Compound Interest After Mortgage Free Point

May 10, 2008

I've found this calc but it doesn't compare to my particular scenario/goals: The major difference is that this dinkytown calc requires a new loan to be put in place and I am not in a position to refinance my current mortgage. My plan is to pay an extra $267 (b3) to the mtg (b4). It will take 128 months (b6) to pay off the mortgage. After that point, I need to calculate what the newly freed capital (b5) would do if I put in an account (i.e. a CD or a simple US savings account) that had an Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 1, 2, and 3% for 20, 15, 10 and 5 years. I thought that I had the right formula in place for cells b7:b8 should the account earn a 0% rate of return, but I think it's faulty since it gives me a negative number for 10 and 5 year accumulation periods.

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Canadian Mortgage Calulator - Interest Savings

Mar 29, 2009

I'm attempting to build a Mortgage payment calculator which calculates interest semi-annually. The goal of the calculator is to determine how much interest you would save if your payments were set to Accelerated Bi-weekly, and Accerlerated Weekly vs. Monthly.

I've already calculated what the payments would be for each payment type, however I'm not able to determine what the interest savings would be.

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Calculating Compound Interest

Aug 6, 2006

I have a column of years and a column of numbers representing annual
amounts placed in a savings account for the year. I would like to calculate
the balance of interest earned added to the balance of the account and then
calculate the interest earned on the accumulating amounts each year. The
results would be the account balance displayed in an adjoining column. So
far, I have not found a worksheet function for that. Could someone point me
in the right direction? Perhaps there should be several columns of data?

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Calculate Compound Interest

Jun 30, 2007

I am trying to create a calculator based on a worksheet I have. I do not know how to write a formula for simple interest calculations and for compound interest calculations.

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Daily Compound Interest Using Two Rates

May 16, 2014

Formula to calculate a daily compound interest based on the higher rate of the two rates for the first 5 years, then after 5 years the calculation would only be based solely on the blocked rate.

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Calculate Compound Interest Rates

Sep 22, 2011

I am trying to work out a formula to calculate compounded interest rates.

I have a table that is 24 columns wide (months).

1 row that will have amounts input in to the columns (these will be different amounts)

I want to have a row along the bottom that calulates the compounded interest at a fixed interest rate on the total amount that is in the first row.

I have managed to do this using a table but surely there is a formula for this as the table can become very troublesome if the input amounts change.

Ive added an image (attached) : excel.jpg‎

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How To Calculate Daily Compound Interest

Apr 10, 2008

I am trying to set up my excel to calculate daily compound interest.

The amount is 10,000 at 0.75% per day for 6 months.

I have tried several different things with no success -

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Compound Interest Rate Formula

Jan 27, 2007

I am trying to calculate the effective annual interest rate earned on an investment and find the results are close but not really accurate. I suspect because I have not included the frequency of interest in my existing formula

r = n * nt root (A/P-1)

r = the effective interest rate
n = the number of times interest is added per year
t = the total number of years
A = the current value
P = the original value

The 2 problems I face are;
1. Confirming this formula would provide the correct answer (need maths expert here) &
2. How would "nt root" (as in sqr root, but using the product of the years and frequency) be used in Excel

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Compound Interest Earned With Periodic Withdrawals?

Aug 3, 2014

I am looking for a formula which will compute interest earned (not ending account balance) for the following scenario:

1) Set $ amount (say 19250) is deposited on January 1.

2) Annual interest rate is .95%

3) Interest is compounded daily

4) Fixed withdrawals of $1750 are taken each and every month on the first day of each month

What is the total interest earned on the account? Basically, it is a issue where each month diminishes the "pool" of money earning interest. I get what's going on conceptually, but can't figure out which Excel function to use.

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Compound Interest Excel Table Formula

Dec 20, 2011

I would like to have an excel table that has 240 usable lines going horizontal (to the right) and vertical (down) from the starting number.

I need it to compound interest in both directions

240 is the total number of days per year I am trying to track

There should be adjustable starting amounts and compound interest

Be able to adjust the entered amount anywhere along the time line and it recalculate the amount from there on...

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Calculate Compound Interest Over A Period Of 10 Years?

Mar 5, 2013

I am looking to calculate compound interest over a period of 10 years.

I am looking at putting a lump sum in at the beginning and contribute in monthly installments for the entire 10 years. How would I go about this.. I know there are formulas there, however I'm not a financial person at all..

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Calculate Compound Interest With Capped Earnings

Dec 6, 2008

I'm trying to come up with a way of calculating Money earned over time by compounding interest, but with a twist. After reaching a set amount of money, all money above and beyond does not gain interest. example:

Principal: $120 (user input value)
Duration: 9 (user input value in days, compounding daily)
%Intertest: 4% (user selected value, either 2% or 4%)
Max interest you can earn: $6 (fixed)
Max interest generating money: $150 (variable dependant on %interest, = $150 or $300)
Response/Answer is final value. I don't need the daily results like the example.
Result would be: $170.84
$124.80 (4.80 interest)
$129.79 (4.99)
$134.98 (5.19)
$140.38 (5.40)
$146.00 (5.62)
$151.84 (5.84)
$157.84 (6.00 reached the max interest level)
$163.84 (6.00)
$170.84 (6.00)

my equations I have so far only do one (below 150 total) or the other (above) but not both. and its just a regular formula: =IF(P<M,IF(P*I^D<M+1,P*I^D,"over limit"),P+6*D)........................

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Update Specific Cells Within A Column Used For Compound Interest

May 19, 2006

I have a column of 30 cells, each showing retirement dollars earned based on years of service (cell 1 = year 1, etc) and salary. Here is the predicament: A new hire is brought in with 10 years service, stays 5 and then quits. How do I change only cells 10-14 reflecting his/her salary and retirement dollars? Remember, cell 10 is the first year for the compound interest, cell 11 the second year, etc. I currently use the following formula for cell 10 (compounded salary from cell 9 * (1+.05)^1). Cell 11 is (compounded salary from cell 10 * (1.05)^1.

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Calculate Of Interest With Different Interest Rates Per?

Dec 29, 2013

I have a problem calculating a total interest for an input period that has different interest rates. You can see the attached file: INTEREST.xls

I have used a function but the result comes out wrong. Can I fine tune it or do I have to change my method of calculating.

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Reverse Mortgage Calculations

Jun 2, 2006

I set up a formula knowing only two variables?

1. Assuming I know how much per month one can pay in total, and
2. The percent interest rate

... I need the total amount that can be financed.


A. $3,900 maximum per month
B. 5.00% interest rate
C. = x (the amount to be financed)

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Mortgage Calculations With A Difference

May 16, 2007

Scenario - I started doodling with buying a property to let and then started thinking about adding the "shortfall" between the required bond payment and the income generated by the property back onto the loan each month as the shortfall arises. Let's assume that the financial institution will "pay" this shortfall from a previously agreed upon additional amount available on the property - understand?

While there is a shortfall between the income generated by the property and the bond payment, insurance, taxes etc., the outstanding capital will obviously increase as each new month arises and each specific shortfall is added onto the outstanding capital (loan at the bank).

Once the shortfall turns into surplusses, the surplusses are in turn paid into the account until the bond is paid in full.

With a normal, say 15 year, bond, the interest payments and principal payments of the constant mortgage payment (assume fixed interest rate) nicely works out to a balance of 0 in month 180, but not in the scenario I describe.

What happens in the scenario I described above is that, if I keep the payment constant (=PMT(and the rest - calculated on the original term and the original investment) each month's deficit is added to the outstanding capital but the payment stays constant. I want this payment to remain constant throughout the bond.........

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Amortization Table For X Year Mortgage

Jun 1, 2008

I'm trying to make an amortization table with all the individual payments. I'm trying to avoid putting in the formula manually into each individual cell. I have a formula = ROUND(F11*0.12/12,0) and I want to insert that formula down an entire column, but increasing the F11 to F12, F13, etc.

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Automatically Change The Point Name To Match The Point Name In Column

Dec 10, 2008

I have a pivot table as shown below which is pretty straight forward however I am trying to create a macro that will automatically change the point name to match the point name in column E then copy that resulting dispaly to another sheet then pick the next point name in line and do the same thing and repeat for 50 rows, so my end result will be 50 pivot tables ready for printing. I can do this manually but I am trying to make it automatic...BTW the point names in column E change everyday but the pivot table supports the name changes.

Option Explicit
Sub PointName()
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Dim Rng As Range, Cel As Range

Set Ws = ActiveSheet
Set Rng = Range(Cells(2, 7), Cells(Rows.Count, 7).End(xlUp))

For Each Cel In Rng
Ws.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Point Name").CurrentPage = Cel & " "

With ActiveSheet
.Name = Trim(Cel)
End With
End Sub

I turned it off for a while and when I turned it back on I am getting an error
Unable to set the _Default property of the PivotItem class

Debugger is highlighting

Ws.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Point Name").CurrentPage = Cel & " "

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Compound Sum Or Subtotals

Sep 15, 2009

Have a look at the attache example. I have inventory items which have a fixed value. I have several quantity columns to reflect various inventory positions. (OnOrder, WIP, ATP, ATS, OnHand, PAB as at date()...)

At the top of the sheet I need to show sum of quantities and sum of values. In order to compute the values currently I need to hide columns to the extreme right to do the math on a row by row level and then sum the rows and copy the the value to another cell. In this case the cells with yellow background.

Is there a way to be able to write a formula that would return the sum of the qty multiplied by the value without adding an additional column. I would need to function like with filters as well (like =subtotal())

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Compound IF Functions

Aug 22, 2006

See attached spread sheet as its a difficult one to describe

We are looking to apply labels to a cell depending upon criteria, the spread sheet contains the scenarios.

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Free Plug-ins Add-ins

Oct 17, 2006

Need useful Excel Plugin/Addins.

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How To Get An Overview Of Free Rooms

Mar 19, 2007

have six different locations in a city in which I have 6 beds for people with psyhiatric problems to sleep in.

The managers of the different location send me whenever somebody new comes or somebody leaves the following information:

Name of client
Start date of stay (when new clients arrive)
End date of stay (when client leaves)

I have to keep all record of clients that have used our locations, so the list gets very long during the year and it is then very hard to see which beds are still available.

What I would like to see in a separate sheet is which location still has how many beds available. I then mail this overview weekly to organizations that assign people to my locations.

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Include That Weekends Are Free

Jan 13, 2006

Does anyone knows how to calculate if translator is free or not, regarding that weekends are free ( I mean if weekends are free how to check if translator is able to translate a document)

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Compound Filter With Top/Bottom X

Dec 5, 2007

I have selected a custom autofilter for one column of my data. After that, I want to use the top 10 autofilter in another column, but this appears to filter the top 10 overall, not the top 10 of the custom-filtered records. My data is transformer sizes.

First I custom filter the secondary voltage column to get only distribution transformers (less than or equal to 480). Now I want to know the 10 largest distribution transformers, but the top 10 filter on the size column makes all the records disappear. I believe it is selecting the top 10 overall, and it happens that none of the top 10 have secondary voltage less than or equal to 480. (When I change the custom voltage filter, I can get anywhere between 0 and 10 records for the top 10 by size.)

This seems to be an aspect of Excel, not an error. So far the workarounds I can see are:

1. paste the custom filtered data into a new sheet and then do the top 10
2. use the custom filter, sort descending by size, and count 10--but this problem was first brought up by someone doing the top 100, so this is not preferable.

Does anyone know a better solution that will make it easier to manipulate this data frequently?

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Add Free Column To A Pivot Table

Aug 8, 2012

I have a pivot table with slicers to easily filter the data. I need to add a column with editable, free text that is filtered along when using the slicers.

If I try adding a column in my data source of the pivot and I change one value in the pivot then all rows that have this value change along.

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Compound Annual Growth Calculation

Aug 8, 2006

I am trying to calculate the compound annual growth and my starting point is a negative number. The example is that I have (273,000) for the YE 2003 and have Growth to the amount of +767,000 at YE 2006. The formula I have been using for other calculations where the starting point is positive is =POWER(J23/C23,1/O$1)-1. Where J23 = a positive amount and C23 = a positive number. This formula works fine, but when C23 = a negative number the formula does not work and the % does not make sense.

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Moving Row To First Free Line Of Other Sheet

Apr 30, 2009

Im looking to use this code to move the selected rows of a workbook over to a new worksheet in the sameworkbook. It works fine however for some reason it pastes the row over the last row.
how to modify it so it pastes the row on the first empty row?

Sub MoveSelectedRows()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim strSheetName, strCellAddress As String
strSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
strCellAddress = ActiveCell.Address(False, False)
Sheets("Closed Projects").Select 'Change sheet name to whatever consolidated tab name is.
Range("A" & Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row).Select
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Also, as a side note, how do I put a prompt in so that once I press the button to move the row the user is prompted asking if they are sure they want to move the row? 'Are you sure you wish to move row X?' Yes/No.

If yes - run rest of script
If no - abort script

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Free Memory As Macro Running

Aug 18, 2007

I have a macro that is performing a lot of string comparisons and sorting out a lot of unformatted data using a loops and instr calls and passing results into arrays to store in a database. The macro works flawlessly, however as the macro runs, over time is gets slower and slower until its barely moving 10% as fast as it was to start.

I run the macro in a separate windows session so I can continue working w/o the macro affecting other excel related tasks I work on. I can tell the computer begins to slow down as the macro runs. Is their any way to clear the system memory while the macro is running, maybe every 5 minutes or something?

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Free Form Textbox In Search Field

Feb 10, 2013

How can I allow users to either select the SKU from the dropdown menu, or to type in the SKU # in the dropdown menu (C5 through F5) and have it populate the data fields for that SKU when they press the 'Enter' key?

Currently using Data Validation ='KVM Comparison Data'!$B$4:$OP$4 and cell logic to allow the information to be pulled from a hidden tab =INDEX('KVM Comparison Data'!$D$2:$OP$65,MATCH('KVM Product Comparison'!$B6,'KVM Comparison Data'!$A$2:$A$65,0),MATCH('KVM Product Comparison'!C$5,'KVM Comparison Data'!$D$4:$OP$4,0))

In short, I want to keep it the way I have it, but allow users to also have the option of typing in a SKU and pull the data up that way. I know this is possible, I just can't figure out how to do it, while keeping my current solution in place as well.

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Format Column Widths - Free And Fixed

Jan 11, 2010

I need to know how to format columns in a spreadsheet. What I want to do is autofit the columns, all except for Column A; I want that want at a fixed width of 9. The code below is my attempt to do this, and it's not resulting as I wish. Stepping through the code, it performs the first part beautifully and autofits all of the columns. Where I have the line

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