Conditional Formatting Of Named Range Query?

Feb 27, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with several worksheets in it. The main sheet contains a calendar view that is fed from a separate sheet with holiday date ranges. This aspect works well and displays correctly in the main calendar view.

I am now adding in additional conditional formatting to each cell. As a first example i want the calendar to display bank holiday days by colouring the cell (lets say black). I am using conditional formatting only and have used the following formula;


Holidays is a named range, separate sheet (A2:A13).
C6 is the date value field (runs C6 through AN6 - perpetual calendar)

It evaluates the cell (i can see, TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,...) and will only shade the cell if the date value field is equal to the first date in the Holidays named range. if this is not the case (FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,...) the field value is set to "0".

how i can change this, entered as conditional format formula, to set the cell to "1" if any are evaluated as TRUE regardless of where they come in the name named range.

I want to additionally add in, from separate worksheets in the same workbook, face to face meetings and conference calls. I have assumed that i will use the same method to do this as Bank Holidays.

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Conditional Formatting Using Named Range

Aug 15, 2014

I have a sheet called Quote Summary and a sheet called AssemblyBoms.

In the Bom sheet, I have a named range for QtyPer and a named range for unit price because these ranges are dynamic.

On the quote summary sheet, I want to format the cell (A9 and eventually A9 to A28 and so on), which contains a formula right now that only references a tag and does some equivalence checking


to have a yellow background if QtyPer>0 but unit price = "" or 0. I know the formulas for this, but it is not formatting anything. Attached workbook below.


Conditional Formula for true:
="AND(qtyper1 > 0, unita1 = "")"

I typed it in without the = or "", but the formatting added those in for me.

I typed a number in the qtyper1 range and left the unita1 range blank to test it and no formatting has occurred.

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Excel 2007 :: Crashing Using Named Range In Conditional Formatting?

Feb 10, 2014

I have one simple (but large table). It has dates across the top (formatted in hh format). I would like the associated table to format according to the day and also to format differently when there is a public holiday. So I have built a table with the holidays and named the relevant cells as "Holiday_Valid".

I have the following formula in the conditional formatting;


Where D11 has the current day in question and Holiday_Valid is a list of public holidays. Since there is a cell for each hour of each day I am using "int()".

There is a second conditional format to format Sundays differently as below;

[Code] .....

My problem is that these both work well....but then after a few minutes the whole sheet crashes with those dreaded "Trying to recover your data" and "Excel will restart" etc.

I have removed references to named ranges and so far - so good....but this means putting the validation table in the same sheet as the main table. In the past I have been able to use named ranges (albeit not in such convoluted formulae), but now it seems that it is not working any longer.

When I open the recovered sheet, all the conditional formatting has been removed and the message from the repairs is that there was some invalid conditional formatting.

Extensive web searches did show some issues with conditional formatting using names ranges....especially with frozen panes....which I need use with a sheet this big.

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Excel 2007 :: Applying Conditional Formatting To A Dynamic Named Range?

Jul 10, 2012

I have an Excel 2007 Workbook which is refreshed by a Web Query. I have dynamic named range defined as "Manager" which I've confirmed is correctly identified. This range includes only one column and is formatted as text.

When I try to reference this range in my conditional formatting "refers to" formula, all cells are recognized as blank even though the range clearly contains many cells that are not. For example, there are 90 records containing the initials "PD". If I use the formula =Manager="PD" in my conditional formatting, nothing changes. If I change it to =Manager="" then ALL records are formatted, including those that are not blank.

Stranger still, if I enter the formula =COUNTIF(Manager,"PD") into and empty cell in my worksheet those 90 records are counted correctly. Which leads me to believe it isn't about the data. Conversely, =COUNTIF(Manager,"") returns the correct count of only cells that are, in fact, blank.

I've tried using the OFFSET formula defining my range in place of the name itself for my conditional format formula to no avail.

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Conditional Formatting On Different Rows With Different Query

Aug 20, 2013

I have the following data:

Jan Feb March Q1 TargetThreshhold
£ 2,067 £ 1,978 £ 2,161 £ 2,100 £ 2,310

£ 1,492 £ 1,422 £ 1,611 £ 1,600 £ 1,760
£ 2,718 £ 2,683 £ 3,263 £ 2,400 £ 2,640
£ 2,853 £ 2,335 £ 2,481 £ 2,300 £ 2,530
£ 1,412 £ 1,533 £ 1,526 £ 1,600 £ 1,760
£ 1,067 £ 1,133 £ 1,246 £ 1,400 £ 1,540

And I am wanting to use conditional formatting. But wondering if there is an easier way than what I have at the moment.

The Formatting im using is:

=$C4>=$G4 Where value is TRUE the cell returns red and this applies at the moment to the First Row.

Is there a way I can get Conditional formatting to recognise the next cells without typing for each set of rows.

aka Row B would Read =$D4>=$G4
Row C would read =$E4>=$G4


Id rather not have to do a conditional format for each row as I have about 50 rows of data to do this to

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Conditional Formatting Query: Changes Colour When Certain Text Is Entered

Sep 10, 2009

I have a column of cells that changes colour when certain text is entered into them, ie "TIME" will make the fill colour brown. However, when other text is entered into the cell alongside "TIME", the conditional formatting doesn't change the colour of the cell. How do i get around this so it picks up on the "TIME" text even when other text exists alongside it?

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Conditional Formatting Based On 5 Named Ranges

Jan 6, 2010

i edited this thread becuase I realized why I was getting the wrong results, however, I am completely clueless on how I need to accomplish the task below.

I need to apply formatting based on five named ranges on another sheet. if the values in cell F1:F1000 appears in the named range "datestore" and the corresponding value in range h2:h1000 appears any of the named ranges "date1" through "date5" I would like it to fill the cell yellow.

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Conditional Formatting - Highlight A Reg Number If It Is Also Typed Into Sheet Named Potential Flyers?

Mar 18, 2014

I have a sheet named "Current" and in Colum A named "VRM" there are registration numbers.

I have another sheet named "Potential Flyers" again Column A is named "VRM"

I would like in Sheet named "Current" to highlight a Reg Number if it is also typed into Sheet named Potential Flyers.

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Formatting Named Range Via VBA

Sep 23, 2013

A collection of cells as been set as range and named "ShowPrice_"

I want to set the number format for these cells to be "##0.000" using VBA

ShowPrice_.Format ("##0.000")

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Conditional Format A Named Range?

Nov 18, 2013

I am trying to use conditional formatting to basically unhide a named range when a specific text is input into a range of cells from C23:C32. I have taken the named range "Screw_Test" and changed the formatting to make it hidden. White text on white background, that sort of thing. What I would like is to change the background color and text color back to something visible when the following is met. In C23:C32 I have a drop down. When Pedicle screw is picked in any of the afore mentioned cells, it would trigger the conditional formatting that would change the "Screw_Test" range (D22:F32) as a whole, making it visible. I haven't had much luck.

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Excel 2013 :: Conditional Format Named Range

Mar 15, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that keeps track of the equipment we have on rent. Whenever we have a new rental, I insert a row and enter the information. I have several conditional formats I am applying - (1) making the font a light grey so that it is hard to see on any rental that has been called off, but invoicing isn't complete on, (2) making the font red on any item that is within 3 days of the term, and highlighting any row that isn't showing an invoice in over 45 days. When anything is completed (rental has been called off, and the final invoice has been approved), I cut the row out and put it in a sheet entitled "Closed Equipment". When I cut out closed records or add new records, it will occasionally mess up my conditional formatting by only referencing one row. Additionally, I don't want the conditional formatting to transfer over to the "Closed Equipment" tab.

Would this be easier to keep clean and straight if I used VBA? Or should I just continue to occasionally check my conditional formatting and clean it up? I thought if I used a Named Range instead of cell references, it might work better, but entering named range "On_Rent" converts to the cell range ($A$4:$AA$194).

I am using Windows 8, Excel 2013. The file is on a network drive, and others in the office can look at it (they all run Windows 7, and either Excel 2010 or 2007), but they look at it so seldom.

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Conditional Formatting Against A Range

Apr 30, 2009

I have a list of names that belong to a particular group. What I want is to conditional format a sheet so that if a name is entered that does not belong to the group it is highlighted red. Don't really know how to do this though?

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Conditional Formatting A Range

Apr 13, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that has a table listing employee names in the far left hand column (A1, B1, C1, etc.). The table has a simple border - black line throughout.

I need the entire row for the employee to change to no border if the employee's name is deleted.

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Conditional Formatting For Range

Jan 8, 2010

Using the following conditional formatting formulas:

=(isblank(p99)) then the formatting of (applies to) C99:O99 will be in red and bold

=(d99="Prod.") then the formatting of C99:P99 will be blue and bold

but the results are not as expected. Is something wrong with these formulas?

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Conditional Formatting: Compare Range To Another Range

Oct 11, 2006

I was looking to use the VBA conditional formatting script posted on OzGrid and was curious if it would be easy to make some slight modifications.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim icolor As Integer
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A10")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case 1 To 5
icolor = 6
Case 6 To 10
icolor = 12
Case 11 To 15
icolor = 7
Case 16 To 20 ..........................

I can see that Case is the number range referenced to change the background...However, would it be possible to have it read a cells value as the criteria for the color change? Currently, I would like it to reference values in range I2:M2 and anything matching those cells in range A4:E28 change background to icolor = 30. I'm just not sure what to replace Case with to make it refence cells I2:M2

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Conditional Formatting With Date Range

Feb 26, 2014

I have a column of dates in column M, and in A1 I have the formula =TODAY() for today's date. I would like to conditionally format all of column M (up to row 198) so that it turns orange if the date in M is before today and after or equal to 3 working days before the date in M.

I have this
But it doesn't appear to be working because it's highlighting dates after todays date.

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Conditional Formatting: Select Range Only

Mar 31, 2009

Have a spreadsheet using the following conditional format to color highlight every other row: =MOD(ROW(),2)=1. Is there a way to apply this conditional format to all columns A through AR and all rows 1 through 24000 only?

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Conditional Formatting A Range Of Cells

Nov 26, 2009

I'd like my conditional formatting to format the range of cells red if the range K2:S2>H2. That is when the range K2:S2 are added together, and if their sum is greater than H2, format cells K2:S2 red.

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Conditional Formatting With A Moving Range

Jan 17, 2010

I have a Conditional Formatting query where in essence I am needing to ‘make invisible’ a range of data by changing the font and background fill to white (and at the same time nullifying the effects of a number of other Conditional Formats). On the surface, this seems an easy thing to achieve, but the problem is, the range I need to apply this CF is a moving range and is dependant on a user changeable date.

Description of worksheet:

The sheet is managing shifts worked over 1 year by 21 people. The top 33 rows are a frozen (and collapsing) display area below which is a matrix of 365 days down and 21 people across. The TODAY button uses a macro to scan the dates and display todays entry directly beneath the freeze line of row 33. The date in M28 can be entered manually and after hitting enter, that dates data is now displayed under the freeze line. Also, using the spin button will increment or decrement the date in M28 moving the entire matrix up or down.

My query..........

What I’m hoping to achieve, is to display ONLY the data selected by the date in M28 (ie that shown under the freeze line, and for all remaining rows to be ‘whited out’, but as the user increments/decrements M28, then the “whiteout” range also needs to increment/decrement. I have whited out a second worksheet “example” as if I had selected 18 Jan (this sheet will not move as there are no buttons, but the data is still there under the whiteout).

I hope this is not TOO unclear, but I would be grateful if anyone could suggest a solution or even tell me if this is not possible – or indeed any other way of achieving the same result ( I had thought of hiding the rows below the freeze line, but the freeze/unfreeze operation would probably be too jerky.

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Use Conditional Formatting On Range Of Cells?

Jan 23, 2013

What I am trying to do, is apply conditional formatting to a range of cells (for example, A2:J2) based on whether the data in one of the cells (D2) contains "Yes" or "No". I would like the entire range of cells to be one color if D2 contains "Yes", and another color if D2 contains "No". If needed, this can be split into 2 different conditional formatting rules.

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Conditional Formatting From Given Cell Range

Feb 12, 2013

I have a range of data on sheet1 say A1:A10 with random letters in each cell. On sheet2, I also have random letters and number in column A. What am trying to do is find a formula which if any of the data on sheet1 can be found in say A1 of sheet2 then shade the cell a given colour or if formula in B2 then show True otherwise false if not found. then do the same for the remainder of the cells on sheet2 which am assuming will be to just copy the formula in B1 of sheet2 or the conditional format in A1 whichever comes first.

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Conditional Formatting Range Of Cells?

May 19, 2014

I am wondering if there is a quicker way to set up conditional formatting for a range of cells. In my projects, I have a range of cells N7:U16, where each row (7-16) would need to have a cell formatted based on a value in the cell adjacent to the range. I.e. the cell in range for row N7:U7 needs to be formatted based on the value in V7, and so on down for for rows 7 thru 16. Said another way, if the cell in the row range between n7:u7 = v7, then the cell in the range is uniquely formatted.

But I want to apply this logic all at once, instead of having to conditional format each row individual. The trick is that the cell with the value that I am comparing to is variable (i.e. V7:V16), but does correspond with the row I am comparing it to.

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Using An Array/range In Conditional Formatting

Feb 21, 2007

I have this :

1 7
1 27
5 3
5 7
5 31
5 35
5 39
5 59
9 7
9 11
9 31

I need a formula to use with conditional formatting that "lights up" the corresponding cells. So, in this case cells A7, A27, E3... should "light up".
Is this possible, or should I use VB?

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Conditional Formatting For Range Of Cells

May 24, 2007

conditional formatting a range of cells where i need more than 3 conditions, so please see below and can anyone kindly construct some vba code for me to do this (And if you have time to explain how it works so i have a good understanding of this)

Range R6 to R299 contains delivery dates
Range AO6 to AO299 is = to the corresponding cells in Range R but formatted to show the Day

Cell AL1 contains a date which changes on a Thursday to show the following week commencing date.

What i am after is code so that Range AO6 to AO299 changes cell colour to the following criteria

less than AL1 (White)
Is between AL1 & AL1+7 (Blue)
Is between AL1+7 & AL1+14 (Green)
Is between AL1+14 & AL1+21 (Yellow)
Is between AL1+21 & AL1+28 (Pink)

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Highlight Row Range - Conditional Formatting

Apr 28, 2007

I have a spreadsheet of flight schedules (it has person's name and other details). How do you highlight the row within the table when a cell in the row has today's date and another condition when date is today+1

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Conditional Formatting: Format The Range

Jul 5, 2007

I have a range A1:A20. Each cell in this range contains a number between 1 and 100. I'd like to be able to format this range so that the top 3 or largest 3 numbers appear in red.

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Conditional Formatting That Checks Every Cell In Range?

Dec 6, 2013

So I've applied conditional formatting to columns A and B to highlight and bold any blank entries. However since those guys tend to show up a thousand rows or so down I don't have anything to alert me that there is a problem. I know that I can just filter those columns to check but I'm not the only one using this sheet so I'd really like to have a visual cue.

Is there a way to have cell J1 highlight if any of the cells in the range (A2:H3000) have been bolded?

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Conditional Formatting / Offset - Highlighting Range?

Feb 2, 2013

I am using this Formula =Sum(Offset(A1,,,D1)) where I put for example number 4 in D1 and I get the sum starting cell A1 till Cell A4

I want the range to be highlighted as well, but I don't know how to do it.

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Conditional Formatting To Change Outside Border Of Range Only?

Oct 24, 2013

I'm trying to use conditional formatting to colour the border of a range of cells when another cell has data in it.

I can get it to color all the cells borders within that range when there's data in that cell but I just want the outside of the entire range.

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Conditional Formatting Of Range Of Variable Length

Apr 30, 2009

I have an issue regarding use of conditional formatting where the range i wish to format is on variable length.

For example; lets say i want to format F15 downwards depending on there being a value in the cell, how could I do that ?

Lets say I want the cell to turn GREY if number is 0, RED if the number is below 85, GREEN if above 95 and AMBER otherwise.

How could I do that ?
Any how could i ensure it picks all rows in the range where numbers have been added

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