Excel 2010 :: Multiply Text String By Number Resulting In List?

Feb 6, 2013

Using Excel 2010...

I have a list of names (text string) in a column (A) that have associated whole numbers in another column (B). What I would like to do is create a formula that multiplies the text string in cell A2 (for ex.) by the whole number in B2 and return a "list" of the text string in A2 equal to the whole number by which it is multiplied.

Here's a visual example of the results I want to achieve:

Using the above example, I would like to end up with a list in column D with 159 total rows with the text contents corresponding to the whole number in column B.

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Excel 2010 :: Moving Numbers From String Of Text To New Cells

Feb 8, 2013

I need to remove numbers from a string of text and put them into new cells in Excel Starter 2010. There are two different values which need moving. The first is in parentheses and the second follows the parentheses.

Here's a few examples of what I mean:

Original text
RED008 - Wickaman and Hoodlum bandwidth (0.06Gb @ 2.00) 0.12
MFR005EP - Various Artists bandwidth (0.19Gb @ 2.00) 0.38
RAZORS010 Future Cut bandwidth (0.01Gb @ 2.00) 0.01

would like to split into...

Cell 1
RED008 - Wickaman and Hoodlum bandwidth
MFR005EP - Various Artists bandwidth
RAZORS010 Future Cut bandwidth

Cell 2
(0.06Gb @ 2.00)
(0.19Gb @ 2.00)
(0.01Gb @ 2.00)

Cell 3

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Excel 2010 :: How To Multiply GB In Formula

Aug 11, 2013

I have Excel 2010. I am creating a spreadsheet for server backups. I have always been told to take the current size of the disk and multiply it by 10% to figure out the backup size needed for the backup. I am trying to create a formula to do this. I have a server with 25GB. The formula i tried was

=a1*10%. A1 being 25gb. Excel does not like the GB in the cell also this is only giving me the difference. I need to know what size to allow for my backup on this server.

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Excel 2010 :: Return Result For Appearance Of Text String In Any Cell In Row?

Jan 30, 2014

I deal with a rather large excel database (the range is A1:AV168266) that contains customer information. Some of these various customers are affiliated with a group called "ascend" and I need to be able to filter all my list by every customer affilliated with Ascend. The trouble is that the word "ascend" can appear in 8 different columns and usually when it appears in one column it doesn't appear in the others and their can also be more text in the cell beyond the word "ascend". I want to create a formula that will simply look for the word "ascend" in any cell of a row and return a result I can filter by. I will be putting the formula in column AW and put it in all 170,000 rows of that column, that way I can just filter by a single column.

I've played around with combining COUNTIF with SEARCH and MATCH with SEARCH but nothing seems to work.

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Excel 2010 :: Convert Text To Number And Format Number Without 2 Decimal Places?

Oct 23, 2011

I have a problem that when I try to convert text to number and format the number without 2 decimal places as seen on the link I have given below, Instead of 1607.947, I get 1607947. I have Excel 2010 loaded. The details are in below picture.


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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table - Value Field - Multiply

Apr 25, 2014

I have a Pivot table showing costs of several types of items.

The issue is, the cost of an item is not in U$, it is in amounts of the unit value (example: Unit value of an item (cell A1) = U$500, and Item Cost (cell B1) = 2, the total cost is U$1000).

So instead of showing just the Item Cost (U$500) in the pivot table, I need to show 500*2 (A1*B1) which would be U$1000.

Can this be done in Excel 2010?

I don't want to create a new column with that multiplication, because I'm doing a monthly cost for the items.

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Excel 2007 :: Userforms - Input Cell Value (via Text Box) And Output Corresponding Values From Resulting Row

Jun 24, 2013

I have a simple spreadsheet of an inventory. Each row on this spreadsheet represents the data related to an item. I would like for a user to be able to INPUT a serial number via a userform. Then, I would like for the program to OUTPUT some information about that particular item (a few cells that should be on the same row as the serial number).

I attached an image diagram that may better represent what I am trying to do.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Make Concatenate To Generate A Text String Using Custom Formatted Value Of A Cell

May 2, 2014

I have an Excel 2010 spreadsheet that I am using to save several numbers all in the same column. These numbers can range from the several thousands up to billions. The formatting I am using for these numbers is Number (using 1000s separator).


I am also using the spreadsheet to generate a text string for each of the numbers. I don't want the text string to show the number as it is, I want to shorten the number by only showing the first few digits followed by a "B" for billion, "M" for million, or "K" for thousand. For example, in the text string I want to show 1,600,000 as 1.6B.

In order to shorten the number I use the cell in the column to the right of each number. This cell uses the following custom formatting (which I found by doing a Google search): [>999999999.999]#.0,,,"B";[>999999.999]#,,"M";#,"K";


As you can see the formatting is quite complex (at least for me it is) but it does what I want it to do.

Here is a screenshot of what the original and custom formatted cells look like:


As you can see the custom formatting works and does exactly what I wan

The next column (after the custom formatted number) is where I put the generated text string for each of the numbers. As I stated above, I want the generated text to use the shortened version of the number (e.g. 1.6B).

To generate the text I use the CONCATENATE function with a reference to the cell containing the shortened number as one of the arguments. For example:


Where B1 is the custom formatted cell.

The problem I am running into is, the text that gets generated doesn't show the shortened format of the number, it shows the full number. Here is a screenshot demonstrating what is happening:


As you can see the generated text is "SOME STRING 1600000000". This is not what I want. I want the generated text to be "SOME STRING 1.6B".

I think I understand what's going on. When the CONCATENATE function references a cell it takes the actual value of the cell and ignores any formatting. (I suppose formatting is just the way you see the data, not how underlying functions receive the data.)

My question is, how can I re-write the CONCATENATE function (or use another function, etc. available to me) to use the formatted version of the cell?

*UPDATE* I have attached my spreadsheet as an attachment to this post (tackyjan_excelforums.xlsx). Please note that it was created and saved using Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Show Number Of Items In A List

Feb 3, 2012

The setup of my worksheet looks like this:


A great chance to use the HTML Maker for the first time!

What I would like to do here is show how many of each value there is in the range.

So for 7B-MA5, it would say 6. For 7B-MA4, it would be 2 / 1 / 3, since there are 3 unique values and their counts respectively. Finally for 7B-MA3 it would say 3 / 3

A formula option would be great but I'll also take a macro option since it is a macro that generates these lists in the first place, so I could just add the new code to the end of it.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Put Number As Text

Sep 13, 2013

I need to put a number as a text. It is 14 digits long (35071245130000). If I change it from a number to a text, it re-formats to a scientific number (3.50712E+6).

I can not use the ' in front of the number because it makes all of my vlookups mess up.

The reason I need this changed is because I have a several databases/excel spreadsheets that are being linked through Access. The number is stored as text in the other databases. Because of this, the spreadsheet with the number is not recognizing the number version and the text version as the same.

How to make excel show this full number when formatted as text?

I have Excel 2010. I do not remember having this problem with other versions at my previous employer.

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Excel 2010 :: Formatting As Phone Number From Text?

Jan 13, 2014

I am trying to format a cell (in Excel 2010) as a phone number. The problemis that the data comes over from our download as text. Is there an easier way then using the 'SUBSTITUTE' function to change format to a true phone number (so that we can mail merge into WORD)? Since it is extracted out as a text, using the 'phone number' format (under special) will not work. Using the 'SUBSTITUTE' formula to remove the parenthesis', the dash and the space work but is cumbersome.

Below is an example of the text format that is being extracted: (706) 378-7585

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Excel 2010 :: How To Separate Text From A Phone Number In One Cell

Jan 11, 2014

I have a 2010 version of MS Excel. I have roughly 10000 cells that I need to separate into two columns from one cell.

Here is an example of one cell "John Smith 888-8888".

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Excel 2010 :: Automatically Change Text Entries To Set Number ID / VBA?

Jul 24, 2014

Basically I first want to be able define around 100 variables such as:

Dog = 1
Cat = 2
Mouse = 3

And so on. The reason being my final data needs to be the numbers for it's purpose but because there are so many I can't possibly remember them all to just type out 23 | 44 | 76 | 2 etc. What I would like to then happen is that whenever I type out the words in a cell it's automatically replaced with the number ID.

So typing in


would automatically result in


In those cells when I hit enter or at the end in one go. Is this at all possible in Excel 2010?

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Excel 2010 :: Modify Values In Short List Of Currencies In Home / Number Toolbar

Jun 27, 2013

I recently moved to Central America and now am working on models that are either in $ or in the local currency (Q). I do not want to change my default currency value in the regional settings of the control panel because it is more convenient for me to stay in $ but it is a pain everytime I want to set a worksheet in Q and not in $.

So, I am wondering how I can change the default values in the currency drop-down list on the Home toolbar under Numbers in Excel 2010.

Currently, it gives me the change to apply the following currencies:

- $ English (US)
- £ English (UK)
- € Euro (€ 123)
- ¥ Chinese (PRC)
- fr. French (Switzerland)

Instead of either the £, ¥ or fr., I would like to have listed the Q, my other frequently used currency.

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Excel 2010 :: Expand Text Number Range Into Separate Cells

Feb 20, 2014

Using Excel 2010.

I have data in excel which looks like this:

Column 1 has 1200-1209,1300-1350,1523-1563
Column 2 has 1400-1409,1600-1650,1823-1863

I would like to take the range of e.g. 1200-1209 and have excel put 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 into separate adjacent cells for me. And be able to do this for each column/cell of data I have like this.

Column 1 1200
Column 2 1201
Column 3 1202

Like that only. Is it possible?How?

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Concatenate Cells Referencing Another Tab - How To Get Rid Of 0s In Resulting String

Jan 10, 2014

I am trying to combine text from multiple cells into one cell. I am referencing cells that reference cells on another tab. I have tried several formulas (see attached) but I have not been able to get rid of the zeros in the resulting string. I know I could reference the original cells, but I would like to find a solution to this without using VBA.

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Excel 2000 - If A1 Equal Or Less Than 1000 Multiply By B1 Otherwise Multiply By C1

Oct 30, 2013

Excel (2000), what formula would I use to accomplish the following?

If A1 equal or less than 1000 value, multiply by B1, otherwise multiply by C1.

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Comparing A String To Values In An Array Resulting In A Run Time Error 1004

Jul 15, 2009

This workbook is designed to prompt the user with inputboxes allowing them to enter a name, hyperlink a file to that name, and then a date. Next all the drawing names are read into an array and stored. Along with some minor sheet formatting, this is what happens when the button "Add Drawing" is clicked.

Next, when the button "Revise Drawing" is clicked, the user will be prompted with an inputbox for a drawing name. This name will be compared to the names in the array. If the name is found, the row containing that drawing will selected and the user will be prompted to update the hyperlink, then the "drawing date" will be moved to the right by one column, then the user will be prompted for another date replacing the date that was moved. The first sequence of commands or button works fine. The button "Revise Drawing" prompts the user with the inputbox requesting the revised drawing name, then develops the runtime error 1004.

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Excel 2010 :: Can't Delete Filtered / Visible List Rows From List Object

May 19, 2014

I have pulled a SharePoint list into my workbook. The list object (table) is still linked to the SharePoint list, as I'd like to synchronize it later on. I have filtered it with an autofilter. I'd like to delete all of the visible rows. I have tried a billion things to no avail. I have been searching Google for hours now. None of the examples work.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Reference Unit Price In List Two Based On Date In List One

Mar 8, 2012

I'm using Excel 2010 on a Windows 7 machine.

I have one sheet with a large list of dates and total prices.

I have a second sheet with a list of dates and unit prices.

I want to divide the total price in my first list by the unit price on my second list.

I want to somehow point Excel to the date in the first list, and then lookup the corresponding date in the second list to use the correct unit price.

My thoughts thus far have been along using VLOOKUP with WEEKNUM and YEAR but I've been unsuccessful.

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Match Row That Contains Text Text String; List Associated Values From Pivot Table

Mar 28, 2009

refer to the attached workbook for reference. I am looking for a function in Sheet1, Column E that will search for the value of Sheet1, Column A within Sheet2, Column A. When a match is found, the function should look across Sheet2, Columns B - V for values of 1. When such values are found, the function should return the associated value from Sheet2, Row 2. There may be multiple values of 1, and as such, the function should separate values with a comma.

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Excel 2010 :: Set Row Height Based On First 14 Characters In String?

Feb 23, 2012

Excel 2010; I am setting row heights on the basis of some parameters. I have the following statement;

If targetCell.Value = "Photo Comment: " Then
targetCell.RowHeight = 185

But what I really want is to recognize only the phrase;

"Photo Comment:" in a text string that might be much longer e.g,

"Photo Comment: The photo above depicts yata, yata.........."

So, I want to recognize the first 14 character as "Photo Comment:" and then have the row height adjust to 185. So it involves "Left" and "Len" (I'm thinkin') but the syntax is beyond me.

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Excel 2010 :: Nth Character In A String - Parsing Shortcut?

Feb 1, 2013

I have an Excel sheet with lots of shortcuts in the first column. It's the entire shortcut, including the .lnk extension.

What I need to do is to be able to parse out the string to make the shortcut human readable when I create the hyperlink. I'm saving the output as HTML for a user to open these shortcuts. It's on an internal LAN & secure. Using various versions of Excel (2010, 2007 & 2003, predominately the first). Trying to make an ugly, 140+ character shortcut into a more readable form for web navigation purposes.

Up to a point, the shortcuts are similar:

but, later on, they vary from that point out.


The strings are the same up to the 7th occurrence of the "" character, but after that, the foldernames start to change & the shortcut may be down a level (an extra folder) or more. Also, the lengths of the strings change as well, so I can only do positional parsing up to a point.

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Check If Text String In Cell With Other Text Is In List

Mar 27, 2008

I have a sheet in which some of the cells have two strings separated by a linefeed. I have come up with a cumbersome formula which will let me check if either of the two strings is a member of a list stored on another sheet. However, it fails if there is only one string in the cell, presumably as there is no linefeed for the formula to find. How can I modify the formula to cope with this situation?

There are also on occasions, three strings in the cell, but I can't seem to access the middle string with the formula. Simplified spreadsheet attached to show the problem. This must be formula-based, as we have a no VBA policy. If you think there is better way of doing this, please let me know.

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Excel 2010 :: Find String And Delete Column On All Worksheets

Jul 9, 2014

Why my code is not working. I am working with Excel 2010. It will only delete the column on the active spreadsheet and not go to next worksheet. Not all worksheets contain the word "Broker".

[Code] ......

Not sure if its something to do with Activecell, try After:=ws.cells(1,1) or passing it in as the active cell stays the same i think.

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Excel 2010 :: Copy Entire Row If Cell Contains Specific String

Apr 5, 2012

I am a total newb to excel and vb, and only have minimal experience in embedded C.

I have a very large spreadsheet with 9 columns and the max number of rows that excel supports (office 2010).

What I want to do is copy the entire row of data IF a cell in that row contains a specific string I'm interested in.

If it's necessary, the column that contains the values that would trigger a row copy would be column C and the data would be pasted onto a new sheet.

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Excel 2010 :: Search For A String In Contents Of Range Of Cells

Sep 26, 2013

I have a range of cells each containing different values. Each of these different cells has a related date contained in the row underneath.

I want to be able to search the range of cells and find it in the contents of a cell and return the corresponding date from the row below.

Excel 2010


Row A4:O4 is the range of cells to be tested. Row A5:O5 are the corresponding dates. Cell B1 is the value I want to search for and B2 is where the date I would like to appear.

In the example shown I'd like 01-Sep to appear in B2.

I'm using Excel2010 and Windows 7.

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Excel 2010 :: Build A String For Criteria1 Field In VBA For Auto Filtering

Oct 3, 2013


ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AM$14502").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:= _ "30/06/2013"

When I run the above on my Worksheet to Filter for Rows not equal to 30/06/13 this works fine

I want amend the Criteria1 to a string that is derived off a value in my worksheet I have done this as below where Range("D8").Value is 30/06/13

It is deleting al my data and not keeping the rows with 30/06/13 in it.


Dim rng As Range
Dim LastQtrDate As Date
Dim LastQtrDateString As String
LastQtrDate = shtControlTab.Range("D8").Value
LastQtrDateString = "" & LastQtrDate


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Excel 2010 :: ODBC Connection String With Multiple Variable (WHERE) Requirements

Dec 29, 2013

With VBA in Excel 2010 I am connecting to a SQL server by using ODBC.

This is a two part process:

Part one:I have created a connection string that gets me the following data: A, B, C, D, E from sheet tpoPurchOrder Where B is equal to "1" And Where C is equal to a changing field under Sheets("Macros").Range("B2")

Here is part one


Sub Part1()
Sheets("Open PO by Vendor").Select
Sheets("Open PO by Vendor").Cells.Clear
With ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=0, Source:= _
"ODBC;DSN=Connection;Description=Description;UID=USER;PWD=PASSWORD;APP=Microsoft Office 2010;WSID=Workstation;DATABASE=Database" _
, Destination:=Range("$A$1")).QueryTable


Part one works perfectly.

Part two is where I have problems.Part two is a little different because I have the same connection, but what changes is the table that I am looking at "tpoPOLine" instead of "tpoPurchOrder" and the where is now going to have a variable number of commands.

I want part two to be depend on part one. Under part one I want the result from column E to be a where statement in part two.

As follows:

In particular: *E3 from Part 1*, etc.

"SELECT tpoPOLine.Status, tpoPOLine.POKey, tpoPOLine.ItemKey, tpoPOLine.POLineNo, tpoPOLine.UnitCost, tpoPOLine.ExtAmt" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "FROM mas500_DII_app.dbo.tpoPOLine tpoPOLine" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "WHERE (tpoPOLine.POKey=*E2 from Part 1*) OR (" _
, _
"tpoPOLine.POKey=*E3 from Part 1* ) OR (tpoPOLine.POKey=*E4 from Part 1*)" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "ORDER BY tpoPOLine.POKey" _

Now my problem is that sometimes the E column from part one ends up being 1 row, sometimes it ends up being 50 rows. I would like the code to change accordingly.

1. Pull everything from the SQL server filter once in excel. This is not as efficient as the database has ~300,000 rows in the tpoPOline table and would take a lot longer then needed.

2. Create a nested if table and


WHERE (tpoPOLine.POKey=*E2 from Part 1*) OR (tpoPOLine.POKey=*E3 from Part 1* ) OR (tpoPOLine.POKey=*E4 from Part 1*)"

to the value of that nested if table

The nested if table would be something like =if(isblank(E2),"E1",if(isblank(E3)... etc for ~50 rows. I know the syntax is incorrect but you get my point.

3. Rerun the query for each value in column E. That would require the connection to happen ~50 times which would not be that great, as well as I would have to copy and paste the data after each run as the tables cannot overlap.

What I am looking for is a way to run this only once, on one sheet, without writing a nested if table with 50 if's.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Change Excel Formatted Table Name Dependent On Number Of Loops

Jul 9, 2012

Recorded macro. The hope is to insert a excel formatted table a set number of times. I have found a loop code that references a Cell A1 and repeats that amount of times. So if A1= 10. There should be 10 tables inserted. However on the second time there is a fault with the table name. I need the name to change each time the loop is run. ie Table1, Table2, Table3 etc up until the loop stops (A1 contents).

I am using excel for windows 2010. The macro that i have so far is below.

Sub LoopTest()
Dim n
Dim V
V = ActiveCell.Value

[Code] ........

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