Sum / IF Function Resulting To Calculation Of Block Of Cells
Jun 3, 2014
I have quarters of the year. I'm wanting to find a function wherein when I punch in for example year 2012, the cell would give me the sum of the 4Qs. If if change it to 2013, then it would give me the sum of 4Qs for 2013.
See attached sheet : sum from blocks of cells.xlsx
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Mar 3, 2007
Whenever the UserForm is on (shown or hidden), cells do not seem to update. And if a makro (called via the UserForm) puts in a formula into any cell, it stores the formula but shows the value zero. As long as the UserForm exists the formula does not get calculated. After unloading the UserForm, I have to manually double-klick one-by-one into every single cell and press ENTER in order to have Excel calculate a formula!
How can can I change this, running my makros in a normal way, even with my UserForm still in existance? And it would be great, if there would be an uncomplicated way how to minimize the UserForm, instead of hiding it?!
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Feb 24, 2009
I am importing a .txt file into Excel that has two columns of dollars and cents. When I do my subtotals, all subtotals should be zero. Some of the totals show as 0.00, some as (0.00) and some as a dash which is what I would like for all of them. I have tried: ...
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Jun 24, 2014
I'm trying to figure out a function that allows to me to determine the exact month when I will breakeven. For example, my total net income for the 2 quarters of the year is 1050 and my investment is 500. If I have an income in Jan of 300, 300 in Feb, and 200 in March, then the function will spit out Feb as the breakeven month.
Please see attachment. Exact year to see when I breakeven.xlsx
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Jan 10, 2014
I am trying to combine text from multiple cells into one cell. I am referencing cells that reference cells on another tab. I have tried several formulas (see attached) but I have not been able to get rid of the zeros in the resulting string. I know I could reference the original cells, but I would like to find a solution to this without using VBA.
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Dec 2, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that has been given to me by someone else, and unfortunately it has merged cells in it that are causing some trouble. I need to have a way to unmerge the merged cells, but for the data in the merged cell to then be copied into each cell that it splits into.
I've attached two spreadsheets - unfortunately I can't really attach the real one since it has research data in it, so I've reduced the size of the file and replaced some of the text. The first file shows how the file starts off, and the file named "result" shows how I would like it to be.
My real file contains some 10,000+ lines of data, and the merged cells are of varying sizes, with no consistency to the size, so I'd like a way to automate this instead of copy and pasting into every empty cell after I unmerge them.
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Mar 17, 2014
I have created the following defined function in excel VBA but i get the complie error:-
'Block if without end if'
This this the code I have written for the function:-
Public Function Rule_45(Current, Previous, Result)
' RED: 'Decreasing Trend' OR 'Same' AMBER:'Increasing Trend' GREEN:'>83%'
If Result = "-" Then
Rule_45 = "-"
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May 30, 2014
Sample Chart.xlsx
I need to enter data every month for the following month (i.e. month end close, for previous month). For this example, let's say I just entered (in May) data for April. Current year is 2014. The attached above is what I have currently, and what I want to achieve. All of the cells have formulas, but I basically don't want data and variances shown for time periods not yet uploaded, so in my example, I should only see filled-in cells for January-April, and not May-December (keep in mind that 2013 data should remain, as these are time periods in the past). I've thought about many scenarios including: modifying the formula but not changing what it is currently doing (essentially gathering and adding data from a different worksheet), conditional formatting to "white out" all cells for months where 2014 data is not available using NOW or similar function. how to do it most efficiently without disrupting what's currently in place. T
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Jun 16, 2009
I need is for a block of cells (A1:I4) to be visible at all times. I've frozen the sheet so that the top four rows are always visible, but unfortunately the sheet is quite large, horizontally-speaking, so that when users scroll horizontally, important stuff scrolls off the screen.
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Jun 26, 2008
task of inserting a block of cells into a worksheet.
I have saved 4 different blocks of cells and depending on an option chosen from a drop down menu i want to select one of more of these sets of data and paste them into a worksheet.
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Sep 18, 2013
I want to freeze rows 1-18 and columns A-P. But when I select the the cells and choose freeze panes but what it freezes is Rows 1-13 and columns A-H.
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May 3, 2013
how I can get this:
John Smith
1 Aisleby Avenue
i.e. each line in it's own cell
to look like this:
John Smith
1 Aisleby Avenue
In other words, an address block in a single cell. Simple merging only saves the first cell's contents.
I need to do this for 500 addresses
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Jul 16, 2012
Thats the best I could describe that What I face today is the means to run a VBA Autofilter from an Activecell. The Activecell is a search result. I have a table that spans from A1 to E5000. The Activecell will always be in Column A. What I need to happen in when the Activecell is found an Autofilter is placed in the block of data from Column B to E. The rows will change after every search hence my dilemma. Each block of data has its own header as well
So if my Activecell is A2 then I need B1:E4 Autofiltered then Column E sorted Smallest value to Largest. The Activecell needs to remain static. The size of the blocks of data are exactly the same.
Here is a photo example of the desired result. Untitled.jpg
There are hundreds of blocks of data like this.
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Feb 17, 2014
I have a workbook consisting of two sheets: a Monthly Class Schedule (Divided into five one-week blocks. Each block's vertical is Mon to Fri, the horizontal is 9 class slots. There are 45 class slots pw). Each class has one student and the cells are filled 'Student Number, First Initial, Surname' eg, '666 J Smith'. Students may be scheduled for several class slots per week and some class slots have no students scheduled. When the student attends a 'P'is added at the beginning of the cell eg,'P 666 J Smith'.
The Student Attendance Report has the students listed vertically on the left, arranged by Student Number, and then a column for each week.
At the moment I have to manually count the classes each student has attended for each week and enter the attendance figures in the appropriate week column. It's a PitA so I want to automate the process by using the S#s in the Attendance Sheet to search the week blocks in the Schedule Sheet for 'P S#' and auto-fill the week columns in the Attendance Sheet.
Sched and Attend February 2014.xls
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Feb 21, 2014
How can I block the hidden cells, so that when I want to copy/paste into another workbook, pasted data has to be all, except hidden&locked cell?
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Jan 27, 2010
I have attached a small file with a very simple conditional formatting formula used to turn a block of cells green.
However, the formula does not seem to work properly as it only turns half of the cells green. Columns B1 to B18 are also supposed to turn green, but instead remain clear.
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Feb 15, 2008
I have this formula: =IF(ROWS(H$12:H12)
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May 7, 2005
I can do least squares fitting utilizing LINEST and a worksheet. (See attachment.)
I would like to do the same calculations entirely within VBA.
I can specify the values as arrays within VBA :
Sub linest2VBA()
' linest2VBA Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+A
Dim dXvalSqd(4), dXval(4), dYval(4), dFirstRegStat As Double
Dim i As Integer
Second Question:
Is there a way to get the remaining regression statistics within VBA by referencing only the three arrays: dXvalSqd, dXval, and dYval?
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Jul 26, 2006
if i could get a hand creating a commission calculation.. here is what i'm looking for and my brain hurts trying to make it... I put in excel an employees gross fees for a month,, their commission calculation is based on the following scheudule, for which i'd love an easy calculation, function, code etc. for..
$0 - $10,000 - 60% commission
$10,001 - $15,000 - 65% commission
$15,001+ - 70% commission..
i'm sure this seems simple, but i just can't get it because if for instance their first gross fee is $12,000, i don't know how to have it calculate the first $10,000 at 60% and the last $2,000 at 65%.
ps.. my excel sheet is set up as follows:
Rows a-g (stuff that is irrelivant)
row h, gross fees
row i, commission (in dollars)
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Mar 10, 2009
I am looking for assistance for 2 vbcode functions that will provide current:
1) Calculation Mode - whether automatic, manual or semi automatic; and
2) Calculation Status - whether a recalc is required or not.
These functions need to work regardless of the calculation mode and always need to show the current status.I have tried creating volatile functions, but the problem I face is that if the calculation mode is manual, the function's return value is not updated unless I force a recalc which renders the purpose of the exercise useless.
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May 11, 2006
I am trying to subtract two dates to find out whether an invoice is 6 months past due (regardless of number of days). I use DATEDIF in my formula and it works fine until now. It seems the function takes number of days into account and won't return the desire result when there are 31 days. I want to find out whether the number of months between two date are greater than or equal to 6 months without considering the number of days. I am attaching a sample worksheet for better explanation. As you can see, October is not working right.
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Jul 26, 2006
I put in excel an employees gross fees for a month,, their commission calculation is based on the following scheudule, for which i'd love an easy calculation, function, code etc. for..
$0 - $10,000 - 60% commission
$10,001 - $15,000 - 65% commission
$15,001+ - 70% commission..
i'm sure this seems simple, but i just can't get it because if for instance their first gross fee is $12,000, i don't know how to have it calculate the first $10,000 at 60% and the last $2,000 at 65%. any help is greatly appreciated..
ps.. my excel sheet is set up as follows:
Rows a-g (stuff that is irrelivant)
row h, gross fees
row i, commission (in dollars)
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Jan 29, 2010
I have written a custom function to be called from worksheet cells. The function is basically a wrapper function for VLOOKUP on a single table. It makes cell formulas shorter, easier to read and self-documenting. Here's a much simplified version of the function:
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Jun 11, 2009
I have a worksheet that contains investment security purchases, including purchase date, purchase amount and maturity date, each in its own row. I need to develop a formula that will sum the purchase amount based upon the term in days (maturity date - purchase date) of the investment. The respective rows do not contain the term in days so the formula will need to calculate the days to determine the aggregating criteria described below.
One cell should contain the aggregate security purchase amount whose term is 1-90 days and another cell should contain the aggregate security purchase amount whose term is over 90 days. It seems that SUMPRODUCT with a condition is the best way to handle this; however, I cannot get the correct syntax of this formula.
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Jul 30, 2007
I'm using Excel 2003 with WinXP SP2.
I'm trying to make a spreadsheet to calculate my GPA for my studies. I can get everything to work fine except I want to be able to calculate an adjusted GPA based on a certain value of classes to drop.
The way it would work ideally is that I would be able to search/sort a data set and if it contained "X" number of entries then the "Y" number of lowest marks would be omitted from the AGPA calculation.
I'm having trouble designing a function/formula or scheme to sort the data range, and identify the lowest "Y" number of entries and recalculate the GPA without using them.
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Jun 10, 2006
As an example, cell values as follows.
A1 = 1, 2 or 3, B1 = 2.5
Is it possible to say, if A1= 1 then make C1 equal to B1+4, otherwise return the value of 0?
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Mar 26, 2009
Combining two equations with MOD function for UPC check digit calculation.
I wanted to combine these if possible,
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Oct 6, 2009
Having some problems with a simple vlookup formula.
Never experiened this before.
I keep getting a #ref
Here is the forumla I am using
What I am expecting is for excel to look up the value of "JK09" within the range of A2:a9 within the worksheet Feb, and when it finds it it will give me the value in coloum 13 of the macthing row.
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Jun 4, 2006
I am trying to add a formula to a cell but I get this error, #NAME?
Here is the formula: =((pi * (5^2)) / 2) - ((5^2) * ASIN(1 - (A73 / 5))) - ((5 -A73) * SQRT(A73 * ((2 * 5) - A73)))
I'm trying to add it to cell B73,
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Dec 16, 2005
how to change a proportion of text in a resulting concatenation
cell A1 contains the text in bold "ABCDEF", cell A2 containes "GHIJKLM" cell
A3 contains =A1 & " " & A2 but I want the cell A1 part to remain in bold. Is
there a way of using the TEXT function e.g. =TEXT(A1,BOLD) & " " & A2?
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