the column B if there are duplicates. In my example row 6 and 7 on column A have the same suppliers code and the amount totals to 2.
In this case for example, the value of the third row of G is lower than B, and therefore I would like the whole row 3 to be cut out from worksheet 1 and moved to worksheet 2.
I have the need within a spreadsheet to automatically compare the value of 2 cells and if they match exactly to move the cursor to a group of cells. If they do not match then move to another group of cells. The only way that I can see to do this is via Macros. However I still need to do the automatic compare first.
I am having a problem using data from my combobox to find the cell on the worksheet and write to the adjacent cell.
Worksheet name is Fleet ComboBox Name is ComboBox7 TextBox name is TextBox3 CommandButton1
I would like to be able to take the text from ComboBox7, find this text in Col A of worksheet Fleet and write the Value of TextBox3 in the adjacent cell in Col B. when the CommandButton1 is pressed.
Am trying to get dynamic population of 2nd combobox based on match from criteria in combobox 1.
if column a = bears and column b = colours of bears then
when I select bears in combobox one, combobox 2 would populate with colors of bear.
I am think of having a combobox 1 change event that evaluates each row in a specific range (does it match the criteria?) if so, then add 2nd cell (column b) of that row to the combobox 2.
I know it would probably involve match and offset, add item and loop, but I am not sure what the syntax is.
I need to populate two combo boxes from excel sheet, the data will be like below:
Column A Column B A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 B 100 B 101 B 102
So from the above data, one combo box should hold unique values A & B.
On selecting a value from the 1st combo box A or B, respective values should be populated in 2nd combo box.
So the data should be like below:
If A is selected in the 1st combo box, then 2nd combo box should only show the values 1,2,3,4 & 5. If B is selected in the 1st combo box, then 2nd combo box should only show the values 100,101 & 102.
Friends I need it in a macro and one important point is, this is dynamic and it is not static and the data can be more.
When I make a comboBox selection from the dropdown menu, the menu stays down until the last statement of the comboBox code is finished. How do I make the dropdown disappear immediately after the selection is made?
try and achive is when a user selects a item from the 1st Combobox the 2nd Combobox is the populated with the cell that is to the right of the selected item.
for Example if a user selects AAB from combobox1,, Combobox2 should populate with Belly.
I created a UserForm then linked ComboBox1 to range A2:A, TextBox2 to range E2:E, and ComboBox3 to range M2:M of the same worksheet, named Sheet3. The row contents in Column A, Column E, and Column M are associated. Therefore, when the UserForm is active I want to be able to select a row from Column A in ComboBox1 and have the UserForm pull the contents from the same row of Column E into TextBox2, and Column M into ComboBox3. Here is what I have so far, but its not quite doing it.
Code: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Sheets("Sheet3").Activate Dim ColARange As Range
I have a table, headers "FirstName" and "SurName".
Further a Userform with 2 Comboboxes "FirstName" and "SurName"
I'd like to choose the FirstName (say Jack) in the "FirstName" combobox, and based on that get the choice of the Surnames of all my Jacks in the "SurName" combobox.
Actually my sheet has much more fields and comboboxes, but i think my problem is just that I do not find a way to populate them dynamically.
I'm trying to create a bit of code to put the value of a combobox to a cel. There are 200 comboboxes and 200 cells.
It should look a bit like this:
Dim i, j As Integer i = 2 'First element is on line 2 j = 1 'Elemennumber 1 is first Do Cells(i, 4) = cboE & j & _Typ".Value 'This is the part that doesn't work i = i + 1 j = j + 1 While j < 200 the comboxes have following names: cboE1_Typ to cboE200_Type
I wanted to work with a control array but VBA doesn't support this
I have to fill out two cells (lets say A10 and A11), with the same data taken from a list of given data. The given data is placed in one column.
I have created Combo Box where the ListFillRange is the given data area and in the LinkedCell I tried to write two cells but Excel doesn’t accept list of two cells. For example, I tried to write in the LinkedCell A10,A11 and A10:A11 and A10;A11 but none of this syntax worked.
I can’t write A10 only in the LinkedCell and then to write a function A11=A10 in cell A11, because in some cases the content of cell A11 will be changed by another Combo Box linked to cell A11 and that Combo Box will override any function that will be written in A11.
I am trying to create a excel based form (not User Form) which meets some our business accessibility standards (i.e. a user who cannot use a mouse, must be able to complete it using the keyboard).
I have got around the checkbox issue by creating faux checkboxes and asking the users to enter an X if appropriate. However, part of the information that they need to complete is in the form of a drop-down list (the information is being collected by a hidden datasheet for importing into Access and we need to control the format of the information being provided). I originally implemented this by using data validation on a cell and linking to a named range on a hidden sheet (there are over 100 options to select from). This made it easy for the user to tab to the cell with the data validation in it but, because of the length of the options list, it was a bit unwieldy and users were a bit frustrated by not being able to enter the first couple of letters and for the entry to auto-complete (maybe this is possible in a data validation created list but I couldn't seem to implement it). I have now created a combobox in place of the cell (from the Control Toolbox) and linked this to the name range - so far so good and I have autocomplete working. The trouble now is that I can't get the combobox to get focus without using the mouse to click it.
After writing "War and Peace", what I wanted to know is if I can do this by VBA? The trouble is that I am a good magpie and can kind of cut and paste code if I can find it but I am shocking when it comes to writing anything from scratch. My instinct tells me that I want to trigger some kind of code when the user tabs out of the cell before the combobox to activate and dropdown the combobox and then to be able to either tab or hit enter in order to give focus to the next cell in the form.
The sheet and workbook are protected with only the cells requiring completion being unlocked.
I have a VBA form and on form initialize I want to populate a combo box… My array to populate it with could be a massive list so I need to set my array before it populates
I have this code so far but I need my array to be from A5 to the last row in sheet 1
I know how to set an exact range but not one that changes.
VB: Dim myArray As Variant myArray = With Me.ComboBox1 .List = myArray End With
Here is a sample of the data I need to populate in the combobox.
I have a worksheet, and I want to place a combobox in a cell, but being able to add values not on the corresponding list. Done almost everything, but cannot find a way to use the position of the cell, so I can dinamicly place a combobox. Ex.- place a combo in a cell, then after you get the value, delete the combo and put it in the cell bellow, etc. In order to do this I need the position of the cell: left, right, height, width.
I've been asked to build a pricing spread sheet for large construction projects. Each "Room" can be priced from a 15 different list price for the same items. I have a combo box that selects the correct list price row for the items to be price in a single "Room". I would like to be able to copy & paste a room and change the list price selection. This work fine except for the Cell Link in the combo box, which holds the original cell in the Cell Link reference when it is copied. It does not let me use a formula as the Cell Link reference.