Concatenate Two Strings With Date Omitting Missing Information

Jun 26, 2014

I have the following formula:


But if both cells are empty I get : EXP: VP DATE

If only one is empty, i get EXP: 08/26/19 VP DATE or EXP: VP DATE 06/27/14

But I do not want EXP: or VP Date text to show if the content of the AK# or AL# is empty. I figured I will place something like If(ak#="","",

But it give me a "Too many arguments" error.

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Concatenate Strings In A Formula

Aug 10, 2007

I am writing a macroI have three variables named "name", " book", and "count". In previous statements these variables have all been defined as String, String, Integer respectively. I am trying to uses all of these variables in the same formula and am encountering issues. The formula I wish to use it in is:

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNT('[" & book & "]" & name & "!'""B6:B" & count & ")"

Where if book = Book1 ; name = "Sheet1" ; and Count = 100 I would want the following result: "=COUNT('[Book1]Sheet1!B6:B100)"

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Excel 2010 :: Replace Function Missing Strings In Merged Range?

Jun 11, 2014

I've recently been making a macro in visual basic that loops through all my excel files and replaces an old company name to a new company name and It's working great, well except for one thing... It always misses one string in the file and it leaves me with 90% of the file corrected. I think that the string might be a part of a merged range so Range.Find is not able to find it. I was suggested to use this code:

[Code] ......

Because that's the code that is generated when using the replace function in MS Excel 2010, but I keep getting syntax errors?

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Concatenate Multiple Strings Of Text With Formatting

Aug 20, 2013

I am trying to concatenate multiple strings of text where each may have composite or compound formatting. Is there any way to maintain the formatting? The Characters.Insert method won't work because the resulting string is greater than 255 characters. See an example below.

String 1: When you simply concatenate
String 2: these strings, Excel discards
String 3: formatting at the character level.

Required Result: When you simply concatenate these strings, Excel discards formatting at the character level.

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CONCATENATE Function To Merge 2 Strings Together Into A Single Cell

Apr 20, 2009

I have been using the CONCATENATE function to merge 2 strings together into a single cell. However the problem is, the third concatenated cell depends on the other 2 existing. The idea is I want to take 2 columns of data, and use a formula to merge them, then delete the original 2 data columns so I have a single column with the full data merged.

COL 1 (A3) = First Name
COL 2 (B3) = Last Name
COL 3 (C3) = Full Name (wanted)

So I do =CONCATENATE(A3,B3) and that puts the fullname in C3, but I want to sort of "flatten" C3 so that I have the fullname by itself and I can delete the original cells (A, and B)

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Concatenate Function To Join Some Text Strings To A Cell On A Different Sheet

Jan 11, 2010

I have been trying to use the concatenate function to join some text strings to a cell on a different sheet - From an input sheet -Sheet 1 named Input, to a Notification Form (Sheet 2). Although the Function Argument display tells me that it will display the result I want it actually displays just the formula. It's a very simple thing

Address 1 10 Downing Street
Address 2 Westminster
Address 3 London
Postcode SW1A 1AA

I want displayed as: 10 Downing Street, Westminster, London, SW1A 1AA in a single merged cell. All I am getting on the Form is =concatenate(Input!c25," ",Input!c26," "Input!c27," "Input!c28). I feel sure that it is a very easy solution but I can't arrive at it!!

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Compare For Dupes And Add Missing Cell Information

May 8, 2009

I would like to compare email addresses for dupes and add missing PIN number in Column F Sheet 1 from Column F in sheet 2. Is this feasable and relatively simple? I have enclosed a test example as teh acutual scenario has thousands of entries.

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Excel 2003 :: Concatenate Text Strings From Column Using Multiple Criteria Condition (formula)

Dec 20, 2012

I am looking for a way of creating the following conditioned concatenation.

I have two tables, let's call them "summary" and "detailed".

The "detailed" table is something like the following:





The "summary" table below gets info from the "detailed" table. The 'ID'is now unique. I'm looking for a formula on the 'VOL (concatenated)' column cells it should get all rows from the "detailed" table with the same ID and then concatenate the 'VOL' column results, comma separated:

ID (unique)
VOL (concatenated)

V01, V03, V05

V01, V04


PS: I have people using this table with office 2003, so compatibility is necessary...

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Concatenate With Loop Through 2 Columns Of Information

May 28, 2014

I have a list of names with blank cells in Column A cell 2.

I want the programme to scroll through this column until it finds a name, when it does I want it to look in cell offset(1, 1), in this case B3 to see if there is a number. I want this number to be moved to offset (0, 1) AND any subsequent numbers below it until the next blank cell in that column (B).

In the attached image cell B2 will contain all numbers in cells B3:B9 with a / between them. Cell B10 will have number from B11 and B12 will have B13:B15. If there is no number it will just continue to the next name in column A. My rough code below delivered the first number only in the relevant cell and I'm not clever enough to get it right. It does not have to be super slick as it's for one time use.

I need numbers in column B cleared as they are concatenated into the single cell.


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Concatenate Two Cells One Containing A Date Preserving The Date Format

Jan 24, 2007

I have two cells. Cell A1 contains ‘The date is ’ cell B1 is formatted in the date format, 2007-01-24. I need to concatenate these two cells so that on cell C1 I have ‘The date is 2007-01-24’ but whatever I try excel keeps on changing the date to a text value and hence I am left with: ‘The date is ‘This is the date'39141 or this is the date 39141. how to get to the result that I am after?

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Date And CONCATENATE (add The Date As A Referenced Cell)

Jan 8, 2010

I'm having a problem getting the date to show up when I add the date as a referenced cell to a formula using CONCATENATE. The date shows up as a serial value instead of a date format. The formula that I'm trying to get to work is in cell J7 on the attached file.

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Find Missing Entries For Given Date?

Mar 12, 2013

How I can go about finding missing entries. I have an excel sheet that has column A as employee name and column E with a date. There are 10 employees so there should be 10 entries for each date. I need to be able to determine which employee hasnt entered information for a given date.

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Extract Date From Cell With Other Strings

Dec 22, 2008

i have data in column A and i want extract to column B only the date from this data. Date start on diferent position.

col. A
1 text text 10.10.1998 text
2 text10.12.2001
3 10.12.2004
4 10.12.2005 text text

i want this result
col. B
1 10.10.1998
2 10.12.2001
3 10.12.2004
4 10.12.2005

i try solution from other thread, but it doesnt works for me.

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Finding A Missing Date And Listing Name From Next Column

Jan 27, 2010

I am try to show a list of all rows that have a missing date in column "B" and then show the corrasponding name in the next column "C". I can find the first one on the sheet and how many have missing dates using:

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Format Date: Type Library Is Missing

Nov 23, 2006

I have a problem with the format( Date) function.

On the computer I've developed the application everything works but when running the application on another computer I get a compilation error telling that the project or library doesn't exist

This is quite urgent so I really appreciate a quick solution.

On the computer that fails it says that Type Library is missing when looking at accessible references. Can this be something explaining the problem ?

Private Sub Workbook_OpenTest()
Dim varWeekW As String

varWeekW = Format(Date, "YYWW") ' Here it fails

End Sub

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Check Date & Time For Missing Hours

Aug 7, 2007

I have a column A with some dates at this format "dd-mm-yyyy hh-mm".
In this list, some hours are missing, and I don't know which ones.

In order to find the missing hours, I created an additional column B, displaying all the hours, this way:
B1=01-01-2006 00:00:00

And then : B2=B1+"01:00:00"

Then, in column C, I compare both columns A and B:

As a result, I first get some "ok", and then more and more "missing" statements, even though the dates look the same.

I checked the numerical values of my dates. At the first "missing" statement, I saw that there is a slight difference in the numerical values, at small decimals...

Can you tell me how to define my date /time in a good way, in order to avoid this kind of problems, please?
(I could take the int part of the numbers, but this could lead to further errors, so I prefer to define my dates in the right way, from the beginning).

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Extracting Date From Text Strings Of Different Length

May 9, 2008

Am trying to devise a formula that will allow me to extract a date (not stored in date format or recognizable by excel as such: "DEC1/09") and then manipulate it so that excel can recognize it and change it to a "1-Jan-01" form. Problem for me is that functions such as LEFT MID and RIGHT are very specific and sensitive obviously to any additional characters. some of my dates are preceded by "CAN BND 4.25/09"; "CANB BND 4.25/09"; "BC BND 4.25/09" and so on, you get the idea im sure that they are of differing lengths. The dates are equally strewn around as some (these are bond maturities) are 1st of the month while others may hold dates in the middle-end...15th, 30th, 31st etc.

is there a formula that will recognize the dates in the text strings regardless of string length and then a subsequent formula to manipulate the date to proper format?

i.e. "CAN BND 4.25/09 DEC1/09" and "CANB BND 4.25/07 JUN15/07"

Converted into: "01-Dec-09" and "15-Jun-07"

Not that the other parts of the string don't matter, already have macro that can recognize and rip bond coupons.

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Count Strings/Text Within Date Range

May 2, 2008

I am very comfortable with VBA but I usually avoid using formulas if at all possible (unfortunately, I have, formulas are unavoidable (by request).. so formulas it is)

I will try to explain

Column A is a list of dates (ever expanding)
Column B is a list of names ( multiple entries of various names but aligned with various dates)
Column H is a list of names (each possible name which can appear in column B, no duplicates)

Cell I1 = A Date
Cell J1 = A Date
(forming a date range)

Basically what I need to do is:

= COUNTIF(B:B,H2) - but only count it if it is withing the date range (>=I1 & <=J1)

I have tried wrapping it in an IF statement but I can't seem to get it to work.

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Fill In Date And Time Where Missing On 3 Minutes Interval

Jul 20, 2012

I am having trouble getting a VBA code to do the following:

2012/05/01 00:00:00
2012/05/01 00:03:00
2012/05/01 00:06:00
2012/05/01 00:15:00
2012/05/01 00:18:00

From this above to this below

2012/05/01 00:00:00
2012/05/01 00:03:00
2012/05/01 00:06:00
2012/05/01 00:09:00
2012/05/01 00:12:00
2012/05/01 00:15:00
2012/05/01 00:18:00

There are data entries next to these time stamps. I am able to create just the time stamps starting at the beginning and ending at the end of the month but I need it to fill in missing entries in a data set. The code below works but only some of the time. I have tried a few different things but nothing works.

Sub Insert_missing_3min()
'Inserts a row with the date and time where the missing date and time stamp is and a zero next to the date added.

Dim min3 As Date
Dim CurTime As Date
Dim CurCell As Date
Dim NextCell As Date

min3 = 3 / 24 / 60

[Code] ........

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Sep 26, 2007

I am using the concatenate function, however my date field, instead of maintaining its 08/07/07 state, changes to the annoying 5 digit 33935 number.

Even if I cut and paste it as special / values, it stays as the 5 digit number. Can this be avoided somehow?

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Finding Strings In VLookup Value - Embedded In Larger Strings Within Table Array

Dec 20, 2012

I need to do a vlookup that takes a string from one cell and then tries to find that string (embedded in a larger string) in the table array

Essentially I imagine this involves the FIND function at some point.

Attached is an incredibly simplified example of what I'm looking for.

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Split Date / Time Strings To Separate Cells

Jul 15, 2014

splitting out date/time strings to separate cells, but I cannot find how to split the following.

I have the serviceable date of an aircraft delivery set as 'S hh:mm dd-mmm-yy', which is due to being used by an external application in this format. This is entered by the user and I need to be able to extract the date time strings and switch them to dd-mmm-yy hh:mm, excluding the S from the result as a formula in another cell.

I keep getting a #value error or returning the whole string result.

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Compare Two Columns, If Missing Insert Missing Data

Jul 8, 2008

I have two columns which i want to compare, they contain text data such as A123.

what I'd like is if its in column A and not in Column B then add to bottom of column A.

Once its in column A i can do the vlookup's to draw the other data, costs etc, over but don't know how to identify, and add, the missing codes to the list.

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Concatenate A Date With Some Text

Feb 2, 2009

I am concatenating a date with some text. However, after concatenating, the date becomes a text string. How do I preserve the date format? Pls see the attached file.

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Concatenate From Two Date Input

Apr 7, 2009

i have this concatenate problem from dates... see the attached file. if i copy and paste as special value.. it puts the date values aswell.. i cant seem to put there only numbers.. if i wanted to use concatenate..

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Concatenate Date With Text

Feb 25, 2007

I have a date, 03/17/2007, in column A
I have the word, Cashiers in column B

I want to concatenate the 2 and use this in a vlookup. Can this be done? If so could someone explain please?
I keep getting the N/A error on this.

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Concatenate String And Date...

Apr 12, 2007

when i concatenate two cells (the word "excel" and today's date), i get
excel 39183...? i would like: excel 4/11/2007

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Merge Date/time Value , Concatenate ?

Sep 3, 2008

how can i merge Date 1 and Time 1 into a cell ? And give me mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format? And then a subtraction on 9/3/2008 0:00:40 - 9/2/200823:31:25, which give me a hh:mm:ss result?

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Concatenate A Field With Date And Time

Jun 5, 2009

What i need is to be able to concatenate a field such that it includes current system year,month,day and time. My attached spreadsheet illustrates my current formatting to achieve year,month,day. But I seem to be challenged in getting the current time to display properly.

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Concatenate Date And Text In A Cell

May 2, 2007

I am trying to concatinate a cell to show both text and date (in format mmmm dd yyyy) using a vlookup from another worksheet.

Below is the coding I have in the cell:
="High Importance Request - effective " & VLOOKUP(1,'Fuel Surcharge Key Dates'!$A$6:$E$65536,2,FALSE)

The result I get in the cell from the formula is: I still get it to come out to 39327 instead of June 4 2007

The vlookup in the formula above retrieves a date that has a cell custom formatted to mmmm d, yyyy ... as this cell is not a date that is entered by a user but is further retrieved by another vlookup of dates. Even if I place the VLOOKUP in cell A3, reformat that cell to be a date and change the coding in the formula to:
="High Importance Request - effective " & A3. I still get it to come out to 39327 instead of June 4 2007

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