Conditional Or VLookup (Gives True Or False If Text In A Cell Matches Any Cells In A Range)?

Jan 14, 2009

I need to create a formula that will give me True or False if text in a cell matches any cells in a range.

For example:

Column A and B have text:


Column C has other and sometimes matching text:

What formula would I use to find out if all cells in Columns A and B are represented in Column C?

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Conditional Formatting Based On True Or False Value Returned In Vlookup

Apr 21, 2014

i have a formula in a cell:


The first half of the vlookup searches for data and returns a dollar amount if true The second half of the vlookup searches for another data set and returns a dollar amount if true...

Both amounts could be the same, so I cant use a formula based on numeric value

the conditional format must determine which vlookup is returning the result

in other words I'd like to conditionally format (grey fill) if the first vlookup returns data and conditionally format (blue fill) if the second vlookup returns data

Probably have to "use a formula to determine which cells to format"

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Reconciliation Formula(s) - VLookup Two Cells And Return TRUE / FALSE For Match?

Mar 26, 2014

I'm trying to create a rec report, ideally on one page, for multiple criteria. The situation is we get a report on our trade positions (investment stuff) from an outside service we use. We also have a report internally from what we've booked. We're looking to tie out are basic things like price, original par, revised par, trade date, counter-party banks, etc. I've consolidated data from both sources on one page (DATA) where all data points are lined up (say EXTERNAL is from rows 1-500, and INTERNAL is 510-1010). Now I need to create a front page showing the result of each tie-out. The lookup value will be a combination of the fund name + trade ticket number which would almost guarantee a unique ID (fund name XYZ, ticket number 12345 = XYZ12345)

Current tabs on spreadsheet: DATA, EXTERNAL, INTERNAL. I need to add a REC page

Question: What formula can I use to check on each and return TRUE/FALSE? The goal is to have about 8 columns on the REC, each for one of the tie-outs (let's use price as an example.). I know the basic VLOOKUP to return one value, but it appears in this case I will need VLOOKUP to check two matching values based on unique ID XZY12345, compare the price, and return TRUE if they match, FALSE if they don't

Here's something I saw from one of our spreadsheets that I think does the same to confirm counter-party, though I have no idea how to read this lengthy formula.


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Count Of TRUE & FALSE And Assign 1 To True And Yes And 0 To False And No When I Total The Rows

Nov 15, 2006

I am trying to Sum lines of info with "True or False" and "Yes and No". I would like to assign 1 to True and Yes and 0 to False and No when I total the rows. Never tried this in Excel, on Lotus and the formula does not work. I can find and replace, but I would like to be able to use a formula.

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Using VLookUp To Return True Or False?

Feb 21, 2014

If a value in cell A1 on Sheet Report is found in Range B2:B10 on Sheet Hierarchy Then return True Else False

I have the following so far:

[Code] .....

I want Match to be either True or False. Also, is there a way to know the cell the value was found in if True? How do I make this work?

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VLookup For Text And Add Relevant Values If Text Matches In Range

Jun 19, 2014

Check the attachment, i could not make out this using vlookup, how to overcome this problem.


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Change True Or False To Text

Jan 27, 2009

i have this formula and need to change true and false to text for both the expressions

what im trying to do is e23 has a static date (food sell by dates)and if that date gets within 3 month (J2) period of todays date (L2) i want it to say "warning" if e23 is equal to or older than todays date i want it to say out of date.

L2 has =today()
J2 has the number of months in it for the warning

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True And False - Range Criteria

Feb 8, 2014

I have a list where from which a summary is made but i need true / false thru formula once it is confirmed that it is reconciled with main data.

I have attach a sheet and explain what i needed in red highlighted.


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How To Count Values Of Numbers In A Row Next To Text (True Or False)

Feb 27, 2014

I need to count values of numbers in a row next to text(True ot False) Like:

True | 150
True | 66
False| 40
True | 78
False | 56


True: 294
False: 96

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Find The Matching Text TRUE/FEE Or FALSE/FEE In Columns

Dec 8, 2006

I have 2 sheets. On one sheet, this column J2:J490 contains text that either says "TRUE" or "FALSE" and another column AJ2:AJ490, text that says "FEES". (many of the other cells in this column say something else). I need a formula that can find the matching text TRUE/FEE or FALSE/FEE in these columns, count them, and give me the product.

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Multiple True Or False - Sum Of Corresponding Cells

Dec 4, 2013

I've got a mega excel sheet right now with multiple people making updates to it on a daily basis. As such I am trying to find a way to output various totals in a separate static table which i can grab at any point and be confident numbers are correct.

The problem, firstly I cant figure out how to have multiple true false formulas checking the sheet from 1 cell. i.e "Check column B True/False for RestrauntNameXYZ + Check column E for true/false GroupABC + check column G for true/false Lunch"

and then

Calculate sum of column A for all rows which above combinations of true/false checks spit out.

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Check Cells In Each Row TRUE/FALSE

Jul 31, 2008

I'm trying to assist is working with sensitive data, and for security reasons I am unable to post the Excel sheet here. Here goes:

The user is working with a sheet in which uses checkboxes, and wants to assign values from cells in the same row as the checkbox to corresponding cells in the sheet (not a different book) if the box is checked.

I guess I should just ask what the best way to accomplish this is? I was thinking I need to do an IF test (do checkboxes return TRUE/FALSE?) and then assign values from the cells I need to corresponding cells in the next sheet. The big question for me using this method: how can I use a single IF statement to assign multiple cell values?

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Hide Checkbox TRUE/FALSE & Sum Values Adjacent To TRUE

Aug 2, 2009

I have a worksheet where I have around 300 rows, each with 7 columns. What I want to do is add a checkbox to each column. I plan on setting non-applicable checkboxes to mixed status and locking the worksheet. I will unlock applicable checkboxes and sumif or countif their value according to row-based scoring, for example, each checked checkbox represents a value of 3. I do not know VBA and have chose to use the form control checkboxes rather than ActiveX.

I believe that a formula for this would be something like: =SUMIF(B1:B3,True,"3") or =COUNTIF($B$1:$B$3,True)*3

I am wondering firstly if I have that right and secondly if there is a way to stop my checkboxes from displaying labels. Currently, if I click on one it displays True behind the active checkbox. If I uncheck it, it displays False.

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Checking If Cell Value Is True Or False

Mar 27, 2009

I have a cell in Excel having a boolean value and want to use a macro to check if it is true. Something like this:

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Cell Act As True Or False Checkbox

Dec 11, 2009

I have some code for another project which was using checkboxes to select elements to copy/paste.

However, I need too many checkboxes and I think it is slowing down the run time.

I'm wondering if it's possible to have a cell act as a true/false checkbox?

Then I would just change my code from

if checkbox1.value = true then...


if range("A1").value = true then....

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Check If A Range Of Cells Matches Specific Text

Dec 19, 2008

How to check if a range of cells matches specific text.


A1 - dog
B1 - cat
C1 - mouse

I want the formula to give me "yes" if dog is present.

=IF(A1="dog", "yes", "no") is for one cell. However if I do it this way:

=IF(A1:C1="dog", "yes", "no") I get an error.

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Use A True / False To Pull Data From Another Cell?

Jul 20, 2014

I am trying to make a sheet that I can make selections from a list of things on one worksheet and have the selections pull through to another worksheet. I have attached a mockup of the data, the ideal outcome and the logic is basically this:

If Cell A = Yes, then populate this cell with Column B Data

Repeating until ALL Cell A = Yes have been reviewed

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VBA To Compare Cell Formats - True / False

Feb 26, 2014

In the below link u will find each state driving license formats of ..example for alabama 7 Numeric..for ALASKA Up To 7 Digits..what am i looking is if we select a specific state and then insert any driving license of that state in next cell if the format matches i want that next cell to be true if not false ..wonder if we can create anything like this ..there are about 50 states with different license formats..

Can we write VBA for this .. [URL] .......

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Return True/False If Cell Contains Formula

Apr 7, 2009

Is there a formula or VB code like the =TYPE() function that will return whether a cell contains a FORMULA? Here's the issue:

I'm writing a macro to update 10,000 sheets. Each sheet has a column that I'm updating with a new formula. Some of these formulas have been previously overwritten with a random number that would delete the formula from the cell. I have to leave the overwritten values where there is no formula, and replace the values of the formulas where they are still intact. I assume that if I can identify whether there is a formula in the cell or not, I can choose that cell to skip or update.

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Determine If Allow Edit In Cell Is On/Off Or True/False

May 30, 2008

I want to return a true or false result that I can use in a formula to indicate whether "Edit directly in cell" has been "set". The VBA code is
Application.EditDirectlyInCell = True

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Return A True/false Based On A Cell Containing A String Vs A Value

Jul 20, 2006

how return a true/false based on a cell containing a string (text) vs a value?

I have a column where most cells are blank, some contain text, and others contain dates. I would like to select and manipulate only the ones that contain dates (or values).

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Return Value To Cell Based On CheckBox TRUE/FALSE

Mar 12, 2008

I would like to create a qestionairre with checkboxes used to answer the question "Do you need____" (Check if yes). On the following workbook I would like a list of all items needed, and a list of items not needed on yet another workbook.

Is there a way to create these lists without having blanks for values that are not true? (and because Im sure there is HOW?)

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If Text Of Cell In Range Matches Text Of Cell In Column - Match Formatting

Jul 5, 2012

Trying to create a button that, once clicked performs the following task:

Checks whether the text in a cell in the column X2:X40 matches the text in a cell in the Range A2:U14.

If it does, the formatting of the cell in X2:X40 (eg background) must change to match that of the corresponding cell in A2:U14.

Only 1 cell in the range will match 1 cell in the column

For example:
Before click:
Cell A9 has "John" written in it and a yellow background
Cell X4 has "John" written in it and a clear background

During click:
matches these cells
changes X4 so that it also has a yellow background

After click:
Cell A9 has "John" written in it and a yellow background
Cell X4 has "John" written in it and a yellow background

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Conditional Formatting To Colour One Cell Based On Text From Range Of Cells?

Oct 22, 2013

what i would like to do is change the fill colour of D68 if the word Air appears with in D5:D65?

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Return Matches & Non-Matches From Delimited Cells Against List Range

Jan 29, 2010

In my spreadsheet, on the first worksheet called "Working". Column A, called "Results", contains carrot ^ delineated string values in each cell (i.e."john^apple^pear^banana^grape^love^heart^pickle"). The majority of string values in every cell in my "Results" column match a "source" column of Pick-List Values, called "Fruits" in the same spreadsheet, however found in a different worksheet called "Lists" (also in Column A). I want to perform 3 functions against my "Results" Column on worksheet "Working":

1.) Report In Column B: Analyze column "Results" by cell and return carrot delineated string values for only those that match my "Fruits" Pick-List

2.) Report In Column C: Analyze column "Results" by cell and return carrot delineated string values for only those do not match my "Fruits" Pick-List

3.) Report In Column D: Identify and return all unique values in "Column C" as a List.

Attached is a simple example of what I'm trying to accomplish called " Sorting.xls"

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Return TRUE If Part Text Found In Cell Range

Feb 27, 2012

The formula has to include a range across each row (for each student). The formula has to search for specific text contained in the classnames, and then return the result along the same row.

Below is an example, which I hope saves OK in the thread. If not I'll upload an Excel file:

A B C D Results:-
1 class1 class2 class3 class4 Gg Hi Fr Sp
2 10m/Gg1 10m/Hi2 10m/Fr1 10m/En1 TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE
3 10n/Hi1 10n/En2 10n/Sp1 10n/Ma1 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE

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Find Specific Text In Cell That Matches Range Then Display Specific Text?

Aug 5, 2013

I'm trying to find vehicle make and model in a cell containing a lot of text and then display that in the formula cell. For example if A1 is a paragraph that contains somewhere within it "Ford" & "Ranger". I want B1 to display "Ford" and C1 to display "Ranger". I have a list of vehicles makes (column A) and models (column B) on a seperate sheet.

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Check 10 Different Text Values And Return False For All Of Those In The Conditional Formatting Rule

Sep 13, 2007

Allows me to check like 10 different text values and return false for all of those in the conditional formatting rule. When those are not present, the conditional format is true thus applying the format.

I tried
It did not work because I believe this statement doesnt give the rule its TRUE value its looking for.

I am having trouble with this, to clarify I need the below...
Cell has conditional formatting checking for text1 text2 text3...text 10ish and if they are present nothing will happen and if they arent present then format the cell.

EDIT: to clarify, the code should look for either text1 or text2 or text3 so on...

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May 29, 2009

Is there another formula that I could use that would return YES or NO instead of TRUE or FALSE? This is the formula that I am currently using.


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True Or False

Nov 8, 2009

I guess the answer for this is simple but can't find the answer.


Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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