Conditional Locking Of Cell Based On Another Cell
Oct 7, 2008
This is for Excel 2007. I simply want to lock cell H20 and make it's value equal to zero if anything other than 0 is entered into H19. And vice versa (make H19 equal to 0 and lock it if anything greater than 0 is entered into H20). So only one cell can hold a value not equal to zero at a time, and the one that is zero needs to be locked. Here's what I have so far. It locks H20 based on H19 being > 0, but doesn't do the vice versa part. And it also doesn't make H20 = 0 when it locks it.
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May 26, 2009
Is it possible to write VBA code that will prevent a user from changing a cell's contents, depending on the cell's font color?
More specifically, I have a column of text in range B15:B64. Some of the cells will have a black font, others will be blue. Is it possible to lock the black font cells only, leaving the blue cells unlocked for users to change?
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Oct 10, 2008
I recently posted a thread on locking one cell if another had a value in it, and vice versa for the other cell. I got this great response (thanks se1429!) and it works GREAT, but I failed to mention that the worksheet is password protected. It asks for a password when I enter a value in one of the cells. I just need help adjusting this code so I can put my password in the code and allow the worksheet to unlock and lock at will by using this password.
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Mar 8, 2013
Is it possible to have a formula in a cell, based on the value in another cell, but if the other cell value is not true then allow for data entry in the cell
J10 executes a formula if the value in I10 (a list field) is 'Cash and Shares' =IF(I10="Cash & Share",ROUND(IF(AND(K10<>0,O10>0),K10/O10,0),0)).
However if the value of I10 is anything other than 'Cash and Shares' then do not execute the formula in J10 but allow users to enter another value.
Note: the cell needs to be locked. The worksheet will be protected and will allow users to Select Locked Cells and Unlocked Cells.
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Jul 17, 2014
Is there a way in Excel (2010) to lock data from being entered into cells based on the value in another cell? Here is an example:
Row 4 contains dates from 2015-2030 as a header starting at column C (C4 and on) that represents years of revenue. Column B contains dates as well, this date can be any year but this becomes the driver for the data input in columns C through X. Column B contains the "Delivery Date"
Data is input in Columns C and so forth. The issue becomes that let's say that the date in C4 is 2016 and this is the beginning year. Obviously there should be no inputs for 2015 (C5) and the data should start to be input for this year at 2016 (C6). Often people just begin filling in the first available year not looking at what the year actually is.
Is there a way to add a formula or some logic/protection to prevent inputs in previous rows based on the values in column B? So if the value in column B is XXXX than there can be no inputs in cells less than that value?
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Jan 29, 2007
I have copied from another post (here I believe) and modified for my situtation. I simply want a range of cells K13:U13 to stay locked unless there is an X in H13. This will repeat on down the spreadsheet, ie. K14:U14 will stay locked unless there is a X in H14. Using the script I found it seems to be working unless you go back and change one of the X's to a blank. The range stays unlocked.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim strName As String
Dim strRange As String
strName = Me.Range("H13")
If strName = "" Then
Me.Cells.Locked = True
Me.Range("H13").Locked = False
End If
strName = Me.Range("H14")
If strName = "" Then
Me.Cells.Locked = True
Me.Range("H14").Locked = False
End If..................................
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Jan 4, 2010
I have been assigned the task of creating our new integrated time and leave sheet in Excel 2007, previously we had 2 sheets, one for times and one for leave.
The problem I have is that I need to protect the authorisaton columns therre are 2 one for AM and one for PM, so that only Managers can authorise leave by inputting a password and then initialing the leave.
What I then need to do a the end of each month is for the manager to be able to click a Button with a Macro which will then lock the whole worksheet so that employees cannot change their times after the manager has checked the sheet.
I can lock the authorisation columns and password protect but I have to enable protection on the sheet, when I do this I cannot then figure out a way of running a macro which will then protect the whole sheet and assign a password to it so it cannot be changed after being checked and signed off.
I have tried to create a macro (button) to remove the protection on the 2 columns and then reapply protection to the whole sheet with another button but to no avail.....
If anyone has any suggestions I would be eternaly greatful.
Passwords on the sheet for the different buttons are abc or cobra.
You can download my Spreadsheet here.
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Sep 23, 2013
Now the problem, Each client has a sheet in a workbook. In each sheet, I input the number of days of service available to that particular client in a single cell. We'll say cell [G8] is the cell used for this input in all sheets. If the client has 30 days of service available then we type [30] in cell [G8]. Each sheet is a 100 day template. I want to shade in dark grey and lock from input the days NOT available to the client based on the days of service input in cell [G8]. If 30 days of service are available in cell [G8] then the remaining 70 days on the 100 day template would be shaded dark grey and locked from input. That is, day 31 through day 100 of the template would be locked and shaded. Each individual day has multiple cells in a column. I want to lock and shade each column of cells in each day not available.
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Oct 9, 2013
I have two columns. In column B is the date of "last check". I column A is the date of "next check". I would like to have cell A2 in yellow color 334 days after the date entered in cell A3 and than in red color 365 days after the date entered in cell A3. Same thing for cell B2 related to date entered in cell B3. Yellow color in cells announces that check will expire within 30 days and red color that check has been expired.
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Oct 24, 2007
I am trying to create conditional formating of a cell based on the value of another cell whish is linked to another sheet. I an using the "The formula is =$AA$30=1" where the cell AA30 is the cell linked to the other sheet. the problem is I have to do thiss for approx 200 cells ie =$AA$30=1, =$AB$30=1, =$AA$31=1, =$AB$31=1 --- =$AZ$42=1. Do I have to enter the formulea for each cell or is there a way to automate this?
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Apr 1, 2014
I am trying to alert our purchasing mgr when order dates are approaching or not meeting our project deadline.
As of now i have the following rulesif order date is due today or past due - redif order date it greater than project date - redif order date is due within 2wks - yellow
Now all I need is a rule where there is an order without a due date but the project deadline is within 2wks (yellow) and past due or due today (red)
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Mar 20, 2013
Is it possible to change the format of cell AI3 based on the format of cell C3 and D3? I have C3 and D3 set to turn red based on what is in cell C2 and D2. I would like the following done:
If AI3=C3 & C3 is red, format AI3 blue
If AI3=D3 & D3 is red, format AI3 blue
Otherwise, leave AI3 unformatted.
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Nov 11, 2012
Can I conditions format a cell based on data from another cell?
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Oct 3, 2008
Is it possible to have a conditional cell based on the actions of another cell in a second database sheet.
For example: A single excel file contains two database sheets. If any characters are entered into cell A1 of sheet 2, then cell A1 of sheet 1 turns grey.
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Jan 12, 2008
1. A1 needs to turn red if a value greater than $2,000 is inserted.
2. A1 will turn back to white if either "John Doe" or "Jane Doe" is inserted in B1.
3. If no value is inserted in A1, A1 needs to remain white.
4. I'll need to do the same for A2-B2, and so on.
That's it. I tried this in C1: =IF(AND(A1>2000,B1="JANE DOE"),1,IF(AND(A1>2000,B1="JOHN DOE"),1,0)).
I then used Conditional Formatting in A1 to point to C1 and turn the red in A1 off or on based on the result. Hey, it worked! Problem is, A1 needs to stay white until a value is entered, and no value entered returns 0 (red), which oddly enough is exactly what I'm telling it to do. Surprise! How do I get A1 to default to white until a value is entered in A1?
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Apr 29, 2009
I have a sheet with locked and unlocked cells.
The unlocked cells are where the user inputs data.
The user at times will grab their data from say MS word (say a number like 565399 for example). They copy it with a normal Ctrl c or right click copy.
Then they go back to the workbook and sheet, click on the proper cell and paste (via ctrl v or right click paste).
The problem is, when it pastes, it pastes then locks the cell for some reason. Then the cell can't be changed and the other macros fail because its locked. Paste special values or text works ok but I cant expect the user to realize this.
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Mar 29, 2007
I am trying to unlock a cell if another cell is a certain Value and if it is not that Value to lock again i have got as far as unlocking it but i can not get it to lock if the value is faulse. This is what i have so far!!
Private Sub Worksheet_Change1()
If ("K4") = "Daily" Then
ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("Password")
Range("F6").Locked = False
ActiveSheet.Protect ("Password")
End If
If ("K4") = "Monthly" Then
ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("Password")
Selection.Locked = True
ActiveSheet.Protect ("Password")
End If
End Sub
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Jul 29, 2009
Lock cells based on conditions? For example, in my spreadsheet I need my cell J42 to stay locked at all times unless my cell C12 reads "Klongtoey".
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Aug 19, 2009
I am trying to create a form that has multiple drop downs, which are dependent on answers from other drop-downs. I'm trying to make it super user friendly and have the cells lock, so that the user can tab through only the items that they need.
I have it almost down, but I'm not sure how to do it for multiple cells. The closest I come is one big long if,else statement which runs through the whole thing on every cell change.
I have an example of the spreadsheet attached.
If F1 says "Other", I want H1 to be unlocked
If F2 says "Y", I want F3 and F4 to be unlocked
IF F4 says "Other", I want H4 to be unlocked
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Jun 17, 2008
I have a sheet that people fill in using a combination of validation lists and manual imputs, the requestor then clicks a button which automatically emails the order form to their line manager for authorisation. they add their initials and click another button to email it to accounts. All very nice, but people are lazy and we are starting to get incomplete forms through.
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Sep 1, 2007
I have a condition whereby if cell C7 has a value entered, then cells D7 & E7 cannot have values entered. Like wise, if cells D7 & E7 have values, them cell C7 cannot. Cell F7 would be the product of the calculations using the data either in only C7 or only in D7 & E7. Please see the sample attached worksheet with my problem elaborated.
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Mar 30, 2012
I am working in a workbook that uses hyper-links to navigate between locations on various sheets.
When rows are added to a sheet above the destination cell, the hyper-link no longer points to the original data but has moves the corresponding number of rows that have been added.
Is there anyway the hyper-link can be locked to a cell and adjust automatically if new rows are added or existing rows deleted?
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Jul 16, 2013
I have an excel sheet which will be password protected and only opened as Read-Only. There are 3 cells which have a dropdown list associated to select YES or leave blank. When YES is selcted in any of the 3 cells i want to lock the other 2 cells.
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May 7, 2014
When cross linking cells from one file to another, I sometimes lose the source link to rearranging cells on one of the other spreadsheets. Is there a way I can "lock" the source cell so that it isn't lost as a reference?
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Jan 27, 2013
I have a command button [Start] that when clicked, will enter the time the process started. I then wish to have the cell locked so the time cannot be changed after it has been entered. I tried this code:
Private Sub CommandButton7_Click()
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Now()
Cell.Locked = True
End Sub
But am getting an error for the "cell.locked = true"
Any proper code to lock the cell after the data has been entered?
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Feb 26, 2007
In Excel 2007 I protect cells in certain cloumns in a large amount worksheets. By manually protecting or locking them. Once the sheets are protected without a password just blank and only select unlocked cells is ticked for sheet protection. I close the workbook and reopen it. These cells are now unprotected that were protected and theres always two ticks checked off for select locked cells and select unlocked cells.
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Nov 17, 2008
I want to lock cell after cell in a worksheet after data entry. Entering the data is what drives the locking of the cells. All cells with data are locked but those without are unlocked.
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Dec 8, 2008
how to lock ALL cell references in the formulas within a range in one go, rather than ahving to go to each and every cell and lock them manually?
I have a table with 966 cells all with just one cell reference like this: .....
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May 24, 2007
I want to remove hyperlinks from a spreadsheet, but I want the cells to STAY unlock and I want the borders to not go away as well.
When you have a hyperlink and you delete the hyperlink it automatically deletes the border and sets the cell to locked - even if the sheets is password protected.
I want that if a sheet is opened all the links are just text! (I know the ' trick, that doesn't help) I was doing this in VB, put the "manual" method does the same thing.
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Jul 29, 2014
In Excel, I want to do conditional formatting on a cell based on the value of another cell. For example: in cell A1, I have text. I want this cell to have a grey background if the value of cell B1 is less than or equal to 1/31/14 and to have no fill (default) if it is greater than that date.
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