VLookup For Text And Add Relevant Values If Text Matches In Range

Jun 19, 2014

Check the attachment, i could not make out this using vlookup, how to overcome this problem.


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Conditional Or VLookup (Gives True Or False If Text In A Cell Matches Any Cells In A Range)?

Jan 14, 2009

I need to create a formula that will give me True or False if text in a cell matches any cells in a range.

For example:

Column A and B have text:


Column C has other and sometimes matching text:

What formula would I use to find out if all cells in Columns A and B are represented in Column C?

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If Text Of Cell In Range Matches Text Of Cell In Column - Match Formatting

Jul 5, 2012

Trying to create a button that, once clicked performs the following task:

Checks whether the text in a cell in the column X2:X40 matches the text in a cell in the Range A2:U14.

If it does, the formatting of the cell in X2:X40 (eg background) must change to match that of the corresponding cell in A2:U14.

Only 1 cell in the range will match 1 cell in the column

For example:
Before click:
Cell A9 has "John" written in it and a yellow background
Cell X4 has "John" written in it and a clear background

During click:
matches these cells
changes X4 so that it also has a yellow background

After click:
Cell A9 has "John" written in it and a yellow background
Cell X4 has "John" written in it and a yellow background

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Find Specific Text In Cell That Matches Range Then Display Specific Text?

Aug 5, 2013

I'm trying to find vehicle make and model in a cell containing a lot of text and then display that in the formula cell. For example if A1 is a paragraph that contains somewhere within it "Ford" & "Ranger". I want B1 to display "Ford" and C1 to display "Ranger". I have a list of vehicles makes (column A) and models (column B) on a seperate sheet.

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Check If A Range Of Cells Matches Specific Text

Dec 19, 2008

How to check if a range of cells matches specific text.


A1 - dog
B1 - cat
C1 - mouse

I want the formula to give me "yes" if dog is present.

=IF(A1="dog", "yes", "no") is for one cell. However if I do it this way:

=IF(A1:C1="dog", "yes", "no") I get an error.

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VLookup Random Numbers - Sort Range In Descending Order And Return Relevant Value From Column

Aug 27, 2012

I have a column (B) of randomly generated numbers 1-14, and am using this formula range to sort in descending order and return the relevant value from column (c).

=VLOOKUP(LARGE(B3:B20,1),B3:C20,2,) to =VLOOKUP(LARGE(B3:B20,14),B3:C20,2,)

Works great, except when a number is duplicated, (E.G. 14,13,13,12,11,10,10,9,8 etc). It then returns the first value from(C) repeated, and not the value from the second and subsequent duplicated reference numbers.

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Compare Cell To Many Cells & Return Relevant Text

Feb 22, 2008

I have a if function that i am creating in excel 2000, and it has 8 variables. I am trying to put it in a macro as it is not working as a nested if function. Here is the current if function...

=IF(B2=C2,"OK",IF(B2=D2,"OK",IF(B2=E2,"OK",IF(B2=F2,"OK",IF(C2=0,"OK",IF(D2=0,"OK",IF(E2=0, "OK", IF(F2=0, "OK", "INCORRECT"))))))

the excel file is attached for further clarity

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Sum Of Values In Column If Text In Same Row Of Adjacent Column Matches?

Apr 10, 2014

I need to sum values in a column, but only if the text in the same row of the adjacent column meets certain criteria. Below is a simplified version as an example:

A1 - Apple
A2 - Banana
A3 - Apple
A4 - Banana

B1 - 3
B2 - 2
B3 - 1
B4 - 1

I need a formula that will add up the cells in column B that have "Apple" next to them in column A. Apple would total up to 4 and Banana would total up to 3.

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VLOOKUP To Find Values In Text String?

Feb 17, 2010

I need to to highlight keywords within a block of text (string). I don't need to necessarily return a value with the VLOOKUP. I just need to compare keyword list in Column B to the Text in Cell A1. If the word from the list appears in the text, I need it to be highlighted for every instance.

Text String (A1)

Welcome to Jake's Car Accessories website. We have all of your car accessory needs including car covers, truck covers, custom car grills and other car accessories.

Keyword List (Column B)
car accessory
car covers
truck covers
car accessories

I think VLOOKUP only works on lists.

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Vlookup Return Same Values With Text File

Sep 22, 2006

I would like to know if the data saved from a text file to an excel file, would affect the Lookup query.

My problem was vlookup kept returning the same values.

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Average Over A Text Range Using A Vlookup

Oct 22, 2009

I have a sheet with traffic-light conditions: g (green), a (amber) and r (red). So, for instance, I have a row with the following traffic-lights:

Now I want to do some calculations with these traffic-light conditions so I create a v-lookup table:
g 5
a 4
r 0

This would mean that the row would now read:

So far so good. Now I want the average of this row. Usually this is easy, I just do a =AVERAGE(A1:E1) which would give me a result of 3.6. But because there a not actual values but text values which are translated by a vlookup So I would need to do a

which gives me the expected result of 3.6. Although this works it quickly becomes rather messy when I have thousands of rows that contain hundreds of traffic-light conditions for each row.

So, and here is my question, why can't I specify a range. So something like:
AVERAGE(VLOOKUP(A2;H1:I3;2;FALSE);VLOOKUP(E2;H1:I3;2;FALSE)). If I try this I get an error.

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Compiling List With VLookup And Skipping If Not Relevant?

May 2, 2013

I am compiling an Excel programme with two sheets, One sheet is constantly being updated with data from a website. The download from the website is quite messy and I have to sort through the relevant data. I need to compile two lists on Sheet two that will take the Name from Column A1 and Value from B1 on Sheet 1 but only If the value of C1 is above 5 or below 0 (negative).If the value isn't correct, it will ignore that row and skip down to A2 B2 C2 etc. Hoping to get two tidy lists on Sheet 2 with no blanks/gaps.

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Update Description Of Item If Text Matches Using IF?

Mar 20, 2014

I've got 2 columns.

Column A, Item Description
Column B, Item Cost

In Column B, it will display the item cost as either a numerical value, (example $1.00) or it will say "disco" for discontinued.

I want to update the item description in Column A by adding the work "disco" if Column B display's "disco". If column B display's any numerical value (0-999999999) then I would it to do nothing.

what IF formula I need to accomplish this?

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Finding Partial Matches Of Text In 2 Different Columns

Mar 18, 2014

how to find partial match of text in 2 different columns.

For example:

Column A:

Los Angeles
New York


I want to be able to create a column that finds all the matching cities from A in B.

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Delete Row If Cell Text Matches Known String

May 21, 2008

I have an excel file, and on some rows, the "B" column contains the text " Total:" (it does have a leading space). I would like to loop through the first 200 rows (maximum length of the file) and delete all the rows that contain " Total:" in column "B". I have tried:

For i = 1 To 200
range("B" & i).activate
If range("B" & i).value = " Total:" Then
selection.delete shift:=xlUp
End If
Next i

When I step through that code, it just skips over the IF function as if B1 does not equal " Witness:"

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List The Data Relevant To Each Name In A Seperate Place Using A VLOOKUP

Mar 5, 2009

I have a list of names that I'm looking up, and I want to list the data relevant to each name in a seperate place using a VLOOKUP ,(maybe theres a better way to do it) but some of the names appear more than once, resulting in an error.

I have on the first sheet, Name, Customer, Amount and Variance.

On the seperate sheet (in the same workbook) I have then name with 4 VLOOKUPS underneath, trying to extract the data Customer, Amount and Variance. But, I get errors in all of them.

Is there anyway I can List all the data relevant to each name using a Lookup function or is there another formula I should be using?

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Count Partial Text Matches In Adjacent Column?

Aug 11, 2014

I want to count the number of times partial text strings occur in a cell adjacent to another cell containing specific text.

FB Milton v Town PHOTO
BS Fairfax v South
BS North v Town
BS Milton v South PHOTO
FB North v Milton PHOTO
FB Milton v South

I'm looking for the number of times "FB" and "Milton" occur in Column A when "PHOTO" also appears in Column B in the same row. From numerous searches I've tried figuring out VLOOKUP, DCOUNTA, etc.

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Finding Text That Matches Format Criteria In String?

Oct 3, 2011

I'm trying to restructure a list of files at work into a format that makes some sort of sense and can be filtered into useful information.

Part of what I need to do, is match up all the drawing numbers that a certain project references. The numbers are formatted like "####A##" ex. 1234A01,1234A02,5678A01, etc. The cells that I need to extract drawing numbers from contain some description or other text (not just the drawing number) so I need to extract the drawing number from that cells value. (Ex. I need to get the drawing number 1234A01 from a cell whose value is "blah blah 1234A01 blah blah blah")

I was thinking I could just search the string for "####A##" but I'm not really sure how....I tried instr, but I think its searching for the literal value of "####A##" rather than treating the # characters as wildcards...

I tried:

if rngNames.Cells(intx, 2).Value Like ("*####A##*") then
set intStart = instr(1,rngnames.Cells(intx,2).value,"####A##")
end if
but intStart remains 0, so this method is not working...

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Identifying Numeric Values Within A Range Formatted As Text

Jan 1, 1970

how to convert number into text (acutal formating)

Eg. : 150500

One Lac Fifty Thousand Five Hundred

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Count Unique Text Values (number With Text And Quotation Mark) With Formula

May 14, 2012

I am trying to find a formula that will count the number of unique entries there. I have tried the solutions posted on various websites to no avail (most recently:


The answer should be 4,457.

Ticket Number


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Text To Row Instead Of Text To Column Using Comma Separated Values And Associate Cell To The Left

May 16, 2013

Is there a macro that will allow me to create text to row from a comma separated cell, but also associate the cell to its left automatically?

The table below exemplifies what I need. The top of the spreadsheet is how my data is currently. The portion after the break is how I would like it to be.

I have over 600 rows that needs this done.



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Match Row That Contains Text Text String; List Associated Values From Pivot Table

Mar 28, 2009

refer to the attached workbook for reference. I am looking for a function in Sheet1, Column E that will search for the value of Sheet1, Column A within Sheet2, Column A. When a match is found, the function should look across Sheet2, Columns B - V for values of 1. When such values are found, the function should return the associated value from Sheet2, Row 2. There may be multiple values of 1, and as such, the function should separate values with a comma.

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Search Word For Text And Send Values Next To Text To Excel File

Apr 30, 2009

I am using Windows XP and Office 2003.

I am looking to automate a process where information is sent to someone in a text format and they in turn transfer that data to an excel file. It basically looks like this (but includes a lot more info):

Service Request #: 123456
Instrument Type: New Instrument
Lot/Serial #: 123456
SR Type: Product Complaint
Service Coverage: Maintenance Agreement

The info on the left (text preceding the colon) is always the same but the values following the colon can change. The excel file has all of the text before the colon and they just enter the information into the cells. I am looking to make it so that an Excel macro (or maybe a word/outlook macro) automatically scans the text document and sends this info to the exact same cells in excel every time.

The text file is actually a message from an Oracle database and I am not going to be able to make any changes to the way the data comes in.

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Find Text Within Other Text And Then Do Vlookup

Oct 9, 2007

I have spreadsheet A with 14 columns of data ie Col A to N, in Column I there are file names. Somewhere within the file names is the client code. The file names do not conform to a standard naming convention so the client code is not always in the same position or the same number of characters long. I have a separate spreadsheet (spreadsheet B) that has the list of client codes in column A and the associated business unit code in column B.

I want to be able to find the client code within the file name of spreadsheet A and then add the associated business unit code to column O

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How To Combine Text Values Of Formulas In Addition To Adding Text

Jun 15, 2013

I am trying to combine the text values of several formulas in addition to adding some text (punctuation) in between.

Here is the data that I am trying to combine

C14: 2013
C15: Period 6
C16: Week 1

In Cell C13, I would like to have this value returned: "2013 - Period 6, Week 1"

Is there such a way to do this?

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SUMIF - Text Strings With Numbers / Exact Matches / Asterisks

Jun 19, 2013

Doing some job costing on our lowes invoice and am using SUMIF and asterisks to account for all the different names that get used for properties by the cashiers. An example of that range column is:

19112 PONCA


9420 67 ST
1503 SW 13TH


19112 PONCA
19112 PONKA

I have formatted this whole column as text and get strange results from sumif when there are exact matches. For example the "10818" string is uniform through the spreadsheet and returns a result of 0.00 if entered as "*10818*" for criteria but returns the correct amount if I use "10818" or 10818 with no quotes.

It seems to be related to the text strings that contain just "numbers" as I'm having no trouble picking up exact matches when there are alpha characters.

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Isolate To Matches Of Name Then Find All Instances Of That Name Whose Values Fall Within Range

Jan 3, 2013

In my workbook I have two tabs, the first tab is intended to call on data located on the second tab so I can evaluate & Display it in different ways. Here's what's worked so far. Where I'm stuck is attempts to try and combine the two.

- the second tab is named AW_Items_Import


1) Looking on the second tab to count the number of times a object (identified on the first tab in Cell B13) appears

2) Looking on the second tab for items that fall within a set value range, the ranges specified on the first tab in cells C14 and E14

=COUNTIF(AW_Items_Import!G:G,">=" & C14) - COUNTIF(AW_Items_Import!G:G,">" & E14)

What I want to do, is combine 1) and 2) so I can isolate a search to a name specified on the first tab, THEN count the number of times that item falls within a set range, the range also specified on the first tab.

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Counting Unique Text And Numeric Values With Date Range

Oct 3, 2011

I am finding many posting on this topic with unique numeric values and have not come across one in regards to a text value. The essence of the formula is looking through a list for unique email addresses and now I need to up it to a date range and eventually a store # range

I am using the following array formula to establish an overall count:
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000)>0,MATCH('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,'[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,0),""), IF(LEN('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000)>0,MATCH('[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,'[Data - Deliverables.xlsb]orders'!A2:A5000,0),""))>0,1))

The date column is E:E.
The store number column is G:G

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Count Frequency Of Continuous Occurrence Of Text Value In Range Of Values

Dec 9, 2013

In an employee attendance file I am trying to count the number of times an employee has taken 3 or more days of leave together (continuously) in a month. My attendance file looks something like this


[Code] ..........

In the example above E001 has taken 3 continuous days leave twice so formula should return 2, for E002 & E003 the answer would be 1 each.

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Convert Cell Values In Active Range To Text Format

Jul 15, 2014

How can I convert all cell values in active range to text format without losing the actual value.

For Ex.

0123 will remain 0123
07/12/2014 will remain 07/1/2014
3453 will remain 3453

regardless of there previous format. Currently I am doing this manually for every column before creating a load file for SQL database.

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