Conditional Formatting And Inserting Row From Another Worksheet

Oct 24, 2011

To protect formulas and formatting, I have code, which copies a row, with formatting and formulas, from a hidden sheet, unprotect the main sheet, inserts the copied row and reprotect the main sheet. This works great, except with conditional formatting.

My current conditional formatting works on the range: $A$3:$B$100. The copied row is inserted on Row 4. When done, this splits the conditional formatting to: $A$3:$B$3 and $A$5:$B$101, whether or not the copied row contains the same conditional formatting. This makes sense, but is it possible to maintain the original, all-encompassing range? Otherwise I'll end up getting thousands of conditional formatting for each insert.

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Inserting Space Between Lines In Conditional Formatting

Dec 5, 2013

I need to create a spreadsheet that has approximately 1000 rows with the same exact information in each of them prefilled (as I use the "drag-down" method). I use this chart throughout the year to enter various bits of data in each row. I also use conditional formatting in each row. The company I work for wants to have an empty space between each row.
You can create the blank rows separately and then interleave them with the existing rows by sorting. To start, insert a new column to the left of the existing column A. Enter 1 in cell A1 and highlight column A all the way to the last row that contains data. From the Edit menu select Fill | Series and click on OK. Column A should now contain numbers from 1 to the total number of rows. Press Ctrl-C to copy these cells to the clipboard, click in the cell just below the last of them, and press Ctrl-V to paste. Now highlight the entire data area, including the new rows with just a number in column A. Select Sort from the Data menu and choose the No header row option in the resulting dialog box. Under Sort by select Column A, under Then by select column B, and click on OK. Finally, delete column A. You now have a blank row after every one of the original 1,000-odd rows."

This works great for the data that I copied (with the drag down method) to all the rows. However, this method does not insert an empty line in between all the conditional formatting I have throughout the spreadsheet. This is my conditional formatting formula I have "manage rules" which is under "conditional formatting" =NOT(ISBLANK($A6)) (*please take note that this is selected for 1000 rows.) Maybe there is some kind of change in the formula that I need in order for the conditional formatting method to be copied onto every 2nd line of the 1000 rows".

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2003 Conditional Formatting From Other Worksheet Value

Aug 18, 2009

I have a series of tabs with data, 25 columns by 600 rows, all with numbers. A cell should be red and lined out if its' corresponding cell on the very last tab is less than 50. I've tried to name range the area on the last tab (RawBuyers) and use it in a Formula Is CF on the first worksheet, but I get errors.

I'm seeking help with a CF formula that I can apply to each tabs data range.

I've seen threads similar to my issue, so I apologize if this is redundant (but nothing I've found is doing the trick.)

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Conditional Formatting Criteria From Another Worksheet

Aug 24, 2007

I have a worksheet titled "detail" containing 3 cells which automatically and independently change colour subject to their proximity to various dates. On a new worksheet titled "overview" in the same workbook I would like to have one cell which changes colour if any of the 3 cells in the other worksheet are triggered.

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VBA Conditional Formatting That Works With Reference To Another Worksheet

Sep 11, 2009

I need to create conditional formatting on a worksheet where I need to change the cell colour based on 6 cases.

The VBA that I have found does not work with referenced cells to another worksheet in the workbook which I need as all the data is referenced with calculations.

I also need to specify the cells that the VBA will apply to as I need to apply 6 or 7 different different sets of conditional formatting on the same worksheet to different groups of cells.

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Conditional Formatting: VBA & Worksheet Change Event

Sep 1, 2006

I am trying to do a conditional format of 0 to 2 is red, 3 to 4 is yellow and 5 is green. However I also need to have a cell that is blank to remain white and this is the part I am having problems with.

I found the following code since I cannot use the standard conditional formating in excel since it needs 4 conditions.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim icolor As Integer

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("H3:H12")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case 0 To 2
icolor = 3
Case 3 To 4
icolor = 6
Case 5

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Display Full List Of All Conditional Formatting In Worksheet

Feb 27, 2014

I have a worksheet with a lot of different conditions applied to a lot of cells. I'd like to do some housekeeping, but to do that, I would like a clear and complete list of all cells that have conditional formats attached to them, and what the formula/criteria is for applying said format. I don't even care what the formatting is, but that would be nice too.

So, when I go to my "Conditional Formatting" screen, I get something like:

Now, this doesn't show me much of anything about what the formula actually is. I need to select it and look around. I'd rather just get a full listing of what the rule says...

And where I might have the same rule applied to different ranges of cells And so on.

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Excel 2007 :: Pull Data Into A Cell From Another Worksheet That Has Conditional Formatting?

Jul 20, 2012

I have a Workbook (Test 1) with several columns A-S. I'd like to be able to continue to add data into Test 1, and have some of the data pulled into a new Workbook (Test 2). Basically pulling data from Test 1, cols. D, L, J, E, I, C, K, Q and S - into the new workbook Test 2.

Some of the columns in Test 1 have conditional formatting and data validations, but I need the data in these columns to be replicated into Test 2 - without having to copy/paste between the 2 workbooks.

I figured how to do this in Excel 2010, but my office is still using 2007 and I can't seem to get it to work....

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Retain Formatting When Inserting Rows Via VBA?

May 21, 2014

I'm using the following code to insert rows in a table of data:

For i = LR To 2 Step -1
If Range("D" & i).Value Range("D" & i - 1).Value Then Range("A" & i).EntireRow.Insert
Next i

It works as expected, but as my data table is formatted, the last row inserted does not contain the same formatting as the table.

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Excel 2010 :: Inserting Column Without Formatting

Sep 30, 2011

Whenever I insert a column in Excel 2010 it takes the formatting from the Column to the left. I want to insert a Column without formatting. Just a blank column.

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Conditional Formatting - Two Different Fields Affect One Cells Formatting For Date?

Sep 16, 2013

A little background on what i am doing. I have a spreadsheet that tracks when i have blown the dust out of our computers. I have set up conditional formatting so that the text turns red after 300 days and the cell turns yellow after 600 days. However, some computers are in high dust environments. I would like the spreadsheet to tell me to blow the dust out of these sooner. see the attached sheet.

dust 1.xlsx

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Conditional Formatting Based On Another Cell Conditional Format

Mar 20, 2013

Is it possible to change the format of cell AI3 based on the format of cell C3 and D3? I have C3 and D3 set to turn red based on what is in cell C2 and D2. I would like the following done:

If AI3=C3 & C3 is red, format AI3 blue
If AI3=D3 & D3 is red, format AI3 blue
Otherwise, leave AI3 unformatted.


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IF Statement Using Formatting Criteria (NOT Conditional Formatting)

May 5, 2009

Is there "code" for different formatting in a spreadsheet so you can use an IF statement to do something like:

if(A1=blue background,"Yes","No")


if(A1=red text,"Yes","No")

etc.?? But replace "blue background" and "red text" with some sort of number code? I want to compile a list of the items that are formatted with certain background colors and/or text colors and then organize only those items into a chart.

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VBA To Convert Conditional Formatting To Fixed Formatting?

Jul 5, 2013

Any VBA that I can put into a macro that will convert conditional formatting into fixed formatting..? So when the cell contents/formulas are deleted the formatting remains. Assume that the range I want to convert is A1:D200...

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VBA: Inserting And Renaming A Worksheet

Jan 25, 2010

I'm relatively new to VBA and require programming help with the following:

I have created a button to add a specific worksheet template ("TE - Template") after another worksheet ("CO - Cockpit") and then name it:

Sub Add_worksheet()
Sheets("TE - Template").Select
Sheets("TE - Template").Copy After:=Sheets("CO - Cockpit")
ActiveSheet.Name = "AL - Class 1"
End Sub

However, I would like to let Excel check (via VBA) if the "AL - Class 1" worksheet already exists. If it does, the same template sheet should be added but named differently: "AL - Class 2". This should be possible for X worksheets (i.e., "AL - Class (X + 1)" everytime I add a new template worksheet. Thus, I would like to keep the same name (i.e., "AL - Class"), but with an increasing number (i.e., 1, 2, 3, X).

how I should amend the above code or supply me with a better (and efficient) way of programming this query?

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Comparing And Inserting Data From Another Worksheet

Jul 10, 2014

I have two worksheets.

1 worksheet I have a value and I need next to it the result i take from other worksheet.



The list goes on.

So Pretty much I need to compare the value "LETTERS" on the first worksheet with the array of letters from second worksheet and insert in the field of the Result, the value next to the correct find in the array of letters ...

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Inserting Userform Data Into Worksheet

Nov 23, 2007

I m trying to sort this out myself before posting but its driving me crazy! I have the following userform :-

I would like all that data entered into a worksheet called "Purchase Record" into the following cells:-

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Inserting Columns On Worksheet And Keeping Formula?

Jan 10, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that I can modify. It currently has a three product column but I need to insert 2 or 3 more columns to make 5 plus the total at the end. It also have a summary sheet. I insert the 2 columns and somehow got the formulas flowing. However when I hit the summary page its not showing results for those two new columns in the total. I am lost. I wish I could post the sheet. Its a multiple product break-even analysis exercise.

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Programmatically Inserting A Worksheet Change Event

Nov 9, 2009

I'm trying to insert a worksheet change event using VBA. I have this sample code from here -

Sub CreateEventProcedure()
Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject
Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent
Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
Dim LineNum As Long
Const DQUOTE = """" ' one " character

Set VBProj = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents("ThisWorkbook")
Set CodeMod = VBComp.CodeModule...................

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Looping & Conditional Format: Finds A "J" It Will Apply Conditional Formatting To A Row Of 4 Cells Directly Adjacent?

Feb 9, 2009

I need to run a loop through a column of values (attachment col B) and when it finds a "J" it will apply conditional formatting to a row of 4 cells directly adjacent. The attachment is a theoretical before & after.

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Cannot Shift Nonblank Cells Off The Worksheet When Inserting Row/column

Jul 12, 2006

When I try to insert a row, Excel displays the warning "cannot shift nonblank cells off the worksheet". I understand what the warning means but there are no nonblank cells at the bottom of my worksheet! Just to be sure, I have selected the bottom-most rows, cleared them, deleted them, and everything else I can think of. The warning still appears.

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Retain Formula Links When Inserting Template Worksheet

Feb 13, 2008

I have a template file which has a reference to a cell on a sheet in another workbook.

I need to copy this template to 250 workbooks. However, everytime I copy this template sheet into a workbook, it updates the reference to the template name!
Is there an absolute reference I can use for the sheetname?

Example: Workbook Template - Sheet1 - Cell A1 = Value
Workbook Template - Sheet2 - Cell A1 = Sheet1!$A$1

So for so good, but when I copy Sheet2 to a new workbook, I need to have the exact same reference; ie. Sheet1$A$1 and NOT = ['C:Workbook template']Sheet1!$a$1

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Excel 2010 :: Inserting Sheet Name Into Footer Of Every Worksheet In Workbook

Mar 26, 2013

I am trying to add the sheet name to the center footer for each worksheet in a workbook. The workbook has about 80 sheets and it is cumbersome to do this manually. I am using Excel 2010.

I have tried to record a macro capturing what I do manually, but when I run the macro on another sheet, it does not add the sheet name to the center footer.

I have tried searching for a macro online and the ones I have found just crash excel.

I know I am probably missing something obvious in my macro code.

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Formatting Worksheet: Re-adjust The Worksheet To Make It More User Friendly Based On Number Of Rows In Current Sheet

Oct 14, 2008

I have a worksheet with 30,000 rows. But sometimes even if I have fewer records in this worksheet(lets say 1000) worksheet shows the same 30,000 rows.And its annoying when you try to navigate using vertical scroll bar. Is there any option to re-adjust the worksheet to make it more user friendly based on number of rows in current sheet.

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Conditional Formatting - More Than 3

Dec 9, 2008

In a column, there are 4 option for each cell -

These are filled in by a formula

I would like to make them 4 different colours but excel only allows 3 options

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If Then Or Conditional Formatting??

Mar 5, 2009

I have a hard time when it comes to "If then" statements and conditional formatting. I have some data that I am collecting and entering into a spreadsheet for a couple different companies. Once I receive paperwork from those companies for the data collected I mark the data with a blue colored text. I would like to have a second sheet that generates what companies have not sent me their paperwork. "If the data is black text, then generate <name of company> on second sheet." The list is small right now, but as the project continues it will grow very large and it will become difficult to track. I will attach a copy of the spreadsheet for you to see the situation. I would like to learn how to do these types of formulas, is there a tutorial geared towards these types of situations?

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Conditional Formatting With Vba...?

Dec 23, 2009

I seem to have a problem using conditional formatting with Vba in Excel 2003
When I run -

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Conditional Formatting As $D8 And The RC4 As $C8 In VBA

Nov 11, 2009

Must admit the R1C1 still confuses me, but somehow I have this working. Currently the RC4 displays in conditional format as $D8 and the RC4 as $C8, but I'm confused at how it knows to start at R8? Is there any way to make the formulas read ="=$D8=""No""" instead?

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Conditional Formatting More Than Once

Feb 3, 2010

I have two spreadsheet "book1" with data in it, "book2" that takes all the information from "book1" the cells are linked in "book2" from "book1" so when someone updates "book1" the information is viewable in "book2"

In "book2" where I am getting stuck is as follows,

Column A contains data "break time" that is formatted in HH:MM:SS column B contains a "total duration" in HH:MM:SS. what I need to do is if column A data is = to or more than 4% of column B then I want to turn the cell in column A "red" if it is less then turn it "green". I have tried conditional formatting and it appears to work the once only, I dont no if this is because its 2003 and not 2007??

What I need is to repeat the conditional format over and over again forever is there any code for this I can use?

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Conditional Formatting A Row

Oct 31, 2008

I have used conditional formatting various ways to format an individual cell. I was wondering does anyone know if it is possible to conditionally format a row? Eaxmple: If D7=Manager, then format A7 through Z7. If so, how would I go about setting that up?

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