Concatenate Cells Referencing Another Tab - How To Get Rid Of 0s In Resulting String

Jan 10, 2014

I am trying to combine text from multiple cells into one cell. I am referencing cells that reference cells on another tab. I have tried several formulas (see attached) but I have not been able to get rid of the zeros in the resulting string. I know I could reference the original cells, but I would like to find a solution to this without using VBA.

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Comparing A String To Values In An Array Resulting In A Run Time Error 1004

Jul 15, 2009

This workbook is designed to prompt the user with inputboxes allowing them to enter a name, hyperlink a file to that name, and then a date. Next all the drawing names are read into an array and stored. Along with some minor sheet formatting, this is what happens when the button "Add Drawing" is clicked.

Next, when the button "Revise Drawing" is clicked, the user will be prompted with an inputbox for a drawing name. This name will be compared to the names in the array. If the name is found, the row containing that drawing will selected and the user will be prompted to update the hyperlink, then the "drawing date" will be moved to the right by one column, then the user will be prompted for another date replacing the date that was moved. The first sequence of commands or button works fine. The button "Revise Drawing" prompts the user with the inputbox requesting the revised drawing name, then develops the runtime error 1004.

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Excel 2010 :: Multiply Text String By Number Resulting In List?

Feb 6, 2013

Using Excel 2010...

I have a list of names (text string) in a column (A) that have associated whole numbers in another column (B). What I would like to do is create a formula that multiplies the text string in cell A2 (for ex.) by the whole number in B2 and return a "list" of the text string in A2 equal to the whole number by which it is multiplied.

Here's a visual example of the results I want to achieve:

Using the above example, I would like to end up with a list in column D with 159 total rows with the text contents corresponding to the whole number in column B.

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Sum / IF Function Resulting To Calculation Of Block Of Cells

Jun 3, 2014

I have quarters of the year. I'm wanting to find a function wherein when I punch in for example year 2012, the cell would give me the sum of the 4Qs. If if change it to 2013, then it would give me the sum of 4Qs for 2013.

See attached sheet : sum from blocks of cells.xlsx

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Copying Data From Merged Cell Into All Resulting Cells After Splitting

Dec 2, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that has been given to me by someone else, and unfortunately it has merged cells in it that are causing some trouble. I need to have a way to unmerge the merged cells, but for the data in the merged cell to then be copied into each cell that it splits into.

I've attached two spreadsheets - unfortunately I can't really attach the real one since it has research data in it, so I've reduced the size of the file and replaced some of the text. The first file shows how the file starts off, and the file named "result" shows how I would like it to be.

My real file contains some 10,000+ lines of data, and the merged cells are of varying sizes, with no consistency to the size, so I'd like a way to automate this instead of copy and pasting into every empty cell after I unmerge them.

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Concatenate Non Blank Cells But Use Concatenate And Substitute Instead Of IF

Aug 11, 2013

Sampling table :


Desired results obtained via IF =IF(B2>0,A2&" , ",A2)&IF(C2>0,B2&" , ",B2)&IF(D2>0,C2&" , ",C2)&IF(D2>0,D2,"")

one , two , three , four
one , two , three
one , two

Is there any smarter, shorter formula via Concatenate and Substitute or other formulas ?

My closest match, but not good enaugh is =SUBSTITUTE(CONCATENATE(A2&", "&B2&", "&C2&", "&D2), ", , ", " ")
[ returna 2 commad ]
one, two, three, four
one, two, three,
one, two
one ,

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Referencing A Cell Value In A String

Dec 14, 2009

I have a drop down list that references a few cells in another worksheet. When a value is chosen from the list, the adjacent cell give a description. Basically THe drop down is a list of clinic codes and the description gives time, day etc.

In order to do this, I have written modules as necessary for each drop down list like in the example below: .....

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Array Formula Referencing A String

Mar 11, 2009

I'm having a problem with the below array. The column heading in cells E7:H7 Never change and i would like to sum up the appropriate data below those headings according to the what is in cell D4. The formula in cell A9 works but only if the string is exactly the same as what is listed in cell D4. Is there a way to reference cell D4 like i have in cell B9. I'm looking to get the formula in B9 to work, but i'm missing something.


ABCDEFGH2Assumptions 3Collateral Sample 1{60;90;FCL} MACRO Populates 4Collateral Sample 2{90;FCL} {60;90;FCL} 5Collateral Sample 3{FCL} 6Collateral Sample 4{60;90;FCL} 7 Current6090FCL8 990 123410200 658711360 4682212
Spreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaA9{=SUM(IF($E$7:$H$7={60;90;"FCL"},$E9:$H9))}B9{=SUM(IF($E$7:$H$7=$D$4,$E9:$H9))}A10{=SUM(IF($E$7:$H$7={60;90;"FCL"},$E10:$H10))}B10{=SUM(IF($E$7:$H$7=$D$4,$E10:$H10))}A11{=SUM(IF($E$7:$H$7={60;90;"FCL"},$E11:$H11))}B11{=SUM(IF($E$7:$H$7=$D$4,$E11:$H11))}Formula Array:
Produce enclosing { } by entering
formula with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER!

Excel tables to the web >>" target="_blank"> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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VBA Concatenate String & Integer

Sep 19, 2009

I am trying to concatenate some string and integer. It is always for previous month end date, i.e, 7/31/2009 or 8/31/2009.

Here is I have the data now
Profit and Loss for
After running the macro I would like to be
Profit and Loss for 8/31/2009
Here is what I wrote so far which does not work. I am sure there is simpler way to do it. I put the month end date 5 columns to the right for the time being and in the intention after deleting it after concatenation automatically.

For Each cell In Selection

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = "=EOMONTH(TODAY(),-1)"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Activate
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

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Concatenate String And Date...

Apr 12, 2007

when i concatenate two cells (the word "excel" and today's date), i get
excel 39183...? i would like: excel 4/11/2007

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CONCATENATE Spacing Issue Due To String Lengths

Oct 17, 2008

if you look in Column G you will notice the number on the right side of the column is indented one space too many (for any number that is 6 long in column A).

Is there any way to do an IF C=6 and then have it remove a space from before the number in Column G to have it line up?

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Concatenate String Values With Special Formatting

Jul 28, 2007

i have 2 listboxes with numbers if user has selected choice in both then i want to enable okbutton. i tried in okbutton's mousemove: if listbox1.selected = true AND listbox2.selected = true then okbutton.enabled=true.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Make Concatenate To Generate A Text String Using Custom Formatted Value Of A Cell

May 2, 2014

I have an Excel 2010 spreadsheet that I am using to save several numbers all in the same column. These numbers can range from the several thousands up to billions. The formatting I am using for these numbers is Number (using 1000s separator).


I am also using the spreadsheet to generate a text string for each of the numbers. I don't want the text string to show the number as it is, I want to shorten the number by only showing the first few digits followed by a "B" for billion, "M" for million, or "K" for thousand. For example, in the text string I want to show 1,600,000 as 1.6B.

In order to shorten the number I use the cell in the column to the right of each number. This cell uses the following custom formatting (which I found by doing a Google search): [>999999999.999]#.0,,,"B";[>999999.999]#,,"M";#,"K";


As you can see the formatting is quite complex (at least for me it is) but it does what I want it to do.

Here is a screenshot of what the original and custom formatted cells look like:


As you can see the custom formatting works and does exactly what I wan

The next column (after the custom formatted number) is where I put the generated text string for each of the numbers. As I stated above, I want the generated text to use the shortened version of the number (e.g. 1.6B).

To generate the text I use the CONCATENATE function with a reference to the cell containing the shortened number as one of the arguments. For example:


Where B1 is the custom formatted cell.

The problem I am running into is, the text that gets generated doesn't show the shortened format of the number, it shows the full number. Here is a screenshot demonstrating what is happening:


As you can see the generated text is "SOME STRING 1600000000". This is not what I want. I want the generated text to be "SOME STRING 1.6B".

I think I understand what's going on. When the CONCATENATE function references a cell it takes the actual value of the cell and ignores any formatting. (I suppose formatting is just the way you see the data, not how underlying functions receive the data.)

My question is, how can I re-write the CONCATENATE function (or use another function, etc. available to me) to use the formatted version of the cell?

*UPDATE* I have attached my spreadsheet as an attachment to this post (tackyjan_excelforums.xlsx). Please note that it was created and saved using Excel 2010.

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Highlight/Flag Formula Cells Referencing Other Cells

Sep 27, 2006

I am trying to write a macro which highlights all the cells with any reference to other cell. The macro should highlight a cell with formula like = 3 * A25 but not highlight a cell with following formula. = 3 * 0.4535566. 'Hasformula' property is not useful here as it can't distinguish between above examples.

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Vlookup Resulting In REF#

Oct 6, 2009

Having some problems with a simple vlookup formula.

Never experiened this before.

I keep getting a #ref

Here is the forumla I am using


What I am expecting is for excel to look up the value of "JK09" within the range of A2:a9 within the worksheet Feb, and when it finds it it will give me the value in coloum 13 of the macthing row.

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Formula In Cell Resulting In #NAME

Jun 4, 2006

I am trying to add a formula to a cell but I get this error, #NAME?

Here is the formula: =((pi * (5^2)) / 2) - ((5^2) * ASIN(1 - (A73 / 5))) - ((5 -A73) * SQRT(A73 * ((2 * 5) - A73)))

I'm trying to add it to cell B73,

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Referencing Cells Not Next To Each Other From A Formula?

Mar 26, 2014

I have a long list of amounts one per day. Sun-Sat repeating. I Total the amounts for each week and place it next to Sun. now i have the total for that billing week.

I need to reference these numbers from a different sheet that only has one row per week. I tried to do ='sheet1'!a2 then next row down ='sheet1'!a9 and ='sheet1'!a16 etc then fill down but when i do it seems to start again and do a3, a10 and a17.

Is there a way I can get it to only use cells with figures in them? IE if cell is empty then move down one else use the amount in cell... or how do I get it to reference 7 cells below each time rather than the next immediate cell.

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Limit On Referencing Cells?

May 2, 2009

For example in this formula I typed in WWW as the max:


If I try to type in a value higher than WWW it will give me an error. I was just trying to put in an amount that I would never hit within the row.

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Referencing Blank Cells

Jun 8, 2009

I would like a formula that checks for blank cells only between C1:C10 and E1:E10 and then insert the first and last names of the person associated with these blank cells (which are located in A1:10 and B1:B10) on another worksheet, which for the sake of argument can be called 'sheet2'.

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Referencing Cells In Another Sheet

Oct 4, 2009

I need assistance referencing cells in other sheets. I have a summary tab which I would have each refenced sheet listed (named for the activity being billed). In a separate cell in the summary tab, I want to bring back the value of the total amount billed for that activity. The total value is in the same cell of each sheet, as all invoice tabs needing to be referenced are identical in layout.

There is one hitch to this, the sheets referenced have not yet been created (that would be too too easy), and the activity list in the summary sheet has place holder names that will change when the activity being billed is defined (hence prompting the biller to create the sheet to be referenced).

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Referencing Non-blank Cells

May 22, 2006

Say I have a column with cell values 4, 0, 0, 5, 0 , 0, 0, 2, 0, 3

What I am trying to do is have in the next column a formula which returns
the number adjacent to it multiplied by the number of blanks between it and
the next non-blank cell.

So, for the example above, the output would be 8, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 2 etc

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Referencing To Cells Next To A Given Cell?

Nov 20, 2008

My current worksheet is being built for use in Eve-Online, a game I play. In specific, I am keeping track of profit made by manufacturing different items in the game. I am trying to build it like this:

Column 20 is a list of items, and the next 7 cells to the right of each item contain the mineral requirements for that item. So C20 says Bantam Frigate, C21-C28 will all contain numbers. Now, I am trying to create a function in the upper-right cells (like A1-A8) where if I type in "Bantam Frigate" into A1, A2-A8 will fetch the numbers that I put into C21-C28.

Now, I will be working with thousands of items, so I have to make sure I name both the 'database' and the query exactly right, but that's not a problem to me. Can I make something that will reference a value from (cell+1 column right) or (cell+2 columns right)

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Referencing A Row Of Cells In A Column

Nov 24, 2008

I have a row of cells on one "Sheet1." I am trying reference these cells into a column on "Sheet2." I know I can reference one cell at a time, but I have a large number of cells in the row on Sheet1 and I know that there has to be an easier way to do it, I am just not excel-savvy enough to know what it is.

I know you can copy and "paste special" (transpose), I am just wondering how to do that while referencing. I have heard that the "offset" function can be used, but after extensive trial and error, I haven't figured it out.

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Referencing Empty Cells?

Jul 13, 2009

I have set up a spreadsheet in order to track and calculate the number of students we teach at our organization. It is running prohibitively slow when entering new data. On one sheet each individual session is entered (the school, program, date, number of hours etc.) This is the Session worksheet.

On the next sheet(the Program worksheet) the maximum number of students for each unique program (this is usually a combination of school and the program) is calculated to ensure we are not counting students we teach weekly as new students. This is calculated using a formula:

"Session!G:G" = the unique program name on the Session worksheet.
"Program!A2" = the unique program name on the Program worksheet.
"Session!D:D" = the number of students in that individual session...........

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Cross Referencing Cells

Jan 16, 2014

Should I use the 'IF' or 'LOOKUP' functions to fill a cell based on the content of another?

If C2 contains 'Cork' I need D2 to read 'Munster'. Indeed I will need D2 to read 'Munster' for a number of different C2 values.

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Referencing Cells On Different Sheets

Oct 14, 2007

I currently have 3 sheets 1, 2,and 3.

Data is input onto sheet 1, this is copied into sheets 2, no real problem there. However i need to enter data onto sheet 3 and if that data appears on sheet 2 i want the line, not just the cell to be coloured on sheet 2. The data on sheet 3 will not be in any specific order in the column

I have tried conditional formatting but keep getting a message to say it cant be done and offering a formula which i dont understand.

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Not Referencing Cells Correctly

Dec 8, 2008

I'm trying to simply reference a cell from another tab in the same workbook. In other words I press "=" and then point to the cell in another tab and I would expect to see that value - however I don't. What I see, as an example, is: ='Nav&SPDiary'!B24 instead of the cell value (which I know exists because I've just pointed to it.

Anyone have ANY idea why all of a sudden it's started to do this? The most annoying thing is it worked fine before and now it doesn't do what I want...

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In A Formula, How To Change The Format Of The Resulting Te

Dec 16, 2005

how to change a proportion of text in a resulting concatenation

cell A1 contains the text in bold "ABCDEF", cell A2 containes "GHIJKLM" cell
A3 contains =A1 & " " & A2 but I want the cell A1 part to remain in bold. Is
there a way of using the TEXT function e.g. =TEXT(A1,BOLD) & " " & A2?

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Concatenate (two Different Cells Into One)

Dec 11, 2008

I'm having a rather difficult time getting this one.

I am concatenating (is that a verb?) a bunch of cells to create an item code.
The combination of two different cells need to be able to give different values so I can dump the appropriate value into the CONCATENATE formula.

A picture is worth a thousand..

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Concatenate Several Cells On Tab One

Apr 11, 2013

On tab 2 of a spreadsheet, I am trying to concatenate several cells on tab one! Everything comes together in the cell on tab 2, however it does not hold the date format. It turns it into general text so just random numbers that do not even tie to the date. Any way to lock the date format for this idea?

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